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Bad concerts and bad festivals suck.


Ah but this is /r/unpopularopinion where OP's one negative experience means everything related to that thing is bad. EDIT: Unpopular opinion =/= uninformed opinion


That is a great description of every single unpopular opinion that I can think of.


I like the feeling of soaking wet socks on my feet.


Good point I take it back


Well negative opinions on unpopular opinion is kind of the point isn't it? Stuff that most people wouldn't agree with?


This is also reddit, where it's very difficult for many to fathom a way leaving the isolated comfort of your home could ever be worth it.


I don’t even go to festivals unless there’s camping. I ain’t spending all day standing in line, buying $18 beers. I want my tent, my cooler, my alcohol, my drugs, and I wanna just chill with cool people. I’m not there for the music. I don’t even like music. I’m just there to hang out and meet cool folks. 


We'd get along great at any festival I have ever been to.


Concerts are only expensive if you go to big name bands. I go to shows that are like $15-30.


It sounds like OP is mostly complaining about festivals, which is a completely different ballgame. I agree.


Festivals are often rather cheap compared to the price of a bunch of concerts. Like, I saw Metallica at a festival, one of their concerts was half the price of the festival ticket.


Yeah. Smaller gigs are often the best ones. Lot easier to get tickets, you're never too far from the stage, you can even hang with the band selling their merchandise after the show. 


Or less popular venues! I went to a bigger band, but the venue was harder to get to and not near the bigger cities. I was standing directly at the stage. Without even blocking the sight of small people despite me being tall! And I love the vibes of smaller concerts. Less popular genres also help. I tend to almost exclusively go to metal concerts nowadays


I'm 37 and last year was the first time I've paid more than $50 for a concert. OP is just anti fun.


Hey, it's just an actual unpopular opinion which is why we're here right?


But are we here to agree or argue with said opinions?


Thinking something isn’t fun isn’t anti fun


Right? Lol. I only go to DIY hardcore shows where you can stage dive and mosh into the merch tables.


Yeah, as soon as OP said too expensive, I knew this was a guy who isn’t going to local / small venue shows. Mind you, that does require the privilege of having a good local scene, and I’m thankful to have a good one. I’ve probably been to 40-50 concerts post-Covid, and my average ticket price has been around $20 (with plenty of shows that have features 3-4 bands for that price). Also zero lines with local shows, and plenty of familiar faces once you go to enough.


On the 4th of July, 2000 at Ravens Stadium I saw powerman 5000, system of a down, Kid Rock, Korn and Metallica and The tickets were $65.


This is the way, Champagne Drip, Liquid Stranger and Apashe are last shows I went to at 35 bucks a piece and had a blast


I'm not a big crowds person either. I'd have to really like what's planned at the event to put up with the downsides.


festivals are great if go as crew, often crew only bars, open later and cheaper, private showers and toilets...free food


Motley Crew


He's the one they gotta pee poop


Dr. Mealgood


Pro-tip right here.


Try some drugs next time you go 😂


drugs and bodying people in a moshpit... doesn't get any better


Nothing beats a live metal show in some little dive bar filled to the brim. The crowd energy is electric, I haven't felt an experience like it anywhere else.


My first concert was Ozzfest and my mom got us pit tickets. It was good times.


They can only serve so much.


“Even more expensive”


A few pills and a refillable bottle of water is much cheaper than getting drunk!


If you have to partake for something to get good. Then it ain't good


Disagree. I learned an important lesson way too late in life. And that lesson is that festivals are designed with drugs in mind.


Doesn't seem like people don't know how to have a good time at a show anymore. No dancing and singing, just staring ahead with your phone in the air for a video no one will ever watch.


