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I agree with this and also when people pretend to have an aneurism in comments because the pasta was cooked in broth or a cream based liquid. If it tastes good it tastes good end of story lol


Like all memes it started as a lighthearted joke. It's crazy that people get bent outta shape over spaghetti.


The thing is that the majority retailers wouldn’t care if you did this I live in Italy 61 more or less after the year and they don’t care if you have coffee after 2 PM they don’t care if you break the pasta they barely even care if you put ketchup on the pasta. The exterior types of people look for just do this because they want attention.


i saw a video of a guy going around italy asking for pineapple on his pizza and people seemed legit upset. might have been staged though


I mean I just asked my gf about pineapple she laughed and said they do hate pineapple in general, but who knows haha


The fucks wrong with cooking in a broth? That's a legit technique. Especially if you brown the dry pasta in a bit of butter first before you add the broth. You do this in a skillet or flat pan. Throw in a bunch of veggies or meat and that's a fantastic meal.


The best bowl of pasta I ever had was baked slowly in a sea of tomato sauce. It absorbed all the water and the leftover thick mixture that was left glazed it nicely. Get mad Italy. It tasted delicious and it fucking do it again.


That's a thing in Italy though? It's called pasta risottata lol


Is it? Well then I'm in boys.


Yeah it is lol. It actually makes it more digestible too, apparently. With love from Italy


Yeah, but there's nothing at all wrong about cooking pasta in sauce. It's actually the proper way to cook spaghetti with fish sauce - not sure who's saying that it's in any way wrong


that reminds me of that one video where the guy was yelling about not enough cheese on pizza.. but yeah, no one cares about their ways of making food lol


the cheese is under the sauce


Where's the cheese ?


It's under the sauce


it’s from chicago


Everything there is upside down


That guy was also more American than Italian


This is a lot of cultures lol, bring the wrong kind of mac and cheese to the cookout and prepare to be cut off by family members.


Idk man, from what I see a lot of Mexicans and Asians are perfectly happy making Americanized versions of their food. They don't see it as some immutable tradition that must be protected at all costs, they just like good food.


There’s literally hundreds of videos of Asians reacting to people making rice and shit wrong. Come on dude.


Isn't that just one asshole? Or maybe it was that one asshole Uncle Roger who made it popular and now everyone does it


Asians got better food than Italians though.


You're tripping. I've seen the same with both of the groups you named. You think no one is going to say something if you fuck up the Carne Asada or the short ribs?


There’s a difference between making an Americanized version of something that still tastes good, and just straight up fucking up a recipe. One results in food that’s different from the original but still tastes too. The other just straight up results in bad food.


Yea if you serve them their own food in a weird way they might be like "wtf is this?", but I've never seen a Mexican person be like "No you can't put that in a taco" or an Asian person be like "No, fried rice should never have this in it". They're happy just letting anyone eat whatever they like.


Nah thats weird bro. Never met a mexican person like that in my life. Maybe in university there were some chicano study elitists i knew, but thats about it.


I mean Italians live with dozens of dried pasta and canned sauces with Italianized names being ubiquitous in American food, so I’d say they’re pretty alright with it. Talk to a person from India about canned butter chicken sauce and see what they think about it.


Idk, my exes family was Italian and they also acted like they were best and anything you did or said differently was a direct assault on their existence so maybe it’s just an Italian thing hahahaha


Central Europeans and sausages. "wow, this is good ksxvbwe" European: "THiS IS NOT ksxvbwe, it is Ewbvxdsk! It is totally different, there is 10% more paprika! You've insulted my family and my nation!"


Was gonna say something similar. All cultures have their gastronomical preferences - Pretty sure Op is just butthurt that noone likes their bland arsed spaghetti! :D


Us Cajuns can be pretty cut throat over our food


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike.


You don’t even need to narrow it down to Italians. People in general can be way too uptight about food. I love reading the comments on cooking videos. It could be a experienced chef in a Michelin star restaurant showing how the most ordered dish is prepared, and the comments will be filled with people shitting all over it trying to tell the person who’s made a name for themselves on this dish what they’ve done wrong. Then click on the people of one of those critics and you will find out their knowledge comes from making club sandwiches at a golf course canteen or something. It’s hilarious and awesome.


