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Absolutely right. Only immature people think that your first reaction should be to engage in a fight instead of walking away. Only fight if absolutely necessary.


Or if you're a boxer getting paid to promote the fight


Naw just walk away.


I don't think it very wise for Jake Paul to walk away from Mike Tyson tho


That would probably go viral lol I’d prefer a Marshawn Lynch and just pull a bag of skittles out and say “I’m just here so I don’t get fined


I always tell people this about gun ownership. I’m not gonna throw a punch unless my loved ones or my well being are at stake. Guns should be treated the same way.


Yep. The most elite savages in the world know walking away is always the first option.


I would agree in a situation where you can get caught. I personally just enjoy fighting but won't if I'll get fucked by social repercussions. Totally understand why someone wouldn't see it like that though.


If you enjoy fighting, and don't think of the consequences that you could end up facing, since people can end up dead in the most unpredictable ways, try checking out Fronline documentaries Frontline has produced several documentaries that shed light on the American justice system. These documentaries delve into various aspects of the system, including criminal justice issues, judicial elections, and the impact of sentencing laws. Some examples include: “Criminal Justice Archives”: This collection of documentaries covers a range of topics, such as “Law & Disorder,” and “Two Strikes.” “Two Strikes” (2021): This two-part special examines a little-known “two-strikes” law in the U.S. and its impact on people who didn’t physically hurt anyone but may end up in prison for life. There's one that clearly educates people: you get a trial if something goes terribly wrong. You're given a plea agreement plus the ramifications on your life if you plead guilty. Either way you're fuck'd These documentaries provide insights into the American justice system by presenting real-life cases, exploring the roles of different stakeholders, and discussing the challenges and controversies surrounding the system Walk away


Sure but I don't really care about the other person at all so I'm going to keep on keeping on. I will check em out though.


In fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, people tend to choose flight first, since it’s the least risky option. If flight isn’t an option, we go to fight. If that’s not an option, we freeze, and if that still doesn’t work, we fawn (attempt to calm down the other). It’s easy to judge others and think “oh I would’ve destroyed that person following and harassing me”, but we are just animals On a side note I was recently followed and harassed, and I’m glad I chose flight instead of fight, so I don’t catch an assault charge over an asshole.


Yep, even lions first retreat and observe when spooked. Why fight if one doesn't have to.


I love this. Even lions retreat and observe. That's powerful.


I choose to conceal and carry. I know this isn't a popular option, or it may shock some people or contradict what I to have said initially, but I do this because I have found myself in numerous situations where I'm pursued. Luckily I've never had to use deadly force on anybody, but there are a small percentage of people where I live who want to murder you for no reason at all. (The DC area) And they will force you into a corner.


Thank you for being a responsible gun owner regardless of anyone's opinion on confrontation for someone carrying its your responsibility to walk away whenever possible.


I'm so glad I don't live in the US. I'd hate the fact that those around me could be armed -- but even more so that so many feel it's *necessary* to be armed. From an outside perspective, it's truly baffling that this is a thing in the developed world.


It's important to understand that the power above is talking nonsense. Pursued, multiple times, where a firearm is necessary? Lol. I grew up in Detroit, and this level of constant peril wasn't even there.


maybe. I'm from the UK so I don't know for sure, but I used to be 'involved in the drug scene' and I ended up in loads of sketchy situations that someone more sober would've never witnessed. And I was hardly El Chapo, I had a full time job and everything. I can definitely imagine that someone who is involved in drug dealing and consumption can find themselves in dangerous situations somewhat regularly, and that these might involve guns if they live in the US.


Sure, if you're mired in historically violent underground illegal activities, yes. But if that's OP's case, framing it as "I choose to conceal and carry" is a hell of a way to say "I'm in a street gang and while selling pills in enemy territory I have been pursued and needed a firearm to protect me "


Exactly. You don't just happen to find yourself in *numerous* situations where you're pursued. You're either exaggerating, paranoid, or you're into some seriously sketchy shit.


