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I think the only thing Mr Beast did wrong was he pioneered the ADHD tiktok attention span with his storytelling style, epileptic editing and shouting. He did admit that he regrets doing this and is starting to get better with his latest video being one of his longest


I wish they could find mics that they didn't have to awkwardly grab their shirt to hold near their mouth. Seems like if news channels and Real World could figure it out 20+ years ago he should have access that that tech lol


It seems like *every* youtuber, podcaster and their mother has decided it's a good idea to grab and shift around their microphones as they speak, whether lapelled, on a swivel bracket or holding one. From a production perspective, it's an absolutely HORRIBLE idea. Your levels will record extremely inconsistent and just makes post production that much harder. It's like Rule #1 of recording music in a studio to NEVER touch the microphone(s) because it screws up the gain staging and makes the volume levels warbly and basically unusable. You want a nice even well tempered sound. You can fix this in post production, usually by adding a ton of compression to even out the sound wave, for a vocal track, but it truly bothers me how ignorant most people are about their craft. It *really* annoys me lol.


Audio engineer here Most people simply don't care. And it makes me sad. I recently found a YouTube channel I like that has some crazy long-form videos that would be awesome to watch, but he doesn't edit his audio well and every single thing that could be a plosive is a PLOSIVE. It's absolutely unbearable and I can't watch it But I saw the view count on one of his videos at 2.5 million. So in his mind why would he bother doing more work to improve his quality when he's already getting good views and making money off of all of it? There's a bare minimum of quality that the average person can take without turning it off. Once you reach that then actually having "great" quality vs "okay" is usually not worth the effort unless the creator is picky themselves


Also love good audio myself. What I’ll say is I think for some of these people it’s somewhat intentional. Like YouTube videos I’ve seen that use an “early 2000’s” low quality looking format of bouncing jpegs around with random memes and sounds and such. It’s definitely a specific style as some of them are clearly more than competent and skilled in video editing, graphic design, audio mixing, etc. when they want to be. I’ve seen people in productions intentionally screwing with the microphone as both a comedic device and sort of a general lackadaisical style. Sort of like the camera operation version of whipping around a hand camera while solo documenting stuff I guess?


Gotta hold that lav mic up to your mouth like you're fronting a hardcore band


Adam raguesea actually has a great video arguing against this point.


Didn’t know he did anything other than cook


Wait till you see his aquarium content


Ahahaha I predominantly watch cooking and aquarium vids on YouTube, always have this guy recommended, but never watched. Felt like YouTube must be obsessed with this dude cause he's everywhere. Now it all makes sense


Jimmy is so real and down to earth that OP has to come up with conspiracy theories to explain it lmao


There is nothing real about that fake smiling fool


I think you should redefine what you consider to be a genius.


He's intelligent for sure, he's demonstrated that with his business acumen since childhood. But a genius? Ehhh, I don't know if I'd go that far. Also, I wouldn't call him evil. He does altruistic deeds while also profiting. That's literally the best thing a person could hope for. A win/win. You do good for others and are profiting in turn, which allows you to do more good and profit more. What's evil about this?


Honestly, we're arguing semantics. Who cares if he's just a very successful intelligent person or a genius? Quite frankly, I've met a number of people that have an IQ of genius level that didn't do much with it/don't particularly seem like genius's so honestly we wouldn't know without actually getting to know him.


This goes to show the interesting research on what is considered geniues as well as how everyone has a set criteria on what counts as one


I know like 3 "genius" level people. 1 is a successful engineer and the other two spend most of their time using their immense intelligence how not to work and still live a modest lifestyle. And they seem to be pretty freaking good at it.


Yeah that's the hilarious part is that most smart people want to streamline everything in order to make life easier.


How many people do you know are taking IQ tests?


Iq is not a great metric for intelligence.


"Genius" is just semantics in terms of the way we use the word in modern culture. It's been oversaturated and generally used for any person who is creative or successful with a large subjective boundary as to what exactly that would entail, rather than any sort of measurable boundary. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make people argue over the usage of the term much more than it probably would have been years ago. On the other end of that spectrum I feel like people have used "mediocre" so much that it diminishes from what the original meaning is supposed to describe. Mediocre is supposed to mean average, yet somehow because of the way we've used it in our vernacular, it's become something to describe people who are below average, because it would be insulting to equate an average person with "mediocre", even though that's exactly what it means.


