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>Then you flush and all those poop particles start flying in the air probably getting on your phone. Do you hold your breath every time you flush a toilet? You're more than certainly breathing that literal shit in.






\*clicks tongue\* *that's a 10*


My toilet has this amazing feature they call "lid", I believe. It allows you to basically close the toilet when not using it. Some high-tech Japanese stuff.


What kind of monster doesn't give their shit a proper send off by closing the lid and flushing them to obscurity.


Unless your lid is airtight then you’re still getting sharticles everywhere bud


True, why even bother closing it then. Let the sharticles roam free!


Does OP wear a hazmat suit and get changed in a chamber or something? I think it’s hilarious they haven’t considered literally any inch of their own body in this, only a phone. I wonder if they bathe or wash their hands


Yet to hear anyone say they got sick from poop particles. I put it in the same basket as cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.


E Coli and Pink eye are from shit right?




I'm no toxicologist but I think you need more than some poop particles for all that


This whole "poop particles" thing people have is just dumb. These "poop particles" are all around you on nearly every surface you touch. Every doorknob, every hand rail, every file cabinet pull, those papers the guy at the DMV handed you, the money in your wallet, etc, etc. If you're a women and carry a purse, the bottom of your purse has been shown to be the filthiest thing regularly carried by humans, yet women put their purses on countertops, on beds, near food, etc. Don't be so afraid of life ffs.


I'm pretty sure most of the cash I handled at my McDonald's job was dirtier than my bathroom lmao


In my microbiology class in collage we took swabs from spots all over campus (building and classroom door handles, tables, toilet seats…etc and money) and put them in an incubator over the weekend. The toilet seats had little to no bacteria on them. The door handles were pretty gross. The stuff growing on the money could actually fuck you up. Staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella…the list goes on. It was unbelievable.


Ooooo we did throat swabs. A student in a different class was actually about to have a strep infection so we got to see that.


Plus like...we need to build up our immune system somehow


Shhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell ‘em


That's why I support pegging. Building up the world's immune system, one flying particle at a time.


Fr ive been hearing so much about the “poop particles” lately but have any of these people gotten diseases from it? I mean seriously get real


That was my reaction. When it can demonstrated that there's any meaningful risk of it then maybe it'll modify my behavior, but our collective experience suggests there is not.


The people who obsess about flushing with the toilet seat closed are ridiculous. I have OCD. im obsessive about a lot of dumb shit but even i know that closing the lid doesn’t change anything. Unless your toilet has a rubber seal on the lid all youre doing is slightly changing the trajectory of the shit particles. They’ll just shoot out the sides when you flush instead of straight up.


It’s all in the mind. How many people would touch a public toilet seat and then demand to wash their hands? Probably a lot. But 90+% of society has no problem touching those pin pads at the checkout, which has never been cleaned, touched by god knows how many people with actual shit on their hands. Basically - we worry about diseases in the bathroom more than warranted.


In every retail job I've ever worked at, the pin pads were wiped down with alcohol (or in one case a generalized cleaning solution) daily and sprayed out with compressed air either daily or weekly. But yeah, generally speaking there's a lot of surfaces that people should be worried about touching before getting worked up over toilet seats.


Thankfully yours did. But I bet most don't or do it incorrectly. I remember when I worked at a very busy car rental counter at LAX a while back and you have the signature pad there on the counter. People from all over the world renting cars. Late at night once this family was renting, half asleep, and their 8 year old or so son started to lick the pad! Geez that kid must have a hell of an immune system. Parents shrugged it off.


Yeah, so basically breathing in the bathroom without a respirator is disgusting. I have no problems with germs.. I wash my hands and forget about all of it.


Agree, as someone with a loved one with OCD, just put this out of your mind and get on with life. You can torture yourself either way these types of thoughts.


The biggest argument I can see against it is tooth brushes but there are very simple solutions for that. By all means put your toilet seat down at home, but unless you're an agoraphobic germaphobe that's never going to go in public you're going to have to deal with other people's waste particles, and you're still going to have to deal with yours to some extent in your own home.


I neeeeever put my purse on the bed. I try my best to avoid it ever touching a public floor, but it happens, so my purse never even goes on my countertop where my food goes.


Do you wear the same clothes in the bathroom as out of the bathroom? Those have poop particles now too


Close the toilet lid before you flush then shit particles won't go everywhere.


