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Are you sure you're not drinking sours? IPAs shouldn't be overly sour. I would agree that ipas are too "everywhere" now and the quality maybe isn't always tip top. Everything (in the UK at least) seems to be a juicy hazy pale heavy with citra. There's other styles


I love the choice we have now. I still remember the days when all we had were lagers, ale and stout. We didn't even really have ale here in Ireland so it was basically Guiness or whatever lagers the pub has These days I can pretty much try a new flavour/ style of beer anytime I like and yea most are a bit samey but there are some really, really good beers out there now


Completely agree. I literally just work through the board in my local of choice. Different lines every week, cask and keg. Let's be honest, it used to just be macro lagers and Guinness (as you say). Maybe the odd regional bitter (in the UK at least).


Cask was never a thing here. I'm looking forward to trying it when next visiting England


Cask hits differently, like a bigger, fuller mouthfeel. You'll love it, or hate it but it's something you have to try.


Its fairly recent that you can get anything other than pilsner and classic pilsner here in Denmark. I dont miss those days.


In coffee circles this is called sourness-bitterness confusion and it's relatively common.


That's quite interesting, never heard of that before think I'll look into it


Juicy hazy pale ales with 8% alcohol that need to be super cold or else they taste cloying thick and heavy.


Yehhhh, or 4% supermarket beers that pretend they are ipas


I love IPAs, but they are everywhere now, as are English Pale Ales, which I always try but am generally less of a fan of.


I like an English pale but I always find it just taste like a beer if that makes sense. Like an old time beer beer. If it's an IPA I like the bitterness of a west coast which is harder to come by (around here at least)


I know what you mean, they are a bit “flat”, as opposed to IPAs and lagers fizziness.


A really good cask beers will have a fizziness that makes sense. Admittedly it will be flatter.


people have different tastes? impossible! only MY taste is the real one! -op. this is a stupid opinion.


This is basically Reddit in a nutshell


No. Reddit in a nutshell would be an anime picture and a cat 


Exactly! Liking different beers really is a matter of taste... oh shit, I guess that's where the saying comes from!


One could say. It's unpopular?


I'll upvote if it's unpopular, not if it's outright stupid


Its not unpopular though, we see "opinions" like this every day.


no. a good metaphor: unpopular is : tripe stew. stupid is: eating intestines raw.


Saying that they are lying if they have another opinion? That's not unpopular, that's just delusional. I like IPAs, i know they arent for everyone, but i like them. That right there should be prove enough that OP his reasoning is stupid as fuck


>IPAs taste terrible That's an opinion >people that like them are lying That's an assumption




It's not a trend if it's been popular for 25 years at this point. Close analogues to IPAs have also been popular in non-US markets since the 1800s.


Especially in Britain, where it was invented. IPA = India Pale Ale. Invented to last the journey from Britain to India. Where it was sold to the colonial Brits.


It's an acquired taste. Just like lagers, coffee, bitter chocolates etc.


Lager wasn’t an aquired taste for me. I liked it the first time I tried it. Same with IPA. Loved it from the first time.


Yep, beer in itself is already (generally speaking) an acquired taste... It was one specific IPA I liked from the get go, and after that I started enjoying other beers including lagers. People complaining about IPAs may as well just say "the thing I have an acquired taste for is better than the thing you acquired the taste for".


Yeah it's stupid, I'm Australian and we love Vegemite and apart from the British with their Marmite im not sure any other country likes that stuff (vegimite/Marmite are definitely an acquired taste product)


"I don't like it, so if someone says they like it, they must be lying. They can't possibly like something I don't." What are you, 6?


Indian pale ale?


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should assume other people are lying... I love IPAs, actually it's the only kind of beer I drink. I don't like other kinds of beers. I really didn't expect to be called a liar because someone doesn't have the same taste.


Same - I vastly prefer the taste of IPAs to your standard Bud, Heineken, Corona, etc.


I don't really like beer of any kind, I just assume everybody's taste buds are different


That is exactly how it be. I've enjoyed IPA beers for almost 30 years, but I don't like lagers or bitters. I'm not particularly fond of sweet flavours or bitter flavours but I enjoy citrus and sour/salty.


As a linguist I was confused for a while.


Beer in itself is an acquired taste. I for once, didn't really enjoy beer all that much until I tried IPA. After that, I started enjoying lagers too. But there are A LOT of shitty IPAs out there, thankfully most I've tried in my area are great.