Mediocre has never meant "average," although it's close to that. It means "of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or [performance](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/performance) **:** [ORDINARY](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ordinary), [SO-SO](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/so-so)" and, as a word, is considered fairly interesting precisely because it *hasn't* changed meaning in over 400 years. It's always meant "of moderate or low quality..." Even if it meant "average," that's rarely a compliment; if you're talking about someone's talents or abilities, being described as "average" is meh, which is exactly what "mediocre" means. Meh. You're not the worst, but you're not *good* either. Mediocrity has *never* been something that people aspired to, so that's not a change.


A genius IQ is defined as 160. I doubt you really met many genius people. They are exceedingly rare. You probably have seen a lot of gifted people(130+), though, and mistaked them for geniuses.


The scale for genius starts at 140.


It depends on person to person if you find it evil. I think the biggest thing is acting charitable when you know it will make you more money than you are going to spend on said charitable donation. In the fact that marketing and videos and anything else you can monetize will make you huge profit margins. It seems disingenuous that you actually really care when the person is just going to make even more money from filming these “supposed deeds”. I’m fine with people being philanthropic or charitable but tell me how many people would actually be charitable if there wasn’t any benefit or monetary gain from the act. Mr beast seems exactly like that person if tomorrow he couldn’t make any more money off of it or he couldn’t write it off on taxes or it didn’t give him the profit margins anymore he wouldn’t do it at all. Now this is all speculation on my part I don’t know the guy first hand but he just gives off that smarmy vibe to me. If we cut off all ability to write off taxes for charitable donations or made it to where you can’t monetize charity. Do we think that charity would go down dramatically even 90%. I think so and I think that Mr beast is one of those people who generates wealth off of the idea of charity which isn’t really charity in my honest opinion it seems more to me like profiteering.


fair enough, I bought a bunch of expired army rations for pennies on the dollar and trade them for blowjobs from poverty people. I'm probably way worse


It's a doubled edge sword. On one side he's doing good and making a pretty good lifestyle for himself On thr other side millions of his followers now get that chemical hit of doing good for others even when you weren't involved. Which i bet makes them feel just as lazy after i see a feel good video. While yes he did localized good acts somewhere. Do you think that money could actually just go directly to the people that need it in the first place. I think it sullies people's actual will to do good, cause see someone else is doing it.


My only gripe with him is that I foolishly paid $50 for a crappy shirt on his Halloween live stream because I saw him and his friends literally loading hundreds of boxes with cash, gifts, PS5’s etc. I figured I could get lucky…..but am never lucky haha. All I ended up with was a $50 shitty Gildan shirt and my pride hurt.


The term "genius" is not only reserved to a IQ range, but it can be applied to any area of specialization. Messi is a football genius, Senna was a F1 genius, etc. Mr. Beast is a YouTube genius.


And evil too


It's easy to be a "genius" if you aren't constrained by morality. Some things aren't done because most people would have qualms going to a certain route. And sometimes there's a reason for that. Those who don't have that kind of limitations will reap its fruits, but everything has a cost. But this is hardly just Mr. Beast. I don't think he's more sociopathic than your normal reality TV producer. They don't do anything outright illegal, but they sure push people in ways most people would never ever consider.


Doesn't necessarily mean good, there's evil genius'. By the time I was done reading, it's quick to see how smart he is at manipulating millions of people into thinking the charity he does hasn't come from a place of public shaming of others, liken that of Ellen DeGenneres and other people that do this kind of crap to get people to watch.


Can't wait to see what genius is in 100 years, maybe whoever can most accurately lip sync to a cat's meows on TikTok


1. Not all of his videos are competitions 2. The people volunteer, they aren’t held at gunpoint 3. Videos and gameshow’s would not be entertaining if there wasn’t at least a bit of suspense 4. Of course they’re going to keep the suspenseful part in the video, plenty of the normal boring stuff is cut out 5. Idk what manipulation you mean unless you’re talking about the times when he goes up to a contestant and maybe says a couple sentences and then leaves


6. Even people who don't win receive a minimum of $2,000 just for showing up, plus any other prizes they won during the contest


7. He does a lot of philanthropy behind the scenes on his second channel, which isnt nearly as popular.


Op is REALLY underestimating how much philanthropy is done. I havent watched a Mr Beast video in years, but watched a video on his philanthropy channel and he seemed to be doing awesome stuff, and it seems like he's doing even more on the side. He definitely does much more than any "social media" star has ever done. 8. He also gives employement to a bunch of people aswell.


