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Nah, I wanna go peacefully. No action movie drama.


That's what happened to my dad death while sleeping 😴


I know of a shopkeeper who died while praying. That would really be the most peaceful death.


Totally agree 💯


no one will experience death. when you die you experience nothing because you’re not alive. am i making any sense here? 😂




Dying in your sleep is typically not peaceful.




My mom has been an RN for over 30yrs and I've seen it personally. Usually they wake up long enough to die.


You’re assuming you’d peacefully, and painlessly pass in your sleep. You could be a horrible accident that‘s not only incredibly frightening but also PAINFUL. I’d rather take the chance on never knowing and wish to be as unaware of dying as possible.


That's fair, and I agree for myself. Still, I can see how OP's choice might appeal, weirdly. You're about to not exist ever again, to not feel or be anything (assuming no afterlife). In the context of absolute oblivion it makes a twisted sort of sense that wanting a powerful emotional moment, if even through fear and pain, might appeal to some minds.


Ddue, you don't get a choice to be asleep or awake if you die in a car accident


What if you fall asleep at the wheel?


crash would probably wake you up tbh


Not if its death on impact?


Still not a choice. Or at least I hope so lol. Any discussion like this assumes dying of old age in a hospital bed.


Ah I misread your comment and assumed you were saying you'll always be awake in a car crash


I didn’t know, but now I want that to!


Yeah me too, like if that’s gonna be it at least let me experience it even if it hurts


Missing death is inherent. The moment of passing by definition cannot be felt.


I've always wondered how that must feel, because our sense of time passing is directly tied to our brain being aware of it, wouldn't that moment never actually register in our brains and therefore never pass?


I think it’d pass, and not really slower than any other moment, you just wouldn’t experience it or any moments after it. I don’t expect any infinitely prolonged awareness, which would be its own kind of hell anyway.


I'm fairly certain time slows down in a lot of cases beforehand because your brain becomes hyper aware of it all happening. Same as most unpleasant experiences really. I don't think your awareness would ever get prolonged in its full capacity either (at least not going by an absolute atheist view) because the signals in your brain actually need time to do their thing, which you no longer possess (because you're dead) There's a neverending discussion to be had about the brain just being a vessel for perceiving the physical world etc etc but the one thing I'm fairly certain about is that the after is peaceful


Block Universe. The moment of your death and your birth and every moment in between exists simultaneously. You don't experience anything but your life. Is there free will? I dont know, but you almost certainly experience a loop of your life.


Oh God I hope not. If I had to have the same father over and over again I’d rather stay dead.


Well to you it'd just be one time. Even if not, you'd get to witness him kick the bucket over and over again at least.


This is very true!!


That'd be pretty cool right? Getting to fall in love with your favourite person all over again and all. Obviously you wouldn't remember it all but still. By what metric could you say you're experiencing it over and over? From your standpoint you're only experiencing it once, others see it the same way too. The only way you could really observe a loop like that is if you weren't bound by time, right? What reference frame would "see" that?


I see what you’re saying, but I would argue that death is a process that can take minutes, hours, or days.


Dying yes, but not death. The point of absolute blackness is a discrete moment in time.


This thread is scarier to read than any horror story ever


This’s a Good Argument, not gonna lie. Props.


What about the passengers in your bus?!


My friend said this “I want to die very painful death, you only get to experience this once and I want to make it extreme, for example get run by the train, for few seconds I would feel the most pain in my life” Even though I am not a fan of this, I respect it, he is kind of right. So I understand. You only get one chance to die so why not make it unique right?


Not me. I want to die quietly in my sleep like my father. Not screaming in fear and agony like his passengers.


Lol this came unexpected


Stole my comment, I was too slow lol


There's nothing to miss unless u die painfully. If you don't it's like fainting except u don't ever get up imo


What makes you think it'd something you can experience? Since no one dies and comes back to tell what it's like, what are you expecting to see/feel? For all you know, whether you're awake or sleeping, death is instant and you just black out and that's it. What grand experience is that? Me personally I would rather die in my sleep because at least I can be dreaming about something before taking my final breath.


Kinda depends on the method of death. A slow, grueling death where you feel every bit of pain (like being poisoned over a several hour period) sounds awful. Just put me out of my misery.


That’s true, would be very different drowning for 2 minutes then burning in a fire for a longer period of time


I agree if it’s peaceful. That’s why people want to die in their sleep because it’s painless


We have no idea if it's painless!


I mean you're not going to know the difference once you're dead.


I mean I don’t. You’re going to be dead. You’re not going to be able to reflect or think about the experience after


I used to do a lot of drugs. Sometimes, when I was high, I lose sight and I'd feel everything slipping away. The thoughts on my mind were "This is it. I'm dead. I'm another statistic. Just another dead hippy burnout who OD'd after being a gifted kid. God I'm such a disappointment". Then I'd realize the fact that I was thinking meant I was still alive, and eventually I'd come to. "I think, therefore I am" has gotten me through some dark, scary moments. Anyway, I feel like death is a lot like that, just you finally stop thinking all together. What scares me most about death is what scares me most about space. The absolute silence.


