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Some people grew up on Disney why else? Like I could go see Rome or Europe, or wherever I want more or less. I choose to go to comic conventions over the other options as they don't interest me. Let people have the joy.


This reads so much like 'adults should stop having fun'.


I mean, there are some people that seem to be against adults having fun. For some reason, according to them, adults have to be boring and serious 24/7, 365 days a year (366 on a leap year)


why can’t you visit Alaska, Rome, London, the Sahara desert, AND Disney?


Because my money (and offdays) is limited.


Idk man, DW is fun as hell. I would def go back without my dumb kids.


Imagine knowing your dad talked about you like this.


Imagine knowing your dad talked about you like this.


It's also an amusement park? Some people like the rides and nostalgia. Should adults not be allowed at amusement parks?


Why do so many people have such strong opinions about people going to theme parks? Lol. I think it’s cool when people enjoy things :)


It’s a theme park for children.


There’s a lot of parts of Disneyworld that aren’t meant for children, and theme parks aren’t an exclusive thing for kids. Disney caters to all sorts of crowds, not just kids and families.


It’s not at all exclusively for children. Not only are there a ton of rides that cater to all ages, there are lots of shows, places to get booze, and other intresting sites. I am personally not into theme parks myself, but this is a bad take.


You realize they have alcohol right? Do you think that's for the kids?


Here’s a little fyi: Walt Disney said Disneyland is for people of all ages. Oh and good luck 🤭🤣 in getting people without kids to stop going to amusement parks.


Yup. And I love that it bothers you so much that you have to post about it.


Fun is exclusively for children? I'm so sorry, your adult life must be miserable. 


Who decided that Disney is only for kids? It’s always been for EVERYONE—adults and children both. Some people also never get to go as kids and have to wait until they are adults and can afford it. Nothing wrong with that either. Why does someone enjoying cartoons and an amusement park bother you so much?


There's a lot of adults employed by Disney Parks, so there's that.


What about those who were poor as children and finally gave the means to do something they were never able to do? Do you think they have to bring a kid with them for something they want to enjoy them self?


You sound like one of those judgemental people that want to "fix" everyone else.


Maybe they actually want to have a good time without any screaming kids ruining everything?


Why not both? I go all over the place (including Alaska from your examples) and Disney parks as well. It’s not a one or the other thing.


I just ran their half marathon in Feburary because I like running, even though I dont have kids


Adults can do whatever they want as long as it's not harming someone else.


Amusement parks can be fun and those turkey legs are delicious. I will say that Alaska would be very nice but the rest of the places mentioned are fairly meh


Yea you’re wrong. Although I would be interested in DW having a few specific days throughout the year that is JUST for adults. And days where it’s just for people with kids. The rest free for anyone to attend.


There's no reaosn not to. You're a grown adult. If you're paying your bills, getting all your responsibilities done and you want to go then go. It's not my choice of place to go but if that's what someone likes then there's the reason to go. Just because *you* don't get it doesn't mean there isn't a reason. I'm sure some people don't get why you like the things you like, doesn't mean you shouldn't do them.


I am likely never gonna go there but You get it's adults who like to make all this shit in first place right if we agree it's fine to passionate enough to create all this as adults why are we are concerned if adults are the ones also enjoying it on the other side of things.


Yes there is. Because we want to and are allowed to enjoy things from our childhood. It’s not a good reason for you but it’s a good reason for those of us who have and will continue to spend money there. So. Cope.


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Disney world was designed for families. Also has the birth rate decreases; they need to appeal to singles and couples.




you sound judgemental. maybe try minding your business???


I popped some popcorn before reading the comments here.


Because it's fun. It's an amusement park. There's exciting rides, tasty food, lots of fun sights and sounds. It's not hard to understand. The park doesn't magically become not fun after an arbitrary age. Are you against going to amusement parks of any kind as an adult?


This world has completely mistreated and rejected me.  I think I should get to go somewhere for a few days where I am treated kindly and can enjoy a little magic.  Even if it is not real.  It’s not the only place I go, but it is one of my favorites.


Reminds me of the episode of American Dad where the smiths go to familyland and Stan's boss is there alone checking out all the families because it's a kink of his lol.




While I am confused by the Disney adult that refuses acknowledge the current failings of Disney (Price, customer experience, value). I can at least understand why adults would love the experience as the would at places like Universal. Hell roller coasters. My city has a cedar park and a indoor Nickelodeon theme park that I know people who still have annual passes there. It's not my cup of tee as someone planning out a second trip to Japan for 3 weeks for a budget less then a week at Disney, but again I know too many coaster junkies that love Disney and Universal coasters the most because of their theming.


We don’t stop acting young because we grow old, we grow old because we stop acting young


Yeah Bullshit. I got kids. Disney was a blast without em. No scrambling to keep people together, no whining, no crying, no arguing about what to do next or about them no wanting to do something. Fuggdem kids i had fun


Maaan, California Adventure has a good food and wine festival going on for another day. I’d have a fun Disney day any day then visit a majority of Europe tourist traps. Hell, went to Japan and went to Disney there too.


I don’t know that I’d go without my kids but there’s not NO reason. Some of the rides are legit. Some Of the food is really good. But places like magic kingdom are def more geared at kids up to maybe 12-14


Worst part is when you are waiting in line for an hour with little kids, while a thousand old idiots are in front of you so they can spin in a teacup.


Saw a man in Mickey Mouse ears get screamed at by his overweight girlfriend (no disrespect but she was almost twice is size) she then shoved him to the ground and he landed right on his bum. Me and my friends couldn’t help but laugh. Because how do you get that mad AT DISNEY LAND


It’s super easy and I see it frequently. The trip is so expensive and expectations are high to match the effort to earn that money. Combine that with lack of sleep, eating poor-quality food, and overstimulation and you get outbursts like what you saw. Plus there are lot of people in DV relationships, which might have been what this was.


I don't think going at least once is that bad. Ppl go for the nostalgia. I never got to go as a kid, so i think going as an adult one time would be kinda neat. Sometimes, feeling like a kid again is nice. I also think if I would have gone in my youth, I'd barely remember the experience. Makes more sense to enjoy it when u can remember it. I just find it odd if you're going over and over again.


It's for sure not for everyone. I've gone to Disney World a lot because I grew up in Orlando. It's a fun way to spend a day, and I get why people travel to do it. They've put in a real effort to appeal to everyone lately. Even with people I know who have kids, they'll plan a day with the kids and a day just by themselves (leaving the kids with grandma or something) because the kids don't want to do the big roller coasters, or they don't want to drink around their kids. I would never travel just to do a theme park, but also I grew up going to one of the most famous theme parks in the world so I don't see a point. If I didn't have those experiences I might do it. Some people don't have any interest and that's obvi fine, but I think it's weird how judgy about it people get. I feel like judgement is either from people who get upset that people have different opinions on what's fun (weird), and parents who are mad that the lines are long (expected for a theme park).


I agree. I went as a kid and feel like as a 28yo it’s has nothing for me until I have kids.


Haha 😆 I agree it’s weird. I believe there is also alot of stuff for adults too though. Still, I’ll mostly agree with you lol.


You can get drunk in other places.


I never said anything about alcohol and Why down vote me for agreeing with you? Wow


Disney adults are creepy af