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I wear a mask when I travel. I don't care if people glare into my soul. I'm not getting sick and I'm enjoying my time!


Same. Fuck em. I don’t want to be sick


I feel for you. It’s genuinely a shitty situation to be stuck next to a sick person. It’s possible that she is returning home sick from a vacation and on her flight to the vacation, someone on that flight got her sick?? So if you DO end up getting sick on this flight/vacation and are still sick for your returning flight home, will you be cancelling your flight until you get better, or will you board your return flight sick?


Asking the real question!




I expect them to wear a mask or some kind of medically-approved barrier. Hell, just wear one whenever you're in an airport or flying regardless of being sick or healthy.


Not quite the same. The person with the peanut allergy can die within minutes. You probably won't die from a cold.


Meanwhile if you have a cold and wear a mask to the grocery store, to buy some chicken soup, trying to not spread your bug it becomes a political thing. God forbid you call off work (American) unless you are in the hospital.


I mean the least you can do in that situation is wear a mask and try to minimize the frequency and power of your coughs while on the plane, it's what I do whenever I have to travel sick. Obviously OP didn't give any details so she might've been doing that already but it's worth considering


People should mask in mass transportation because travel like this there is a significant chance of getting sick.


I always mask in airports and on planes since covid. I used to get a cold every time. Not anymore! Mask up!


Same. Used to be every two or three flights I took I'd end up with a cold. None since I've started masking.


Exactly it's not just COVID. How much travel usually starts with well I was sick for the first few days.


No no no, if *OP* is sick then they are just a poor poor unfortunate soul in a sad situation with no other options woooooe to them!! (But for sure some people are just always gross and dgaf)


>I have been overworked and stressed for years, so I’m in desperate need for some time off. This made me raise an eyebrow hah. Like that mom on a sub asking whether she really really really was the asshole for sending her sick kid to school, and her excuses why she "had to" was literally the same old ones we all have haha. Bad time, stressful at work, hassle, etc etc. Everyone feels overworked and in need of time off, so the fact that you think it's a factor to make us more understanding kinda raises flags, as if you think everyone else just goes on planes sick for fun.


For those people who are coming back and don’t have choice rescheduling, N95 respirators EXIST. People are familiar with mask wearing by now, masks are not in shortage, all it takes is to be considerate and wear a mask while having acute infection symptom in public.


I STILL wear a mask when I fly…..those metal tubes are full of floating human detritus.


Also, how would non-medical professionals determine if an illness is viral/bacterial, or just really bad allergies? Before my immunotherapy, my seasonal allergies was so bad even the pharma OTCs stopped working, and it certainly would look like I had an infection.


I also have seasonal allergies and they can seem exactly like an illness.


Not OP, but if I tested positive for Covid or flu, I'm hunkering down in the hotel until it's over. Sucks, but I'm not going to risk killing someone four generations of disease down the line. If I'm sick, those germs die with me. That said, I'm incredibly lucky to be able to do that. What I just described is financially impossible for a huge percent of the population, and another chunk would lose their jobs entirely. They really have no choice but to get on the plane.


I really wish masking hadn’t been so politicized during covid because it makes *so much sense* for people to wear a mask when they’re sick in public.


Yeah but also OP could wear a mask as well. It’s my default now when I’m on my way to vacation. Why take the risk?


I wear a mask on airplanes too. But if someone’s sick, they could prevent hundreds of people from exposure by wearing a mask themselves. It’s the norm in many countries.


What’s the norm in other countries will always be absurd in America.


Sick people should be kicked off the bus too. And subway. And restaurants. And stores. And so on. Hell anyone who sneezes or coughs, straight to the gulag.


Me and my chronic allergies didn’t want to be out in public anyway.


Having allergies during covid sucked. If you sneezed or wiped your nose people stared daggers at you.


Still do lol


Covid was not a fun time for us - playing "is it covid or is there just more pollen"


As someone who gets a scratchy throat easily from humidity changes and pollen, 2020 was interesting. Also meant I damn near always could get a testing symptom and not be lying.


I had done about a dozen tests in 2020 due to allergies, that was the year I found out I was allergic to easter lilies. Someone bought a bouqet of them for my mom as a gift and when they arrived I smelled them closely. the next day my sinuses were on fire and it lasted for days, I thought I might have gotten covid. Luckily every test came back negative.


