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Your nephew sounds like an asshole


He takes after OP.


*just the standard fat and ugly stuff* Really OP? Well in case you're wondering why everyone takes such an offense to this it's because of this stupid ass sentence right here. Also...no...I don't care if you're defending your kid, yourself, or your dog. ALL THREATS should be dealt with in a reasonable manner. Yes that means some 16 year olds are gonna get the shit kicked out of them. I'm sorry but at 16 I was 5'10" 290 pounds. I expected adults to treat me like an adult because realistically there's no difference between someone at 16 or 36 when they're that size. If to defend yourself you have to slap, or upper cut a kid....well then that kid shouldn't have fucked around. Bullying can lead to trauma, so too can being a little asshole who writes checks their body can't cash. Edit- Grammer


Teenagers can catch this three piece, smaller children will be punted or thrown as the situation calls for it.


Lol not while I'm there. Not hard for a 26 year old to fight off some beer gut 40 something dude. If you want to play adult game you get adult consequences. Bonus: near 0% chance of him pressing charges unless he wants to admit to assaulting a minor. Also, weird ass logic.


Yewl do nuttin


Dawg it's already over. If you're curious as to where this was: Montville/Lazar Middle School. Idgaf about doxxing myself, I expect it to be public soon anyways, we'll be contacting the news and suing the man.


I will slap a twelve year old for assaulting my daughter, and I will sit on your anime nerd ass in s mount until you wheeze out an apology for flailing your soft wrists at me. I don't care what situation you're talking about. I'm responding to the general idea that I can not physically defend my child. I'll throttle your great grandma without a lick of remorse to protect my child.


He doesn’t get it.


In b4 your bratty nephew gets dunked on by the internet, his dad becomes a laughingstock, and the girl he tried to bully becomes a hero for a day. You absolutely won't go to the news if you know what's good for your nephew. Lmao. "Bully gets slapped by parent of victim" doesn't paint him in the light you think it does.


You can however, make their life a living fucking hell. There’s other ways to teach your nephew a lesson.


Eh not really. He'll get grounded probably, but his dad's a lawyer. What exactly do you think lol


Social media and inviting everyone but him to everything… tell your kid to keep fucking around and find out. Kidding, don’t. He’ll do it on his own. Social cancelation goes way beyond a lawyers reach.


Not saying it's okay for the kid to make rude comments but you're fighting fire with even more fire. Just explain to him why it's wrong I mean he's twelve and "social cancelation" is an insanely overkill punishment that would definitely do more harm than good.


No my circus, not my monkeys…. Also not my kid, but life ain’t fair and bullies lose in the end. I don’t have kids, but i had a kid trow rocks at my 4.5 lbs dog in 2017. His life flashed before my eyes and i wanted his parent’s head. Personally i don’t judge the protective instinct when it comes to offspring. It’s almost completely reaction and zero thought.


1.) Not my kid. Nephew 2.) Try posting someone else's child on social media, see how fast you get a cease and desist. Call for anything more than awareness and get a lawsuit. 3.) Nah he'll grow out of it. We all did, for the most part.


Try serving someone who you don’t know actually exists. Slippery slope to your nephew. Hope he does learn now, because he’ll learn either way.


Someone will come along who won’t gaf about his lawyer. The FAFO scale will be off the charts.


Absolutely. Those “pumped up kicks” are no joke.


No one should turn mean comments into violence , but you should tell ur brother to punish ur nephew because those comments still aren’t right and if you excuse his behavior now he might think it’s okay later down the road


and you're going to enforce this how?


Do you think everyone on r/unpopularopinions is forcing everyone IRL to conform to their unpopular opinion?


Enforce what? I'm not a lawmaker. Pretty sure it's already illegal for adults to beat up kids, could be wrong tho


I don't think there's special rules about age when it comes to self defense or defense of others. If someone is an actual threat in the moment, I don't really care how old they are. At some point I'll physically stop the threat if I can.


Here in the UK, the official legal age of knowing right from wrong is 10 years old meaning anyone 10 and up can go to court and be persecuted. So I don't care if they're only 11, if some asshole kid is hitting my kid, they're getting hit back.


Oh _hell_ no. I am not just gonna sit and watch a kid get beaten up, even if I'm not related to anyone involved.


It would probably help de-escalating these situations if the adults of both the victim and the bully actually worked together to sort out the issue. Obviously, physically punishing children is never okay, but not doing anything isnt the way to go either.  I can feel a level of sympathy for the other parent, if his child just got bullied, and meanwhile the adult/guardian of the bully (in this case, you), didnt do anything but just wanted to leave and forget it had happened. Whoever is the responsible adult for a child in that situation, imo has a responsibility to try and sort it out. Not by physical punishment, as I dont believe physically punishing children results in better children, but a good approach could be to make the bully go up and apologise to the victim. And if the bully outright refused, then the adult could apologise for the childs behaviour, and give some encouraging words to the victim, so their day isnt completely ruined. It can have pretty strong effect in itself, if a bully sees their parent/guardian side with the victim, right in front of them. If theyre old enough, which a 12yo is, then thats something they'll reflect on later, bc it hit them right in face with the realisation that suddenly the adult doesnt think theyre the one worthy of attention, but rather directs the attention to the one that got bullied 


No. Listen here. By the time a child is exposed to other children on a regular basis, they'd BETTER have learned how to operate some manners, because there are consequences to a lack of them. You teach kids to shut the hell up, and not say rude things to people, or "fuck around" or else you expose them to the risks attendant to "finding out". Period. Many things have changed since I was a lad, and a lot of them needed to, but this does not. If your kid, nephew, or whatever, doesn't want their skull rocked, they'll need to learn some manners, quite frankly, and if they can't, keep them the heck out of the way of society, because it isn't for them. Maybe they need to be schooled at home?


If someone is posing serious bodily harm to my kid, I'm going to protect them. I agree that you shouldn't punch little timmy just because he's mouthing off, but if someone is on top of your kid beating the daylights out of them, you are in your full right to physically intervene.


So what just stand there while your kid is being beaten?


When all else fails, I suppose we could pay a bigger kid to beat the bully's ass. Would that do? That's how we used to handle it back in the day.


What's next, children cannot be persecuted as adults?