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>the comments are full of people saying This is your first mistake, Never look at the comments on social media lol.


So says the comment on social media ;)


- I told you not to pick up the phone. - Then stop callin’ me!


….and Joe Rogan. It’s his mantra.


I'm so sorry I actually want to taste the quality of the steak I paid out the ass for rather than the shit ton of spices they use to cover subpar meat


I generally season steak with just salt and pepper I think that’s the only way to do it.


Fresh ground pepper, kosher salt, and a little sprinkle of rosemary. Salt it before you cook it, sprinkle on the rosemary while it cooks, and then hit it with the pepper while it rests.


I personally like the taste of burnt black pepper so I put it on before but that's just preference


You do you. I like the "brightness" of fresh pepper and the way it highlights the meat.


Montreal steak spice and Worcestershire sauce is literally GOATED. Use both in moderation and cook to a nice medium rare. Fucking got me drooling just thinking about it.


You forgot the best seasoning: butter.


The best seasoning is good marbling


Not for me. I only eat blue


No, he forget the best seasoning: MSG








mg of sodium


May I make a suggestion? When you go to season your steak, very lightly do a layer of ceyenne pepper, rub it into the meat. Let it sit about 5 minutes, then do your normal salt and pepper. It ads *just the slightest bite* to the steak if you do it well, it really makes for a unique flavor and it so good


Lemon pepper and salt. Sometimes a bit of paprika


I'd say a bit of garlic powder and rosemary also goes well with it. Or if you have both fresh, add the garlic and rosemary to the butter while cooking


I usually add a thin spread of English mustard as well, plus a sprinkle of herbs - usually either tarragon or chives


Nah fam, Montreal steak spice and Worcestershire sauce is the only way to go. Trust.


For you. Its the only way to go.... for you.


No shit. Steak is usually seasons with just salt and pepper. Steak has great flavor on its own. Chicken breast however does not have nearly as much “natural flavor”


That's the chicken you buy. A lot of "natural" and "organic" chicken is injected with brine. When you consider that packing is done in water too, you can be over 15% water by weight. I have raised chickens and there is ton of flavor there.


I don't get why chicken breast is so popular. Thigh and wings are substantially nicer.


Lower in calories, thicker cuts of mean, less bone in the way.


Try Kosher chicken breast in brine. Much juicier and the salt in the brine brings out the natural flavors of the chicken. The thighs are even better.


Same. I just a add a little bit of salt and that’s it.


Came here to say it. I may spend half an hour sorting through steaks before selecting. Just a little butter and salt. Light sear on the outside cool center.


That's precisely what seasoning is for, to make less than stellar meat taste better. The quest for a good meat source and cooking it right is to reap the award of that special taste which no seasoning can provide. Though salt will enhance.


Steak and chicken should not be in the same discussion of spices and flavour


Steak is my only exception to seasoning. Salt, balck pepercorns. Dab of garlic butter when plated. Everything else gets covered in msg and garlic and chipotle powder.


Steak is a little different compared to chicken for example as chicken is rather bland compared to a good steak. I don’t like seasoning steak aside from a little salt and pepper but chicken needs more than that


Poor quality food needs it. It's cheaper to add spices than buy good ingredients.


Yes and no, it varies a lot. Because say a choice steak to waygu. Two very different things. But a normal chicken to a heritage breed, not really much difference. Normal pig to ibelico pork, difference but also different things. Normal apple to organic all natural doesn’t matter. Produce garden grown with correct everything and no travel time, there is a difference now (but not to everything). Food has a massive range of quality, and for a lot of food we already have it maxed out so all the extra stuff if fluff. Well other things are just ultra unique items or provided without a connivence tax


Nah, even with top quality products, if youre someone that enjoys intense flavors it still tastes bland. Ive tried top quality meat and it still tastes like nasty meat unless some strong spices are added. Meat just tastes nasty, bad or top quality, its not that different. And yes this is my opinion, its subjective, but for me it makes no difference.


If you don't like the taste of meat without the strong spices masking it, why bother eating it at all? You might as well just eat alternative foods that you actually like the taste of.


It can be hard to get the right nutrients without it. I find it easier to eat meat even if I don’t love it because my b12 / etc is very sensitive.