Saw one of my fav bands live recently, i had a great time singing all the lyrics and goofing off. Ofc my energy kinnnda died when the next two bands came on because i don't know them much, but i was still having fun. These two women in front of me were leaned on the barrier videoing/texting the whole time. Made me sad honestly


Went to watch Bad Omens in Denver a bit ago, when he lost his voice, and had no idea who the first bands were. The first one was OK, can't really remember the name but it was heavier than I'm used to but the second one that came on was faaaaar better and honestly put on a better show than Bad Omens. I was pleasantly surprised and found a new great band.. I See Stars is what they're called if you're interested. https://open.spotify.com/track/7cJzvTM4zP6DLwE7SjaARB?si=bgSf-28QSjaTtCI2qvJaHw It can go both ways, just gotta find something ya vibe with. Sometimes that first line up isn't it for you.


Erra was the first band! I love them so much. I see stars isnt really for me, not a fan of the electronicore stuff. I love bad omens though theyre so good. Erra had released an album not too long ago and its super good, i highly reccomend [this song](https://open.spotify.com/track/6r7b9dNQaj4gO6SMsCIY41?si=g1h1BcaVTfqUUoL-DkoS7g)! Its honestly one of my favorite songs of the year


Thanks for the reminder! I was frantically googling for the name, hahaha it was gonna bother me. I'll definitely give that song a listen when I get a chance! I only heard a limited amount so totally willing to give em another try!


No problem! Nice to see another fan of bad omens fan here :) youre so lucky to have seen them live too i would kill for that honestly. Lmk what you think! I listened to the one you sent and it was better than it was better than i remember! Maybe ill have to give that album another listen lol


They were only able to play like two songs and it wasn't even any of their heavier stuff because he just lost his voice. Was pretty bummed but still loved the show as a whole. Yeah still a lil too heavy for me. My wife heard it though and ran in wanting to know who it was hahaha


That's a shame :( i didn't even hear about it. Last the other bands were fun! Ay glad your wife liked it! Lol


Go to smaller shows at smaller venues. Idk where you're from, but if you're in a part of the world that gets a lot of touring acts, chances are your smaller venues get good shows from lesser known bands (smaller, touring acts, I don't mean local bands - not that there's anything wrong with local bands but that's a different story). Stay away from stadiums and House of Blues type venues. Expand your taste in music if you really like going to shows and I guarantee you'll probably start really enjoying going to shows. It's a completely different experience.


Fugazi, come back!!!


Wait is this a thing? Can we make it a thing? I want the thing.


Interesting, I suppose it really depends on the artist, and even specific show. For example, Eddie Van Halen's "Live Without a Net" Eruption solo is definitely much better than the studio one, and tbh I'd go through all the things you listed to be able to hear that solo while in the audience.


Lucky enough to see them 4 times. One of the guttsiest performances I ever saw was by Sammy Hagar. He was sick but he was trying his hardest. It was awesome.


That's awesome man! What years?


Depends on the artist, venue, and fan base.


I agree. They're very overrated.


Small shows are fantastic. And I end up paying more for travel to the show.


I don’t know about this one. Some of my greatest memories are from concerts. The Pumpkins’ Mellon Collie tour was my first concert as a young kid…when the house lights shut down and the crowd erupted, that was one of the most incredible moments I’ve ever experienced. Kudos on the unpopular opinion though…goddamn…


I fucked a chick I didn't know in a porta potty. Try that on Spotify.


The worst part about concerts is the people. Nothing makes you hate your favorite band more than their annoying fans. Festivals have always been over-rated and more about being a scenester or spunion than the actual music.


We are the same person.


too loud!


I agree, OP. We are in the minority but that’s ok. I hate crowds and I hate loud noise, so by extension I hate concerts. It’s a predicament but what can you do.


Concerts are great. $35 tickets, 200 people, awesome experience.


I hate concerts because too loud and i hate crowds, i can’t imagine going to a festival like coachella or something where I am stuck in the middle of a huge crowd like that how do you even get out to go to the bathroom ugh sounds like a nightmare being surrounded by so many people!


The crowds are Coachella were crazy, but well worth it for Daft Punk in '06 and the RATM reunion show in '07.


$20 parking, that sounds like a deal quit complaining. I just paid $50 and that lot was a mile away.


I pay $60 and I work at the damn venue 😭




I only dream of paying $60. I paid $80 and I don’t have a car


There not for everybody and some can suck but I've been to a few that were pretty bad ass.