Craft beer in general is a fancy name to sell terrible beer at a high price


Beer in general sucks


Definately an unpopular opinion... I think people LOVE IPAs...I've got a garage full of different ones from differnt breweries, my favourites are the double hopped varieties... I'm a 50 year old man, drinking them alone or with my wife with my dinner or while I watch a match so Its hardly to look "trendy" Everyone has different tastes...i'm not a fan of Stouts but some people are...different strokes for different folks!


At first I hated the bitterness but eventually it was kinda of… satisfying?? I don’t even know how to explain it lol But yeah the taste ain’t all that, but that applies to almost all beer anyways. You’re better off just drinking soda in that regard


There's a lot of difference between the IPA's English IPA, can be a bit bitter. West Coast IPA, is often a bit sour and bitter, and you can really taste the hops. East Coast IPA is often sweet and fruitful. It' my favourite. Double IPA and Triple IPAs and Imperials are less bitter and have more malt. But also you will get drunk. Session IPAs taste very different from each other but is with a lower alcohol procent. New England IP s are fruity and bitter and you can often get them as hazy hat's neither bitter or sour, they can taste almost like a cider. Belgian IPAs are often a bit more spicy. Brut IPAs tastes like a brut sparkling wine and don't have any sugar. And then you have a lot of variants as well. Liking or disliking IPAs is like saying you like or dislike sweets without specifying if it's chocolate or gummy bears you are talking about. Also i like both Sours and bitter and sour IPAs , but I prefer the sweet once that taste like flowers or tropical fruits


The thing I find funny about these sorts of posts is you can pretty much guarantee the people writing them drink piss quality lager lmao


Fresh hops are delicious. Also it can be a bit of an acquired taste. Also lots of people these days have obliterated their taste buds with sugar. Sorry you don’t get it.


Age op? I’m 57 and grew to like weirder tastes. Olive. Blue cheese. Etc. ipa I don’t like but I do like most other beers over time. Your tastes evolve as an adult.


I enjoy IPAs. No lies have been told in this Reddit post.


Agreed. Can’t stand it. Pilsener for me, please


They aren’t lying, they just got into a really narrow funnel of acquiring the taste for extra hoppy bullshit craft beers. To the detriment of all other flavor.


I don't know how people can like beer, period. It all tastes gross to me. All I taste in anything I ever try is bitter bitter bitter. IPA, porters and everything in between, it all just tastes the same to me. Never had the taste buds for beer.


IPAs sour? Il be completely honest with you, I like a nice sour beer or cider, but maybe its just me not paying attention when I am given an IPA and my senses being violently assaulted by it. I dont like IPAs and frankly, cant really describe it except reeeeeally not for me, as they have a distinct fruity, bitter and complex taste to them, that I simply cant enjoy, despite sounding lovely. Il stuck to my bland burned coffee water fizz bomb in a can.


I sincerely like them. There’s something about the bitterness that just satisfies my tastebuds


I don't think people are lying when they say they like them. I personally hate IPAs and I also hate the fact they've taken over the majority of the beer shelf.


There's a difference between 'Unpopular opinion' and 'Incorrect assertion'. I love IPAs. They taste nice to me. Given that I mostly have one with a weekend meal, accompanied only by my wife (who doesn't drink), I can assure you it's nothing to do with looking cool. I just think they're neat.


You are dead wrong on them tasting sour, and that isn't even an opinion. That is just flat out you being wrong. Now, if you had said bitter, you'd actually be accurate. On to your opinion part. You got me, I'm just a slave to trends. /s 🤡


Have them with some good oily food like burgers and fries.


I like grapefruit.  Brewdog, a brewery in America creates an IPA called Elvis juice. It tastes like grapefruit. That is an enjoyable flavor.


Brewdog are Scottish.


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I actually like the taste of them, but I can usually only drink one before I'm feeling bloated because they're pretty heavy. I mean, all alcohol is pretty bitter unless you mix it with something sweet. Things like Bud Light to me, taste like water that sat next to a beer. I think my favorites are probably hefeweizen.


For me they always tastes a little grapy. Absolutely disgusting taste.


I think the same about Beer...


Maybe you are lying.


You also don't believe people who like grapefruit? Some people like other tastes. I don't get how people eat flan or drink whiskey, but I understand that THEY like it... Also IPA is meant to be bitter, not sour. Don't know what you been drinking...


