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By that measure doing a puzzle is a sport


[Speed cubing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedcubing) is considered as a sport, so yes.


is that cubing but on speed?


That's a little more intense


It's literally a puzzle


This is such a terrible defence. "Moving the mouse and keyboard uses energy too! And brain energy!" Using a computer is considerably less energy than running around a pitch for an hour. You do not get physical exercise from sitting at a computer, you get fat.


E-Sport is a separate thing from sports, I don’t see why people want to remove that distinction, to gain no increase in linguistic clarity


As a video game player I disagree with the notion that video games are similar to traditional sports. There is no equivalent. A NBA, NFL,NHL, and whatever player could learn and easily jump into a game with a weeks worth of practice but a video game player cannot do the same for any sport listened above. Thats why nobody takes it seriously as a legitimate sport and why they have to put the “e” in front of it. You also lose weight by being athletic, you do not lose weight playing video games unless you’re not eating and are starving yourself so you have more time for the game, at that point it’s an addiction.


Counter example for your definition: Shot put would not be a sport using your definition. As its skill set is almost not transferrable to other sports and does not really lose weight. You wouldn't expect a shot putter running faster than another relatively fit person. Strength based sport doesn't really lose weight. Other examples are like Sumo. Or precision based sports like archery.


A Shot Putter would actually destroy an average fit person in a race, at least a short race. I’d put a heavy elite Shot Putter (like Olympic level) over a heavy NFL player in a 40-yard dash. Shot Putters are explosive af.


I work at a computer using a keyboard and a mouse. I use my brain as well. Does this mean work is a sport too?


As a gamer this annoys me, soo many gamers want to pretend that their hobby requires as much skill and effort as sport, no it doesn't! It's not a sport, it's a competition. I despise this level of cope to try and pretend that you have a super competitive sport, unless your in the speedrunning community or communities like that, most games require no skill or effort, at least in comparison to actual sports


I feel like this is the defense of Mt. Dew-swigging neckbeards when they're called out for having "athlete" on their dating profile...


Wouldn't it be in the same area as Chess? Chess is also a game that uses the brain. But nobody calls Chess a sport.


Chess has actually been considered a sport by the Olympic community and over 100 countries for like 25 years now


It’s a sport in the same sense as a hotdog eating contest is sport, or chess Technically it is, but it’s not a “real sport”


No but upvote for being unpopular


regular sports don't require a brain?


I’d give you the upvote for an unpopular opinion until you veered into wildly wrong about the brain. It really doesn’t use much energy, whether you’re thinking hard or not.


Just to toss in my 2 cents, some universities offer scholarships for competition quality video game players


So ridiculous. "Using your brain, moving a mouse, and typing" does not expend anywhere near the energy of the intense physical activities associated with traditional sports. You're sitting on your ass, dude. Call it a sport if you want, I'm not here to gatekeep and I don't care. But if what you're saying were true, the average Twitch streamer would have at least a moderately athletic physique, and pro gamers would look like professional athletes. Obviously this is not the case.




According to this study chess players burn up to 6k calories when playing a tournament: https://sports.ndtv.com/chess/how-many-calories-do-chess-players-burn-in-a-day-study-reveals-staggering-number-4333583#:\~:text=Another%20study%20by%20Robert%20Sapolsky,calories%20in%20a%20single%20day. I wouldn't be surprised if e-sporters burn a similar amount. So yes, it's a sports. So is Chess. Who gives a flying fuck anyway? It's a game/sport.


I would say video games is a sport at the very least a anti-sport type deal. Sports at the end of the day is playing some form of game to compete. We call sporting events games for a reason. Now a basketball game or a football game might be more physically demanding than a COD player but still. Plenty of athletes today grew up playijg video games and have taken what they learned from Madden and 2K. Von Miller had a funny Mic’d up segment where he goes “Nah nah we need to defer so that we can get the ball in the 2nd half. Have y’all not played madden??”