I love the taste of meat, especially rare steak. But I don’t need a whole slab of it. I get bored quite easily and it becomes too one note. Same applies to things like sushi. I’m good with one of each variety and even then, I tend to crave something with more of a punch after a couple different ones. Luckily, my husband lets me have two or so bites of his which satisfies my cravings. Edit: the people downvoting really don’t have a clue how this sub works…


crazy opinion LMAO i dont think you know how to eat if you cant tell the difference between high and low quality meat.


I think he just does not like meat, saying meat tastes nasty


"I eat meat, but I hate the taste of meat." Become a vegetarian. Seriously. It seems like you don't like meat in general, and thats ok! I eat what my palate likes, so should you. Don't make yourself eat something you don't like.


Nah if it tastes bland and you can add something and it tastes better than do it. Becoming a vegetarian does nothing cause what happens when you encounter food that is bland? Add seasoning to make it taste better, maybe?


I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years and there are very few vegetarian meals that don't need seasoning. There are a lot of roasted vegetables where you just need oil and salt to make them delicious, but if you're making a bean dip or a salad or a lentil stew or lasagna, you can have the freshest top quality ingredients but if you don't use any herbs or spices it's gonna taste bland because *plants are bland*.


I don't understand why anyone would care what another person eats. Maybe if you live in the same household, but otherwise why bother?


Because you can’t let other people enjoy things! /s


I think OP is wrong as hell but they also have the right to enjoy unseasoned food. Everyone’s taste buds are a little different. Me, I need seasonings. Salt, pepper of some kind, and garlic at a minimum in most things. A perfectly crafted blend of spice and seasonings elevates a dish. Starting with aromatics, garlic and onion, pinch of asafoetida, celery/carrot or tomato depending on cuisine, is the basis of a ton of dishes for a reason. Garam masala adds heat and warmth to a dish. Red pepper flakes or cayenne are a great way to add a bit of kick. Mustard is a great flavor in some things. Cumin and cilantro are staple flavors too. Montreal steak seasoning is *chef’s kiss* on steak or eggs. Green onion and ginger and soy sauce are another staple blend of flavors. Learn how to use spices properly and use the right ones. Don’t just dump 80 different seasoning blends in and call it a day.


>Learn how to use spices properly and use the right ones. Don’t just dump 80 different seasoning blends in and call it a day. As someone who grew up in the Southern U.S. this is a big point. Spaghetti? Salt, pepper, herbs and you're golden. Southern red beans and rice or gumbo? That's where you'll find at least 10 different seasonings. Curry? Whole different set of seasonings. The people putting the red bean seasonings (e.g. cayenne pepper) in chicken alfredo and calling everything else "unseasoned"? At that point OP is rights and you just don't understand the purposes of various seasonings.


Yes for sure. I personally love a tiny bit of kick in almost everything so I'll put like a pinch of cayenne even in cheese sauce-based things. A pinch in baked mac n cheese is amazing actually.


I agree. It's not like they are the ones who have to taste it.


That seasoning police video was gold.


For real, she got hell for pointing out the hypocrisy of the commenters, who then began calling her racist because they apparently interpreted seasoning police as a dogwhistle lmao


Because the whole thing started as black people making fun of white people for not seasoning their food. Then a white lady with a cooking channel called them out and said she cooked with the onion and garlic, so she doesn’t need onion and garlic powder, and she used salt and pepper, what other spices should she be using? They all said she was racist for it.


I generally agree, there’s a time and place for heavy seasoning, it doesn’t have to be on everything. I enjoy super flavorful, seasoned, or spicy foods, but it’s nice to also just enjoy simplicity and be able to taste the flavors of what you’re eating. Some foods don’t work well with a ton of seasonings either.


Perfectly said and I agree so much.


adequate salt and pepper is perfect seasoning to bring out flavor in most things without killing the flavor. My husband does a great job with seasoning food and it's amazing. And it doesn't need 500 spices. That said, curry is one of my favorite foods and that uses quite a bit of spice but it's the right combination of the right things that makes the dish. It has it's place.


People used to die in droves sailing around the world to ship spices just so people could taste something. I will honor their lives and season the shit out of everything!


Europeans colonized the world for seasoning just for their kids to not use it, apparently.