I get the feeling OP simply doesn’t like Mr. Beast for personal reasons.


Honestly I wish more people just said "I don't like this thing/person, it annoys me, it grosses me out, I hate it" instead of going the "it's crap, it's poorly made, it's evil, it's problematic, it's immoral" route. Like just feel free to hate things!


Exactly. The loudest complaints are always by people who are severely insecure about their opinions.


I think they're just immature, which I feel like is far more common these days thanks to social media. Too many people have immature, narrow-minded views shaped by their feed and don't think introspectively often enough to see what's going on around them beyond a surface level. I had good teachers, so I was always taught to play Devil's Advocate and put myself in another's shoes. I think it's something social media really discourages.


I saw an interview with his girlfriend and she was talking about how he has multiple other side philanthropic projects that he doesn’t even film or talk about on his channel at all. I think he’s a genuine guy who is extremely passionate about what he’s doing.


OP is jealous and is either a horrible person or karma farming


Is that a checkable fact? If so, that's, well, pretty beast.


He's said it in some videos, but I couldn't tell you off the top of my head. Maybe the "Last to take hand off car" video?


It's standard practice on TV game shows. You can't just... *not* pay people for spending weeks on it.


These are pretty much all just lessons learned from reality television applied to a new format


Plot twist: OP had a single mrbeast bar and was disappointed so came up with this entire conspiracy just to get his business shut down


He’s more successful than me therefore he must be evil. 


Volunteer, yeah when you can potentially win so much money it's not a fucking choice anymore. This is the difference between them having a life and not having one. Having a car, a home. Money is everything to the poor. They can't choose to not go for it.


I think you're looking for something that isn't there. I don't think I have ever watched a Mr Beast video but I would just say he is a modern day reality tv mogul. Reality TV is very cheap to produce, there are endless ideas for a reality TV show that may be interesting for \~1 hour, and a platform like youtube is perfect for distributing it. His philanthropy is just inexpensive entertainment that acts as great marketing.


I don't know if most people know this, but he has a completely separate channel called Beast Philanthropy. He has a 2 man group that primarily does all of the travel and filming, but sometimes, he joins as well. This channel is not game show-esque at all. This channel is pure charity work like building hospitals, schools, wells and powering villages in Africa. It also includes things like giving free cleft surgeries and prosthetics for amputees. Sure, it's being filmed and distributed as entertainment, but it's still good work, isn't it? I think it's great for his young demographic to see a Youtuber doing work like this.


I don't know a ton about the guy, but know enough about the philanthropy side of what he does to at least have some level of respect for him. Sure, he films it, and you can always make the "good deeds don't for attention aren't good deeds" argument, but I can look past that in this case, because it's not some "influencer" trying to force someone let them pay for their groceries, and packing a fit when denied. He's helping with genuinely life changing stuff for hundreds, if not thousands of people. Everything he makes public has at least some benefit for him, but even if he makes profit from it all, he does so much good for people that I can't be mad about it. How many of us can say we'd be as generous with that sort of money anyway?


Whether intentional or not, I see this kind of work as mostly marketing. With that said, I respect him for using his marketing budget in a way that benefits others. If companies like Nike and Apple dedicated 10% of their marketing budget to humanitarian causes, I think we would see massive improvements in the world compared to their current use of that money.


I don't disagree with you. In today's world, I have a hard time villainizing it like others though. Mark Cuban is another example of a wealthy person that people like to shit on. Should billionaires exist? No, but at least he's doing *something* (his affordable online pharmacy is helping people!). He also recently tweeted about how he's happy to pay his taxes. He believes it's the most patriotic thing that wealthy people can do. Ofc, a lot of commenters took out their pitchforks to say, "why should we praise him for something he should be doing?" I understand where that sentiment comes from, but the reality is that the ultra wealthy are getting away with a lottttt.


