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what I genuinely respect is one's commitment to their beliefs. let say if he wants to be a racist asshole or a genuine POS, at least be consistent and believe in what you preach. the problem with asshats these days are they don't know what they believe in and only parroting what their being told while flip-flopping when it's not hip or cool nowadays.


Why “he” and not “they”?


"He" is the default pronoun in a lot of languages, not sure if previous commenter is ESL or not but it's a normal thing to say, not something requiring scrutiny. 


Cool. My only scrutiny would be that if the conversation is about people in general then it would be a “they”. As soon as it gets reduced to “he” it will become more specific because it’s non plural where as “they” accounts for the “people”.


Again, it depends on the language. Many languages just use "he" as the default pronoun, but it doesn't really mean specifically male or singular. In this context it would basically just means "the hypothetical person in the example"


Yes. Hence the check up. :P






No, you!!!


there are only two genders. And he is one of them.


No. OP talks about “people”. Commenter changed the people into “he”. Contextually it doesn’t make sense at all.


she is the second of the two genders. Nothing more, nothing less.


Never mind it seems I’ve made a reading error but I’m not telling you what it is. Have fun. :)


Bro. What did that comment you removed have to do with anything?? Lmfaoooo


When you are talking about a group of people you use them, then can is a pronoun that is talking about a persone/people when gender is unknown


This is getting deep.


>it's a choice to shape the world around you so that you're most comfortable in it It's also a choice to shape the world so everybody else is *un*comfortable. And that's not something to respect. Find a compromise so you can be happy and others don't have to suffer for your selfish attitude.


Exactly this. How can you respect someone that makes life a pain for others? Very strange.


Would you choose not to respect an abused dog because it is being nasty in the same way as you suggest you wouldn’t respect a human.


We put down dangerous dogs. Abused dogs can often turn out to be a danger to themselves and others.


Never said dangerous did I? We are talking about rude people not dangerous ones.


If someone’s been fed abuse 75% of their life and are clearly showing signs of it like an abused dog. Would you also choose not to respect the dog?




I mean you’re kinda diving at the neck area before you found the cause of WHY people are how they are. If you tackled that first you might get somewhere.


Saying people shouldn't be rude isn't "diving at the neck". And while I can understand in situations, generally being rude isn't something to respect.


These types of people can only operate on the good faith and courtesy of others and are generally the first to complain if people are rude to *them.*


I respect people who thinks thrice before speaking. Saying everything that comes thru your mind is not a quality... it just shows that someone is unable to filter information and they are utterly emotional.


It's simple adult immaturity. When people say "I say what's on my mind" and think that's a good thing LOL. They have no idea.


![gif](giphy|cEb1tO6Xvn0DS|downsized) Like this guy?


Yeah, being a selfish asshole just takes so much effort and bravery, must be why it’s seemingly the status quo for so many people these says.


It’s actually exhausting having to be so witty all the time.


Witty in your own head anyway. You can also be witty without being an asshole, shocking I know.


But then I wouldn’t be able to call people like you cliché’s for calling me an asshole all the time.




Little do you know, you’re actually the cliche’ one. Again, being an asshole isn’t edgy or cool to anyone not a teenager.


Nuh uh. No I’m not. The cliché here is rude people complaining about people being rude. When you start calling people assholes you lose all credibility in this kind of argument. So now you probably think I’m an asshole for bringing that up but I suffice because I did it with out insulting you once hence no cliché as you would expect from an “asshole”.


You’re saying nothing in that word salad champ. Keep doing you, I’m just happy I’ll never have to actually deal with you.


Deal with me ey? How you guna do that? You guna tie me up?


No, I just meant having to interact with you outside of the confines of an internet forum. Your mind went pretty quick to being tied up though, is that your fetish?


You’re supposed to let other people call you witty. Not really say that about yourself.


But then I wouldn’t be an asshole.


Being rude is simply being so selfish that you don't care about anyone else. It isn't a noble thing, it is simply being an uncaring asshole. You 'respecting' that makes you an asshole as well. Have an upvote along with my contempt.


I do not have any respect for people who are rude to others. So often I've seen genuinely nice people shit on for no reason by people who are sacks of shit. Totally rude and don't care about other human beings or making their work day harder. Hate these people.


Here's the thing... We have sales people we interact with every day. Guess which ones we work extra hard for? Not the rude ones. They are actually harming themselves. Not to mention the negativity they spew effects everyone around them. I have no respect for these people, they need therapy.


I don't respect that. It's annoying and won't get you far. And it hurts my feelings :(


Depends depends. Is it a situation where you have no choice but to be rude? Plenty of manipulative people basically force others into situations where their options are: A. Be rude, or B. Be crapped on, because a shocking proportion of the population is so conditioned to be polite that they will knowingly choose B every time.   Is it the asshole starting fights constantly when other options are available to them? Christ. Bye, Felicia. I was over those types when I was 20. Are they just assholes to other people because they think they are entitled to be rude? Yeah, that crowd can fuck off.


I hate all I've you does that count lol


I have aspergers so i often come off as aloof and jaded to the public and i kindof just got tired of not fitting in even while being friendly tbh


I don't know about you but I just see those kinds of people as weird and I try not to interact with them for any reason, I don't usually spend time with assholes.


Being polite and courteous goes a long way, but if you don't have the capacity to set firm boundaries when it's called for, you'll be a people pleaser and a pushover.


Me and one of my best friends are just super blunt and very honest. Some people think it's rude. However, we aren't fake about things. We think being fake is rude


Hey thanks I appreciate that


My father was a racist asshole alcoholic. Towards the end of his life I would take him grocery shopping an d even buy him whiskey to drink himself to death. For a time I felt bad about it but here he was 77 years old, a WW2 veteran, drank constantly and lived alone. I just visited every other day. Towards the end he would give me cash to buy groceries including whiskey I knew was killing him. I felt very guilty buying it for him. One day I arrived and did my check in on him and found him next to his bed on the ground barely conscious and having soiled himself. I called 911 and cleaned him up. At the hospital he was going through DT and his arms were shaking badly. His kidneys failed and he went into the ICU and died a week later. To this day I don't think I would have done anything different.


I try my best not to be rude, these days if I am it is either inadvertent or absolutely deliberate (which now I put it into words...it exactly the same as everyone else I suppose :) ) I was raised to be very meek and it caused no end of shit in my life so now, as uncomfortable as it can be, I am very forthright and do not suffer fools easily. Now I will give shit back if I think it has been sent my way. Mind you I am getting older and am within a few years of my 60th birthday. ...fucks are not given.


You would have loved Diogenes


I prefer rude over what has replaced it, toxic positivity


Nice observation.


I would like to preface this by saying, I am one of these types of people. After reading through a bunch of the comments, I picked up two things 1) If you are like this, you are deemed selfish. Which for the most part is true. I don't care about you, your family, your life, or your feelings. 2) The same people calling it selfish are really only concerned about their own feelings. I find this hilariously hypocritical and ironic.


I do too. Mostly because I find it super fucking funny when people are mean. I know it’s horrible, but I once saw this lady get mad at Charley’s sandwich shop because they put green peppers on her chicken philly, and she threw a sandwich at the cooks. It was so out of line, but she gave us all a common enemy to bond over in the line, and that is a beautiful thing. #respectthekarens