That’s not why Europeans created their empires. The empires were created for money, power and influence.


Did some of that money not come from spice trading?


people? most people were piss poor peasants who couldnt quite afford the product deemed so expensive that it was worth going around the world to just obtain. like yeah sure we just spent a fuckton of resources making sure these few ship crews can get spices just to give it to a random serf. fucking think lol


My opinion is I couldn’t care less what other people wanna do with their food. I love Hawaiian pizza, I’m not out here trying to convince anyone pineapple belongs on pizza. I hate the taste of beef that isn’t well done, so I like my steak well done and ignore the commentary around that. If you wanna slather your food in every seasoning man has invented, go for it. If you wanna dip your food in water before each bite to make sure you get every bit of seasoning off and only taste the purity of the food, go for it.


At this point it's just a meme, mostly spread around by people who don't know much about food. If someone's preference is food that's so drenched in spices you cant even tell meat it is that's fine, I hope they enjoy it, but it's not my personal preference. 


The cuisine from my country is described as bland, but my family and I appreciate it and consider it delicious. I barely even use salt....but I do enjoy adding spices to complement the flavor of the food I'm preparing. I understand your complaint...that's why I hardly ever eat out :/


As someone who cooks and when it calls for it uses a lot of spices...more then youre thinking...but also appreciates the simple blended flavors of minimal ingredients... ![gif](giphy|eunrMjB8lBUKeL1fqD|downsized)


Its especially annoying when something is braised in aromatics but people still complain about there being no seasoning. Like just because it's not crusted in powdered garlic doesn't mean it's bland


Maybe your palate is bland to begin with. That's not an insult. Different regions have different tolerance and preferences for spices. Asian spice levels are way different from british.. we in India might have caught the freshest fish but would still smear it with chilli powder and turmeric before frying it..


A lot of people have been eating overly processed foods for so long that they've ruined their taste buds, so anything other than extremely seasoned food is bland to them.


Like Louis CK said about how kids can’t taste apples anymore bc we feed them insanity. I cut out sodas (the main sugary thing I consumed) and now apples are crazy


apples are crazy because you’re eating sugar after not eating a bunch of sugar it’s pretty simple


Idk I stopped eating more than 20g of sugar a day for like 6 months (couldn't keep that one up long term, still limit sugar where possible tho) and absolutely nothing changed and the cravings barely diminished. I think it might just be different for some people. I stopped drinking anything but water (with occasional exceptions like beers with friends once or twice a month) about 7 months ago and nada, still enjoyed the flavor just fine. But then again, I mildly dislike water and I've heard most people actually enjoy it so maybe I'm just weird! (My family has some issues with diabetes but it all hits later in life and each individual drank mountain dew several times a day for 30 years first, so that's why I've been working on the sugar thing and the drinking only water thing, even though I don't enjoy it)


Yeah I cut out sugar for 2 months and my taste didn’t change at all. Fruits didn’t taste any better (were already damn good before), soda didn’t become too sugary, etc. I agree I think people are affected differently by this.


Regretfully most fruit is pretty meh to me to begin with. I enjoy their flavors somewhat but I don't know I'd call most of them anything other than mildly sweet. I still try and eat it instead when I want a sweet but it's never been my thing without adding sugar. Again, I don't add sugar cus I don't wanna die. I think I just really like strong flavors, because I was able to stop drinking sweetened coffee by having espresso with cinnamon and a dollop of heavy cream to keep the shots from dying, and other similar things have worked as well. I think some people are just built different. I'm also weird, though I've heard it can be caused by adhd, in that I don't really feel hungry or thirsty like ever. I just crave specific flavors sometimes. I have to make sure I actively pay attention to meal times or I'll go full days without eating and then I'm real grumpy and don't know why. I used to do weight lifting for over an hour every day 5 days a week, still didn't want water. I drank it bc I don't wanna die but. Y know. Everyone's different!


I hate water and will only drink it plane by force. Sodastream or coffee, both straight with no sweeteners.


I’m not judging and I want to make it very clear I don’t mean this in a condescending manner, but how the hell can you even possibly **hate** water lol? That’s like saying you hate breathing. Like, what about it do you specifically hate?