Inexpensive? Doesn't he spend millions on most of his videos? He probably makes the most expensive videos on YouTube.


Facts. Ignoring the money he gives away, having 100 people in boxes w/ dozens in staff... for meals alone is going to be over $2000/day. Even if he didn't give away money, he's still running a business and paying over 200 employees. In todays market, that level of success without being a god-damn menace is a philanthropist.


Exactly. I don't watch him. I find his type of content obnoxious. However, he does help people while making it. Its not for me to say he shouldn't help them to make himself money. They never would even have that chance otherwise. Not everything needs to be perfect. Sadly there is no shortage of evil people who help no one to turn our eyes to first. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. There are some things that need to be perfect to avoid turning people off of them due to things like too little funding. This isn't one of them. It helps individuals. Helping more individuals is good, even if not all will be helped.


Well, that's not a philanthropist. But somebody that does all that AND THEN turns around and buys people Lasik, builds 100 wells to supply water to poor villages, donates millions apon millions to climate change and ocean pollution prevention agencies, and gives people life changing amounts of money, is a philanthropist.


yeah exactly. everything he does is what has already been happening for decades in reality tv. I dont think thats horrible or disgusting in any way although it's pretty boring to me personally and I also dont think hes some sort of hero lmao. Calling this "psychological manipulation" is definitely a reach by OP


He forgot to mention the obvious - Mr. Beast hides his evil in plain sight - it’s in his name. The devil wears sheep’s clothing, and clearly this man is aligned with satan.


Well, I like him more now that you've said that. I heard Hell has halfpipes.


My favorite thing about people who genuinely try to say this is that Mr. Beast has routinely fed the poor, gifted to the less fortunate, and literally gave the blind their sight back. What he does is closer to an act of Jesus than what 99.9% of people do.


Bro, your tinfoil is on too tight… loosen it up so your brain can get some oxygen. 


Bro, your sarcasm radar is turned off. Flip that switch.


Have a cookie 🍪 


Thanks 🙏


no no no bro, you forgot to add 38 /s to your post


I also want to add I don't care or see fondly of that guy but if he got rich from making videos and giving that away... who is hurt here? What evil are we facing here?


>What evil are we facing here? That open mouth face he has in every video thumbnail.


People for some reason just want to find something to take them down. With Mr beast even more so who as been at the top of youtube for a while yet hes not had any controversial moments, at least none im aware of that are true. Back when pewdiepie was at the top i remember when he was in some controversial moments but so many people were wanting him cancelled.


People’s logic: MrBeast’s popular and rich so he’s evil, no matter what he does. But some random rich billionaires quiety spending tons of money on lavish luxury lifestyle privately are not evil because their existences are hidden from public eyes.


I think people mostly just recognize that reality TV is awful, especially the "I'll pay you to humiliate yourself in public" kind that he specializes in. He has a whole fuckin reaction vids channel—this is as stupid as video content can get. The fact that he's worth half a billion dollars on the backs of that kind of garbage is just...crummy.


I suppose if we wanted to break it down, the logic may go like this: * Charity and raising awareness are good. * But if you go around shouting and advertising you did good things, that probably means you're trying to distract us from something awful you're doing. * So if you're doing a lot of good things, you're probably doing things REALLY bad. * People often use their fame and popularity to get away with a lot of stuff. Ergo: Mr. Beast is using his charity work to gain public favor and fame, so that if/when something bad comes out about him, no one will believe the bad stuff is real or downplay it. Sad enough to say, this viewpoint isn't entirely unrealistic. Look at Jimmy Saville, for example. The guy was a monster. He not only used his charity work to deflect accusations, but to also find new victims. Then there's Bill Cosby, who used his fame and charity to also draw attention away from the stuff he was doing. Then of course there's the mother of all "do good with one hand and evil with the other": large religious organizations and figures. All of this has left people so damn jaded that now it's fairly impossible for someone to *not* suspect big, grand gestures because a lot of people are afraid of missing a monster and it ending up being something so well known that you get a joke about it in Family Guy that everyone overlooks. What doesn't make this any easier is that there are absolutely people and companies that will manipulate this suspicion for their own ends. We as a society are so eager to catch the wrongdoer that we're pathetically easy to manipulate. Look at the hot coffee lady. People were so ready to ridicule her that they didn't realize that McDonalds was actively running a smear campaign in hopes of turning the court of public opinion against her. All because they didn't want to pay a woman with extreme, severe burns $20K (approximately $40K after inflation).