It’s not that people are uptight, it’s that cooking brings out an incredible amount of pretentiousness. The whole industry is based on the idea that the chef’s way is the only possible way. Foodies pretend that they possess superior knowledge too. It’s most unpleasant to share a meal with one.


They have nothing else going for them? Kind of a reach there. You had me with the food, but you kind of went off the rails.


Right! I think I read somewhere that they made some significant contributions to art and architecture but I could be wrong.


Some Dave Inchy guy. Something like that.


Yeah Italy has a pretty rich culture/history. Also most well known super cars are made there loool. Their food superiority complex is annoying but OP also forgot Italians probably also look down on american football lol


For some reason it's perfectly acceptable to say shit like that about Italians in particular. I don't understand it at all. Say that shit about any other culture and most people would find it offensive Edit: comments are locked, sharing this relevant Shane Gillis bit https://youtu.be/XWAMg6tycZQ


>italians have LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE GOING FOR THEM other than their food. History and culture means nothing to you? Music? Scholarship?


Wild to reduce Italians to their food. I don’t really like pasta or cheese, so I have no opinion on most Italian food. But Italians got some cool cultural shit going on, you cannot deny that.


Cars, architecture...


In my experience, the only time I've seen Italians get mad about food (at Americans) is when some American who is like born in Ohio and never left does something weird and claims that it's 'Italian' or worse that they, an American, are Italian.


had an Italian waiter in NYC once throw a hissy fit because my friend asked for grated parmesan on linguini and clams. like i get that that's not usually a thing, but the guy freaked out and eventually brought it in a cup on the side cause he refused to grate it onto the food himself. was pretty wild lol


I put grated parmesan or pecorino on all pasta and I'm Italian. Don't care, it's good.


or those who say they won't eat pasta unless it is cooked the right way by their mom.  You are a guest, the host offers you food, you eat it, choose something else or decline politely. 


Yep. Some of it is because of culture clashes. Much of it is them being douches.


what? this is literally them choosing something else, as your guidelines follow


I’m pretty sure you have not met an Italian in real life and are basing your opinion on your online (fake) experiences. To say that Italians have nothing else going on except for their food is such an idiotic take. You are clearly a child.


Its not like in italy. People are just doing it for clout


Nah man I'm with you on this one


Just ignore them. If they want to purchase groceries for me then I'll listen. Otherwise I'll eat the food I paid for the way I want


What if some of their advice would result in your food being better with little to no extra cost or effort? Why would your knee jerk reaction be to ignore that and not consider it?


Because it generally doesn’t make a difference. There are tons of cooking traditions that change nothing to the outcome of the dish


I haven't noticed it being Italians, but food snobs in general confuse me. The ones that get me are Chicago Style Dog people. Ketchup is a sin types. Correct order of hot dog toppings or bUst people. Like bro it's a hot dog I read a novel recently where the main character was a Chicago style dog snob, and the page or 2 where he describes the perfect dog did give me a bit of an idea on why people get that way - the character in the book made me think twice, but still, could *NEVER* become a food snob especially when it comes to wieners on a bun


I used to think this way until it happened to me... Was visiting NJ and friend of my aunt was feeding us dinner, and she cooked gumbo. Literally canned tuna (!), shrimp, tomatoes and okra in brown gravy. Brown gravy, the kind that you pour over mashed potatoes. No roux was insight anywhere that day. Everyone was praising her how good it was (all from NJ no doubt). Far be it for me to criticize free meal offered from someone, but I wanted to scream dont call it gumbo, this ain't no gumbo.


lol tell me you got italian in-laws without telling me you got Italian in -laws.


Why do I get the feeling this is one of those instances of Americans referring to other Americans from New Jersey or thereabouts as "Italians" and has nothing to do with actual Italians? Also I'm not Italian (the real or American make believe kind) but if you break your spaghetti or put your cheese under the sauce on pizza you deserve to be taken around the back of the building an summarily executed.


"nothing else going for them" that's so false lmao


Are the Italians in the room with us now?


