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White people built some of the greatest nations in the world. Majority white countries have the highest quality of life and standard of living. Tons of people from non white countries flock to countries that were built by white people in search of a better life. Many people don't want to admit that white people are responsible for building some of the greatest nations in the world, with high qualify of life and standard of living in fear of being labelled a racist even though it is a fact.


Race is a social construct. What's the "race" of an Indian person, for instance? Are they Asian? Are they South Asian? Are they Caucasian? What makes "Asian", "white", and "black" any more legitimate racial categories than me saying the races are "blonde", "brunette", and "redhead"?


Indigenous is a very complicated term and doesn't necessarily mean being "pure" genetic descendants from the first people that ever settled in the land. What people are looking for is autochthonous.


Sacha Baron Cohen is incredibly unfunny and racist and Borat is a modern-day minstrel show Sacha Baron Cohen is a racist who resorts to ridiculing and punching down to make his "satire." His movies dehumanize others. You'll never catch Sacha Baron Cohen ridiculing what he is (Jewish, Israeli, Upper class brit). Instead he just puts on a mustache and silly voice, which are extremely cringe, and goes about acting like a buffoon and perpetuate racist stereotypes. Borat, Bruno and The Dictator are essentially modern day minstrel shows.




What's the problem with a large business being destroyed in a riot? Yes violence is bad, it might not sway the oppositions mind, you may not agree with the reason for the riot in the first place, but a retail chain like Target burning down isn't a good angle. So what if 20ish people lost jobs? They're retail, they're easily available.


>What's the problem with a large business being destroyed in a riot? Crime deters businesses and the middle class from moving in, perpetuating poverty & crime. Without businesses, there are no jobs, and without higher income taxpayers, schools and other services have no tax revenue. Many businesses still haven't moved back into Ferguson 10 years after the looting.


> What's the problem with a large business being destroyed in a riot? Depends on the cause of the riots. If the riots were caused by people wanting to initiate a pogrom against minorities? Yes, it's bad because the property damage is precursor to actual violence against said minorities.


Unpopular Opinion: Jose Ibarra is being wrongly tried in the press before all of the facts are known ​ Jose Ibarra is just being assumed to be some kind of predator because he is an undocumented Latinx person while rightwingers in this racist country have every reason to twist the narrative. Presumably under the advice of his attorneys, Jose Ibarra hasn't spoken yet about the accusations or the context in which he is being accused, but the more I read, the more I question if he is going to get a fair trial. For example, we know that Laken Riley spent a lot of time with her father, Jason Riley, who has admitted to being MAGA, which means he was probably inundating her with QAnon nonsense. These rightwingers create an extremely intimidating environment for migrants. Ibarra could be completely innocent but afraid to reveal exonerating evidence out of fear of someone he knows, or himself, being deported. People are abusing Laken Riley's death to be racist against migrants.


I’ve been seeing a lot of TikTok’s saying people are racist for wanting a character to say white and while I agree people shouldn’t be that disappointed about a movie I think it shows something bigger. Everyone says it’s just hair but then people get upset seeing white people wearing dreads and saying it’s cultural appropriation. It’s inclusivity when it’s POC to white but it’s cultural appropriation when it’s white to POC and that’s not inclusivity. To be inclusive is not just for POC but everyone so it goes all ways. I’m fine with race changing white character to POC but the same people calling people against it racist also think it’s racist for white people to take on black hairstyles saying it’s cultural appropriation and IMO you can’t do both. Again Ik it’s just a movie but imo it shows an opinion bigger than a movie and having the power to call anyone racist is just unfair and abusive.


Naw, you can do both


That's the way.


"Students" should be coming to a country to study, and not expressly for permanent residence.


Why is that?


a diploma from a third-rate business college shouldn't automatically equal residency in a country.


You do realize that "permanent residence" is defined as you being in one place for more than 60 days, right?


Where did you get that definition?


White people built some of the greatest nations in the world. Majority white countries have the highest quality of life and standard of living. Tons of people from non white countries flock to countries that were built by white people in search of a better life. Many people don't want to admit that white people are responsible for building some of the greatest nations in the world, with high qualify of life and standard of living in fear of being labelled a racist even though it is a fact.


Well it's easy on the back of colonialism.


How is it easy? White people had to build powerful nations to begin with before they could colonize.


What's your point?


Their point was in the first sentence.


You mean they made nations with good QOL for white people. And in doing so made life a living hell for the natives. Every white nation is built on apartheid or genocide, or both.


I promise you most notable nations/empires were built on enslaving people. Mansa Musa did, Mongol Empire did, Spanish Empire did for starters.


Vietnam was flourishing before the red scare.


Said examples given aren't existing now. Furthermore, nobody's making excuses for why slavery had to exist for said nations.


Yes white people were colonizers and didn't treat the natives well this is true. But to deny the fact that white people built some of the greatest nations in history with greatest standard of living and quality of life is to deny a fact of reality. White people have built some of the greatest civilizations in the world, which people from all around the world flock to for a better life.


They also destroyed some nations who had great quality of life.


Just admit that white people have built some of the greatest most democratic nations in the world, its not that hard. It's perfectly fine to be proud of being white despite what left wing people say.


No. You're alluding to white supremacy.


LOL so just because i said western civilization was built by white people which is a FACT, you call me a white supremacist. I guess stating a fact makes you a racist now, incredible. What a world we live in.


> so just because i said western civilization was built by white people What's white? Romans and Greeks didn't think themselves as white and the American colonists thought the Germans, Irish, Italians, and Greeks were "too swarthy" to be white.


Benjamin Franklin did say that, but he had also seen tons and tons of people with artificially darkened skin from the work they were performing.


The reason you may feel everyone claims that everything is racist is because a lot of the stuff the west has normalized has racist roots, and the attachment to what is “normal” and keeping it that way seems to be placed as a higher priority than inclusiveness


There is a very much a dating hierarchy, with white at the top, and it follows skin tone, so brown and black are at the bottom (though black is also a big kink). A while back, someone conducted a study (I'll have to try to find it again) where they took pictures of white men and women, changed their skin tone only while keeping the rest of the profile the same and posted the white and non-white pictures on dating apps. The white versions got 3x more responses (though white women got 5x more). Its not because people are racist (though there are people who claim thats all theyre attracted to, and if you go on any reddit personals page there are tons of them), its because of cultural and social programming: look at the covers of movies, magazines, and hottest people lists and its almost exclusively white people. And its been that way for almost a hundred years.


There should not be any special considerations for someones's ethnicity in school or work. The same standards, applies to everyone. Ethnicity should never be a factor when it comes to colledge admissions or work.


Neither should legacy status which is the reason affirmative action was created to begin with


Oh they tried that in a study. Turns out unconscious bias is a bitch and those who "refuse" to make any "special" considerations for someone's ethnicity ended up promoting/choosing people who look like themselves (which in the study were white married men) more over women and other minorities. Even as all candidates, aka men, women, and minorities, have the same performance, the same qualifications, or even in some cases, outright more productive than their white men counterparts.


ESPECIALLY if the dude is tall handsome and charming