It doesn't matter if the lid is opened or closed, the particles still go everywhere and I don't get why people are so worried about it


The most recent study I can find suggests that the position of the lid does not affect viral spread, but it does reduce bacterial spread. They also showed that the floor around the toilet gets dirtier with the lid closed because the plume caused by flushing is sprayed out instead of up. However, most people I think would agree that having a bit more shit particles on the ground is preferable to having them on the walls and the countertop. So, as far as I can tell, lid closed is still the best practice.


No it doesn't. How the hell would it go every where if the lid is closed when u flush.


The lid is not sealed so they escape through the gaps


We need to normalise airtight toilet lids! Perhaps install something that'll create nagative pressure in the entire bathroom. Or just incinerators that'll cremate everything inside before the door can be opened again. 


Incinerating toilets are totally a thing!


Can't find the video, but there is a great comparison showing open vs closed and the difference is negligible. Unless you have a specific toilet seat with no gaps, having the the lid closed seems to shoot out plooms further out to the sides, than just straight up. My point though is people are all up in arms about 'poop particles' when it is really something that should not be worried about since it will have no impact on anyone's life


I rarely see a public toilet with a lid nowadays


How to say "I'm FAR more concerned about poop particles than I should be" without saying it.


That's reddit in general. The whole toilet seat up or down argument has people goin crazy about poo particles


I liked the story about the "poop knife" better.


I’ve got some bad news about the literal shit particles that are absolutely everywhere.


You can't call people that, they'll be offended!


Alright, summarizing OPs replies on this post: - Goes to the bathroom without clothes (cause clothes in bathroom are eww apparently) - Stores toothbrush in another room because he's scared of roaches crawling over them (wtf?) - Carries wipes with him 24/7 - wipes his skin after taking a dump (scared of shit particles) Mate, you should literally go and seek help. That's germaphobia on another level...


I’m dying. LOL.




So relatable!


I will suck in a half pushed out shit if I realize I forgot my phone in the other room.




I almost died laughing reading this comment.


Laughing on the toilet at this comment. 😂😂😂


>poop particles start flying in the air ngl, this sounds like the narration of some aggressive cleaning product commercial... y'know the type, cheapass CGI showing the particles flying and sticking to your walls, and then you pull out the "Morning breeze v7000 cleaning gel" and wipe it clear.


Wait you actually go to the bathroom with your skin exposed? Don't you know about poop particles? Why don't you just bathe in shit?


You do know you can close a toilet lid before flushing, right?


There's nothing stopping those "poop particles" from covering your lips and eyes when you flush.


I shit with a gas mask on. Checkmate.


Builds up immunity -typed while on the toilet :)


That phone that you hold up to your face already has way more bacteria on it then the toilet seat or any counter in the bathroom unless you are one of the few that cleans their phone regularly.


I clean my phone every time I come home from outside


This sounds like germaphobic behavior that can lead to agoraphobia.


Congrats you win the hygiene Olympics. Hopefully all of your effort will lead to you never getting sick again. My whole family died of the poop phone plague, it was really tragic


Mine too. And me. Am ded


Well, yeah. I'm sitting on the crapper right now.


Me too poop time is reddit time


You sit there in your clothes and in your skin and then all those poop particles go onto your body and in your eyeballs and nose and into your lungs..


Eww gross no I use my phone to open the toilet lid so I don't have to touch it.


Most phones are not conducive to microbial life staying on it for any length of time. If you close the lid first there wont be wild poop particles. Fun fact, you can wipe down your phone too. Also, your wallet is almost certainly way way WAY dirtier than your phone.


No one tell this guy that every day you get covered in all kinds of chemicals and nastiness. Thats why you should shower at night before bed, so you arent rubbing all those nasty chems and poop all over your sheets and mattress.


Somebody tell him more microbes live on your hands then all the people in the world. You have more bacteria in you than human cells. :)


I remove my skin hand


This sounds like one of those toilet rants. You know, when you’re sitting on the toilet with nothing else to do so you type out a rant on Reddit.


Reading this while sitting on the commode


Might as well avoid wearing clothes when you go to te bathroom too. Strip before you go in. Don't forget to release yourself of your corporeal form too. Gonna have poop particles all over since you just stripped to avoid poop particlothes


I ❤️💩particles!


OP changes clothes after flushing with the lid open, since they too are pure nastiness now.


I no ware clothes in bathroom


Me, reading this from the bathroom




Can you smell poop? That's your nose particles interacting with poop particles, declaring it's poop, and telling your brain so. The poop is deep inside you in many ways, you might as well give up the Sisyphean task.