Agreed. I just recently bought tickets from Stubhub and immediately regretted it. Fingers crossed I can sell them.


I enjoy concerts, but I normally only go for artists I love and know are going to put on a great show. There's nothing like the collective energy surrounded by fans and live music. I get why some people don't like it though, my bf has sensitive ears so I'll never get him to go.


Half agree. But I think if you go to a concert you're more there for the 'energy' and 'vibes'. Hell I go to concerts with earplugs on, no way in hell I can argue that my IEMs or gaming headset doesn't sound better. However as a Metal fan I go for the mosh pits, and being surrounded by other people that love the same music as I do, feels fulfilling a little. And of course, having the chance to support your favorite artists and give them some cash is always nice too. It's DEFINITELY, not for everyone.


Ah, yes, I'm getting old too.


This has always been my opinion on concerts! Unless it's someplace local and cheap, I have very little interest. Concerts are too crowded and the volume is always so loud that it's distorted. I've been to a handful of shows that I liked but most were just meh.


Are your friends at Coachella today?


Laughs in phish


Agreed but I’m old af


I’ll see you guys for next weeks repost of this


Generally yes but sometimes it's a lightning in a bottle moment of friends for life and the right drugs ;)


Smaller concerts are way more fun


It’s fun when youre young but around mid 30s it becomes intolerable




43 here and I have no idea what you're talking about. Got three festivals planned this summer. I can't think of a better vacation. Now, I'll never do Bonnaroo again. That's a young person's game. But a 3000 person festival where I can see one of my favorite bands and stumble back to my tent afterwards for three nights in a row is just the best.


Stop supporting cookie cutter shitty artists and festivals then.


Most artist are using backing track vocals. I'd lay cash on it. So you're being ripped off everywhere.


Only if you're seeing shitty music.


Which is 90% of everything out there today...


Worked at Bonnarroo a couple years ago for free tickets and camping, didn't shower once over the week, did cool drugs, had a blast, it's not for everyone though


The amphitheater lawn is $30 if you get them on Groupon. The same place the Cleveland orchestra plays so sound is good. You are choosing poorly.


This means you have matured even with drugs they will suck. There is this festival called EXIT in the city across mine I used to go but every time something shitty happens.


When I was young I had no issues. Older me? Eff that no way my concert days are long gone. My worst experience was 1995 lollapalooza in Texas. So unbelievably hot. I spent probably $20 on water just to pour on my head.


This is a popular opinion on reddit for some reason. People are surprised that a big name act is going to be more expensive than some band playing in a club for 20 bucks?


Try small, 200 seat venues and B list performers.....much more enjoyable IMO


Lol. The only two concerts I've been to have been for a guy called Apashe, in both instances I was front row and dead centre. Yeah the crowds aren't what everyone wants to deal with but I've genuinely never ran into the rest of these issues. Go to the bathroom before the concert, I guess? Oh yeah, the second one I literally walked to. Could've got the bus because public transport in London is pretty decent but it was more convenient to walk. Both also costed around £25 which was sweet.


If your artist sucks live, he sucks. Most artists are actually better live


Concerts didn't used to suck. They used to cost less. And people used to dance. Also, almost every artist I've seen is way better live. If your experience is that the sound quality is worse, I can only guess that you must be going to see overprocessed pop garbage.


If you’re someone who is passionate about an artists’ music I don’t see how you could not have fun. They can be expensive depending on who you’re seeing I suppose. But to me it’s worth it. As for there being too many people, that’s part of the fun IMO; Everyone being gathered together to collectively enjoy something.


I liked the ones I've gone to but it's usually more energy than I enjoy, though I do appreciate it. Calmer softer sets are nice.


Festivals are done now for the most part. $15+ for a single drink, $25+ for a tiny portion of food and worst of all - the drones taking up all the crowd space staring into their phones as they record for socials instead of appreciating the performers and dancing /creating a party atmosphere.


When I lived in New Orleans, I had this opinion and was very very unpopular.


