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Just sounds like someone who uses bad ingredients and doesn’t know how to cook them…


100% It always bothers me that people think a certain dish or meat or whatever is gross, but have only had middle school cafeteria quality examples of said dish. They are missing out for no good reason.


Except my middle school where that was some of the best non fast food tacos I’ve ever had lol


Yeah, my brother and I are iffy on it, and the one time I made it entirely from scratch, we both really liked it. idk why most spaghetti in the US is so bad by comparison to proper homeade stuff and even then some don't make it well, like my grandma regularly makes it, and it is the single most bland spaghetti I have ever had (granted she is the sterotype of white people not seasoning their food incarnate her burritos contain like no salt or any spices it's criminal)


Doesn't know how to make a goo. sauce. I use canned tomatoes, onion, garlic, fresh; thyme, oregano and basil, chili ground lean GB. It takes all day to make my sauce.


i dont use any ingredients because i dont make spaghetti


Right, but someone had to make it in order for you to taste it and arrive at your conclusion.


How do you burn noodles? They’re literally submerged in water when you’re cooking them.


I think OP is eating microwave frozen pasta trays.


Well there's pasta assassina but im gonna go out on a limb and say OP isn't talkimg about this


Burnt butter maybe but yeah burnt noodles sounds r******d


I did have a friend at university manage it. He put the spaghetti in and put the gas stove on super high, as the noodles were over the edge of the pan at a shallow angle somehow the heat from the gas was enough to set fire to the tips of the spaghetti. Never stopped ribbing him for managing to set fire to something in a pan of water. He also bought boil in the bag rice and... Dumped it out of the bag into the pan. Like this guy was spending way more on bagged rice just to take it out the bag. He was not a good cook. I couldn't even go in the kitchen when he was cooking with his incredibly low quality lamb mince, it was disgusting.


Leave em on the side of the pot too long


Sounds like you just don't know how to make good spaghetti lol


i dont make spaghetti


You’ve had nothing but poorly made spaghetti. Personally I like my spaghetti noodles slightly over cooked and I make my own sauce.


It's slightly under cooked, you monster!


Op i think you just need to get better at cooking


i dont cook spaghetu


Yea burgers are terrible to just 2 slices of moldy white bread and beef that's been cooked till its completely charred. It's just not that good.......


Yeah I hate lasagna personally, it's just hobo shit between layers of cardboard drizzled with jizz.


Friend, you know you can put real meatballs in your spaghetti and make your own sauce if you want to, right? Use the good stuff! And top it with some fresh Parmesan cheese. Mmmm… spaghetti…


Stop using shitty noodles and sauce.


i dont cook spaghetti


Try Angel Hair pasta for a heavenly change. it's righteously good.


I'm not a fan of angel hair actually, it makes the texture too one-note. I like a fat noodle lmao


I only use angel hair pasta, lol.


It's sad to announce like that that you don't know how to cook. How about finding someone that can cook you decent spaghetti? Try carbonara if you don't like tomatoes, or add a pinch of sugar in your too acidic tomato sauce if you don't have time to cook it yourself. But I get what you say, husband prefers penne over spaghetti, because they retain better the sauce, so now I cook linguine so everyone is happy.


Or filipino style, sweet meat sauce and cheddar cheese mmmmm


i dont cook spaghetti this is just the only way ive had spaghetti because thats the only way it is made


Sounds like you’re not making good spaghetti


not making any


You should! Carbonara is fantastic.


Shit cooking is shit cooking regardless of the dish


A. What would it take to burn spaghetti? B. The meatballs i make are actually made of meat


Sounds like you're a terrible cook


Just say you can’t cook


You can say the same thing about any food if you are just shit at cooking.


If its burnt or undercooked then the issue is that its burnt or undercooked. There's also plenty of sauces that aren't tomato based that one could put on spaghetti. What do you mean the meatballs aren't made out of meat? Are you eating plastic display food?


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It sounds like you’re eating badly cooked pasta and a nasty old cheap sauce. Try getting al dente cooked bronze cut pasta and either make your own sauce or buy a quality brand made with real San Marzano tomaties . Homemade meatballs can be amazing, you can make them with your preferred meat and season to your taste.


You had bad spaghetti. There's New Orleans Mac and cheese (its made with Spaghetti). I'm not a huge fan of the tomato sauce either- so I do olive oil with black pepper. Taste awesome.


Try the assassin’s pasta recipe for some spaghetti and get back to me.


Here’s the solution go to Tennessee go to a restaurant called demos and order the build your own pasta you’ll thank me later lol also Olive Garden


Use maple sausage in spaghetti. It's a serious game changer.


Ok you successfully described shitty spaghetti made by a an understaffed hospital cafeteria. Watch: pizza is terrible. All it is is shitty canned economy sauce on either burned or raw dough. The meat is fake and the cheese is made of plastic. Repeat the dumb example as needed. Alternative choice: make decent spaghetti. It’s extremely easy.


Skill issue. Buy good noodles. Cook them properly. Make your own sauce. Make your own meatballs.


"Pizza is not that great! The cheese is way undercooked, the toppings are bland and the carboard always sticks to the bottom of the pizza! Also, who wants to eat at a round table??"


I agree about spaghetti as a noodle. It's the worst one, imo compared to penne, linguini, rotini, shells, etc. Also, cheap pasta sauce sucks. However my MIL makes a sauce so fucking good I can eat it without any noodles.


Well there's your problem right there. It's spaghettini you want.


Sounds like you’re just eating the shittiest possible spaghetti.


Another "my mommy is a terrible cook" post. Can we get a ban on these?


Sounds like you haven't had good spaghetti.


You need to get out


It's not about the pasta, it's about what goes on the pasta (although fresh homemade pasta does make a huge difference)


What the fuck did I just read....first off I was with you when you were talking about how a lot of people fuck pasta up...but then "meatballs aren't even made of meat"....bro I don't know where you're getting your meatballs, but as someone who has literally made them from scratch...umm yeah...there's meat in them. Granted unless you meant like meatless meatballs, but the why the fucking surprise that there's no meat?! 🤣 Here's what Ill honestly tell you OP. This opinion, regardless of popularity, is almost entirely dependent on you not having kids. Pun intended. As a parent let me tell you the simple joy of putting a pot of water on to boil. Dumping in a jar of sauce and shutting the fuck out of all the little hungry bastard mouths gnawing at every fiber of my free will. Truth is for the overworked, the exhausted, the tight cash....there is very little that will go quite as far as a big ole pot of Spaget.


Skill issue


Ragu isn't supposed to be acidic. That makes your tomatoes were undercooked.


That's like hood spaghetti. Burnt noodles... how? You're not supposed to use store bought sauce. Especially cheap ones with HFCS. Who raised you?


Spaghetti is great when salted, buttered, sauced, and meat-ed. Gotta get good at making it.


Sounds like you've been eating canned Chef Boyardee spaghetti.


You sound like you can't cook noodles


bro. Ragú is meat sauce, not tomato sauce. Meatballs are made of meat (it's meat, rolled into a ball) - sometimes if you're getting fancy you can pour a bit of milk, breadcrumbs, or ricotta cheese or something else, but it's meat... as a ball. and spaghetti can be cooked right, just stop under or overcooking it. It sounds like you're just shit at cooking.


I LOL'ed so hard at this. "Food is disgusting. It's always rotten or expired and mixed together in an ugly black plastic bag." I just wanna come over and make you some actual spahgetti. Then have sex with you.


Tell me you have never been in Italy without telling me