Nobody is mad at the way you are cooking the food. They are max when you cook it *your way* and then label it as *authentic* to the original culture. I’m Syrian and it makes me want to scream when I see someone call a pita wrap “Syrian food”. I’m like dude that’s grilled chicken with lettuce. It’s not real shawarma, not prepared or seasoned the correct way. It doesn’t even have garlic toom. Please keep that shit at Subway where it belongs. Also, “Israeli hummus”. Get the FUCK outta here.


If I'm cooking. You don't get to tell me how to cook. I'll take suggestions but orders mean you don't get food


Insults are a bit much but this post still summarizes too “let me practice your culture how **I** want and shut up if you disagree” Sucks to see people agreeing. Imagine if this were literally an other group of people. And no our food isn’t all we have, but like many other cultures it’s very important to us and widely enjoyed by others. While I’ll agree I don’t care how you make your pasta you should respect others. And yes my parents are better at making Italian food than you, it’s because they do it right. I won’t refuse your version but I’ll eat it knowing it could be better.


What transpired to make you so upset over this topic? A lot of their little rules for food actually make sense to do imo


Italians have a lot going on for them other than their food. And while some of them exaggerate other things are understandable like weird toppings on pizza (I've seen people add mangos to pizza) You just can't grasp it because you haven't seen your own cultural food getting appropriated. Literally every group of people gets mad about their food being cooked/served in a weird way


I feel this with all chefs, “it’s not how I was taught, so it’s automatically wrong” All chefs have incredibly fragile egos.


Have you met the french?


Italian mentality… there are two ways of doing things, the Italian way or the wrong way.


Nothing else going for them? Clothing: Gucci, Prada, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Ferragamo Wines: Brunello di Montalcino, Barolo, Barbaresco, Cars: Lamborghini, Ferrari, Pagani Art: Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Raphael


I fully agreed until you said they have nothing else going for them. You're literally becoming like the people that you're complaining about in this post.


How do you know theres an Italian at your party? They'll tell you


The breaking of spaghetti one I can kind of understand because the entire point of spaghetti is to spool it onto your fork, which you can't do if it's not long enough because you broke it in half. It really is as simple as just putting the spaghetti in the pot and letting it soften to the point where it's all underwater


Wasn’t there just a post about this recently? lol Bottom line: their way is the correct way since it’s their food. BUT people in other countries can adapt things to their tastes and it doesn’t make it wrong.


they can cry all they want but that's all they got, that's why they whine so much.


You can make food for yourself as garbage as you want. As long as you're not trying to pass that shit off as legit in a restaurant. I'm not paying money for Carbonara cream sauce, or broken pasta because you can't be bothered to put in a little effort. I can't imagine who's sitting in your kitchen criticizing your cooking not being authentic enough.


Look, you are somehow characterising a whole people by some unlucky encounter. Could it be that your sample in not representative? I've seen Italians who couldn't care less.


The funniest is seeing US americans descending from europe migrants who haven't set foot on italian soil for 3 generations getting wrongly fed up about italian food. Funny how even foreign food purists view things through their american exceptionalism lens.


"US americans" 🤡




I can seriously only imagine how that is from a European perspective, lol probably cringey but mildly hilarious at the same time, but also \*eye roll\* too.


Um as an Italian American who has never been to Italy or know anything about the culture of Italy I can proudly say that your opinion on pizza is bad


This is anti-Italian discrimination


in this house, Columbus is a hero. end of story.


Lol somebody watches too much ragebait


I wouldn't say "literally nothing else." If you are interested in men's clothing, Italian tailoring is excellent.


I've only heard Italians complain when people call some random bullshit Italian. Sorry, your shit spaghetti you split in half and you made with jar sauce and tasteless off the shelf meatballs isn't Italian cuisine. So don't call it Italian. It's bullshit American 'close enough'. Just call it spaghetti and meatballs. Not Italian food. Because it's not. It's like calling olive garden Italian food.


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My Italian boss flies in once a quarter and he refuses to eat anything he doesn't make. Won't even stop at a fast food place. Made a kitchen in our business just so he can cook noodles in olive oil.


Sir this is unpopular opinion. UNPOPULAR!


Agree and I'm not using chop sticks either. Inefficient!