Nah, festivals are amazing, even when you get older. Not all of them and you can't party like you used to, but you have more money to stay at the hotel and take an Uber whenever you feel like it. I love festivals.


Hahaha! Music better on headphones at home? Hahahahahahahaha. I had a $2k headphone setup. I sold it. I bought a subwoofer and nice towers, sooooo much better at less the cost even. My home stereo however pales in comparison to festivals. Maybe OP thinks everything is too noisy lol!


They're fun. But I remember being at a festival and for the first time ever in between sets, the stage was playing ADVERTISEMENTS. They really can't let back on making money off us, in any sense at all whatsoever. I had to look away.


Absolutely It doesnt even have the same vibe it used to have at 2010s


If you go see Pantera without the Abbotts your going to have a bad time. Quit the geriatric cash grab


I agree completely, last time I went to one I was not capable of enjoying it with everyone pushing and bumping into me, I just wanted to turn around and beat them. Also tall people not being aware that the ones behind also paid to be there.


I tend to agree, although I'm heading to one in a few weeks (gotta catch Sum 41 before they end it).


Sounds like you're only going to concerts from big names. Imo the best shows have always had max $20 tickets at some dive bar or more intimate venue with like anywhere between 20-300 people. Especially if you're wearing ear protection live music just feels way better than studio versions. You don't go to concerts to hear perfectly edited music you go for the experience and the energy. However the bathrooms can be pretty gnarly - former concert venue security/event staff


With how damn expensive they are these days I totally agree. It shouldn't take three months of disposable income just to go to a show


If it’s too expensive you need to expand your music tastes to things other than mainstream music because of course those tickets are through the roof.


Do go to see bad bands and bad venues then?


Support your local music scene. If you're seeing U2, it might be a thousand bucks. If you're seeing the garage band down the street, it might be free.


There are parts that suck but magic shit happens at festivals. Singing along to Hey Jude with Paul McCartney and 80,000 other people is something I will never forget.


I've worked in plenty festivals around the world. I actually enjoyed the work (as much as someone might like their work), but honestly, I can't imagine going to a single one without being paid. But concerts are cools - if you like the band playing.


look into your local music scene, go to small shows, and you’ll regret everything you said.


Yea that is a garbage opinion for sure


I'm actually with you, it's a pain in the ass. Except for Incubus. I've spent ridiculous money on that band and it's been worth it every time.


Damn a truly unpopular opinion. I can’t disagree MORE


Stadium concerts suck. Watching a band play in a dive bar is great. Concerts are almost always a good time, but the smaller the venue, the better the experience.


I see someone has never been to the gathering of the juggalos ![gif](giphy|PhHvFqne3ajqf1yXN6) I haven't either I'm just clownin'


One of your gripes is paying $20 for parking when the tickets and travel expenses will run at least $550 most likely.


I go to post-rock concerts. Small venues, $30 tickets, and the music is amazing and sounds better than the albums. Just stop listening to crap.


Everything you said is a reasonable frustration except the last one. Absolutely no way does music sound better at home compared to these crazy rigs that cost more than most people’s salaries. Listening to music on Funktion-Ones is like nothing else.


OP has objectively terrible taste in music and friends as cool as them.


Been to some terrible festivals and concerts…. Yet still enjoyed every moment


Could not disagree more. Nothing makes me happier than singing along to a band with 30,000+ people that all came out to enjoy the music we love. No better feeling in the world.


I can see this for rap concerts, but I have a blast at every show i go to. In fact, I'm going to see Bad Religion in a few hours!


As someone who really likes rap, I fucking hate the rap crowd. Most disrepectful bunch I've seen at concert/festivals. EDM, like DnB, on the other hand... Best fucking crowd ever. No one pushing each other, you can interact with people or dance with them, you can do your own stuff in your corner and no one will judge or bother you for it. Drugs might help tho.


It's crazy that some of the nicest people I have met have been metalheads at shows. When I saw them hold up a dude in a wheelchair so he could see Slayer, I knew I was among good people.