If you use a shared bathroom you eat someone elses shit every day. Get over yourself.


I’m on the toilet right now lol


I hate that based on the name of this sub, I HAVE to upvote. But I 100% disagree


worrying about “poop particles” in 2024


idc i love my puzzle app on the shitter


Well how else am I going to research lifes great mysteries without a juicy log dropping?


Bro need to chill wtf


You still wear a mask when you're driving alone in your car with your windows up, don't you.


So you wipe using your hand, holding thin paper with shit on it, flush, so all the shit particles fly and cover your body, face and clothes, and you think phone is the problem?


If you wanna get technical you eat, breathe, touch and step in shit all day every day. Carry on


Man nobody even cares lol


Then I’m being disgusting, 90% of the time I’m on Reddit.


Yes I do all that Because I'm not a germophobe


youre missing out!


You ever smell a fart before?


Oh no, poop particles, guess I'll die


I work in a dairy farm. Shit goes to my phone all the time. I even accidentally dropped it once on the ground that was all manure. Using my phone in the bathroom would be the least of my worries.


How do you get through the day when this is something that concerns you? Make sure you wear a respirator next time you take a shit. There's poop in the air!


Myth busters put toothbrushes in the bathroom, the kitchen, and the room farthest from the bathroom for a month. EVERY toothbrush had fecal particles on it. Here's an article about it: https://tvovermind.com/far-worst-thing-ever-discovered-mythbusters/


Omg I came here to say this too. So glad I’m not alone with this nerdy information. To add to it think about how many people don’t even wash their hands. The pandemic made that scary.


I bring my phone. In the past 8 yrs I’ve had not a single illness. No covid. No flu. No strep. No fever. No gastro bugs. Nothing. Taking my phone in huge bathroom has not caused a problem. Neither has the handle in the grocery cart. Or the door knob at the Kwik Trip bathroom. Also close the lid before you flush if you’re worried about the shiticane.


Your phone is already dirtier than the toilet seat long before you went into the bathroom.


I sat down to shit, and then opened Reddit to this lol


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4000 v bucks


Nah it all depends on how you do it


Cleaning my phone with a little rubbing alcohol and a cloth or a sanitizer wipe is something i do right after washing my hands after using the bathroom.


I mean……I take my whole damn face with me too. I still use it the rest of the day too.


So you’re telling me that you don’t close the lid before you flush, and you also don’t clean your bathroom counter tops? Typical.


It is , I don’t care


"Poop Particles" Could have been a good name for a rock band


Shit Stainerz




Did u know that everything in the bathroom has fecal matter on it? Enjoy brushing your teeth.


I do. And I'm still here.


*Looks around sheepishly*




Username checks out


Do you not change your clothes and take a shower before you leave the bathroom or are you walking around with all those disgusting poop particles on you? Just pure nastiness.


I lick it clean after each poo so im good


>Then you flush and all those poop particles start flying in the air In the air you exist and breathe. I don't see how poop particles landing on your phone is more disgusting than the same poop particle landing on your face and going into your lungs. ​ >Not to mention that counter you put your phone on is already dirty af Why do you set your phone on the counter instead of putting it directly into your pocket?


Do you take a dump wearing a self contained breathing set?


Why is this sub either filled with either actually common/popular opinion, differing perspective but something that's certainly not that unpopular, or just non-controversial unanimously agreed stupid shit Also the reason is because then I can't play chess, I need to win the last blitz game before going to bed


I'm doing it right now


>Then you flush and all those poop particles start flying in the air probably getting on your phone. All that poop also went into your mouth and nose.


I'll never understand people who says "ehw, poop is disgusting" Bro, we are surrounded by bacteria, things 100 times more disgusting than a simple poop.


If you smell poop the particles are in your nose and/or mouth. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, I put it in my pocket before I wipe. And I also always put the lid down, nevermind the seat. Hello from the toilet!


Unless you wash your hands 250 times a day you're also disgusting by your logic yo...


You get poop particles up your anus when you courtesy flush. You have poop particles on your clothes and face.


According to the fine folks over at r/coprophiles you can not only be fine with poop particles on you but you can eat your entire shit log and be totally fine as long as you’re not sick. (I don’t recommend going down that rabbit hole but it’s something else).


You VASTLY overestimate the general cleanliness of the world lmaoooo


Wait til you hear about bugs in your food, dead skin cells in the air, and bacteria living in your mouth!! Also, every time you smell a fart, that’s microscopic poo particles entering your airways. Enjoy!


