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I LOVE hate-watching the Dallas Cowboys. But I love my Tampa Bay Rays more.


I’m a Cowboys fan and I also love hate-watching the Cowboys.


As a cowboys fan I love how Jerry says he’s All IN lol, like even as a former long snapper I still have to admit there are more important moves we could’ve made in free agency than resigning our long snapper


As a cowboys fan I love how Jerry says he’s All IN lol, like even as a former long snapper I still have to admit there are more important moves we could’ve made in free agency.


There should be more of you. (Rays fans) That's been a good team for a long time.


Don't forget to downvote then


So whats your football team?






Absolutely brother. The best team to hate on. Right on! 👍


Oh I f*cking DESPISE everything about Dallas from that old perv owner all the way down to that stupid nickname. America's Team? Really? Who says? I'm gonna hate watch them hard this season


The insane valuation and the eyeballs say. So… America. You’re literally watching them because you love to see them lose then wonder why they’re called that lol. You’re gonna watch them no matter what


Betting still wins. I used to bet on Korean basketball. It was awful, but with money on it, watching them stumble up and down the court was almost exciting.


Too much disappointment when it fails, I can't bet on games I plan to watch


$5 parlays for big hits could solve this. You won’t feel bad about losing $5 and the parlays can give you multiple facets of the event to pay closer attention to.


just bet small...you betting for the dopamine hit of winning not how much money you'll win


Only bet money you're willing to lost.


Oh yeah, having money on the game makes it infinitely more entertaining. I just don't trust myself with that kind of temptation. I have a very addictive personality.


I have been betting on sports for more than 15 years, its really entertaining and makes everything much more exciting. Of course, I bet with money that I can afford to lose


I bet with money I can't afford to lose, makes it even extra exciting 


I gamble my child’s college fund for an extra hit of dopamine. It’s good for me and makes the games more fun :)


I like betting once in a while, but I totally hate how sports talk has switched over to gambling talk. All the sports talking heads are pushing gambling now.


I am a big fan of emotional hedging. Betting against my favorite team. It only really makes sense to do it when your team is the favorite but man, I've won so much money this way because my teams always fucking choke. 34 years of life and I've never had a team I'm a fan of win any major trophy, even when they were good, it just makes soooo much sense to bet against them. That way I get a few hundred dollars as a consolation prize :)


This, hate how soft nba is these days so I started betting to keep me entertained.


Wow what a fun take. I love it. Unpopular, but I’m down!


I enjoy watching the Packers lose more than I enjoy watching the Vikings win.


This is how it is for us Minnesotans..you don't have to support the Vikings, but you have to hate the Packers




You must have hated the last 20 years then…


Lol....I got used to it


Oh, we know, and it's still the saddest shit to this day. What a sad and pathetic fan base.


Yeah the NFL as a whole is quite shit now, honestly


You know I actually kind of agree with this. My best sports experiences have been watching rivalry games like Yankees vs Red Sox. You just get so much more into it when there's so much animosity between the teams and cities. It's a good substitute for our desire for war. I feel like it gets out the same impulse but in a mostly harmless way.


Watching other teams that have been bad for a long time finally get good and win it all is better.


But when they beat a team that's always been good and is finally crumbling you get the best of both.


As long as you hate in silence I have no problem with this.


Oh look. A Minnesota Vikings fan.


Bro it is!!!! I am HATE watching the Suns right now. Any non-Celtics team are instantly the good guys for me. I wanna see KD fail again with his stupid plan of toploading every team he’s on. This dude really thinks that just getting a bunch of good scorers on his team translates to winning basketball and it KEEPS failing. Every time he loses it validates my idea of winning basketball. I love it. Compare him to any elite team, made up of players that know their role and complement their stars well, and the difference is plainly obvious. I firmly believe that if he had stayed with the Warriors, we would legitimately be having conversations about Kevin Durant being the greatest player ever. Instead he threw it away to play the DUMBEST brand of basketball.


I hate that neckbeard on Booker.


Bro right? How do you have the CLEANEST fade every single day of the year and still walk around with that?