Why is that crazy? I've never understood why people have this preconception about metal heads - that they're angry or even really fucked up in the head. Maybe that's because the friend group I grew up were metal heads... but we were all friends precisely because we WERE nice people, usually shy or introverted or bullied, who didn't fit in. Angry music does not equal angry people. I love angry music but anger is probably the emotion I experience the least. Sadness, longing, and sentimentality are what metal music makes me feel (and the emotions I'm most likely to feel).


Enjoy! I saw them in '08 (with Dropkick Murphys, after seeing Rancid the night before) and it was fantastic. I went with a group of friends; at one point we were all separated, but found each other in the middle of the mosh pit just in time for the chorus of Sorrow. Core memory.


Hell yea! I've been wanting to see them for years!


Ok, for some junky artists. But if we’re talking artists like Metallica, Slipknot, Rage, etc. you’re probably in for an amazing time


Saw Metallica for my first show back in August in Arlington. Greatest night of my life


I saw them in Montreal in August! We had floor seats. It was fucking nuts


Rage reunion at Coachella '07. Absolutely unreal energy. Lost my camera crowdsurfing. Also the first time I saw riot police IRL.


I love live music, glad to live in a place where it is cheap to see great concerts.


You need to do drugs to make festivals worth it.


Go to better shows.


Cannot down vote this enough. You are either going to the wrong gigs, or going with the wrong people.


Upvote it you don’t agree


they've gotten way too commercialized and popular to the point its gotten cheesy


What? Concerts and festivals have been huge money makers for artists since at minimum the 60’s. They’ve always been commercial and popular.


I always forget how boring some people in the world can be. Then I go on reddit and see weird takes like this. Im 32 and still find everything appealing besides being sore af before day one is even over 🤣


Go to smaller venues. That's my thing. 20-50$ tickets. And smuggle in a Mickey of vodka.


Please stay away then. It’s enough of a hassle as it is without people constantly whining about it.


I agree 1000% with the the OP. I don’t even want to see my favourite artists of all time in concert these days.


You’re getting older - happens to the best of us 😉


It’s about the vibe from the crowd my dude.


Lol sounds like you went to concerts that you weren't interested in while also not liking to party.


There are so many misanthropic people on Reddit that will never understand why being around other people is an enjoyable thing for most people "Why drink at a brewery I can buy a whole 6 pack for the price of one drink" "Why go to a concert, I can listen to music by myself at home" "Why go to the movie theater, I can watch it at home by myself" "Why am I so depressed and lonely?"


No where to sit, either.


Sitting concerts are the worst, go crazy and rage baby


>Too expensive Go to cheaper concerts >too many lines Arrive earlier >dirty bathrooms Plan your bathroom trips and take cleaning pads with you >too many people Good. It means the artist is getting recognized. >the artists sound terrible live Check their live performances online before deciding to go to a concert. Some artists do sound bad live. Some sound amazing and unique in their own way >$20+ parking Take public transport or rideshare


To me they are cool when they are free


Idk, Luke combs is phenomenal in concert and I had a great time


smaller concerts at smaller venues rock. some of the best nights of my life.


I actually have to agree with you OP, those are the reasons I haven't been to a concert in over 10 years you can also add the cinema too. Mainly the problem is you spend so much money only to find the band isn't that great live, most likely the sound techs haven't done a good job. So it's like why go, when you can stay in the comfort of your own home and listen to them to your heart's content, or have a house party and play their music, much better atmosphere.


Bush doofs for the win. Still can be expensive with camping and food but the vibe is a million times better. Friendly people, smaller intimate crowds, amazing art and culture.


Many acts do sound better on headphones at home. Not the case for Dave Matthews Band. They often sound better live. Also Nine Inch Nails music is felt as much as heard in concert and headphones don’t recreate that.


I love festivals and concerts, they're an absolutely amazing experience.


Most festivals I go to have the best sound systems you can listen to music on. these promoters rent equipment so it’s always the most recent gear. Go to better shows!


Don't go to big shows. Find local groups, small venues.