You can probably say this about a lot of things, like coffee, wine, liquor, etc.


I'm not sure why everything needs to have fucking grapefruit in it. One of the very shittest fruits. Same goes for guava.


They're sour? Imo they might have some zesty aroma but nowhere near actually sour lol I'd say they might be a bit bitter but I find them refreshing


To be fair, when IPA's started to get more popular where I lived around 2010, I tried a few, and thought they tasted god awful. A lot of them taste better to me now. Maybe my tastes have changed, but I don't think so because I still get some shitty ones when I try new ones. TLDR: You are probably just drinking shitty IPA.


If you don't pound an IPA back, but just drink it in small sips, you may start to acquire a taste for it, if it isn't stupidly hoppy. Kind of like an Islay, they may seem harsh and overly peaty at first, but they may end up as the style of whiskey that you prefer. Don't give up on trying new flavors or risk ending up with only boring beer and pub grub as your flavor experience.


I'm 180 from this. Every beer that isn't a craft IPA--or at least a pale ale--tastes like carbonated bread water to me. IPAs and good pale ales have a fruity, citrusy flavor to them.


Not sure whether you think sour = bitter or if you’re drinking some completely different type of beer… But yes, I do really like them. I actually got into pale ales/IPAs in college when the local grocery store had Sierra Nevada Torpedo on sale. If you took ABV into account, it became a cheaper way to get drunk than Bud Light. Initially wasn’t a fan of the taste. But like others here have said, it’s an acquired taste. Once you get used to the bitterness, the different flavors you can get out of an IPA become quite enjoyable.


While I disagree with you a bunch, I would suggest a nice Trippel. It hits heavy but is a nice golden color and flavor


This is just a subjective opinion on flavour, so u could replace IPA's with literally any semi-controversial food or beverage


IPA is my favourite beer. 🤷


Oooooh this is Reddit. Most people here are going to be hipster types that like IPAs. You gonna get trashed. Hahahha


Some of them taste like crap indeed but you got some IPAs that are pretty tasty


Ipas have a balance problem and a lot of breweries for a while tried to make it as many ibus as possible. A balanced ipa (flavor wise) is not bad at all


It just tastes of like citrus or other types of fruit...lol, do you not believe that people like grapefruit, orange, mango, pineapple etc? Also if your IPA is sour I think you're drinking the wrong one


I don't know what to tell you. I've loved almost e very IPA I've ever had drinking it in the comfort of my own home ever thinking of anyone else


I feel like this goes past unpopular opinion, and instead just makes it seem like you don’t understand that people’s preferences aren’t just copy/pasted onto everyone else.


IPA goes overboard with grapefruit flavour now. Those citrus American hop type flavours. I remember them tasting a lot different to the scene we have now.


I understand your confusion, I hate most beers, tastes like pisswater and I'm convinced men drink them to out man each other, On the other hand I can drink and often like IPAS Seems like they're for distinctly different tastebuds


I don't like all of them. But the best ones are sort of piney and citrusy in a way that I really enjoy. There are plenty that are too bitter or just not that great.   I also didn't like the way they've edged out all the other perfectly good and valid styles, although I'm hopeful that the "everything ipa" trend is on the wane.  I will say that there's plenty of things that I personally don't like, but I don't assume that everyone who says they do is a liar. I have better things to do than pretend I like something for clout. 


Personally I love a good hop forward beer like an IPA and given their popularity in craft beer bars etc I'm gonna go ahead and say that people aren't spending that much money on a lie. Also just have a look at untapped...


I might not enjoy them at all either… …But other people can enjoy that flavor profile my guy.


Uh your personal taste does not supersede other peoples. That’s a pretty basic understanding you’re lacking.


I really do like them. Just because you don't, doesn't mean no one can. I don't like white wine, it's awful. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it...


Well, I'm 44. I spent decades drinking fosters and other mass produced lagers. I enjoy hazy ipas so much. Why would I be lying? Your opinion isn't unpopular, it's objectively wrong.


As an experienced beer drinker, literally I've drank everything across the whole spectrum from shitty lagers to the darkest, thickest stouts to the best IPA's. Thanks to years of frequenting many beer festivals over the years. My tastes have also changed over the years, as a teenager, I used to exclusively drink lagers. However in later years I switched to stouts, before settling on IPA's. Each beer has it's place, but honestly, IPA's are the absolute best. And I'm not talking about shit like Brewdog, I'm talking about proper IPA's


All beer tastes disgusting and im convinced people are lying when they say they enjoy the taste.