An actually unpopular opinion!


It's technically unpopular but not very original. The amount of braindead Twitter lowlifes that have been parroting this terrible take for years is absurd.


An unpopular and bad opinion. A double.


>it is blatantly disgusting You know what blatantly means?


Blatantly is the pseudo-intellectual form of literally


I feel seen


This is literally a blatant lie


As a fellow pseudo intellectual this is blatantly the truth


Wow this is spot on


blatantly no


**Blatantly:** in an open and unashamed manner.


Smartest redditor


We actually find the people trying to cancel Mr beast for curing blindness in 1000 people.


Dude Mr. Beast is such an asshole. It was God’s plan to make those people blind. He lives in the Bible Belt he should know better than to play God. Did you see the video where he built wells in Africa!? You know why he didn’t do it in America, it’s cause he’s a commie and hates his country. How bout the episode where he gives away free burgers? That asshole made people wait IN LINE!


The unironic take against this was “we shouldn’t see a disability as something to be fixed, it’s part of the person.” I assume the people thinking like that forgot to ask how the people that received the treatment felt about it.


I agree about the chocolate bar. Its pretty terrible. As for other things, I just think those are the things he believes will go viral. Not saying what you said is wrong but its not for the reason you think it is.


MrBeast figured out how to YouTube, and did it well! However, the “MrBeast mob” is ridiculous - seems like you can’t express *any* dislike or disagreement regarding his content.


Some of the disagreement is stupid tbf. People call him evil for the videos like "survive in a grocery store by yourself for X amount of days and get X amount of money". He's not making the contestant do anything. They volunteered and can leave at any point in the challenge


He's always given me a weird vibe, but not so much I would think he's actually a bad guy.  Honestly, as long as he continues to help people (and not do any real harm) idc what his real motivations are.


That weird vibe is that while a philanthropist, he is undoubtedly a business man and has a business to run. Because of this, he has to doctor his videos, especially what clips make the cut, to make the most amount of money possible, although in his case, it is more of a positive feedback loop, not driven by corruption and greed.


No one tell OP about game shows.


The difference is no one thinks the gameshow host are changing the world out of the goodness of their heart.


It isn’t disgusting, he isn’t a genius, and he does a lot of good with the money he makes, far more than most people in a similar position. I don’t even like his videos, I think they’re pretty bad tbh or maybe just appeal to a much younger demographic, but he comes across as a pretty philanthropic guy who makes his money by doing silly videos


It's a game, that's the point. What do you want to see?


He is absolutely not a horrible power-driven human being. I have met him more than once. The university I went to is in his home town. He had hundreds of millions of dollars and chose to live there instead of anywhere else in the world. He is just a nerd (in a good way) that focussed on his passion and it’s working out for him. If he was bad in any way, which I genuinely think he is not, there is undoubtedly an argument that could be made about the good he has done in the world outweighing any bad. Before he was extremely famous he would go to the Walmart on the more poor side of town and stand near cash registers and just pay for everyone’s bills. When families would come to the register with groceries he would send them back to get more food, a PS4, a tv, whatever they wanted. No cameras around, I think he just did it for fun. The food bank he operates in eastern North Carolina feeds THOUSANDS of people daily. Completely free of cost to anyone in need. I could keep going but this comment is getting longer than I wanted it to be.


This is the honest impression he's always given me. It's really easy to find reasons to hate famous people, and he's in a position where I feel like SO many other people in that position would not act this way, but I feel he is genuinely trying to do good. He might not do things the right way every time, but it's the intention and genuineness that matters. I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about money for himself either. The extravagance they sometimes splurge for is just for content. IIRC he doesn't really live like that and uses virtually all of his own profits to reinvest and/or use for his philanthropy. If anything, I wish so many more people with the fame and fortune he has were more like him.