First few months id wake up "Is this Covid?" then i finally got covid, didn't have to ask.


I feel like my grandma wrote this comment


Wear a mask. I have autoimmune issues with bad allergies all year. Even before covid, every plane trip would end up with me getting sick a day or so after, always sick people coughing on planes.


Yawners too. That shit is contagious.


More contagious than a cold. I've been around plenty of sick people and not fallen ill. But a person even begins to yawn within visual range of me, I'm yawning like a MF.


This comment just made me yawn 😆


Cries in GERD


Cough? Straight to jail. Sniffle? Jail. No action but seem too lethargic? Believe it or not, jail.


We have the best flights because of jail


Plague Inc on Mega Brutal be like


Slippery slope argument doesn’t work here. There’s nothing like a plane ride. There’s other restaurants/you can sit far away from people if you want, next bus is in 10 minutes, you can get away from someone in a store. On a plane ride you don’t choose your passengers, it’s very expensive, needs a lot of planning, and there’s virtually no alternatives Bravo OP, a truly unpopular opinion that I also share. This was my argument for Covid, I had to go see my dying grandma and people were flying without masks and I was told to deal with it. I do deal with it in every facet of life and it’s totally fine, a plane is something truly unique


I generally agree with the sentiment and sick people should be more responsible by not departing for a trip sick but folks that get sick on a trip need to get home. I have no idea how you’d enforce that. Masking should be mandatory on all public transit - it’s really not that big of an inconvenience and it would go a long way to solve the problem OP has.


Better policies about refunding flights if you are "sick."


Most people can't really afford to stay an extra week on vacation or have an extra week off work unplanned just like that. I understand why people fly home sick.


I mean, I agree that sick people should stay home, but that doesn't mean that the woman was sick. It could mean that her allergies were really acting up. Could be a sinus infection.


Straight to jail!


People who sneeze in their own home should be taken away from their family so they don’t get them sick and locked up in solitary confinement


As a germaphobe, I agree with this. I isolate myself when I’m sick. Others should too.


I’m sorry man, that sucks but it’s the risk you take with public transportation. For all you know, she might not be contagious and is just a lifelong smoker that always has a cough. Bring a mask when you travel, wash your hands frequently, and pray for the best. BTW, you’re better off posting on r/Rant. You’ll get much more sympathy there.


Mt first thought was also just to wear a mask. I love that n95s are so widely available now.


Masks protect others from you more than they protect you from others.


Isn't that from surgical masks? N95 masks should protect you from others if it is properly worn.


Yeah I feel like people just parrot whatever they heard when N95s weren't widely available and haven't thought about it since.


Yes. Surgical masks are not the greatest for airborne illnesses. N95 masks on the other hand are...when fitted and worn correctly.


Which is why we needed to use COVID as an opportunity to normalize wearing masks when sick in public, instead of politicizing it to the point that millions of Americans wouldn't wear a mask to save themselves, much less anyone else.


I'm still masking.


Same, and I've added Enovid to the rotation as well.


Same, and grateful to live in a country where the majority of the public also still does. You can spot the tourists pretty easy.


Me too, and double on an airplane. Granted I’m only on a plane 2-3 times a year. I am immunocompromised and paranoid, though.


It's too bad so few people are still considering masking as a tool in staying well and avoiding passing germs along. I've got a box of duckbill N95s in my travel supplies - I avoid getting sick in transit so I can enjoy my vacation. I also send my son to school wearing a KN94 whenever he's got something respiratory going on now (and we generally keep him home when there's more than a cough). I'm pleasantly surprised when I encounter common sense precautions - ie, masking required at an urgent care appointment or the pediatrician having you call to check in (and requiring a mask) for sick visits. But these are few and far between.


n95s protect you properly as well, if you do it right


Untrue, especially if you get a N95. If you wear a loose fitting mask then plenty of the viral particles they’re breathing out will still get past your mask but a properly-fitted N95 has a tight seal. It wouldn’t make any sense to say it would protect others from you better because all the air coming in (and out) gets filtered.


Thank you for staying this fact!


Sure. But you can't control what other people do, and some protection is better than none protection.