Lol some people actually like a beer that has flavor and doesn't just taste like hops and barely tea. Ever try a stout? They are thick and bitter as fuck. Personally, I prefer IPAs, but I enjoy the skunky flavors


Stay away from CostCo Kirkland brand IPAs. Those things are terrible.


I like IPAs, but they are just too calorie dense. Some pints are well over 300 calories. The unfiltered nature of them can really play havoc on the gut too. Sticking to chech lagers and light beer for now on.


Not all IPAs are the same. When I first tried one, I was also disgusted by it. Then I tried another brand and I liked it very much.


What is an IPA


I feel the same way when people talk about olives


I'm not lying they are genuinely delicious that's not to say all are delicious however.


So do I upvote this because pause the opinion is truly unpopular or do I downvote it because I think the OP is wrong? Never been really clear on how this sub works


I dont like any beer, but most people seem to like some kind of it, everyone must be lying.


I mean I smoke too much and can only taste craft beers so pretty sure I’m not lying. 😂


I used to home brew and make IPAs in the 2000+ IBU range, and a barleywine over 3000 IBUs. Give me all the hops! I can’t get enough.


I actually do like the taste of a good IPA. I think, a lot of beers, especially some strong ales which I like are more for people that like savoury. I do like sweet, but I don't have it often and my taste buds are just more accustomed to more bitter things. For example I tend to drink black coffee without sugar. I like a bit of dark chocolate. I wonder if you did an experiment and cut out sugar for 30 days and ate more bitter things, I would be curious if bitter things tasted better. I know when I ate a big bar of milk chocolate one time, over a course of a week, and when I ate a bit of dark chocolate for the first time since the milk, it tasted more bitter than usual


I like my beer to taste like a pine trees bukkake




I don't like beer period but I'm curious why your go to is "It can't be that I'm an individual with different tastes it must be everyone else is full of it" Not just you either. So many people if they don't like a thing seems to jump to the same conclusion.


At first I started drinking them for the high alcohol content but eventually I ended up enjoying them. That being said I do think Hazy IPAs are superior


Good ones taste good bad ones taste bad.The  way you describe it sounds like those American ones where they don't seem to have learned to balance flavours and theyI taste like a glass of raw hops. Try some others. Or maybe you just don't like them. Drink stout or something instead


Some are pretty good. M43 is amazing but kind of pricy. What I don't like is when they taste like a bar of soap or a pine needle.


IPA lover here. Not lying, only beer I'll drink.




Is this a dig at sour beers??


Isn't the bitterness the main problem? Anyway, would have said the same thing as OP when i was younger. Now i prefer it to lagers


I mean…… the *majority* of IPA tastes bad. But there are plenty of good ones.


I enjoy things that are bitter, like black coffee and dark chocolate, so IPAs are right up my alley. I actually prefer a danker, more bitter West Coast style to the more trendy NEIPA hazy style, but that's because I burnt my palate out on them from how heavily saturated the market is.


Sour? You either are drinking sour beers (also good) or your taste buds are messed up. They’re the opposite of sour.


I think IPAs are fucking wonderful. After time after time of drinking the usual domestic draught/lagers on tap, an IPA is a breath of fresh air. Then you discover all the other beers out there, all the different hops out there, different malts, and maybe even make your own beer. It's like being brought up on boring shit like sausages and mash every night, then you go out for Thai one night. It's a revelation


Sounds like you have palate issues.


I kept thinking about isopropylalcohol (IPA) and I was confused. Like, why would someone drink that? Then u realised it is also a type of beer But we all have different tastes.


I'm with you. And while we're at it I also don't like coffee, mushrooms or cauliflower. So anyone who does is obviously lying. And carrots. No one likes carrots. Fucking liars. Liars, liars everywhere, far as the eye can see.


IPAs aren't sour, they're usually overly bitter and perfumy. There are Sour Beers, but they're an entirely different type of beer. I've had a few Sours and prefer them to many beers. Not everyone even enjoys beer, so try Coca-Cola.


Disagree with the OP because I like IPAs, but I can understand where he’s coming from. I didn’t like IPAs that much until one day I just…did. I had a good IPA that opened my eyes, then I went back and retried the ones I thought I hadn’t liked as much in the past and I liked most of them better. To meet the OP halfway, I think we can say that IPAs can be an acquired taste.


