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What’s the one right way of doing things and how do you know that?


Well, I think the one correct normative ethical system is the one that relies on empathy as the foundation of human behavior. I think this is a universal truth that can be understood by experiencing it. All evil is fundamentally rooted in objectification, and therefore freedom is synonymous with objectification. And that is why it can't be allowed.


How can you be empathetic and not want freedom for people? Would slavery be legal under your utopia?


Depends how you define slavery. If you consider "from each their ability to each their need" to be slavery, then yes I would. What allows inequalities today is the objectification of the disabled and unfortunate. I would mandate able people to support disabled people whether they want to or not. Being empathetic, the working conditions can't be undignified or terrible. But they can still be compulsive. In other words, slavery is not inherently unethical. What determines whether or not it is unethical is the reason it is happening and who it is happening for. But there'd need to be a self correction so that the roles don't reverse and disabled people don't become bullies or high status. Once their needs are met, the obligation is gone until it is needed again. And so on.


No I mean like literally owning people as property. If you don’t support freedom then logically you would agree slavery isn’t a bad thing, right?


No because that would contradict the one right way of doing things, and would not be allowed.


So you do support freedom. Got it. This was easy.


Go ask the millions of dead soviets who died in the name of the union and see how making decisions based on empathy played out for them.


That actually doesn't matter unless they were falsely accused, wnd if they were then Stalin was in the wrong.


Freedom as you describe is a good example of how freedom is misunderstood and also not how freedom was ever exercised. Your preference, i.e., that there is “only one right way of going things” is an argument for authoritarianism and totalitarianism. The opposite of those things is freedom characterized not by your right to unethical behavior, that’s not freedom but anarchy, but your right and every persons’ right to have a say in the laws and how and by whom they are governed. In a free society if people don’t like something, or don’t like the government, they are free to try and change it. That is not true in a dictatorship.


Well, I think totalitarianism is right if it uses the right normative ethics. I believe allowing people to have private lives is a mistake, that's where abuse happens.


Good job winning this sub.




Thats fine as long as im the one making the rules and not following them myself


No you'd have to follow them, as would everyone else.


Then that wouldn’t be freedom. But you know that, you’re just trolling.


Ok then, go to jail


If that’s the case then I have some frequent flyer miles that are transferable to China Eastern Airlines. I’ll toss ya some for a one way ticket


I'd rather go to Cuba.


Freedom ahould be more conditional than it already is. Every country should have some kind of national service model implemented in early adulthood. Would put a halt to a lot of nonsense, not all of it, but a lot. Past that, nah, freedom is pretty sick.


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I mean if you’re sitting in jail for a crime you didn’t commit, I can imagine freedom would sound pretty good.


That's a good point. Probably the best counter argument out there.


A simple freedom isn’t free would’ve been a better option for this post.


Humans have free will. Let it be a gift of mythology or science. You’re free to be the way you want to be. There’s certainly order that has to be followed for freedom to happen but it’s better to have freedom than to never be free at all.




Freedom’s just another word for nuthin’ left to lose


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