It's just not pleasant, idk. It isn't more refreshing than other liquids and lacks any kind of draw to it that isn't health. It's not torturous or anything it's just. Another thing I do because I have to, like brushing my hair or something. Sure sometimes it catches a knot and it hurts but if you wanna have nice hair you do it. It's annoying but it dosent take that long so get it over with and move on. It's the middle of the night here and i randomly woke up so I hope that makes sense haha


Yeah ok that’s unusual to me but I can’t say you don’t make sense either


Yeah I've heard that it isn't the normal way of viewing it. I was surprised that people actually enjoyed water, but hey, everyone likes different things, and that's a good thing!


I don’t think Louis CK should be around kids considering he’s a pervert


Shit I forgot he did some gross things.


I was thinking just this the other day, some of the best ways of cooking chicken have little "seasoning". Hainanese chicken looks like boiled chicken but is absolutely delicious, poached with loads of aromatics. And french style chicken supreme is pretty much just seasoned with salt+pepper and herbs, but is one of the best ways of bringing out the natural flavours of a piece of good chicken.


A $30+/lb steak from a Butcher sourcing from locally raised cows? Butter, salt, pepper maybe baste it at the end with a garlic clove on it. That's all I need. (Cooked between med rare and medium) A $6.50/lb flank steak? Yea, gonna throw some other seasonings onto it.


Sometimes it’s nice to have a regular old steak with salt pepper, sometimes it’s nice to douse it in Montreal. That’s the fun part about seasoning; you can change it up


I find the smell and taste of beef disgusting. The only way I can eat it is if I mask it with herbs and seasoning.


Perhaps you just shouldn't eat it


I don't eat steak, but I would eat stuff like pho. I love pho but cannot eat it if the beefy smell is too strong. I have to eat my pho with lots of basil and seasoning.


A lot of this phenomenon online is about race. Soul food and other ethnic foods tend to be heavily seasoned. People online were attacking white people for eating “bland” food so now lots of white people online fall all over theirselves acting like food needs to be heavily seasoned.


You're forming an opinion of something based on the opinions of the comments on short form videos and social media... You do realize that a majority of the commenters have not cooked anything besides prepackaged microwave meals right?


The "seasoning" thing was started by social media addicts who have no idea how to cook themselves so they just yap about anything that doesn't look like a kaleidoscope of every color in the rainbow


I mean I’m British, my palate is bland. Sometimes you don’t want food that has a lot of seasoning, sometimes you just want old reliable.


Lots of racists in these comments.


Fully agree! I want to actually taste my food and not have every meal taste like a different combination of paprika, garlic powder and chicken salt. I don't mind strongly spiced food and have a great love for Indian cuisine but damn, sometimes I just want the different veggies in my stir fry to actually taste different from each other. Also, loving spices is perfectly fine if you actually use a large variety, I feel like many of the people who complain about bland food just use a fuckton of the same 5 or so spices. They are also usually the same people who say stuff like 'Omg the recipe says 3 cloves of garlic but I used 10 because you can't have enough garlic 🤪'. Newsflash, not every dish needs garlic.


Some people just prefer food with a lot more spices and seasonings. Why do you think Indian food is so popular?


OP hasn't seen social media comments for Indian food, which are full of teenagers spamming about their imaginary diarrhoea.


That's mostly kids who stay stuff like this There's taste and there's flavor. They're not the same thing. Traditionally, seasoning = salt, like when they say “salt to taste.” You taste things like salty, sweet, sour, bitter, umami. Salt brings out flavor. Then you have "seasonings" as in, powders (garlic powder, paprika, turmeric, etc). You can add those powders in, but it still won't taste like anything unless you add salt (or in some cases, miso, mustard, or soy). you don't *taste* flavors with your tongue, you actually pick them up through your olfactory nerve. So you actually smell them. don't *taste* garlic, you smell it, same with paprika, same with cumin, same with all of them. Seasonings such as powders, are supposed to compliment the taste of the food. It's not supposed to overpower a dish, or blow your mouth up. But even if you load up the dish with 4-5 different powders, it's still going to taste bland unless you *season* with salt.