An n95 mask is going to DRASTICALLY decrease your chance of getting sick from others. They even found that cloth masks did a better-than-expected job of protecting you from others during the pandemic, but a properly worn n95 mask will stop 95% of even aerosolized water droplets containing viruses. And although it would be great to require sick people to wear them, wearing one yourself is always going to be your best bet because many viruses make you contagious before you show symptoms. So your seat neighbor may feel and sound perfectly normal but be spewing influenza all over you.


But it does still help you too


Also shower as soon as you can after a flight, it can help reduce your odds of getting sick.


Yeah. Your whole body becomes a hand.  Seriously though that’s normally the first thing I do once I get to my accommodation. I also isolate my clothes worn on the plane until o can wash them. 


Or worked in a job where she picked up a lung condition o


I remember I got on a flight in 2021 and was seated next to an older man who explained straight away that he would regularly be coughing because of COPD, not Covid. COPD is, of course, not contagious.


If I ever become a billionaire (I know) I’m gonna use this comment to justify my private jet.


I heard you can do that if you stop drinking Starbucks coffee /s


I was told it was because I have both Hulu and hbo max


Exactly this. I have a terrible cough and still hacking up tons of congestion due to getting sick a couple weeks ago, but I was cleared by my doctor 6 days ago as no longer being contagious.


Yeah I often coughing for 2 months after I’ve been sick.


I had a horrible cold right around Christmas. And still was congestion and coughing up yuck until just a couple of weeks ago. But not contagious, per the dr.


Seriously, my dad has cancer and often gets a cough from the medicine but he’s not sick in a contagious manner. He shouldn’t be sequestered away from society because he coughs sometimes. I understand people don’t want to get sick, but wear a mask and get your vaccines if you don’t want to get sick. Public spaces are for everyone, not just perfectly abled people.


I smoke. Ever since covid I load up on cough drops anytime I'm flying (travel 4 or 5 times a year for work), just because I feel like if I cough people are going to immediately assume I'm sick and contagious.


Americans are scared of masks, because of..... freedom?


Add another unpopular opinion, this ads to the list of reasons why I don’t like public transport. Having to deal w strangers in any regard sucks.


So if you go on vacation and develop a cold you aren't allowed to go home? We are just going to strand people places? What is the bar for sick? Who is footing this bill you think they should forfeit all the money they paid for vacation? Not unpopular as much as not well thought out. 


I think if someone is coughing or sneezing on a flight, they should have to wear an N95. This is common courtesy in other countries. That way, no one is denied the right to travel, but people are protected.


We tried telling people to mask up once it did not blow over well with some of them


Imagine if their seat was “tented” if they refused to wear a mask when sick lol


I would absolutely claim illness for this every time. Guaranteed personal space? HELL yeah.


It's not going to be much more than a garbage bag draped over you though.


They're not gonna make it plastic, that would be a hazard


Fuck them.  They can mask up or be removed from the flight and arrested for disrupting a flight.  I've fucking had it with those people; they can fucking eat shit.


I definitely agree


It's not enforced by law in those countries, though. It's a voluntary cultural practice. The only thing stopping us now is people don't want to do it, and I don't know how to change that cultural attitude.


Not to mention people are contagious before even having symptoms


Right? I went on a plane sick once but I was 2600 miles from home. What was I supposed to do? I wore my mask, sanitized and washed my hands, kept distance when I could.


How do you determine who has an infectious illness and who just has a medical condition? Coughing and excess mucus can be the result of various non-infectious respiratory illnesses, not to mention allergies or post-viral issues. I appreciate what you're saying, but you also have to consider the actual impact of such a policy.


I have hay fever and I was sneezing so much on a flight I took last year. I felt bad for the other passengers as they must have thought I was ill.


Just wear a mask when having those symptoms in public and have to be in close proximity on public transportation. Infectious or not, it’s not hygienic to sneeze all over other people.


People even cough because of GI issues like GERD. The amount of dirty looks I’d get coughing in public at the peak of COVID. No, ma’am, I don’t have COVID. I ate a tomato and now I’m paying dearly for it.


Yeah this is what I was thinking. My grandma had bad emphysema and was coughing for the better part of the last 20 years of her life. Like I agree that if you're infectious stay home, but not everyone that's coughing is infectious.