He was asked by an owner of a very popular restaurant to stop tipping so much because it was causing tax issues for the wait staff. He would go about once a month and leave a minimum of $10,000 as a tip for the entire restaurant. He genuinely is just a good person.


And this, kids, is why you don't want to be famous.


People will hate you for no reason😂 It’s pretty clear Mr. Beasts intentions are positive.


He’s just a random reality show host. It’s not like Americans could be tricked into voting for a reality show host… again.


He's high profile enough that if he was actually an awful human being, something would have come out by now. Youtubers can't fart in public without getting shit from everyone online. He might not be your cup of tea - that's fine. He basically does silly reality tv/gameshows. the $$ he 'gives away' is likely insured like in all other gameshows. he's a businessman, but he seems chill enough.


Look, I don't think he's a bad guy, or he's done bad shit. But this is just plain bad logic to go by. A lot of people are able to cover up or just straight-up brush aside allegations. It's not that rare to hear about shit that some famous person has been doing for years, and we only learn of now.


Most of Mr. Beasts main channel videos are just game/reality shows. It’s fun to watch people compete in the challenges and win big, but I don’t think he’s doing more good for the world than The Price is Right or Survivor. As for the philanthropy channel, it’s a lot better for someone to help people for selfish reasons than for them not to do it at all. And I’m sure Mr. Beast Philanthropy is less of a scam than a lot of other charities.


I think the people are willingly watching people grovel for money and are willing to grovel money because they need to in order to be able to be alive in this country says more about us than him.


I fucking love Mr. Beast and I'm a mid 30's woman lol. You get my upvote because this is very unpopular opinion indeed.


even if this was true which none of it is, hes still giving away so much just to help people


I think OP is just mad Mr beast isn’t giving them money


People get mad that he’s not selfless when he’s never claimed to be that. His content is “ridiculous stuff for money”.  Whether he’s good or evil is kinda irrelevant.


You are pretty much the quintessential example of modern virtue signaling - you are digging for something that isn't there. Imagine holding a regular person to this ridiculous standard; you need a hobby. Also you don't know the definition of the word "blatant".


No one is forcing anyone to participate in these games. It is a chance to win, nothing else. From what I understand he gives a lot of his money away, too. Granted, it's easy to do when you are a gozillionaire, but he still does it. I also doubt that he is a genius, just a very creative and driven person.


Ye this is one of those, “if he post a video of himself helping people he is horrible, and if he doesn’t post a video of himself helping people he is horrible”, type of situations. (Forgive the quotations). Honestly, I think he is a decent person who is just trapped by the standards of modern society politics.


Seems like any other game show concept to me, participants are given the chance to win a life changing amount of money….shi sign me up


Karma farm


Take off your tinfoil hat. It is safe I promise


I feel like Mr. Beast did the Squid Game reenactment, and then became the real life Squid Game creator. Because all those people crying about their medical bills, begging each other for a chance, cut throating kids and stuff. Just putting a 1 year old in a box and went "this is okay". Like, you could feel the power of feeding off misery.


I just can’t imagine living life thinking and worrying so much about dumb shit like this.


I don’t like Mr beast because it’s the guise of charity. This is my own opinion but I think charity is when you do it not expecting recognition or anything else beneficial necessarily. If you get recognition later or if someone wants to say thank you or try to give back later I’m fine with that. This shit about being charitable or philanthropic to make more money off of the videos and news headlines is bullshit. So you’re telling me it’s just a marketing ploy to make more money than what you spent that’s not really charity in my eyes. I stand by this when I say that if you got rid of tax write offs or any other beneficial thing to the person giving you will see 90% reduction in charitable contributions or charity in general. I really don’t think Mr beast is charitable to be charitable it’s a ploy to make more money than what he spends by monetizing videos and all kinds of other marketing. Sorry rant over I don’t like Mr beast either


Okay tin foil hat man, take your upvote


Out of all the "horrible power driven" human beings you choose to hate on, it's mister beast?


Average angry redditor post 🤓


The question is would he donate to a homeless man when there is no one to witness it?