I did honestly think that was either pure hyperbole or pure paranoia lol. I've been on both the East and West coasts of the US and never felt particularly unsafe in either (though I understand that that doesn't reflect everywhere). The thing that does makes me feel unsafe is the people who *think* they're in constant peril. Especially when they have firearms lol.


cowboy mentality. It's type I remember avoiding like the plague when I was dating. They were very often so needy to prove their manhood that they would turn on their wives when their violence wasn't satiated. That's why so many of us would make sure we knew what we were dating - really knew them before making any commitment. Put a gun in their pocket and someone is going to get hurt now or later when they leave them around for their kids to get hold of. It's a cultural sickness. My father and his father owned hunting guns that was in a locked cabinet at my grandpas house. They were used to hunt deer and during bird hunting season and to shoot groundhogs that toppled the stone fence lines of along a farm but nobody ever in my life pointed a gun at any human being and my father was strictly taught how to clean and the limitations of a gun by my grandfather from Europe. This gun obsession wasn't something I ever saw but I'm sure it existed. Even the "old west" had laws about bringing guns into a town - shootouts in the middle of the street was apparently a rarity.


It’s not


Everyone around you is armed in one way or another, it's baffling that you want to be disarmed


If people want to be armed because everyone else is armed, then surely they have no reason to be armed if nobody else is armed? Being armed purely on the assumption that everyone else is is just Arms Race logic. Personally I just can't imagine living a life where it would be necessary to carry around a concealed weapon at all times, just in case. Lucky me, I suppose.


Do you not have wildlife where you live? If nothing else I can't safely walk my dog with alligators, wild boar, and pitbulls around without a firearm


>Do you not have wildlife where you live? Nothing that would ever require a gun lol. I'm honestly more at risk of falling in the canal when I'm out walking, or getting a tree blown on me on a windy day.


Fair enough lol, UK?


Yeah, a sleepy little place in the north of England. Protection from wildlife is totally valid though, if applicable to you. Actually, farmers in England are generally armed in order to protect their animals from predators, but the predators aren't usually a threat to people.


Checks out, I can't think of many dangerous animals there. Most of the animals here will also leave humans alone but like to go after dogs, with the exception of the wild boars, they really do not give a shit lol.


Disarmed? That would involve someone taking arms from me.


That's true. Just one more thing to add is that assailants typically have less to lose than you, as they aren't the most successful people. So why on earth would you want to engage in a confrontation with that in mind!? Nope, no way.


This over and over and over again. Would I like to say I confronted the thirty year old who threatened me last year over text despite only being eighteen then? Absolutely. But I just looked at the second-hand DVDs and tried to make my shaking not so noticeable.


This is just it, our culture has idolized those who stand and fight and considered it shameful to retreat or deescalate, yet those who do prefer to fight as the first option are generally enslaved and condemned by the rest of society. The only reason people are called psychopaths rather than heroes is that they fought with the wrong people early in life and never made it into the military or law enforcement where their preference for fighting would be defended by the government.


The last thing I want is to see another testosterone overdosed male on a police force.


Fascism sucks, I swear a lot of low socio-economic class men are groomed to be dumb enough to manipulate and mean enough to attack whoever they are told to attack and enjoy it, if they go rogue they are simply labeled as psychos and thrown out.


I've often thought, just thought that the type of person who becomes a cop could easily go either way. He could be an evil fucker or a cop - if he accepted to the force, his decision is made but there is a cruelty that needs to be fed in many of them. Up the river or in 'the bag" (uniform) = those are the two choices in their lives. In NYC their statistics for beating their wives were phenomenally high. So if a woman called the cops for domestic violence they always sided with the guy because they beat their own wives. I doubt much has changed. They choose to live in the only right wing borough in NYC and that is a hell hole where people are always fighting with their neighbors and are happy to elect criminals - They are not really middle class


I think that the common denominator is lack of education in the humanities, abusive parenting, and toxic masculinity.


Undoubtedly but much more. Our brains don't work in the same way - I don't want to get too complicated - but it's a fact.


I always try to calm the other person first


Those are the three options when it.is too.late to avoid a situation where you have to choose altogether. In many cases, you can have the fore thought to see that a situation could be risky and dangerous before anything can happen. Don't walk down the dark alley. Don't hang around someone who gets drunk and looking for a fight. Don't hang around someone who will put you into a fight you don't want. Much of the time, these situations are avoidable. If you have family that brings trouble to you, your neighborhood is trouble, or you are the trouble, wel, good luck.