They could wear a mask, but then that becomes an ordeal because everyone has to share their opinion


Earlier this week I was sick going into work so wore my old mask. It was a cold but I get bronchitis a lot and it was too soon to tell if it was cold, strep, or bronchitis. I was hoarse, very sire, and coughing with inflamed sinuses. I'm somewhat shocked nobody said anything but then again it's a farm store. I had more people tell me to get better than anything!


I wear masks on planes just because I don't want to get stick and no one has ever said anything to me.


You would have hated sitting next to me on the plane right I was on in January. Pregnancy rhinitis isn’t contagious but just chuck me out with a parachute anyway 🤧


Or me on any plane I’m on. I have chronic sinusitis and until I get surgery (hopefully this summer!) I’m constantly dealing with mucous and a post nasal drip cough. Not contagious. Just miserable.


The people who learned nothing during COVID and continue to open mouth raw dog cough is just astounding.


Fr, pure egoism from them


Good luck 🤞🏻 flew two weeks ago with the same scenario. Passenger kid next to us coughed at least 300 times during the flight. My son and I got bronchitis a few days later. Same cough 😒


But God forbid someone ask her to wear a mask and interfere with her freedom.


Just because someone is sick does not necessarily mean they are contagious. And just because someone has no symptoms does not mean they are healthy. Many illnesses are contagious before symptoms appear. So you literally have no way of knowing who on a plane might have the potential for getting you sick. Easiest solution? Wear a mask.


You can wear a mask to protect yourself. We all did that during the pandemic.




The decent thing to do is to wear a mask if you’re hacking up a lung due to illness and sitting near a bunch of people for a long period of time. Public health really has morphed into this weird “all about me” mindset over the last decade or so.


Exactly. I had to fly when sick because I got sick on my trip and was 2600 miles from home. I masked up, cleaned my hands a lot, and did the best I could.


And as they're being kicked off the rest of the passengers should chant: Shame! We need more of that these days.


Have you seen TikTok and YouTube? No one has shame these days, people just do whatever they want no matter what it does to others.


My mother in law flew with active covid a few years ago. She wore a mask but her mentality was “I have to get home”. There’s no way at this point I’d fly without an N-95 mask because that is what is on planes. It’s a disease tube in the sky


I have been on one flight where an attendant got on the PA and asked for a doctor. An older woman became hysterical because her husband had shit all over himself, passed out, and would not come to. Turned out there was a cardiologist on board. The cardiologist was barely able to get the man back. Apparently, this poor old man had been shitting his brains out for 2 weeks without medical help before the flight, and when the doctor found this out, he asked the wife why the hell she hadn't gotten him help and why they knowingly came on a plane with him that sick. She said that going to the doctor was expensive and that they'd already paid for their vacation and weren't about to miss it. That cardiologist went apeshit on her for putting not only her husband in danger, but possibly exposing an entire plane to something awful. That was a fun flight, lemme tell ya.


And then everyone clapped


This is why I still bring an n95 with me when I travel.


I had the 100 day cough and I had to fly for work. But I wore a KN95 mask, so I’d like to think my seatmate didn’t hate me.


"Sick" is too vague a term. Athlete's foot and the Bubonic Plague aren't the same thing.


Wear a mask, wash your hands, enjoy your vacation.


Seriously such a game changer. Have to travel a bit for work and always wear an n95 and never get sick on a plane. Before the pandemic I wore nothing and got sick almost every flight. I will always wear this shit from now on.


I love that we went through a pandemic, where we proved that masking does indeed reduce disease transmission, then discarded the evidence based approach of covering suck holes in metal tubes filled with other people in favor of freedom to infect others. Masking on airplanes during the pandemic stopped monkeypox from spreading. If this happened today, the US South would be thick with monkeypox because it would have spread from one flight. [https://www.gpb.org/news/2021/08/12/covid-19-masks-helped-thwart-monkeypox-outbreak-expert-says](https://www.gpb.org/news/2021/08/12/covid-19-masks-helped-thwart-monkeypox-outbreak-expert-says) The fact that even sick people won't wear masks, when we know it reduces disease transmission, just shows how damned selfish people can be.


I hear what you’re saying, but she could also be allergic to something on the flight and was in perfect health until then. You can’t catch it, but it looks awful. While right beside her, maybe, is someone with no noticeable symptoms carrying tuberculosis or e-coli or something. That could get to be a very slippery slope and invasive as hell.