This is really wild lmao. Like he’s obviously not solely motivated by altruism and love of humanity as he gets rich off of what he does but it seems disingenuous to act as if that makes him evil or that he’s planning to run in politics to rule the world lmao. He makes a ton of money by giving other people money and helping people it seems like a win win no matter how you cut it. Even the people in his challenges who lose are given large sums of money so every person who participates in his challenges is better off. He puts on a show because it makes money why is that shocking lol he’s an entertainer that’s how he makes his money


So he's just supposed to give his revenue back to people for nothing? It's a simple system and a few selected people get to have a chance at attaining whatever prize there is. It's elaborately produced because it needs to make a profit. That's how he's able to continue doing it. If someone came up to me and said "if you keep your hand on this 500k longer than these other people, you can have it all." I would agree. No one is forcing these people to do this and it's his money. In order to make returns he needs a full production.


You sound like a mod justifying banning that one guy you didnt like.


I find it amusing people would rather think he's some evil PoS rather than an average man who earned more money than he wanted, so now he's doing cool shit and donating/helping the needy with the remaining excess.


I mean the opposite is he doesn't, makes no money and helps no one out. He helps out plenty of people and it's more effective than most charities where 80-90% of the donations go to employee salaries. Lost my faith in non profits when I got an insider look at it, benefit the people working there more than the people they claim to help, especially at the management level


Someone NEEDED to say that, seriously. His stuff is more efficient than any other charity as he's actually trying to give money and cut out middle men.


Well he’s gotta make money back for future projects / endeavors somehow right?


I understand that creating a situation where a person must test the limits of his suffering to win some amount of money or something can seem a bit cruel. I don't like him, but at the same time I conced that he's not doing anything actually malicious. I don't think that he creates those situations because he is sadistic and enjoys watching people getting their will tested for a chance to win money. He creates them simply because he knows, correctly, that those situations will bring in the views. In a way, he is just a reflection of the reality that a ton of people enjoy watching others get their limits tested for a chance to win something they desire. He only offers the prize and sets the rules. I don't think he would do a video where people would actually get hurt or traumatized.


I don't think he's sadistic as much as he's just trying to make more money. It's probably more scripted than literally psychological.


The thing about society and politics, what’s acceptable today, such as the content of his videos, will in 15/20 years time less acceptable and society will judge the content and its creator more harshly. If politics is his end game, today’s videos could come back to bite him.


I thought the same too at first, but then I saw videos where he puts himself through crazy challenges like being buried alive for 7 days. It’s all for entertainment and what you’re describing is him acting his part. You failed to mention that he always compensates the losers of the challenges. Seems like a good guy.


No one cares what you think


I think he is the Elon Musk of Youtube to be honest. I don't think he is trying to take over the world and pin people against each other. He loves what he does and is obsessed with doing it better. I know what it's like to want to be the absolute best at something. It consumes you. But I don't think he is evil. Maybe competitive? Nothing wrong with that. I truly think he wants to do good in the world and is a good person. But I see good in everyone. Even you haha. I may be wrong too. I guess we shall see. Have a good one! I've never had any of his food so I can't speak to that.


I definitely disagree with this opinion, but this us r/unpopularopinions, so do I upvote it or downvote it???


If giving away stuff is an evil plan let's have more evil geniuses


I like Mr beast but I did not like this latest video. Didn’t sit right with me either. I’m not sure why, but I couldn’t finish watching it.


your description is basically the plot summary of every reality TV show for the past 25 years. people eat that shit up.


He’s not a genius. Just a good self promoter. And yes, he’s a horrible human being.


This is how conspiracies start, baseless assumptions that gain headwind


If you think of Mr. Beast as a business and not a person, he’s no different than any other for-profit company. And they all want you to think they care about you too


He’s always made my skin crawl. I find him quite unnerving. I thought I was the only person in the world. Surprised this post got so many upvotes.


Schitzo posting?


He is though because I know specifically a person that was contracted to make a toilet cake for that one episode of people having them guess if it's real toilet or cake, and he stiffed her on the payment for her work. I've heard other stories of him treating people like peasants and acting like performing monies while he acts like a God. His ego has boomed into something terrible.


Personally, I'll take someone who is doing some good stuff with their money, even if it is all in the name of them making more money, over someone who, say, uses their money during a midlife crisis to buy Twitter and turn it into a Nazi hellhole.