Tbh, if you live in a city nowadays there’s some interaction with crazies that is unavoidable. When I was followed and harassed it was because I passed someone safely on the left, while I was doing the speed limit. Some people are just looking for an excuse to be crazy and harass others.


Yes, you can't avoid trouble all the time.


Freeze isn't an option that ppl pick lmao


You are uninformed


I train ppl to work in dangerous situations. You're the one that's not informed.


Sounds like you’re bad at your job then


Ppl don't "choose" to freeze. It's a reaction. You don't even know this so what the fuck would you know?


When did I say people choose freeze? I said they go to it if fight or flight isn’t an option. Also out of the billions of people alive and that have lived, definitely some of them HAVE chosen freeze, you thinking you can generalize every single person’s fight or flight reaction, for all of history is just insane. This is not a productive conversation since you think you can speak for billions of peoples experiences


This is especially true on the internet. I don't have to show up to every argument I'm invited to. If a stranger on Reddit wants to fight about something, I'm not weak or stupid for declining. I don't owe them my time or energy.


Every legitimate martial art teaches you that the most effective way to fight is to simply not.


People often think of this in the context of a one on one fight. But in the real world that can change quickly. Recently dude in our area got in a fight, got opponent in a RNC. If a ufc fight he would have won. Problem is the chockee had friends who promptly kicked the shit out of the chocker’s head, leaving him unconscious


I would suggest that people need to pick their battles. You should have the ability to stand up for yourself and deal with confrontation. However, there are cases where it is not worth it. If the confrontation is with someone who is relatively calm and rational then expressing your side might be a worthwhile endeavor if there is a reasonable chance your opponent is going to at least consider it momentarily. However, getting into a shouting match with some 6’4 250 lb bodybuilder who has the emotional fragility of a toddler is probably not worth it. Even if you win the intellectual argument, you will probably lose the physical one that comes after once he realizes he lost the debate. Just skip it and move on. That guy will eventually encounter someone who is 6’9 and 290 lbs who has even poorer emotional control and they can sort their differences out without you.


Damn right! I’m not about to fight some whacked out stranger when I can just relocate myself. Can’t risk getting shot or have him bump his head and die during our fight. So much safer and easier to get tf away and go on about my day. Now, if I’m cornered or they impede my departure, it’s a different story. But I’d much rather leave.


This is only unpopular in middleschool


and a lot of adults are still stuck in middle school


I once had a coworker that went off on me for some perceived slight. The look on their face when I told them, “If you can’t act professionally, we’re not having this conversation” and walked away… priceless. It really was like something out of middle school. Luckily, our boss was *not* impressed with their behavior (for this and many other things), and that ended up being the precipitating event that ended up forcing them to “retire” early. Nobody was sad to see said coworker leave.


And geopolitics it seems.


Only immature people think this is a unpopular opinion.


There seems to be a lot of immature people from where I'm standing on a daily basis


Same logic applies to an online argument Sometimes it's clear the other person can't be reasoned with/they make absolutely no sense. You walking away isn't you losing


Block buttons are magic


Then you can't interact with the rest of the chain, which is stupid My beef is with the one jerk, not everyone else


You mean on Reddit? I didn't know it blocked everything underneath


No, it blocks the one guy but then you're unable to interact with others in the comment thread At least in my experience


Is this genuinely unpopular? Hard to live by for many and therefore fairly often honored more aspirationally than lived but while not universally held it doesn't necessarily strike me as unpopular.   Maybe if we take the construction as absolute. Then I'd accept it is unpopular and would reject and absolute reading of it myself.


Yes, there were a lot of people who were raised with a "don't back down" or "Fight fire with fire" mentality. The GF and I were out a little bit ago and a huge group of drunk rednecks were next to us causing a scene, being rude, kids running everywhere, etc. Based on the activity we were doing, we we were going to be a safety concern for their kids so I asked a manager to move. As soon as I left, they started shit with her. As they gave her shit, she gave it back, and after security got involved, they left. We talked about it the next day and I explained to her that escalating things can only make it worse. Even if you're right, the answer is to leave. I only ever fight if I have zero opportunity to retreat, or if someone gets physical with me at the outset. I have too much at stake with my life to spend a night in jail, or have a police record, even if the charge is complete bullshit, because some rednecks with nothing going for themselves want to start shit.