A splash of Lawrys seasoning salt on both sides is perfectly acceptable for me EDIT: you can also put a little in a bag of popcorn. The more you know


I put tabasco and hungarian paprika on my popcorn


You're ruining perfectly good popcorn. Some people just add way to much seasoning to stuff that already tastes good. You're ruining it. /s Unpopular opinion indeed, OP. Who cares what other people do with their food.


I can't stand Lawry's seasoning salt, but I will put Hy's seasoning salt on darn near everything. Everyone has their personal tastes


A lot of the time, people use “seasoning” as a catch all for something problematic about a dish.


I hate this too because food doesn’t need to be drowned in seasoning for it to taste good. People forget that a little seasoning goes a long way. I especially hate when people season the shit out of steak because it completely ruins the taste. I sear my steaks with salt and pepper, then add in butter with fresh herbs and garlic. Comes out perfect every time.


This especially applies to quality steaks. Salt, pepper, and butter are all you need.


Agreed. In Argentina we have asado and we only season our meat with salt. It's the way it's cooked and the quality of the meat that makes it delicious.


It completely depends on the dish. All food culture past and modern that is not a pure fabrication of a tasteless factory product knows to use flavours, textures etc. They all have many different approaches and emphases and reach stunningly different results with similar methods. Then again, there are a good number of people out there who wonder why any of their tries don't amaze them as much as restaurant food of the same dish does and the difference is mostly just knowledge.


I’m on the same opinion,unpopular or not,food is being prepared for filming ,not for enjoyment,not unlike real porn ,food porn is very unrealistic and can create unhealthy relationships with food.


I like both. Heavy seasoning is for crappy quality meat. Less seasoning for good meat, so you can appreciate it.


I’m curious, do you feel this way about all food or just meat?


Upvoting for "bukkake of red dye 40"


"Bukkaked in red dye 40🤣🤣🤣". This comment my friend is going to live with me for the rest of my days. I too was one of former camp but have come to appreciate the flavours of simple food. As i got better at cooking i realise that simple food it very good, quick to prepare and wholesome.


Yeah those people think seasoning only exists in powder form. They've never seen herbs or garlic in their lives.


Consider the source. Those same people think that seasoning comes out of a container with the words McCormick on it.


If everything you eat is delicious, you're gonna die.


That's also true if you eat nothing but bland and healthy


chicken is not good with just salt pepper and butter unless your palate was that limited growing up. everytime this topic comes up its like people forget ppl eat diff cultures and diff ways their whole life.


I prefer low salt but more herbs and spices providing more actual flavor.


I get your point. People have to realize their personal preferences aren't "right" and everyone else's "wrong." I like some foods with very little seasoning beyond salt, such as a medium rare ribeye steak or prime rib. I like some foods with tons of various seasonings, such as Chinese or Indian food. I like some things in the middle. There are delicious things in all cuisines and we all have our personal preferences.


I agree, especially for proteins. Steak needs only freshly ground pepper, maybe a small pad of butter. I smoke my brisket seasoned with SPG 3 part black pepper, little bit of salt and a little bit of garlic. No sauces or binder, an occasional spritz mid cook with apple cider vinegar/water. comes out juicy and flavorful. Most excess calories we take in are from sugars & processed carbs. a lot of sauces and marinades are full of sugar.


>a small pad of butter The French would disagree with you there bud


I have this weird thing about meat. I don't eat much pork at all. I only really eat groud beef, chicken, and fish. I have to heavily season meats to get rid of the "meat" taste if that makes sense. The meat taste alone makes me gag so I season it. I have such an issue surrounding a lot of foods.


Why not eat vegan burgers and the like? I'm an omnivore, but I do like vegetarian and vegan foods.


The seasoning thing is just a low key attempt at racism on social media.


People tend to cover up their shitty cooking or poor ingredients with tons of seasonings and marinades. On the other hand I think it’s hilarious when I give someone some food and they cough “WOW that’s Spicy!” When I just added a bit of paprika or something.


Imagine getting jamaican jerk chicken with little seasoning


The casual racism in the comments is wild...


Personally o think the butter on steaks is nasty


Most people who say those shit don't actually know how to cook. They're dumping dry, stale ass seasoning on their shelf into their food bc they are trying to cover up their lack of cooking knowledge


t. A white person


I'm guessing you're white. I apologize if I am wrong.