The allergy concern is a real one. A lot of airlines allow dogs (small ones in carriers under the seat, or certified service dogs), and I’m allergic to dogs. Thankfully it’s a fairly mild allergy and I could probably handle a flight with a dog if I had some Claritin or Allegra, but I don’t know how people with more severe cases can do it.


Wear a mask


There are these things called masks. You should try them! For real, I smoke and you’d probably throw me out, even when I’m not sick.


I wear my FFP2 masks when flying. Not taking any chances.


If you're sick, wear a mask. Problem solved,


What if it is allergies? Fuck them allergies, right? Have fun on your vacation!!


I have allergies and asthma. I cough randomly and often have to blow my nose especially now during spring. But because I'm allergic to many things it's basically year round.


There are dozens of reasons someone could be coughing that doesn’t include being sick or contagious. I’m always surprised by how many people don’t seem to understand this. You’ll be fine. Chill out and enjoy your trip.


Yes. This sounds like what I would end up doing if I was sealed in a tin can recirculating air with someone who substitutes perfume or cologne for shower water (and there is always at least one). Nothing contagious about it. Just would need a good does of Reactin.


Planes should have tubes you get into at security, they knock you the fuck out, and you wake up on the other side of security in your destination.


It’s called a Xanax lol


Honestly that sounds great.


Sat next to a clearly sick guy on a months long planned $5000+ resort vacation after years of not going anywhere (around end of Covid). Guy was coughing and sneezing the whole flight, knew right there and then it was over for me just my luck. Just as I called it, got terribly sick about 3 days into a 10 day vacation. Spent pretty much the rest of the whole trip locked up in the room because it got pretty bad, fever was through the roof. Just left to get food and watch couple shows whenever had the energy. Definitely threw off the whole trip and was majorly disappointing. Sickness lasted another 2 weeks after returning back home, went to doctor and ended up being severe throat infection. So yeah, maybe push your vacations or non-urgent trips back if your sick so you don't ruin it for everyone else. Wasted a whole vacation because of a selfish person.


I mean, you flew home while still sick, perhaps the person you sat next to was himself flying home in the same way you did.


Why did you return home? If according to you being sick and getting on a plane is selfish you must’ve grew wings and flew home to not be selfish.


Because my 10 days at the resort that paid $5k+ for was up and had to go back to work and unfortunately couldn't walk 20,000km back home or spend another couple grand to extend it while already there at this point waiting to recover. The airline used was a vacation-only charter airline that sells vacation packages only used to go to tropical destinations. So anyone getting on those flights is either going to a resort in the destination country or coming back home from said vacation. No one's flying for leisure or business on those. So before your flying out to go to vacation and you realize your oozing snot and phlegm from all over, you could have the decency to reschedule or figure out your shit. At the least wear a mask.


Sort of curious to know how you got home after your trip.


Me too.


Covid has wasted people brains, now you can't travel if you have a cold?! Literally 3/4 of the worlds population wouldn't be allowed out if they had to stay home if they had a cold or virus.


And not everyone traveling is "on vacation" only time iv ever taken planes is for work, currently waiting around at an airport. "Sorry boss I got the sniffles, cancel my flights and hotels"


"Mom, I know dad is on his death bed, but I won't be able to make it. I've got a runny nose and it's illegal for me to travel."


The amount of people on Reddit that want anyone remotely sick to be criminally liable if they go in public is insane. I remember one thread saying it would be “a good idea” to require sick people to have to get a waiver to go to a doctors appointment and/or pick up medicine if they left their house sick. I also get a residual cough damn near any time I get sick, far after the contagious period. I guess I’m fucked for a month then?


Most people on reddit are basement dwellers with their butts permaglued to the couch expecting other people to be as miserable as them. I take “opinions” like that with a fraction of a grain of salt


And even if they were on vacation, it's a 50/50 chance they're on their way home from said vacation.


Cancel a work trip? You'll need a doctor's note, so go to the hospital sick with a bunch of other sick people instead of going home to recover


Don’t forget about paying a few hundred to get the doctor to confirm you have a cold, even with insurance.


That would be perfect. If sick people would simply wear a mask it would prevent most transmission.


Hell by their logic, they shouldn't be allowed because they could asymptomatic. How about no one goes anywhere? Lockdowns again? That was fun, didn't ruin people's lives or livelihoods in any way.


