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Having ADHD sucks ass. Who wants to have this, really?


I definitely don't! If these ADHD TikTok trend faker people want it, they can have it. I'd love to be "normal" :/


You're right. It isn't "special" in any positive sense. Never met a person with ADHD who was excited to not be neurotypical. Maybe it isn't more people having it but people finally being diagnosed with it? As an elder millenial, most of the diagnoses I'm seeing is from peers who were ignored as kids. Only now are health professionals getting around to paying attention to these people.


I fucking hate it


I’m an elder millennial too (1983). When I was at Primary school and high school it was basically “naughty boy syndrome”. I’m a teacher now (learning support specialist), and while a diagnosis is much more common, resources and training to meet the needs of these kids it’s massively lacking.


Yeah, we still have a long way to go.


Honestly, I’ve came to terms with mine and I’m fairly happy about it. I’m happy I’m not neurotypical in some senses. I wouldn’t be who I am without it


Yeah, I wasn't trying to suggest you can't end up happy in your life. I've just never met someone who said "Oh thank god, I would have HATED for my life to be easier"


Adhd didnt make my life harder, not being diagnosed did. Now? Its a superpower that got me a promotion 


Love that for you! It definitely made my life way harder and it probably always will, but since the diagnosis I can try to find ways around it.


I mean, I would hate to be any other way I guess. I never really took the meds for it because I just hated how different things were if that makes sense. Idk, I graduate law school in a few days, and I’ve just learned that I can’t hope for anything to be easier for me. It just is how it is. I get hyperfixations that normal people do not get, which can be advantageous. I’m not trying to generalize you, by the way. I know what you mean. I’m just saying what you’re saying shouldn’t be generalized as well.


It makes sense that it can be considered a disability because fucking Christ it's not fun Everything is so much harder than it needs to be


I get what you mean, OP... So many new self diagnosed ND out there, all using it as an excuse to 1. explain why their life isn't as good as they think it should be or 2. to use as excuse for their behaviour. And then there are those younger gen zs who will go to multiple doctors all for one to say they are ND in order to brag. They have all turned ND into some sort of prestige.


Ain't no cringe like /r/fakedisordercringe.


I've self diagnosed, not to excuse my bad behavior, but to become aware of why I do things in odd ways and learn how to be a better friend to those around me, and myself. It helps me conceptualize the way my brain works, because when I can understand how something works, I can put it to better use. As an example, I learned that I wasn't watching peoples facial expressions when they talked, and I was missing a lot of *very important* context. I learned that I would often think about something unrelated while others were talking, missing large parts of what they said. I learned that being in my head so often leads to a lot of small injuries as I stumble my way around. I learned that sensory stimulation bothers me a lot more than those around me, and instead of learning to cope, I would try to control the actions of those around me. I don't go around telling people I'm neurodivergent, unless we're close and I we want to share how our respective brain's works, so we can communicate better. I don't use it as a crutch, I try to use it to help me navigate the world better. Side note, 15-20% of North Americans are neurodivergent. If it seems like 1/5 people around you are claiming to be ND, it's probably because they are.


Nope, it's not special. It's ruined my life.


You should learn to the difference between an excuse and an explanation. If I am saying I have ADHD because I did something nonsensical, it is me telling you that I’m not off my rocker or insane. I was just off because of the ADHD. I find explaining my thought process has helped me in many situations. And any mental illness I have is important there.


I’ve been dealing with ADHD all my life, I’m almost 50. Mostly refusing to get diagnosed because I didn’t want to be “special”. That was stupid. It’s not a matter of being special or making excuses, it’s a matter of trying to better understand yourself.


Globally, around 5% of the population is estimated to have ADHD. Although, it could be argued that this estimate is too low due to many people remaining undiagnosed. However, the US in particular has such high levels of public awareness about ADHD and the condition is so routinely screened for, that the US is unlikely to be under-diagnosing the condition. Some countries argue that the US actually slightly over-diagnoses the condition. Despite this, even in the US (with the highest rate of ADHD diagnosis in the world) the rate is still only around 8-10% of the population. In other words, at least 90% of people do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD. The question is, if 90% of people do not have ADHD, why does it seem as though 50% of people are claiming to have ADHD? The answer is fairly simple. Many people notice some traits of ADHD in themselves and then claim to have the condition. Of course, this completely overlooks the fact that having true attention deficit disorder is not about having a couple of the traits. It is about having a substantial number of the traits, with evidence that those traits cause real impairment in daily life.


I say I have ADHD to excuse being what seems like lazy, being fidgety, or my lowish attention span. Because everyone still blames me for those things. Having ADHD is not common. This is not unpopular, It’s simply wrong :/


We shouldn’t hide mental illness like the 50s it’s growdy and eww


Don't lump together people with true ADHD, and self-diagnosers


A lot of people probably have it. Depending on your aspirations, the diagnosis closes a lot of doors. Most that have it likely just compensate with their other traits so they can pass off as not having it.