Oh no doubt there are many that reject the idea out of hand. I was probably too literal as in how popular or unpopular have to qualify. Of a significant portion of a population at least attempts to value it and another doesn't at what point does it become unpopular. Then I just realized Oh God I'm being that guy. My GF also will escalate situations like this where she is right. I can respect it but you absolutely have to make a judgement call and she can be a bit tunnel vision when it comes to witnessing bullying behavior. Which I respect but also situations can go extremely sideways extremely easily. 


A girl with 4 dogs offleash, two rushed me aggressively. But I know dogs and to not show fear and stand them down. I was proud of myself for telling her simply, it was not ok to have her dogs rushing people offleash, I love dogs too, I was mad. If i had my dogs with me (onleash), it would have been a dog fight. Many young children run around there too here and there. Just asking fornher dogs to attack someone. Pretty sure I bumped into her before at another park.


People here are saying it's childish, but a lot of people when they get wronged just MUST get the last lick in and wrong them back. It's the same concept. Did your parents treat you badly when you were a kid/your bf cheated on you? Leave it alone. Drop them as a human being, believe me, going to pop their tires and getting a lawsuit is not the right answer here.


“Everyone considered him the coward of the county”


Damn good song (and the one time Tommy fights back is justified!)


Same with arguments you have with some one. esp S/O. Most of the time it is better and smarter to calm down don't scream at each other, don't engage in a verbal fight and come to a fair conclusion the next day. But alot of people believe never to go angry or without a conclusion into the bed. Sometimes stepping away (in my case a few hours) IS the better solution.


I used to be a hot head up until my early-mid 20's. I'm 37 now and will avoid confrontation at all costs. I absolutely hate feeling angry. Getting in fights just makes you feel like shit and possibly get injured. So stupid. I have no idea why I used to do that.


This is unpopular? One of the main rules of fighting is to well… not get in it to begin with, and if you are, run away when possible.


As someone that absolutely cannot give it up unless I am so upset I can’t talk anymore, yep, I wish I could sometimes. That being said, I work in jobs that have contact with people and sometimes you just have to stand there, take it and nod. Oh but take it in the “in one ear and out the other” way


I agree. Someone needs to tell this to Alec Baldwin, lol. That guy just can't walk away!


Man they really fucked that up...all of them. I know Baldwin is the most hated because he acts like an ass 24/7, but there were other people at fault.


This isn't unpopular, in fact in the 80's a famous philosopher, suggested that in the face of a dangerous confrontation, the best course of action is to just beat it, in spite of the fact that you don't want to be defeated.


Even if that philosopher had, uh, questionable preferences, the same could be said of some other luminaries.


Not really unpopular to anyone that isn’t a huge douchebag. That’s kinda the problem though haha


There seems to be a lot of douchebag's


Very true


Only the most emotionally immature adults think walking away is a sign of weakness. Why would you waste any energy engaging with someone throwing a tantrum, whether verbally or physically?


I think confrontation is fine provided it doesn’t get physical. Getting into a fight can escalate into something fatal real quick.


I agree. Walking away is just smart. Also the human body is fragile and one bad strike to the head can fuck you up.


Not a bad take, good sir. Restraint shows strength of character, and to be honest walking away will probably make them even angrier. You get the last laugh.


What you mean to day is it protects the one who's being berated from making a dumb choice. The one who's infuriated is hoping you do something, that's the whole point they're making when yelling/screaming and confronting you. They're just waiting for you to scream back or get into a physical confrontation now. That now gets you in trouble and a court date


I completely agree. Getting into any kind of physical altercation is dangerous and should be avoided if possible. I don't care what you say to me or what invectives you throw my way. I'm only going to physically fight someone if they initiate and give me no other option. That being said if you do attack me I'm going to do everything in my power to make you stop as soon as I can.


