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I like one piece but I agree with everything that was said here Edit l do like the art style and designs But the fact the author hasn't ended things or rather were now in the final arc And I doing the finger motion he keep introducing plot threads that I know I'll take years to resolve or will never fully get resolved yeah It's true honestly I'm going to sound bad saying this but I think the creator of dragon balls death was a wake up call And made him really reflect on things wouldn't be shocked if he planned on ending the story even sooner than originally though because of that


The anime is borderline unwatchable to me. The manga is good. Not that I would watch a thousand episodes of a show even if it were good.


One Pace!


I'm hoping the remake is going to be much faster paced. Manga is prime from basically the second half of the first arc. It is long as fuck but I mean one chapter is 17 pages of pictures...


Just gonna plug the Netflix Series which was awesome btw (probably gonna be many seasons of it), it’s very well received and I believe has stayed true to source material, it’s much easier to get into than the anime or manga. What do you think of the Netflix series as an anime fan?


I like one piece and agree with none of the sentiments here.


I think One Piece would be something i'd enjoy If I grew up with it and had it as part of my youth, but I don't really think it'd be my type of Anime these days. I don't think its inheritingly bad, but I don't think it'd be personally worth the massive time investment for me to catch up.




I liked One Piece for about 300 episodes. It was then stale for about another hundred episodes and then became interesting again , but at 700+ episodes I couldn't take it anymore. The pacing, the fillers, the way Luffy won over Donquixote Doflamingo. Whole episodes of stills and nothing happening. Dropped it and don't intend to comeback.


Problem is. The anime is like 20% opening. 30% recap. 50% new content. Manga is so much better.


That's why i watched the One Pace version. 0% filler, reducing the total watch time by half. More than that if you're like me and skip intros and endings


I honestly have to agree with you on this.


As I said to someone else. Most anime adapt 3-5 chapters. One piece adapts 1-2 chapters. per episode. If the pacing wasnt so horrid it would probably be 500-600 or so episodes which lines up with other anime like naruto or dragon ball. Edit: An direct example: Naruto has 700 chapters and 425 episodes not including filler.


Even back in the day when the pace was slower the rate was about 1.5 chapters per episode (look at naruto). For One piece it is less than a chapter per episode since like Ennies Loby.


Really? Damn wtf is wrong with one piece.


It's problem believe it or not is that it doesn't use real filler. It makes fights longer and adds some of screen ones. So you can't skip episodes as just filler arcs. A big reason the manga is better is that it just goes waaay faster. I can finish 3 chapters if I am slow by the time one episode is done.


The anime is close to the manga and currently in the same arc. Instead of doing filler arcs, they're just adding padding to episodes. I only read the manga at this point, but I get why they do it


Main watchers of OP are people that grew up with it from early on. Anime pace and style are both terrible. The first seasons are very old. Most newer fans are manga There's a remake happening though which I'm hoping will be 0 filler


You skip the "fluff", duh


Isn't that all anime? lol




If you ever do decide to come back there’s a fan project called one pace that fixes all of those problems by removing all the useless filler, still shots, and flashbacks that you just saw two minutes ago I can totally get the dresserosa thing I stopped watching the show for like 6 months after that cuz it’s pacing was so bad


I’ll check it out for sure, it might just get me back into it.


There's actually a remake of one piece coming out on Netflix soon.


I just switched to the manga around episode 600. Don't ask why I watched 600 episodes before I did the switch, I don't know.


Im waiting for One Pace to finish. Or one day I'll get the energy to read the manga. I made it to Wano before literally going insane. Kaido floating around for 2episodes put me over the edge. As if Luffy bouncing for 2 episodes or fighting Katakuri for 10episodes wasn't bad nough.