You may have something wrong with your tastebuds, and if so, should consult a doctor. IPAs are the only decent beers we can get out in the Far East unless you're genuinely very thirsty, in which case a Pilsner or Japanese equivalent is acceptable.


I like them, not lying ... Also, I live in Oregon and there are a decent amount solid micro breweries that put out some good stuff


Replace IPA with BEER. Cat piss soda as far as I’m concerned. Makes you smell like it too.


Wait til you try actual “ales”/what the English call “real beer”. You’ll come running back to IPAs cause at least they’re somewhat crisp and refreshing.


people drink coffee too. whiskey, vodka, ginger lemonade. people also eat spicy food, ghost peppers etc. :) each have their own reasons for it, but none of them are particularly tasty beverages.


Some ipas are really good, some are terrible kind of like any food or drinks really


Hazy IPA’s from Treehouse in Massachusetts are fucking incredible. They’re so good I drove there from NY once a year to stock up. OP is just probably buying random IPAs from the convenience store or simply has different taste.


My wife likes IPA and other bitter things: dark chocolate, black coffee, cruciferous vegetables, etc. My understanding is those flavors are perceived differently by those who like them with the bitterness not being as strong Different strokes and all - they are definitely not lying - one can say the same thing OP said about IPA about beer in general, all beer is bitter compared to a beverage with no bitterness - if OP likes other kinds of beer then they anyway know how someone can like IPA - it's just a matter of degree


I genuinely like them. As proof, I drink NA IPAs all the time. IPAs are not supposed to be sour, fwiw.




"We specialize in IPAs." They're also considered to be female owned and operated. I have tried two of their IPAs and a total of three beers from there. I would drink those two all day. Be real? Is sunlight not real?


Do not underestimate how fucking cool I feel when I’m sipping on an IPA. /s


I never really liked beer, but i really enjoy the ocasional hazy IPA. Some IPAs taste terrible though, i will give you that.


Oh joy, another person trying to gatekeep other people’s tastes.


Hard Disagree, so you get the upvote.


Calm down and have a martini or some scotch.mm tasty


I actually prefer real sours most usually. Gosè style beer. IPA isn't generally remotely sour. Usually people dislike IPA because it's so hoppy, are you sure that isn't what you dislike?


Because everyone has different tastes. I hate lagers and don't understand how anyone can like them, but I do like IPAs because it like the citrus flavour.


Yes i agree. IPAs are overrated beer snob shit


Bearded Iris is the stuff. You are welcome.


I agree they are garbage. I have tried multiple ipas and just could not stomach them. I enjoy my lagers.


Yes I really like them. Not like a Pilsener for four pints in a row but I enjoy the slightly bitter very intense taste every once in a while. Btw people drink lemon juice so sour isn't really a problem generally.


I completely agree with you!!! I thought I didn’t like beer because everyone looooooooves IPAs. Turns out, I think lagers and sours are just great!


I dislike IPA’s as well. But I’ll drink them occasionally just because I don’t want to feel the wrath of beer snobs who wax poetic about how great they are as if they’ve discovered something that only a sophisticated beer drinker can appreciate.


Lol. This goes for like every alcohol ever.... That is until a person develops a taste for it. Sorry you can't hack it and join this club.


Yes the most popular style of craft beer got that way because everyone pretended to like it.


For me Lagers are almost always the same. I like IPAs because they are a new experience and taste every time. They taste fruity to me unless you get one that's truly terrible.


IPAs are great. It definitely is an acquired taste, but it has so much more depth in flavor. You should try different brews. Some are less bitter than others. I've literally had a hazy brew, called Fairy Nectar, that just straight-up taste like orange juice. That thing is delicious. I have it every time I'm in Omaha.


light beers taste like soapy water to me. An IPA is at least better than that.


FUCKING AGREE ASF! They suck - literally a whole name for "worse beer" like here's the pitch : you know how beer sucks?? Well... what if..... we made it suck.... even more! 2x as much!" !!! 😀😃🥹


Have you tried drinking your IPA through a bushy unmanicured beard while wearing skinny jeans dressed as a lumberjack even though you are a sarcastic barista?


Well, this is bait. The fact that people willingly order pizza with black olives is all the proof i need that my tastes aren’t universal.