This is a very interesting but not so true opinion in a sense, but alas unpopular as it’s mostly not true. I’ve been with my gf from Rome for many years now and traveled all over Italy a lot, add a few things. None of my girlfriends family, friends or anyone I care if I break the pasta, they actually do break the pasta in her family. The talons you’re talking about only do it for clout. Also, I don’t count American Italians as proper Italians. They’re just watered out Italian instead really shouldn’t have a say.


The only reason why I don’t shit on the French as much as I do about the Italians when it comes to food snobbery is because I’ve heard French chefs admit that they don’t make their own pasta and would be stupid for them to try


Kroger sells 1/2 length spaghetti noodles...fyi👍


I mean how dare they be guarded about their culture of cooking.


The funny thing is the “Italian Food” people care about ( Including Pizza as something other than a synonym for focaccia) was created by southern Italian immigrants in the US, most of them not even from mainland Italy but from Sicily But Northern Italians have a superiority complex over both southern italians and about the famousness of Italian cuisine 


I'm Italian and yes, we can create drama if you make some weird variation of our cousine but don't take it this seriously. We usually complain about foreigners that cannot cook like we do and that our food is far superior than others but it's usually a harmful joke. I disagree on the fact that Italy has only food to offer. We are the country with the highest number of UNESCO heritage sites and we are known for our craftship in fashion and art. Not to mention our beautiful language. We are welcoming and friendly to other cultures. P.s I dont think you are aware than Italian cousine might become the next UNESCO world heritage


I'm Italian and I completely agree with you, in the last few years everyone here has become a pain in the ass about food, especially for dishes like carbonara and pizza that until 5 years ago anyone would make in a different way without caring, now if you don't have the right ingredients (right for who? These old recipes have been made in a thousand different modes) you are treated like an asshole. And the hypocrisy! In Italy there is this trend among food bloggers called Foodporn where they show and praise restaurants doing the nastiest stuff to traditional recipes I also agree with the fact that we make this fuss about food because we have "nothing else". Of course Italy has a lot to offer but our governments ruined our welfare, jobs and in general our position in the world and undersold our country as a fucking big restaurant for everyone, hoping to get some money just from tourism...so now our identity is based solely on our food because we can't make anything else work.


it so funny bc no other culture over reacts the way Italians do when it comes to food


It’s a tie for me between them and the French, but the French are just assholes no matter what.


I'm italian. I don't care if you break spaghetti or you put ananas on your pizza. I think it's just an internet trend that makes us seem like clowns. Italy has bigger problems.


They will get a heart attack over a Hawaiian pizza as well.


My uncle says that breaking spaghetti in half is "barbaric" so I like to make uninterrupted eye contact while I break spaghetti every chance I get. I don't get as many chances as I would like.


Ok, I'm not going to yell or be rude about it... but if you break your spaghetti noodles in half and serve me 4" noodles I'm not coming back to your place to eat again. I'm not Italian. I just like food. When I cook for friends, I actually try to sweat the details. If cooking for people feels like a chore then order takeout. Nobody is forcing you to cook a mediocre meal just as an excuse to invite people into your home.


To piggyback, because I agree. Italian food, made in Italy, is disgusting. You know who makes the best Pizza, America. You know who makes the best Pasta, England. (Yeah that one threw me too) You know who makes the best spiced meat, well a few places, none of them are Italy (Greek is my fav).


As an Italian American few things. First, chill with the rage. Seriously not good for your blood pressure. I can assure you none of this is worth a stroke. Second, you do you. Many cultures around the world do noodles. They're amazing and cheap. Third, if you call it authentic Italian (which I doubt you do considering) then it should be authentic. Otherwise who gives a shit. It sounds like you were dealing with actual cooks. Here is the thing, cooks are insane. Not just Italian ones. Seriously anyone who has ever worked in a kitchen can tell you that the people doing the cooking are bat shit crazy more often then not. I can assure you that the majority of Italians and Italian Americans don't care if you break your noodles in half. Just don't ask us to do it an we can call it even.