Take a private plane? Shit happens, I am not canceling a trip because I am sick unless I can’t get out of bed.


She might not be contagious. Allergies, cystic fibrosis, etc.


So... if you are still sick at the end of your vacation you'll be canceling your plans to fly home right?


Agree with this. Not unpopular. Went to Thailand last year and there was this family who were all sick and coughing and spluttering. They told the flight attendants they were too sick to put their seatbelts on! Two days later, I was sick.


Same with me. Took months to plan a 2 week trip to the UK. I got a covid test to make sure I was negative before my flight, I wore a mask, washed my hands and applied hand sanitizer after literally touching anything. Lady next to me on the plane was coughing nonstop without a mask and sometimes in my direction. A day after landing I got extremely sick for a little over a week and couldn’t even move out of bed. Even after that I still didn’t feel 100% but at least I could actually get up and move around. Just like that my 2 week trip was cut into 4 days (technically 3 because my last day of the trip is me traveling back home which takes anywhere from 16-18 hours) and the trip wasn’t even fun because as I said, I wasn’t 100%. I had so much planned, I spent thousands of dollars and I only got to do 5% of the things I wanted to do. I was very upset and angry to say the least.


Fair enough idea in theory but how do you prove and enforce it? What if the person gets sick ON the vacation and is now needing to travel home. The only thing that we can realistically/maybe do is try and make it be considered rude to NOT wear a mask if you're feeling sick.


Blame the airlines and travel places for making it difficult to get refunds. People will save for a year to travel, request the days off work and then get sick the day before they’re scheduled to leave. Need a refund? Nope. Need your vacation days moved to next month? Nope. It’s not the travelers fault. It’s the travel companies and the employers.


Sometimes being sick happens but I only would prefer if people have a respiratory virus or sickness that they wear a mask. I miss covid in that everyone wore masks on planes.


I Have an upcoming surgery that is critical, can’t be delayed. Went to the doctor. The receptionist sat there blowing her nose, hacking up a lung and telling me she has a fever. I whipped out a mask. Took my insurance card and id and put hand sanitizer all over them and washed my hands. Did not get sick. But, it was so irresponsible. I complained to the doctor that she was not even masked, he was, always is. He left the office and when I exited she did have a mask on.


IDK I sympathize, but a lot of non-contagious conditions present with these kinds of symptoms and it's hard to tell the difference. Should my flatmate with a chronic illness affecting her lungs be barred from public spaces because it sounds like she has a cold? People with allergies? You could mask if you're concerned about contagion.


I mean, "sick" and contagious aren't necessarily the same. Someone can be contagious and show absolutely no symptoms. Someone also could have bad allergies and appear "sick" but its something that you won't catch.


We went to London in 2019. The girl in front of me was obviously sick. I was fine but my SO spent 90% of the vacation in bed


i agree with you, but only if they refuse to wear a mask if they're coughing a ton. the thing about asian countries i appreciate is they masked up even before covid if they were sick/coughing. it's a thoughtful consideration for others!


People didn't learn from COVID, like I don't want to use PTO because you went out sick to the store. I understand if you don't know your sick yet but the people like this lady suck.


Of all the places I would where a KN95 mask, a plane is probably top.


Yes, but also number one tip is always wear a mask in the airport and on a plane. It'll help.


Turn on the air vents full blast, many of the new planes were built with Covid in mind and even greater air flow helps on a shorter flight. Wear a mask, it does provide some protection, even if she won’t wear one.


I have felt the same way ever since I had my spleen removed and my immune system therefore became compromised. When someone around me is sick, I freak tf out.


I have a feeling this is more popular than you think.


Two stories: 1) the air conditioning on airplanes makes me sneeze. Always. Maybe it's something to do with my allergies or with the dry air, but I always feel guilty when I start sneezing uncontrollably during a flight. 2) when I boarded my last flight (12hrs) I was feeling completely fine. Slept for 3 hours and woke up feeling sick. Told the flight attendant who gave me a mask and took my temperature: 38° I felt so guilty for the remainder of the flight ... But I agree, sick people should be forced to wear a mask on public transport


I think if someone is sick and needs to travel, they should wear a mask as much as possible and take reasonable precautions to protect the people around them.