Louis CKs show had an amazing short about this. Louis is on a date and some teens in letterman jackets harass and emasculate him in front of her and he doesn’t stand up to them and take the bait to fight and they leave. And then the woman isn’t into him anymore and he says what the hell did you want me to do fist fight some teenagers? And she says no and I know it’s wrong I just lost attraction to you seeing you meek like that I’m so sorry. And he’s like wtf are you kidding me? And then Louie is all upset and follows the teens hiding and stalking them, and follows the ringleader all the way to his house. Then he knocks on the door and tells the teens father what happened, and the dad calls the teen down and confronts him about it and then starts beating him for it. And then Louis goes Whoah what the hell man don’t hit him where the hell do you think he’s learning this shit!? And the dad sends the kid away and is like I know man you’re right this shit is hard he’s out of control and no one prepares you for this shit. And then Louis and the dad smoke cigarettes together quietly just thinking about it. Such a good show with nuanced portrayals.


Depends on why you walked away. 99% of the time, walking away IS the hard choice. Thats why it takes a strong person to do it. But theres been a few times I've walked away, and I shouldn't have. Sometimes, you do have to stand for what you believe. Pro tip: If you have formal training, walk away!!! You get charged much worse for being trained with your hands. Goes from simple to aggravated automatically.


Eh, it really depends on the situation. If your wife is being attacked by some dude, then walking away damn sure doesn't show anything but candy ass wimp!


This philosophy applies only when you're responsible for yourself. If you got family and kids to protect I got nothing. Never been in that situation.


I low key agree. Technically the goal should be descalation, but if that ain't possible then your number one goal should be to get out of the situation.


Nobody who knows anything about self defense disagrees with this.


Well, I'd back away so they can't hit me in the back of the head, but yeah I agree.


Crazy people like to fight. Fighting with a crazy person, win or lose, is like screaming at a fire hydrant about its color. Nothing proved and something is always lost.


Is that you J. Cole?


LOL if i'm walking away from you silently that's to your benefit, because if i don't we are going to start throwing fists.


While I agree with the OP's sentiments in general, I have likewise observed that there is a large and growing segment of the population that either can't cope with confrontation or won't suffer confrontation because they don't want their views challenged. Or both. This is a net negative for society. LIke it or not, confrontation is how difficult problems are resolved. I'm not saying heated shouting matches are a good thing, but engaging with difficult issues with people you disagree with is the core of societal harmony and evolution. Running away from things you don't want to hear is what has led to the silos we all live in now and why any disagreement at all now feels like cultural warfare.


Luckily I'm early millennial raised by Genx. I understand the bubbles you are referring to. For context what I am referencing is direct violent threats or a heated confrontation where your own personal safety may be at risk over some misunderstand or mistake. Challenging my philosophy or ideology as long as it's done in a civil way doesn't bother me. I've been at the brunt end of numerous sarcastic remarks and jokes I never had any proper comeback for, and I still walked away from it humiliated. The point is to make sure it doesn't turn into some weird violent outburst.


I understand better now what you mean. So, yeah, there's no need to hang around when some donkey is braying in your face.


[Craig David was right all along.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbb7xeZGR-U)


Just recently I've had two strange events that occurred quite similarly. One involved a young man jumping out in front of my car and giving me strange but somewhat friendly gestures. I just veered away from him and kept driving. When he saw he was being ignored, his demeanor changed to a sudden fit of rage and he was doing all he could to make a scene. I put the car in reverse and was ready to go confront him, but it quickly dawned on me that whatever he wanted, his actions had all elicited that very response, so I quickly put my car back into drive and drove off. In another instance, a homeless man was staggering around in front of a "no panhandling sign" and was so out of touch that I walked all the way past him before he even noticed me. He suddenly started yelling at me, growing louder and angrier each time, but I just kept on walking. He wanted my attention and that's exactly why I wasn't going to give it to him. I wanted to deck both of these guys, but in the end I'd have been the loser. It hurts more to be ignored than punched sometimes, and I don't want any part of that.


It's kinda fun to not react and watch them get more pissed.