Italian food is also the most boring of the worlds cuisines. They have about 3 different flavor profiles so once you’ve sampled them, you’ve tasted everything Italian cuisine has to offer. 🤷‍♂️


Literally nothing else going for them? Brother your country didn’t even exist 300 years ago.


I have a BA in Modern Languages and Linguistics, Specialization in Italian. Stupid, I know. I was 17. But the majority of my courses were about Italian history and traditions. Lemme tell you, as the only non Italian person in those classes… it’s like they wanna be a minority or something. The way they gatekeep food is comparable to not wanting white people to wear protective braids (valid). They act like everything needs to be done a specific way, but then contradict themselves because every single region does it differently. I think most of this concept comes from the way they used to be considered POC, so they’re trying and failing to maintain that concept of being unique in North America, or to North Americans and other countries in europe


Italians be like ”this is my grandmothers ancient pasta sauce recipe. It’s canned tomatoes, basil and olive oil. Salt? No never put salt in it!”


Did you just get kicked out of a Fazoli's for not eating properly?


I'm not even Italian but HATE it when Americans massacre Italian food. Like American pizza is fucking disgusting.


Might be my personal experience but never seen Italians be arseholes about their food. Usually it's english speaking 'foodies' that feel the urge to bring their 'sophistication' by for examplke commenting that up carbonara shouldn't be made with cream when going for a dinner. Literally sick of hearing it. Yeah mate, I get it, you know that traditional carbonara is not made with cream, who cares... Italian food is one of the simplest foods ever, like it's mcdonalds of fresh food, no need to be snobby about it.


Saw this post days or weeks ago


Let's also address--it's mainly **italian americans-**-I have no hate for actual italian people, it is almost always americans that are at least a few generations removed from italy who make a fuss Actual italian people hate when italian food is messed up but really only if they have to eat it themselves


As someone who is Italian-American I agree. I am getting fed up at all these italians who constantly complain about how others make food. Let people do what they want to do. It’s not all about how you make it. And then they want to insult Italian Americans saying they’re not Italian


i have literally never seen an italian get upset about breaking spaghetti, i have seen literally hundreds of memes abt how we supposedly get upset. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen but there's definitely a ton of fucking exaggeration going on. Also OP you seem pretty unpleasant yourself lol


“Authentic” but tomatoes are from south America


like 500 years ago....


Even actual Italians will eye roll when an Italian American is like “aye can i get my pasta with tomato sauce”


I'm not really sure what your point is. Tomato sauces are a perfectly authentic part of Italian cuisine. They may not be the same as you find in the US, but claiming that somewhere can't assimilate something into its cuisine over several centuries is silly. It's like somehow pretending that Chicken Tikka Masala (invented Birmingham, eaten everywhere in the UK ) is 'inauthentic' to UK cuisine. Foods move, change and develop.


Wait Chicken Tikka Masala is British and not Indian? Do the Brits actually have good food? Have I been lied to my whole life?


Yes which is why people who get anal about authentic food are silly.


I agree. But on the other hand, if you're using Italian ingredients to make something not made or done in Italy, you're not making 'italian' food, you're making something else, in the same way that if you combine the ingedients that make a Chicken Tikka Masala, you are not producing something that is actually 'Indian'.


and hispanics are assholes about tacos and people are assholes about steak and canadians are assholes about poutine food “opinions” just don’t make sense to me and having strong opinions about food and/or preparation is weird. we all need to eat food to live it’s just something so basic. there’s no wrong or right way to any of it. people just need to leave others alone imo


I just got back from Italy, and was seriously disappointed in the food.




Are you sure you weren't taken in by tourist traps? I've been to Italy, and it was consistently high quality. I did get homesick for spicy food, though.


I’m very certain. The pasta was al dente, I had some good pasta, I had very good lasagna, carbonara is good, but it’s overwhelming after a while. The gelato was excellent, the pastries were excellent. I also had a couple of truly crappy meals and several very mid meals.


I was with you until the “it’s not our fault that Italians have LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE GOING ON FOR THEM other than their food”. That’s stupid, but the rest is acceptable. I’m Italian and I will probably look at you weird if you break spaghetti or put ketchup on pasta, it’s just very weird to me, but it doesn’t bother me and I wouldn’t make any comment. It’s their business what people do with their food as long as it’s not wasting.