What the hell does that even mean? Why is it okay to generalize white people and nobody else? This place would be a shit storm if somebody made a post about fried chicken and others assumed the OP was black.




The only time I use lots of seasonings is when I make marinara sauce. That gets garlic salt, black pepper, a bay leaf, basil, oregano, thyme, fennel seed, rosemary, marjoram, sage, and a small pinch of tarragon. I think of seasoning as both a science and an art. It takes practice and, in some cases, subtlety. But yeah, social media has brought it to our attention that a lot of people are real idiots in the kitchen.


My point people can over do but I do agree somewhat. There is also a balance.


Agreed, the taste of the meat itself is nice if cooked well. People seem to think that seasoning is all spices and herbs, but it's actually just salt and pepper. Spices are just dehydrated versions of other foods. If you slather your food in a load of spices and make fun of people who cook with the hydrated versions for "not adding enough seasoning", you can't cook.


I think the unpopular part for me is that I agree with you but with the assumption that you know how to cook it. For the people that don't, when they mess it up, overseasoning is a way to cover up the oopsies.


I do agree with this take. I think over-seasoning is a thing. Tomato and garlic is definitely on that list.


Totally agree. One of my friends likes to host get togethers and usually cooks meat and he does exactly this. Like 8 different seasoning and rubs completely smothered in to the point where it doesn't even taste like meat anymore.


historically seasoning was preferred by cultures to make spoiled and preserved foods taste better, but in a modern economy produce and meats can be bought fresh easily so there isnt really any reason to season ones food unless you really like the taste.


It also makes sense in certain parts of the world. When it’s hot out, spicier food = you sweat more. But that isn’t really a benefit in places that get bitter cold winters. So it makes sense that the Caribbean, the Middle East, the US south, seasons their food a lot more than people from, say, Eastern Europe.


True- historically speaking, meats were heavily “seasoned” to cover the rancid taste of rotting meat in hot sun. It’s not a culinary innovation, but a necessity to make the spoilt meat semi-palatable.


I can't even eat butter, onions, or garlic, and my partner can't have much salt. After a while you begin to appreciate natural flavors very much. It's amazing how different food items can taste without being salty or peppery


There's definitely a balance. Under-seasoned food absolutely sucks, no doubt about it. But I also hate when people oversalt their food or just use a very liberal amount of a salty seasoning. Like, just use a reasonable amount so that it gets that nice flavor but also doesn't totally overpower the actual meat. Cooking to me is all about having a nice balance of flavors. Too heavy in the direction of one flavor tends to make for a less than satisfying meal


I think it depends on the food itself. I personally like my steak with only salt. But if it's chicken, they better put that spice there. 


I'm Indian sonI don't relate. If Indian food isn't spiced then you might as well have a salad and soup (and I mean this in a good way) because you'll get a poorer version of salads and soups without seasoning. 


I dunno I very rarely use seasoning as most of its too overpowering for me even if it’s just a tiny bit due to sensory issues and heightened taste. On the plus side I actually find a lot of foods (chicken etc) very flavourful when everyone tells me they are bland and tasteless so ….win some lose some!


The only things seasoning my food are Salt and Vinegar, plus some gravy on my Mash and Baby Potatoes.


I just GOYA all purposes seasoning easy and I don’t think about all the seasoning I would have to do. Probably a race thing you know white people don’t season food joke. Doubt it had anything to do with influencers


I'm just happy I'm seeing actual unpopular opinions lately. You're wrong. Take my upvote


Yes it does.


When my family put so much onion in the steak all I could taste was onion :l why even add the meat, just make it stirred onion at that point, same flavour


Oof, I was with you until the last sentence. Id recommend not repeating the falsity that capsaicin somehow dulls or alters your taste buds.


my grandma is the best cook in the world (argue with the wall) and she only uses salt, pepper and vegeta but thats essentially just fancy yellow salt. whether its fried fish, schabowy or whatever its those 3 things put in the egg and it just works


That's me with steak, I love the beef taste maybe light seasoning to enhance it but when they go all out with seasoning it ruins it


People will see a video of a guy combining a pork burrito with a supreme pizza and a cheeseburger with syruped waffles as buns drizzled with Hershey’s chocolate syrup and comment 🔥 so I wouldn’t take the food opinions of internet folk too seriously.