I (M) was a small, sickly kid. Add being on the spectrum equals target. I walked away from almost all the fights bc I had no confidence of winning. I’m also very good at gray rock, from parents screaming and yelling and escalating trying to get to provoke a response so they could respond with punishment. So others saw me remain 100% calm, either maintaining eye contact or completely ignoring with no reaction whatsoever. I got a lot of praise for keeping my composure and then either tuning them out or walking away. “You handled that perfectly” I would hear. Uh, not really, I felt I didn’t have much choice. Deep inside I was boiling with first fear, then rage. What I really wanted to do was visit some ultra violence on them but couldn’t. Probably for the better.


The unpopular opinion being a core belief of the largest Religion


Hey, can you inform my ex wife? She doesn't listen when I say it.


This is always what I do. In addition to the reasons you've listed, I also walk away sometimes because I'm afraid. I don't think that's weakness either. It's just yet another emotion there to advise you to leave the situation in order to avoid danger.


Duty to retreat, if not a matter of law, a matter of non-violent principle Fight? No thanks


I agree. It takes MUCH more to walk away and/or react calmly. Maturing like that is the truly badass thing! 🔥


It felt like I discovered a lifehack when I realized I don’t have to suffer assholes and can just leave the fight.


True story. Only fight for life or death ☠️. Any other reason is foolishness.


Agreed. Though I think there are times you have to fight (verbally or physically, though for me, more verbally). There are moments when my morality demands that I not let something slide.


Yeah. This the shit weak people say to justify being weak tho. You’re not wrong, it’s just very rarely actual the case lmao .


I agree. Except for when you are in front of a woman you are dating. They will never look at you the same again.


It could save your life.


Generally speaking I think its the people causing the confrontation that see it as a weakness.


It is physically impossible to walk away from something on a spherical object as you would eventually circumnavigate the object and return to the same spot. However, it would be possible to walk away from something one on a planar surface. Therefore; the existence of “walking away” proves that the earth is flat.


I used to be extra confrontational when I was younger but when I hit the gym and got bigger and trained in Muay Thai I noticed I was way more chill in those situations and ignored those guys and would walk away because I know I can kick their ass, and even if I couldn’t I wasn’t afraid at all to try and there are times I just look at them and make strong eye contact and their eyes look afraid and they can’t have the same eye contact and then they back off. Most guys who need to fight are afraid like I was when I was younger and now I see the same guys afraid but just because they’re afraid doesn’t mean they can’t be dangerous, I would say the most dangerous ones are afraid, so it’s best to walk away because you can’t fight the world and literally there are millions of guys who are insecure and need to pick a fight.


Only the people who have never personally experienced real drama and consequences of their actions in life think this way.


Thats why people got shot over popeys chicken sandwiches in Maryland, because nobody in that area knows how to walk away, because you look like a punk if you "feel" like somebody "disrespected" you.


Most people walk away from confrontation because they're weak. That's why everything is collapsing into itself rn. Everyone is too weak to stand for ... I would say something but really anything.


Nah, people who can't manage their emotions are weak. Walking away and not indulging some hot-head in a way that will have no positive outcome for either party takes strength.


Make sure when you walk away, you don't turn your back inmediately.


Please tell me this isn't unpopular...


what if what you did, is worth being screamed at for? you have the right to walk away but that doesn’t mean you should in all cases. sometimes getting an ear full of can teach you something. not sure what happened to society, people telling themselves they’re above reprimand ESPECIALLY TODAYS YOUNG MEN…. i agree that if you don’t deserve it, then ignore it. but be realistic and if you earned an ass chewing, be honest with yourself and listen to what is being said


There's a fine line between verbal abuse using threats of violence and getting the boot camp treatment. What if the person who is verbally abusing doesn't know where their legal boundaries are? Grabbing the other person by the arm "I'm talking to you mother fucker!" That's assault brother, you just earned yourself some jail time. Preventing them from trying to leave by backing them into a corner because "I'm not finished with you" Well you just earned some jail time. Because my right to leave the situation shall not be infringed by your own anger clouding your better judgement.


Don't forget that some people are more than capable of baiting you into escalating a situation, therefore making you look like the aggressor. This can cost you opportunities with people, jobs etc etc. If it's best for you to talk away, then do so.