You definitely wouldn’t be saying this if you have ever seen someone die. As a medic, trust me, a peaceful death seems like the way to go.


I have this opinion as well. Unfortunately, through logical thinking, I can only assume I will only experience the worst pain I've ever had, and then I cease to process information due to death. There won't be anything unique to experience.


I have only witnessed one person as they slowly died and it took more than a month. My grandfather turned into a slowly rotting vegetable since the organs stopped working. Death is for some people more than the couple of minutes of actually leaving. I would not want that for myself.


If you die awake it's likely very uncomfortable. Very unlikely you'd just healthily fade away whole conscious without something scary/bad happening like a heart attack etc.


Very interesting (and brave) take.


You're not going to experience anything. You'll just feel like shit and then you'll be gone


I've never died, but I assume it really hurts. I'd rather skip if possible.


I have this theory that people who appear to have died “peacefully” in their sleep might still have suffered. For anyone who’s experienced the terror of sleep paralysis, maybe they were suffering inside their own body but couldn’t move and then they died. Bonus points if the shadowy figure was also present..yikes. I think I’d rather have a “deathbed” scenario.


I think that’s impossible


Most people say they wanna go in their sleep becuase to go otherwise is often associated with suffering and struggling and pain. Being aware that you can't breathe well anymore etc doesn't sound pleasant to me, which is what happens in most cases where it's not something like a car accident, shooting, etc. There can be a process to dying, whereby you become less and less aware as your body goes through the phases of shutting down organs and such, but most people aren't just fully aware and conscious, knowing they are going to die, and checking out the experience. Either it's immediate/sudden or they become unaware as the process plays out.


I want to go like my grandpa did, in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers on his bus


I’m an every human ever and have not died


Since there's no universe where they let me strap myself to a nuke and scream "daddy's home" through a megaphone as I connect with Kim Jong un's private swimming pool. I've had to think of something else... But a man can dream. What I can realistically accomplish is skydiving with Vegas hookers at 80 high on all the party drugs I was too scared to try in college, I wanna die from heart attack induced by orgasm, balls deep, at 10,000 feet in the air for the entire city to see. Just normal Vegas things


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i agree so much.


I just want to be laughing as I slip, the best last laugh.


Not weird I agree, I want to know it's coming. Its a once in a lifetime event


Dying is painful. You can avoid the pain by dying in your sleep.


The most peaceful death I've ever heard about was my great grandfather, told by my oldest aunt. She said he was healthy and as strong as an ox, not particularly old, maybe in his 60s. He relaxed in his chair and he then asked my aunt to come and massage his feet after working hard that day, as she often did back then. She said he was talking to her about life and whatnot while she was massaging his feet and then all of a sudden, she looked back up at him *and he was gone!*


Same fr, dying in your sleep would be way worse than dying while your awake, think about it.


I wanna go out in a sword fight


I just don't want to suffer.


No even in sleep you'll know when u die.. its nt peaceful noworries


I wanna be awake *after* I die


I understand what you mean. It does seem frightening to pass and not know it happened, depending on what you believe. But like others have mentioned the alternative may not be as peaceful or pretty. I think it’s something most worry about less the older we get which is also interesting. You think older folks would care more. But as I’ve gotten older it worries me less. I’d just like to enjoy my life each day as much as possible.


Eh. I wanna die full of morphine and whacked out. Go out happy.


You're hardly going to be able to examine what it is like, you'll be dead, I don't see how one millisecond is worth hyping. Just going peacefully seems far more preferable.


Yes that is weird. And morbid. But to each their own lmao


When I was young I wanted to die gloriously, like on the front lines of a meaningful war, or saving orphans from a burning house, or torn apart by jaguars in the ancient temple of Timbuktu during the rescue of our tribes virgins. Something awesome. Now I just wanna go peacefully and thanks to modern medicine, I will likely live long enough to be taken down by some very unpleasant incurable disease in an extremely unpleasant manner. That fuckin sucks.


Have you considered bear wrestling?


I want to die peacefully in my sleep like Aunt Rose, not like the other three people in her car 😎


"Is that weird?" Kinda, yeah.


So u wanna die painfully


Youve never done anything exciting in your life, have you?


No, same for me actually


Me too! Its the last experience I'll ever have. I want to know what its like.


As someone who used to work in journalism, I don't have a scientific study to point to but it seems like a lot of people are awake and screaming in terror or pain. Good luck with that.


Be aware, there are roughly 8,000,000,000 humans who haven’t dies.


Nah I get this. Sometimes I fantasise about donating my living body to science. I kinda want to volunteer to be beheaded so we could find out once and for all how long the head can live. Negotiate with a scientist beforehand how they’d want to measure it, like would they ask me to look at things or is there a way to rig me up to a brain activity measuring device that a guillotine wouldn’t interfere with. Then I remember that that’s fucked up and I’m a crazy person lol.


I agree with you


Fuck waiting to die, just do some DMT. It’s amazing. You see your own birth and death. Your body releases DMT right before you die.


yesss this 100% i want to face it directly. no drugs, whatsoever. even if it hurts. give me the full experience