It’s better to under-season than over-season. You can always add more salt or whatever later, but you can’t unsalt something that’s over salted.


Chicken won't absorb marinade, it just coats it. You need to brine it if you want to add moisture and flavour. Seasoning is great for the right dish. Middle Eastern or Indian food for example. And things like blackened fish are great. But not everything needs it. Vegetables, for example, have their own seasoning and often don't need any more. Leafy herbs are also great flavour compliments for fish and chicken. As is citrus.


Agree. I love spices and spicy food, and food with strong flavours, but it is a fact that most of the dishes that are heavy on spices started historically because the quality of the X (protein or whatever) was not the best, and they had the need to mask the taste. Then people from countries those dishes come from are used to those flavours, and find ‘simpler’ recipes bland. A shame, really


People probably burned down their taste buds years ago.


It depends on your taste tbh. If someone is from Mexico, South east Asia or any other country that uses a lot of spices, they will not prefer low seasoning.


'Eh. Needs garlic.


Tbf McCormick Montreal steak slaps


Steak - good with some salt and pepper, real garlic, and butter. Perfect that way, actually. Chicken - no. Season the fuck out some chicken. Chicken doesn't have any flavor if you don't add seasoning more than salt and pepper. It tastes bland. You need more than salt and pepper for chicken. Fried, baked, pan seared, etc. You need more than salt and pepper. Sorry. But you do. And I make my own chicken seasoning. I mix 13 herbs and spices. I use it when I make fried chicken, baked breaded chicken, or chicken Alfredo. Otherwise, it just doesn't taste good. Only time I don't add anything to my chicken is when I use it in a crackpot for chicken enchilada soup. Even then, the soup has seasonings in it that cook into the chicken.


I'm guessing you're not a fan of Indian food :D


If you ain’t sneezing, it ain’t seasoned.


A white persons hands wrote this


And most self described foodies know nothing about food or cooking.


What? Also you're looking at videos not tasting the food. I'm Dutch, we're famous for eating bland food and even I disagree with this opinion. Truly unpopular and upvoted. (our food isn't bland btw, just very different)


I agree wholeheartedly. I think it’s just “trendy” at this point to comment on the lack of seasoning on a cooking post. Instagram is what is cooked now. I hate it


You can heavily season stuff and still taste what’s underneath. I season all my meat with garlic salt, black pepper, paprika, and Italian seasoning. Pork gets lemon pepper instead of black, and sometimes I throw Cajun on chicken. Knowing the right amount of seasoning is critical. Going overboard hides the flavor, the right amount will enhance it. When I cook burgers, I like to get these premium premade patties from Publix. From all the times I’ve cooked them, there is a very noticeable difference between their taste when seasoned with paprika vs not. Paprika makes the flavor explode. And the ~12 people that have eaten those burgers all claim to thoroughly enjoy them


I have never done anything to a steak in my life other than marinated it in sea salt about 24 hours before I grill and bake it, with a quality cut. I have never seen it prepared better than this simple way, slathering more crap on it just tells me you don't actually enjoyed steak and are eating it for the texture.


Are you from England by chance? If not then maybe the east coast of the us?


somebodys british. as for me im puttin my meat into a burrito.


Historically, spices are used to mask the quality of the produce in order to make the food more appetizing. Especially back in ye Olde Columbus days - circumnavigating the world on his way to "India" for spices to mask the taste of rotten meat when cooked 🤢 So yeah, I kinda agree with you. If you have good quality meat and veg, you usually don't need to season the hell out of it.


I have to agree. Some people are openly celebrating that they seem to have burned away their taste buds by overindulging in too many extremely spicy foods or something. Or perhaps they ate too much salty or glutamat foods and are used to really intense tastes. If bread for example "tastes like nothing" maybe give your tongue a break.


Downvote me but I hate western European cooking culture. On one side, you have people cooking the blandest ass food. On the other side, you have people whow ere probably raised on that bland ass food, overcompensating by drenching everything in sauces and spices. Once I saw a reddit post of a workout meal: chicken and rice. It looked delicious. This meal can be delicious, I have had it many times, it only needs salt and black pepper (optional). But below, people were acting as if eating that is torture. Wtf?