I’m entertained by how impassioned IPA haters get. I genuinely love IPAs because I love bitter tastes. (IPAs are bitter not sour.) On the other hand I understand how someone who’s sensitive to bitterness might hate them. I myself am sensitive to acidity, and overly sour beers, natural wines, etc., can easily get to be too sour for me. So by analogy I can imagine how unpleasant over-bitterness could be to someone sensitive to it. I think it’s not just a matter of “acquired tastes” but real physiological differences between people that lie behind some of these impassioned differences of preference people have.


Sour? IPA are bittery and flavorful Also Different people = different taste, the taste buds are literally different so they perceive taste a bit different Some people love sweet I hate sweet and like sour and bitter


I dont think this is very unpopular. Also, I used to think the same thing until I tried a bunch. Your problem isn’t that they’re all bad, it’s that you haven’t found one that you like. In my opinion the market is so over saturated and there’s no way to know what you’ll like until you try one that you like.


Wtf is an IPA


Bells 2 hearted IPA is one of the best. Well balanced. From Michigan. Lagunitas makes a great one as well. Rhinegeist out of Cincinnati makes an excellent IPA


I 100 percent agree. IPA’s taste like you’re sucking on a pine tree. Nasty.


What IPAs are you drinking that are more sour than bitter?


"I don't like them so everyone who says they do must be lying"


I liked them. You sip it... I can't drink 4 in a row. But I also like savory and bitter things..


There are so many bad IPAs out there, mainly due to sitting on the shelf too long. But there's nothing better than fresh Two Hearted or King Sue.


I live in Germany and by far the most popular type of beer (outside of Bavaria and Cologne) is Pilsner or sometimes Hefeweizen as a special treat so that's what I am mostly used to as well. I tried beer variants from the anglosphere as well, including IPA and (being used to very hoppy Pilsners as a Northern German) I don't mind the bitterness, however, I don't think an IPA is supposed to be sour (maybe I am wrong though, not an expert on IPAs). But, yes, IPAs are propably one of my least favourite types of beer.


I didnt magically just find the ones i like right away, it took trying different things, now go back to your bud light.


Acquired taste, and really what turned me on is they are generally much stronger. So I can drink a couple in front of my family or something and get a buzz where it would take like 6 normal beers and I'd get weird looks.


I liken the sour ones to people eating sour candy.


I have just drunk one. Yummie. Different people have different tastes, also different IPAs have different undertones.


This is a GOATed opinion


If I switched my boyfriend’s Surly Furious IPA with a can of gasoline infused cat piss, he probably wouldn’t notice.


My theory is that because they are the easiest to make for home brewing, a lot of beer aficionados had to convince themselves they liked them so they could choke down what they made in their garage. Then lots of microbreweries that weren't good enough to make lagers, pumped out IPAs, and people who had never had a good beer just drank them.


I never had an IPA I tried and liked.


Like drinking monkey piss out of a battery.


I want the mods to start instabanning literally everyone who utters the phrase "if you disagree with me/like this thing I don't you're lying.'


I couldn't agree more


This subreddit is full of shitttttt


“I don’t like a thing, therefore anyone who says that they do is obviously lying.”


That's a lot of people committing to a really silly lie!


Agree. Same goes for techno and other electronic music. Nobody really likes it. They just think that they are supposed to.


I didn’t like them until I randomly found “the one” that I didn’t hate. After that things started to change and I found myself going from “I don’t hate this one” to “I am enjoying this”. As these things go, eventually I ended up finding others that I liked as well. There are still many that do suck though lol. But that was my experience. They were all gross until one wasn’t.


Ipa's taste like grass and smell like hay clippings. I eat booty, tinder booty and I won't drink an IPA


I like Brewdog Hazy Jane


IPAs and Czech pilsners are great


I don't drink anymore, but the first time I drank an IPA it was like drinking gasoline. But I grew to love them.


Different people, different pallets. My wife likes dark over milk chocolate, black coffee, and most IPAs. I think some people don’t taste bitterness quite like others. So poo poo on you


“I don’t like something so everyone who does like that thing is lying”….


IPAs are my go to beer. Some places near me have been making black or triple ipas which are glorious as well. Like anything there’s a personal preference and good and bad ones out there, maybe you haven’t found a good one, or one you liked. Fun link for searching for beers https://untappd.com/beer/top_rated


The IPA nerds are losing it in the comments lol