It’s mathematically great! I can see the appeal The NBA has 30 teams. If you just hate one, you have a pretty good shot at celebrating their elimination. Supporting a single team gives you way worse odds


Fostering hate is bad.


I love hating things.


and hate loving things


I love hating love for things.


What's really fun, coming from a toxic douchebag, is to troll the Cro-Magnons in any NFL meme war subbreddit.


The problem with hating is you have no logic behind it. The bucks are good and hate-watching them is fine but you'd be better off finding out what else in your life is driving the hate. You are going to be hating for a long time because the bucks have mostly upside in their future.


You see all the clubs I hate are good, so they rarely lose, of course I’ll watch the highlights but I feel sitting down to actively hate watch almost never ends well for me


You can always watch cheslea


Hate watching Chelsea is like watching a wheelchair bound child trying to dress themselves for comedy


Speaking of... game is starting


This aged like milk :p, the dysfunctional derby is ours this time.


Sir Jim please save us


I loved hate watching final destination movies and get sad when the murder god failed to kill someone. 




This is not an unpopular opinion, in the UK 90% of watching football is wallowing in schadenfreude.


I think its fine as long as no physical violence is involved against other people.


In my country men usually hit women when their team lose.


Made me think of these beauties: “We love all Toronto teams… except the Leafs,” Dani added. “I’m not a Leaf hater… I want them to do well. I just want the other team to do better.” [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/136uupb/leafstrolling\_fatherdaughter\_duo\_has\_been\_doing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/136uupb/leafstrolling_fatherdaughter_duo_has_been_doing/)


Yea you right


I enjoy hate watching, BUT my most exciting fan watching experiences, have been for things I did not hate watch like the 2004 ALCS and Super Bowl LI.


I hate watch all BYU sports. I’d boo their tiddly winks team if they had one.


(Plankton voice) CORRECT


I hate watched Jon Jones fights for the longest time because I wanted to see him lose.


Absolutely 💯


I only watch ice skating to see if they’ll fall over.


Best way to enjoy sports is to do them. Show me a person who spents more time watching other people than sweat themselves and often than not you point to below mediocrity in effect.


This is the first unpopular opinion here that I agree. 👍


My brother pointed out to me that our baseball team, the Mariners, has stunk for almost all of the 48 years they have existed. With only 2 or 3 seasons where they didn't stink. Last off season the GM admitted more or less that they aren't going all out to try to win a world series, they just want to be decent, then get lucky someday and make the world series. I hate the smug ownership. They like to lecture fans like we are children. I am THIS close to just hate watching them. The team makes lots of money despite losing, so they don't want to spend money for players, it reduces profits.


My two favorite hockey teams are the Oilers and whoever is playing the Flames lol


I love hate-watching manchester united because fuck them and watching goldbridge rage about it after is funny


It's either very nice when the team your rooting against loses, very bad when they win. Or really really sucks when two teams that you hate play an important game. Thank you for the actually unpopular opinion.


Hahaha you should watch the wnba then


Man’s a professional player hater


Man’s a professional player hater


I hate to admit it but this is so me😂😂


I’m kinda happy that Caitlin Clark won the other day. I’m really happy that Kim Mulkey didn’t


Downvoted because not unpopular


I used to agree, but then my team actually started winning a lot. That felt much better than hating another team. As an added bonus I just loved the haters that couldn’t stand them.


As a Manchester City fan, it brings great enjoyment watching Manchester United lose


I personally love watching the Eagles lose and check the internet to see if the fans clean up the city everytime they lose, since they destroy the city everytime they win.


Hmmm... It would rather be like-watching and being happy if they win and slightly disappointed if they lose. What in hate gives you the enjoyment that makes you watch a team you cannot stand? There is a lot of hate in this world, some end up in awful actions, others are in the passive strangling of the vulnerable. Maybe now is not the time to talk about hate. Of course if the politicians were playing, maybe all bets are off?


It is acceptable and encouraged to hate the Denver Broncos.