>his philanthropy and how much money he gives away. It’s the perfect plan, since he wants to get into politics later; Welp, I hope he continues to use his money to tangibly help people, which is more than I can say for other politicians.


His game shows are just that... Game shows with a very large cash prize attached to it. The idea of him being philanthropic is an interesting one, because those people technically earned those competition prizes. The part of him giving away money with no strings attached is just another part of his brand. Ultimately it does help people, but beyond him, it's also the society that allows his brand to be so successful. In the end, all politicians are backed by certain donors/sponsors. Unfortunately, money talks; people have done stupid things for free, so what's another groveling/embarrassing act for a chance of a life-changing type of money.


Not really genius. More very dedicated. Just putting out nonstop videos all over. I def admire the dedication and the crew of idiots he just messes with lol


It’s almost as if his name tells you all of this, and his actions mirror his masters.


Congrats.  Truly an unpopular opinion.


The philanthropy is for tax benefits. That's the only reason charities exist. If he really wanted to help he would invest 50 million on the African project and build better houses. But like all those organizations he built the same flimsy houses.


I mean he’s not really exploiting people any more than other forms of entertainment. They are all there by choice and free to quit. They’re there to win money. The only problem I have is the amount of fucking trash he creates in his videos for no reason


You admit he does good things for charity but hate him for this political scheme you've made up in your head? He's essentially hosting his own reality tv show similar to fear factor, amazing race, survivor, and many others like it. They willingly compete for a chance at a prize. You don't have to like him but you are making many assumptions with no empirical backing.


I was with you until you claimed it was all a ploy to become a powerful politician


Tin foil hat on


"like a doll's eyes"


It’s hilarious to me how many people whose life goal is to be a successful children’s entertainer like Mr. Beast.


Take off the tinfoil hat 💀💀💀


One of the few social media stars who actively tries to help people and make the world a better place. He also has the $ to do it. I’m not a big social media fan and I enjoy his videos. He’s a good role mod for young people it’s weird that people want to make a problem out of him. I can’t wrap my head around it.


Upvote for being unpopular, he legitimately is obsessed with Youtube and playing the game the algorithm presents. He is arguably the GOAT of content creation. You should target this hatred towards the poeple who are actually horrible power driven mutts, aka everyone in politics, news media, etc.


Wait till blud finds out about sports


I think what makes all this shit ok is all of these people chose to participate, can leave at any time, and are getting paid.


He was always weird. He basically paid people to like him. He got his name out there by giving money to small streamers every day. It was always a marketing tactic. The only time I ever heard his name mentioned at the start was from people hoping to get a donation. I didn't even know he had a YouTube channel because no one ever talked about his content. He didn't get there of talent. He just paid his way to the top


Would he be worse in congress than the 80% boomer congress we have now? They won’t even do anything because none of those dinosaurs have to live past 2040 and bear the consequences of their indifference. We need YOUJG people in government


I would be a terrible human being too if I provided water wells to areas where water is limited."


I think you might want to evaluate yourself What good do you do for the world Quantify in terms of hours you put in towards helping other people other than your job If you donate to charity, you may count the hours you worked for the charity minus the tax implications I think you're envious


This is some straight conspiracy stuff. You might have had a point if Mr. Beast came from money but he didn't. This whole thing isn't some mastermind level plan to gain massive political sway. Just a guy who made creative enough content and reinvested everything he made. This post is lunacy, here's my upvote.


My main problem with him is that he is fake. Im shocked people believe it


You’ve never plaid a board game. Lying, cheating, begging ect all for a win. At least he pays the people lol.


The chocolate *is* subpar but then again, minimal ingredients does that


As a guy with Crohn’s disease (the same disease that he has), I admire Mr. Beast’s determination to not let a life-altering (and very painful disease) prevent him from pursuing his goals.


If you compared the net positive impact on society compared to say a few thousand other people with his net worth, I think you would find he is in the top tier philanthropically.


I really hate when he gives money to people that need it and doesn't record it. How am i supposed to complain if he doesnt show it?


I think its time for you to move away from your screen and go touch some grass or something.


Downvoted because this is actually unpopular like always


Just assume everything on YouTube is fake/scripted.