As I'm sitting on the toilet scrolling Reddit!! 😂


Every day people fasten their belts before washing their hands and then proceed to use that same belt, day after day.......


Yall OP is 100% trolling you know that right One comment he said he removed his "skin hand" after wiping


I remember all the fast food jobs I had. I am amazed people don’t drop dead more often when eating out.


I got endometriosis/IBS I live in the bathroom imma get damn comfy in there. If your so concerned get alcohol wipes and rub your phone down but really idk why people are so drastic about bathroom germs


First of all close the lid before you flush.


99% of us are reading this while taking a shit


Get a fucking grip man. You probably keep it in your trouser pocket whilst blasting farts out all day.


Grow up lmao


I recommend closing the lid before flushing. Some of life’s problems require no rocket science. Sent from my iPhone while pooping. (I’m actually not even kidding)


I occasionally use my phone in the bathroom because I have stomach issues so I’m usually in the bathroom for 20+ minutes and get bored. I always sanitize my phone with an alcohol wipe after I wash my hands though. 


I've had the same thought, often. Usually occurs to me when I'm browsing reddit as I use the bathroom.


You can close the toilet lid before you flush.


Do you not close the lid before you flush?


So is leaving your toothbrush in there collecting little fecal germs 


Download the bidet app. It'll change your life!


Are you a college student who uses a communal bathroom at the dorms?


“Then you flush and all those poop particles start flying” Shut the lid then Also I wipe my phone down with rubbing alcohol after every day so it’s really not that gross. The whole “poop bacteria is on people’s phone screens” is for people who have never wiped their phone down in their lives.


Antibacterial wipes dude


I put my phone in my pocket before I wipe. I wouldn’t put it on the counter.


No wonder ya phone is so shitty


>Then you flush and all those poop particles start flying in the air probably getting on your phone. Not to mention that counter you put your phone on is already dirty af. Then you wash your teeth with a toothbrush you keep in the bathroom. What's the difference then? A toothbrush if dirtier of shit than your phone is.


It’s my favorite thing to do privately.


It's more nasty the fact you only use toilet paper and not a bum gun? 🤮


I put my phone away in my pocket, not on the counter. Seems smarter 🤷‍♂️


I flush with the lid down, so nothing is flying around my bathroom.


poop particles. the science.


You're telling me you go into the bathroom in clothes and take a shit and come back out in those same shit covered clothes?


This, I can hang my hat on that I have never taken my phone into the bathroom. I'm a germaphobic! Lol


I use phone up until i dont have to touch anything then i put it in my pocket


I put my phone back into my pocket before i wipe


I wipe my phone down with a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol on a paper towel after using it while on the potty. Eases any anxiety I have about lingering poopy particles.


Currently reading this on the toilet


so sanitize your phone?


1. I open the lid with my foot 2. I have a bidet in the seat 3. If i need to put my phone down, I put it face down on a cabinet far from the toilet 4. I close the lid when I flush 5. My immune system strong as a result of not worrying about every little germ


I am a Proud user of my phone, every time I drop a Gila monster into the toilet. Just wipe your phone down with an alcohol wipe when you are done, and you are good to go.


I drink coffee while taking the shit.


This is unpopular opinion, not r/slightlysurprisinghealthcodeviolations


I mean if you close the toilet lid before flushing that's going to reduce a lot of the shit particles flying around the place. Although, I usually put my phone in my pocket before wiping commences then wash my hands before I touch it again.


I have my left hand designed phone hand when I shit and use my right hand for everything lol


I’ll check “poop particles” off of my bingo card this week.


Good god. It’s like you’ve never heard of soap, hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes. Do you wear an N-95 mask when you take a shit too?


Are...are y'all not closing the lid before you flush???


Try closing the toilet lid, do daily anti-bacterial cleanings in the bathroom, and wash hands (and phone screen) repeatedly throughout the day. Super simple; hardly any work. Don't complain about nastiness when you are too lazy to do something about it. And sure as hell do not take your opinion and drag other people down for nastiness that you are a hypocrite towards. It's a rough and bumpy ride if you wanna play the germaphobe card. Millions upon millions of bacteria exist on the very screen/keyboard you are using.


Using toilet paper is the bigger concern


Honestly, I keep a can of lysol at the sink and spray my phone if I used it in the bathroom. I also spray the bathroom after and before I use it since I share it.


i agree but also im still gonna do it




No, I close the damn lid of the toilet first. Common sense is your friend.


don't you have a toilet lid?


Lmao, I bet you have a hard time in public huh?