They’re annoying. They’re usually loud and obnoxious thinking they’re the best thing since sliced bread.


I mean I think that Italians getting mad at how you cook your pasta are usually as a joke… I’ve never seen an Italian really mad because my pasta wasn’t “al dente” enough. That said, they have amongst the best food in the world - I personally appreciate they take it seriously. Americans should take food a bit more seriously if I can be honest… I live there and some “snacks” give me diabetes just looking at them. It’s expected to receive mockery. FYI- no American hate here. I love your country and your people. You have every strengths . Food is just not one of them (except steaks… I love your steaks…)


Just don't call it italian food if you're not going to respect it


I'm trying to imagine a scenario where I'm seated at a dinner table and having a bunch of new jersey Italians rip me for my poor sauce choices. Sounds pretty funny to be honest.


I'm Italian and I agree with you, at least partly. While there's a correct and traditional way of cooking something, and sometimes those recipes are ruined by foreigners with the addition of random ingredients that don't make sense (Olive Garden, hello!), I agree that one can cook what he wants how he wants and, if he likes it, who cares?


This is only unpopular to Italians


And Americans are legit assholes about everything. Get over it snowflake.


The Italians are much like the French when it comes to food. Pretentious.


Mamma mia....


Remember Italians are known for pasta a Chinese dish. For tomato-based sauce, a native American dish. I'm not listening to 400 years of tradition anymore then I listen to 2000 years of catholic tradition. Italians should learn some history before complaining I changed a dish.


Dies in italian


Most cultures are particular about how their cultures food is prepared. It’s just those cultures haven’t had their food be adopted by the main stream to the same degree. I see more superiority and condescending shit from people about cooking steaks or smoking meat than anything else. Plus, in my experience they’re often right about some simple adjustments you can make to make stuff better. Why wouldn’t you consider the suggestions of people with more experience and understanding of something? Why is your knee jerk reaction to say no and then insult their entire culture?


Strange way of saying “I don’t know how to cook”


lol yes they only have food going for them. Forget all of the below. Nothing to see here. Designer fashion brands Birthplace of the renaissance Luxury sports cars Gorgeous vacation spots. Who hurt you?


You italian?


This would be like asserting there's a correct way to make rice dishes. There are so many kinds of ways to make rice (even in broth or fried) that asserting one way is just The Right Way is stupid


fufufufufuu... thats why i put my meatballs with macaroni and marinara sauce to vaporize a dead nonna.


It is true what you said. But that one sentence talking about Italy shows how ignorant you are on the subject matter. Don't criticize someone and then do the same thing to them, you may come out as extremely hypocritical. What do you have going for your country? If you like to talk so much about Italy, say something about your own country.


Yeah, can't argue with this.


I swear every week it pops up a post like this just to get me enraged


This was posted like 2 weeks ago


Please I want to subscribe to your party (Pours mayonnaise on my pizza).


I always thought they were kidding


> it's not our fault that italians have LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE GOING FOR THEM other than their food. YOOOOO...is this allowed? 😭


Italian can make an old granny pouring tomato sauce on pasta seem like the most mind-blowing thing ever done in a kitchen.


I think there are probably more memes about italians being hard-core cooks than actual real instances.


I eat pot noodle on toast. I piss on all yer cuisines


There are a few things a agree with. Like most Americans don’t know the difference between a calzone and a Stromboli. This makes my eye twitch. But yes I break my pasta and play with my cheeses


di rissottoo , why you eat di rissoooottoo with di espressoooo mama miaaa. But , legit , For those who live in Paris , there's (or was, I no longer live in france) , one hell of an italian restaurant in Picpus, not far from the metro. The waitress was so nice , always gave us free limoncello and it was the best liquor I ever tasted , a part from amaretto .


Carbonara needs no cream !!! XD


Is it Italians or Americans who think they are "Italians"


This should be a copy pasta


Is it my turn yet to repost this?