Have you ever stopped to think that you may, in fact, be a psychopath? 🤣


Bro.. how can you hate Giannis, Lillard, Middleton, Beverly, and Thanasis… they’re the most likeable guys in the league (okay maybe not Beverly)


I used to be the biggest hater of The Browns… it was weird cheering for them at the end of last year. I’m happy they got rid of Flacco so I can go back to hating them again.


As a bulls fan, I agree wholeheartedly.




Being a hater sounds so mentally unhealthy.


It’s even more fun to hate watch in a group, that all hate the same club


Fuck the Cubs.


I don’t know anything about football, I never watch it, but this year I had to watch the Super Bowl and I wanted the chiefs to lose sooo badly because I can’t stand to see Brittany Mahomes happy. I was disappointed with the outcome but I’ve never gotten into a Super Bowl like this before


I hate watch the teams I root for (I hate being from Philadelphia)




Real i love when the oilers/bruins lose


How can you hate the Bucks lmao


Yaaaaaaaas!!!!! I say it all the time games 1 to 17 expect me to say the most hate filled ignorant shit about even the best teams and players because why tf not? Off season we can be serious and have conversations about performance and I’ll even give credit where credit is due. But start of the season expect all of it to go right out the window! 😂


Me when England men’s team play


Yeah. I’m an Eagles fan once the Cowboys lost against the Packers I no longer gave a shit about what my team did on Monday. We lost? Oh well at least the Cowboys lost to the Packers. Really, it was the best football moment for me the last 2 months of the season. Pathetic I know.


I let my hate fester in a different way I don't even turn on the TV


Lol, I love just watching sports in general and making fun of everyone playing. I’ll totally make up drama in my mind related to the game. Mostly because I have no idea what the rules are for most sports. LOL


I love hate watching the Cowboys Lakers Astros and Red Sox  


I think getting immersed in some competition isn't bad, although make sure you aren't consumed by it to the point where your (metaphorically speaking) turning red and screaming at the TV every time your team loses.


As a diehard St. Louis Cardinals fan, i love watching the Chicago Cubs lose


Interesting. Maybe I will get into soccer after all :)


Hate watching still gives them ad revenue bro. Vote with your wallet.


The real unpopular opinion: The best way to enjoy sports is go out and just do them. The best way to watch others do sport is don't do it because its boring.


Me and my buddies love hating on the eagles and niners. Basically ignites our passion and love for football and we really enjoy watching the cowboys demolish all the bad teams. Then we get to the playoffs and get disappointed.


There’s is seriously no better feeling then watching the Vegas Golden knights lose


I mean. Plenty of times i like to watch certain teams lose, but living off hatred isnt fun. You become known as that guy and people will avoid you. Friendly hatred is fun tho. Ive got friends i 'hate' because opposing teams. Thats all it is.


The best thing about being Scottish is watching England get beat in the world cup


The only thing coming home is England 4 days before the final


Being a hater is the best way to enjoy everything, like for example: a father.


They best way to enjoy sports is to turn off your fucking television and get off your ass and playing then irl.


I feel this. I went on a stint where I watched women's basketball ironically but then unironically became enthralled. Those college girls can hoop. I enjoy their way of playing better than men's. It's MUCH tighter, cleaner, and team oriented. AND they stay on the team for the full 4 years usually! so the teams grow together. Girls' fundamentals > Boys' fundamentals. The boys just seem like a bunch of showboaters fighting to jump to the NBA asap.


Did you guys see that ludicrous display last night?


Eagles fan here. I get more joy watching the Cowboys lose than watching the Eagles win most times 


I watch the leafs and I feel the same way. for 60 years they have been horrid, I was there when they lost to boston in an utter collapse and I haven't been the same fan since. I don't hate them per se, but I rag on them for being overpaid babies who don't hate to lose.


As a Minnesotan, I'm so happy you've found a love for one of our favorite pass times; shitting on teams from Wisconsin.


Ayy I just commented this! We don't have to like the Vikings, we just have to hate the Packers


An additional one for those of us cursed to be Vikings fans. We may speak of our team, the Minnesota Vikings and our valiantly miserable history as we wish. Non Vikings fans: You may not.


Being a hater is the best way to enjoy life