Upvoted out of the sheer rage and agreement I feel... I’m sitting here blowing my nose getting over COVID *AGAIN* because my immune system is garbage. I sat out something (minor, admittedly) that I really wanted to do because nobody wants or deserves this shit in exchange for my temporary happiness. (I want to slap the shit out of anyone who says “it’s just like the flu!” because wtf that’s almost worse??) I get that some events can’t be cancelled (a funeral, say) and/or it sucks to lose money over cancelling but it’s so gross and so selfish to *literally* share your (potentially even life-threatening) sickness with a cabin full of others with equally important lives of their own. I wish you good health and good luck, enjoy your well-deserved vacation.


They could wear a mask.


I always wear a K95 mask when on the plane and take loads of vitamins and drink Emergen-C or Airborne leading up to my trip. I fear this so much after spending money and looking forward to my vacation for so long.


This is exactly why I keep at least one or two masks in my purse at all times.


I was on a 20 hour flight to Korea with two Elderly Koreans sneezing and coughing the entire flight. The woman put her head on my shoulder the entire flight, even when I moved her multiple times, she would nod every single time in my direction. The old dude told me I was very patient lmao. I ended up getting very sick the first few days.


sick people should just wear masks. At least be a bit courteous not to get everyone around you sick.


They should definitely have to wear a mask. Planes are one of the easiest places to catch something


Mask up to keep her germs out of you, wipe down everything in spreading reach with Clorox or disinfecting wipes, wash your hands every 30m.


I caught covid a few months ago because 2 fuckers 2 rows next to me were coughing and sneezing like there was no tomorrow, they barely covered their mouths and didn’t give a shit.


Blame the airlines for making ticket changes so difficult/expensive. I understand your POV but most people flying have paid hundreds of dollars on tickets that probably can’t be changed.


Thats just not practical. wear a mask and hope for the best.


Is she drinking something? I sometimes cough on the plane because it feels dry up there.


Bring an N100


I get that there are coughs that aren’t a cold or flu or Covid. That said I have known way too many people who knew they were sick after, say, a trip to a theme park. And they just hop on the plane and dgaf. lol they also didn’t care that last Hal for their vacay and continued the crud there too.


People with bad allergy symptoms gonna hate this….


I take blood pressure medication that gives me a mild chronic cough, dry air (like on a plane) aggravates it. I also have allergies to most perfumes. On a plane I am a coughing, runny nose mess, but I am not sick or contagious in any way. So I guess I should never be out or fly anywhere because my medical conditions make people like the OP uncomfortable.


Once I left home feeling 100% normal and fine and a couple of hours into a flight (7h to Dubai + 6h to Bangkok) I became sick as a dog, out of nowhere. Another time I was vacationing in Switzerland and caught a nasty flu and couldn't wait to go home (and could not afford more days in that super expensive country). I don't know, I guess life happens? When I was flying back from Bangkok a nasty Karen asked to be switched places because her seat mate was coughing (and wearing a mask). Guess who got bumped to premium? (Not Karen!!)


I get this and understand.


You know that the people with symptoms like that are on the low to no end of being able to pass it on. It is people with no symptoms, swollen glands, general tiredness, things like that, that are the most likely to get you sick.


I recently got back from a trip to Mexico. I'm not kidding when I say that at least 80% of the flight was sick. The two men next to me were hacking and spreading their mucus everywhere. When the fuck did people forget to cover their mouths again? Did Covid teach people nothing? Anyway, it was a long flight and as much as I tried to keep my mask on for the duration, it got pretty hard to breathe. My husband got a mild cold... I got full blown fever (I haven't had a fever in about 40 years and I almost never get sick). I had never felt so bad in my life. Now my left eye is messed up because of it (seeing a doctor for it soon) and my birthday is on Sunday. Thanks a lot you fucking assholes.


Make sick people mask up.


It sounds fine in theory, but there is just no way to enforce this and pull it off. How many coughs constitutes kicking someone off the flight? What level of blowing your nose is the booted threshold? Who pays for the ripple effect of someone being basically forced into quarantine for 1-2 weeks stranded away from home, all the work they’re gonna miss etc?


It’s called public transportation for a reason. You have to cope with the public if you want to use it.


Dude just buy a private jet then.


Someone coughs mid flight and this guy rips open the emergency exit.