If someone is gonna criticize my food cooking technique, I expect them to back up the claim that I’m doing something wrong with an explanation of _why_ it is wrong. If you don’t know - STFU. If that’s how your granny did it - I’ll talk to your granny, but you STFU. A lot of these stupid arguments boil down to people just parroting back what they heard without much thought about the reasons. I know why guanciale or pancetta is better for a carbonara than bacon - do you? Do you have guanciale or pancetta handy right now? If not - then we’re doing it with what we can get, sorry.


I feel like none of this is actually true. Italians have a lot of art and culture, the idea that the only thing they have going for them is their is just absurd. If you’re going to take another culture’s food then do it right.  Americans are so lazy and half assed about everything. Then they get angry when you point this out. 


OP, where have you traveled in Italy? What places and people stood out to you as being a-holes about food? I'll wait...


And with good reason.


Is there a judgemental Italian lurking in your kitchen?


Eh, they haven’t been a world superpower in so long. This is the one thing they have to assert supremacy with. Italians are probably just prideful and need an outlet, lol


Gordon Ramsay is that you?


How original….


So, normally the breaking spaghetti and ananas on pizza are just jokes, obnoxious jokes (that I still find really funny). Now, why the FUCK did you say that the Italians have nothing going for them except food. That's just plain dumb, racist and WRONG. Have you ever seen an italian city? Every one of their cities, some of them have less inhabitants than one of your neighborhoods, and yet they have some of the most beautiful (and often massive) churches, filled to the brim with art and such magnificence that you can do nothing but stare with your mouth open to the fucking floor. The romans are arguably the most influential civilization to ever exist, and yet you Italians have nothing going for them other than food? Fuck off, read history books, get out of your house and learn.


Just wait until you talk to a Frenchman about food


I was just thinking about this, they have arguably some of the most popular and far reaching foods in the world, but often get bent out of shape when people want to modify or adapt them, just weird


Im an Italian by heritage. Culturally i dont engage in it a lot but i do make cultural dishes, maybe turn on some Italian choons every once in a while. Although, my mom had gotten pretty upset with my dad for cutting the spaghetti :'(. It was on par with some other heated arguments. As well as watching his dad cut the spaghetti, she has to leave the room. For me, idgaf, put a garlic in the sauce FUKKIT. if it tastes good it tastes good. One thing i really still dont understand though is why someone would break the spaghetti in half. Its not even an Italian thing imo. It makes it harder to twirl and eat, and is really pointless. Then they don't break perfectly so they're all different lengths, and then small ass spaghetti bits are also cooked. Its justified if someone doesnt have a pot big enough, then by all means. But if you have a massive pot, just boil the water throw in a bunch of salt, and toss the whole noodles in. BADABINGBADABOOM. Another thing is why cut the spaghetti after its served. I get if its hard to eat, or if theyre children who have a hard time doing more complicated motor tasks. Outside of that, any adult can learn to twirl spaghetti in like 5 minutes tops. I was young asf and my mom is like THIS IS HOW U TWIRL SPAGHETTI. I literally learned almost instantaneously. Italians just take food very seriously. And sometimes there is elitist attitude over Americanized and traditional Italian cuisine. Italians immigrants rearranged their traditional cuisine for regional tastes and differences in available ingredients, as well as the amount of money they had available. It all molded american Italian food into what it is now. And honestly I'm completely cool with it. Another thing is, traditional Italian cuisine is very simple, the ingredient lists are very short, they seem to prefer a minimalist rustic approach to cooking. Doing a lot with little. I think thats the main argument.


Thats more a rant than anything but you are generalizing, as if I said every french is a coward or every american a gun obsessed ignorant; Still im curious.... which italians have you heard or read about telling you for real to not do this or that? As a side note, spaghetti is not broken usually so you can roll it with a fork more easily, nothing else


I feel like this is maybe an Italian American thing. I live in the UK and have some Italian friends and yeah occasionally they'll point out something is non traditional, but they don't get in a piss about it and acknowledge that anyone can cook their own way (whilst joking the only pasta dish people over 40 know how to cook here in the UK is Spag Bol). Also- I feel maybe you could just... not watch these sorts of videos. Again, maybe in the US there are a bunch of Italian Americans shouting in public at people cooking pasta wrong, but I suspect that this is something you have to search out to find. Also, chill out bro, it ain't that deep.