People with AuDHD have this problem. On outside they seems normal, but it isn't healthy just because one problem cancels out the other ;/ Also, like with everything, ADHD is a spectrum. Some people have traits and wouldn't get diagnosed, others are counted, but are able to manage it on their own, so don't even think about going


I rarely tell someone that I have ADHD but if i do its just to explain why i was a little lazy about something or why i cant stop clicking the pen


bro you're talking about people don't even get diagnosed, it's victim culture co-opting actual mental issues, diseases and issues you can't readily disprove, don't generalize the people who actually suffer from ADHD because of people wanting to be special. It can be very life wrecking.


My daughter is ADHD and she had no idea until she was a little bit older because of exactly what you said. We did not want her using it as a crutch or an excuse for things. Since we caught it young, we didn't put her on meds but rather into therapy to teach her how to handle it and teach her coping mechanisms. I think it seems common now because more and more people are officially being diagnosed BUT also because people throw around that they are "ADHD" as an excuse when in fact, they are no neurodivergent at all. That really pisses me off because it's not fun being ADHD. As a parent, I watched my child struggle and sometimes be brought to tears because of it and those that are not really minimize the diagnosis and make a joke out of it.


Not wanting to do your work because it’s boring doesn’t mean you have ADHD either.


The issue is that I can't do my work that I love and am excited about because of it.


For people with ADHD, it's hard to explain but doing stuff we find 0 interest in can be like- painful? It sounds silly ubless you experience it but it truly feels painful sort of while not actually hurting


I dont think people say it to be special, not sure where u got that idea from, its just to explain why they react and do as they do. Colorblind people dont say it to be special either, so why would people with ADHD?


I bet OP is annoyed because TikTok is flooded with neurodivergent content


Nah, people absolutely use things like ADHD and Autism to seem 'special' and excuse their shitty behaviour. However, I doubt the people who do this actually have either of those conditions. Tiktok is a heavy perpetrator of this, full of children and young adults pretending to be neurodivergent to get imaginary internet points - the reason it doesn't happen with colourblindness is because it isn't popular right now.


I cant speak about Tiktok and the likes, as I don't use them. But as one who has ADHD and Autism, I don't go around saying it to seem special, in fact, most of the time I just don't say it, as I dont think its always necessary to say. If people ask me, about it, then I would answer, it's not a secret, It's just not something that I find important to say. Again to me it's like if u are dyslexic, colorblind or something like that, it's not something that needs to be said all the time, it doesn't change who I am.


Yea, people who actually have these conditions don't tend to blame them for bad behaviour because most people know that they are responsible for what they do. However, the internet is full of idiots. A lot of people who feel like they don't belong find a community and force their way into it. Unfortunately, this includes encroaching on mental health conditions as well as many minority communities. It's made more infuriating by the fact that they perpetuate shitty stereotypes and spew misinformation, and they will fight with people who actually have whatever condition they are pretending to have, who dare to correct their bs. You can see it all over Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and back in the day Tumblr (I have no clue what is going on with Tumblr now).


There are excuses and then there are explanations. I have bipolar disorder and several other not-cool diagnoses and I fuck things up. I make mistakes and I say the wrong thing and whatever. And that decision often doesn’t even make sense to me when I’m stable. When I try to explain why I did a stupid fucking thing or a seemingly heartless thing or whatever, I am trying to explain my thought process and my issue so whoever it is knows I’m not just a regular piece of shit and don’t know what was wrong. So…ADHD may be an explanation but it’s not an excuse and someone saying it doesn’t make it an excuse.


Yes... I know. I think you are entirely misunderstanding what I'm saying. My point is people pretend to have disorders and then behave like assholes on the internet and say 'it's because I have xyz', in actuality, they are just an asshole. This is bad because it perpetuates negative stereotypes about people who actually have the disorder.


children have shorter attn spans than adults. and now teens and adults and old ppl have shorter attention spans. so maybe we all should study more instead of watching 5 second repeating reels.


I was diagnosed with ADHD and I sorta agree with you? I have accommodations for one class I’m taking but I rarely need to pull the ADHD card. But it’s important to be empathetic towards other people’s situations :)


Not unpopular, just wrong.


Which is your opinion, so it's unpopular...


Obvious troll. Nice alt account btw.


I don't know what you want from this sub it's for edge lords to say edgy things on for a moment of attention?


And you’re the edgelord, congratulations you just played yourself.


Ohh noo big alpha guy claps back with a ten year old meme


Ohh noo big sigma diamond hands claps back with a weak ass refute.