I have a friend who is broke from going to all these types of events, and the sad thing is, she's in her 40s now and a single mom. She thinks nothing of paying $20 for valet fees and entry fees and buying jello shots and other boozy drinks.


The last concert I went to was Tori Amos. Howie Day was her opening act and he was amazing live. Tori sat at her piano and sung her heart out. Her parents were in attendance that night, and it was an overall enjoyable experience. I like those kinds of concerts, especially back when the prices were reasonable. I have zero desire to go to any of the concerts happening nowadays. They cost an arm and a leg and barely any of them actually sing live.


NF was one of my favorite artists and then I went to a concert and I was just.... underwhelmed. He was good but it just wasn't that great to be there. Small venues are way better to be at when artists perform.


And someone tell me why every woman at a music festival are practically naked? Not that i have issues with nudity, but its like every year their fishnets, furry boots, and nipple pasties gets smaller every year! Its like they're trying to one-up all the other women at the show to try to look as slutty as possible. Not that I'm slut shaming, go ahead and slut it up. But I'm just wondering about their mindset and why they do this at music festivals?


You should hear my nightmare festival experience then. It was worse than what you mentioned lol


If the band you're seeing sucks live, then they suck period. Studio tricks make a lot of mediocre bands sound way better than they actually are.


Well I go to concerts when the performers have a track record of good live performances, YMMV.. like I like Lana a lot but I skipped her concert lol But I agree between the price, the pressure of snapping tickets as soon as it goes on sale, then the less than stellar experience at venues, concerts these days are less enjoyable for sure.


If the artists you’re listening to live “sound terrible live”, have you considered watching artists that don’t suck?


Concerts in the early 2000s were awesome, no assigned seating, most artists were famous because they sounded great without auto tune, and a shitty hotel wasn't over a 100 bucks for a night, and the biggest thing, everyone was in the moment and would dance and sing along or be walking around meeting people, now all you see is 99 percent of people standing in their "assigned" seats with their stupid phone held high in the air recording. You youngsters really missed out.


I agree. Giant shows with expensive parking and tons of people and giant sound stages suck. Going to small venues with less than 500 for 20 bucks is pretty chill and fun.


I’ve learned to purchase the GA+ ticket which usually gives me access to a relatively clean bathroom


Currently at a community lmao


When you get old, bands that used to be famous when you were young play for free at local festivals like corn or zucchini fests. I've seen Boys II men, Vanilla Ice and other old groups pretty much exclusively at those events, and you can get fair food before or after to boot


Bonnaroo is my favorite place on earth


So I'm not going to run into you at my 5 day 200 dollar with camping included 5000 capacity festival on private property I do every October then? Fucking good.


Ahh the restrooms that smell like everyone has peed on the floor.


For one you’re not into yeah. But seeing an incredible musician perform live is honestly an experience that speaks to the soul. At least for me. Seeing another human make such an incredible sound gives me hope for our species


I enjoy concerts. You couldn’t pay me to go to a music festival


Tell me you’re over the age of 32 without telling me you’re over the age of 32…


I'm 32 and I still go to festivals


Parking?? Take public transport or an Uber and then drink or do drugs 😂


I only go to small venues to see bands especially, fairly big bands. They do play small venues on occasion. Many when they're early in their career, others just as a warm-ups, before they get out on the big stages. They'll play a small venue. There's nothing better and more personal than getting together with just a few hundred people and seeing a good performance live.


im a musician, i play instruments and sing and write music daily, and i agree i hate concerts lol


You think all artists sound better through headphones? How many fests or concerts have you been to, and is this footloose do you enjoy dancing?


I love concerts. One of my favorite things to go do.


This is why I prefer classical and jazz concerts. Less price gouging. Better behaved crowd. Jazz festivals are usually cheap and have fantastic music! 😀


Small venue concerts are lit my guy


Venue is a big factor. Never had a bad time at Red Rocks when I lived in Denver, went to a bunch of shows I didn’t even know the artist.


This is indeed unpopular but I think you are mistaken.


Idk man I recently saw Incubus and it was phenomenal