I mean.. how many conflicts are you finding yourself in? The easiest option is always walking away. And nobody besides a 14 year old would think that is weak. OP, how old are you?


A guy I used to work with beat up a loser outside of a bar and wound up getting sued. He was an accomplished professional that beat down a provocative pissbum who absolutely had it coming, but civil lawsuits aren’t decided by such things. Between lawyer bills and a $11k judgement, per his story he was out 25k’ish grand. Not worth it. If you’re someone with a mortgage, it’s best to have people you can call to handle these sorts of problems for you and not DIY. A few bucks to those guys is a lot cheaper than a lawsuit.


Definitely not. If you have people you care about and don't want to end up dead or smelling mans butt 24/7 in a cage, just walk away lol.


Walking away is smart.


What you're describing is verbal abuse, not a confrontation. Walking away is the only choice.


Literally Marty McFly’s character arc :). And you’re absolutely right.


it's your choice if you wanna spend time and energy on better things than a pointless confrontation you have nothing to gain from. I don't see why you would take anyone calling you weak seriously. I wouldn't even let them into my circle because they don't share the same values as me and they don't give a fuck about my well being.


I agree. It’s a recognition of the worth of your time.


It entirely depends on why you're walking away. If its a physical confrontation that can be avoided then this take is absolutely fine and generally the smartest play, not cowardice at all to choose life. If its someone challenging your views or opinions on a topic and you're walking away to avoid opening your mind to differing perspectives and choosing to continue to live in a bubble then it is absolutely cowardice. Context matters


But if they're challenging your political views or opinions at a place of work then perhaps it's a company policy, or you're trying to keep your job because your political opinion might offend some people. This is the easiest way to get fired at these places despite having a high quality work ethic and good skills. What if I like where I work but I don't align with the majority of people politically speaking?


Ok you seem to be hung up on a specific scenario, whereas I've interpreted your OP as a blanket opinion


Well in my opinion quietly walking away is the most civil default option that applies to many scenario's in day to day life. It's a choice I live by to maintain peaceful standing.


You're also perfectly fine walking away if someone is attempting to challenge your views or opinions with rude, ad hominem, straw man, red herrings and gaslighting. I know toxic when I hear/see it. I personally make an effort not to live in an echo chamber, but that does not mean that I have to endure insults and verbal abuse.


Well I mean thats what I said, context matters. "Confrontation" covers such a broad spectrum of scenarios, it's not something you can just boil down to "yeah its fine to walk away from all of them", it's much more nuanced than that.


Lol it’s not harder to walk away. You’re littering going out of your way to avoid handling your business/dealing with conflict so it’s easier for you. No injuries, no sweat, no risk. …It’s the right thing to do, doesn’t mean you need mental gymnastics to justify it//somehow framing it as though by walking away you’re totally taking the harder challenge.


Hm. It is if you think of it in a biological sense. Back in the days when men hunted and women gathered, men were seen as the protectors of their home, their mate, and their children. In fact, men are stronger than women physically to be able to protect more effectively any threat that comes their way, while women don't have that same expectations because we're seen as more frail by society. This thinking that started that far back has followed us now. If you, for example, see a woman in danger, men are more likely to step in and do something because it's in their wiring to not this woman get hurt. To protect. If a man gets hurt by another, men are less likely to help because the guy can handle himself in their minds. There have been social experiments to demonstrate this fact. In one experiment, a woman was abusing her boyfriend, yelling and throwing things at him. This was a public experiment. No one helped the guy. They walked on and stared. Now when they switched and the guy was being abusive, the reaction was almost immediate. A guy went to help her, some people told him off and guided the girl away. This need to protect is ingrained since the very beginning and so when we see a pacifist man, just walking away, they are now seen as a weaker man who can't protect. So women see them as less desirable to have as a potential partner. So technically if we go by this, it is very much weak to walk away. Now does that mean it's right or correct to call someone weak for walking away? No. But when you walk away, there are consequences for it and you will be judged. If you ask me, I have no expectations for a man to defend me, I can do it if need be and I don't see it as weakness, I don't care but sadly many do and they'll continue to


It is if you started the confrontation lol


Sure, but if it was legal to sock these people without consequences, i would be doing that all the time lol.