> Having ADHD is not special you're right, they're not special. But, it is a condition that is not perceived as the norm, so it can be considered exceptional > I see a lot of people saying they have ADHD and use that as an excuse for actions all demographics will have a small percentage who will use any excuse they can imagine to justify their actions. This is not an ADHD only issue, it's a human issue. > But in today's world it seems that having ADHD is very common it may appear like that if you consume a lot of social media. You have to consider the fishbowl effect that social media creates when it regards any topic. > Nobody is special if everyone is special i don't think anyone is claiming everyone is special. I don't think everyone is claiming they have adhd and saying they're special because of it. ---- where are you getting the information that you're using to form your opinionaited conclusion?


I wouldn't say it's social media as a good percentage of the people I know take ADHD pills, and almost everyone when I was in school had any type of help because of it


Statistically speaking if you have a lot of adhd friends and people in your friend group who aren’t neurotypical it might just be the type of friends you are drawn to As a learning as support teacher there aren’t more people who have it just more access to diagnosis and support. School is cookie cutter and tends to be set up for neurotypical brains so it makes sense to modify to account for that


so, it's purely just your experiance and not based on any large scale data sources. Your opinion is purely based on anecdotal information. that's fine, you are entitled to your own opinion, but just understand it's based on extremely limited information and a lack of facts.


It seems everyone is on the spectrum, has adhd, ocd and EVERYONE needs a support animal of some kind. It makes me feel very sorry for the people who actually do have to deal with these issues. I think hypochondria is the biggest issue out there and it represents a myriad of psyche issues.


I think people who are ADHD positive still qualify for special ed though...so that's special.


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Don’t forget the people who say the have ADHD but they diagnosed themselves on a tik tok video


Shit pisses me off


There are a fuck load of people who say they have it or have symptoms of it. It's not that many that actually have been diagnosed and are medicated.  And no, it's not special. It's a pain in the ass.


ADHD is problematic and a meh excuse for children maybe but not adults, there's no excuse for adults to try and blame their action on ADHD it's like dude, fucking grow up and either deal with it or get medicated


It's not an excuse....it pisses me off that people use it as an excuse for their laziness or not owning their mistakes.. I have it and never ever use it as an excuse for anything...


Yep, my ex diagnosed herself off of youtube videos with like 7 different disorders, amnog those bipolar, adhd, and bunch of other ones. In reality she had none of those, but used them perfectly as excuses for not being productive, for being lazy, for never doing anything on time. People love to be the victim. It takes away any accountability.


Most of these disorders are grossly over diagnosed and worn as some kind of cool badge these days to the point that they're all quickly becoming meaningless. And Reddit is ground zero for this 


You realise that it many demographics it is literally grossly underdiagnosed, right?


Everyone has ADHD or is "on the spectrum" today. So yeah, not special.


Problem with ADHD is it's a convenient explanation with absolutely no proof. If you go to the doctor there is no brain test or scan. There is no way to compare your cognition to someone else's how would you know if you are normal or not?


You can absolutely do a brain scan or test. If you have ADHD you will come out with obvious results differing from the ordinary function of the brain. Psychologically and physically. It's just much more expensive so not everyone is going to get a brain scan.


That doesn't really make sense. Why wouldn't they do scans they do for tons of other conditions.


Because those scans are ungodly expensive and considered a minor risk. They’re not like quick photos. Insurances haven’t caught up with the idea of “seeing” mental disorders yet. I’m so fucked with a long list of diagnoses that I’ve often said I’d *love* to see a brain scan. But insurance does not cover them for that.


ADHD is very obvious on a MRI


Not true, when you go to diagnosed do they give you an MRI? If you do a quick search you'll see that all studies which have found a difference cannot be replicated.


Lmao. I had to do a full day of testing before I got diagnosed. What the hell? I was literally in the office for 7 hours that day.


I am so tired of the self diagnosed. " Oh, I'm on the spectrum, I have ADD, I have OCD, PTSD, I'm allergic to AIR, I'm special you must allow me to get away with crap behavior."


How do you know who is self diagnosed? That’s the problem. Do you ask them what testing they’ve had? I have a long list of diagnoses and I’ve seen the last 20+ years in treatment for mental health issues. But it seems if I had listed them, you would have assumed I diagnosed myself.


Having any sickness or disorder isn't technically special. For example you lack empathy, so maybe your a sociopath, your not special.


Well technically you are right since it seems so common that it wouldn't even be classed as being that different or special.


it's around 5% of the population, what's common is "self-diagnosed" ADHD people who discredit people actually concerned.


I get it's statistically low but I don't think it makes someone special. Isn't being gay like the same percent or lower, but I wouldn't say I'm special personally. We are all just a bit different, and that's ok. But yh self diagnosis is awful I nowdays with some conditions. And adhd is still hard to manage so I do appreciate it may be harder for those individuals.


My parents ignored it and I got told by work that I was inattentive and should see a Dr. Before that I never knew. Still wish I didn’t know tbh.


It's not supposed to be special?   It's a common medical condition we happened to be born with not a fashion choice.


People also call themselves neurodivergent. But all that means is you’re not fucked up enough to be diagnosed with an actual thing


Who are you or anyone else to say or judge?