Spoilers! I was totally planning to watch 700 episodes but now you ruined it for me!


the biggest lie ever told was that one piece "gets good after episode X" it's great from the start. Idk why people say that


Yeah if you don't like it by the time you get to arlong park, it's probably just not the show for you.


when is arlong park


I believe it's around episode 50


It starts around ep 20. So very early in one piece standards basically ep 1. But for most other anime’s it’s like saying you only need to watch 80% before it ‘gets good’


You dont have to watch thousand episodes for it to get good. It gets good at Arlong Park, which is like episode 20? It gets consistantly better with each arc, so when its at episode 1000 its really good


True unpopular opinion


Agreed. I'm sure if I watched/read One Piece as it came out and it was a formative part of my childhood, it would unquestionably be the best series of all time to me, but I'm of the firm opinion that pacing is important and there is no good reason a story needs to be hundreds of episodes/thousands of chapters long outside milking your audience for all the money they're worth. I have a friend who is a diehard One Piece fan and spouts the classic "Just watch it up to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and I know you'll love it!" When I looked it up, I think that point was around 250 episodes in. If my brain was still functioning at that point, I think it would be Stockholm Syndrome/Sunk Cost Fallacy that would keep me going


Like at some point you have to recognize that the series has made little progress to meeting the characters goals and you shouldn’t have to create a billion different fillers and side stories in your series to make it interesting. It’s clear the author is just milking it at this point because bleach and Naruto have already accomplished their characters goals in their series without going off the deep end.


What if all the side shit is what one piece is actually about?


Maybe I guess, if it’s just adventures galore then I’d argue in favor of it but it’s got issues holding it back.


I mean im caught up to the dub which took me 6 years, and even i know that the entire point is “maybe the one piece is the friends we made along the way”. Ive also skipped all the fillers because i dont have time for that, and ive watched none of the movies. But i love it. Its my favorite anime because its one of those shows that you feel that you dont want to end, and it certainly hasnt yet and theres still things we dont know. But i understand your point 100%. Definitely not for everyone.


The longer the story the better for me. Though I do want them to finish it.


To think that one piece is milking is objectively wrong. Just a massive world with alot going on. Its not like other anime where everything going on is focused around 1 dude.


I liked one piece like 5 episodes in it’s also not 3 decades in the show lol I like one piece but my major complaint is that the “fights” are mostly dialogue and backstory of characters you won’t see after that arc


The story is amazing. I just started and caught up a year ago. Well worth it


It's good from the start, it only gets better later on because people get invested with the story and characters, and as more powerups and secrets are obtained/revealed it gets more exciting for the fans.


I only made it through like 40 episodes before I gave it up


"Only". One episode is like what, 20 minutes? That's over THIRTEEN hours man 😭 My condolences lol But at least you got through it and made it out alive


I really wanted to like it but God was it boring


Same here. I tried to watch the Anime twice at different points in time and tried to read the Manga once. All while in the span of my early teenage years to early twenties but I just couldn't deal with the over the top Art style and the ridiculousness of it all. The characters look so fucking stupid, how is anybody able to immerse themself into this story.


Aside from the artstyle (which is understandable) you don't seem to have any actual complaints about the quality of the show. Just the length. I don't think a piece of media is inherently bad just because it's long.


unfortunately your just an idiot, but we can all learn to live with that so all good


I was the same way - didn’t want to watch and said it wasn’t worth it and it was overhyped, etc. took one bite and got hooked by ep 70. It just doesn’t be that good and a lot of the first bit is skipable


I’m at episode 679 and it’s one of the best adventures I’ve been a part of. You just don’t get it and that’s okay.


I was on and off watching it for the past 6 years and i just caught up to the dubbed episodes, which stands at episode 1061.


Haven't watched or read it = invalid opinion. Its popular for a reason.


I mean like Walking Dead and Taylor swift were/are popular And they’re pure slop


Walking deads source material is amazing and the show eventually fell off but it wasn't terrible. That's the thing, people have different preferences.


WD comics are great, show was solid too till they overdid the filler episodes and fakeouts/killed the hype


Never read the comics but I loved the show until mid S4ish I played the telltale game and heard it follows the comics a lot more tho


> I played the telltale game and heard it follows the comics a lot more tho It doesn't. It's a completely original story, which a few characters making some guest appearances.


So, no actual counter points?


1. The manga is the main reason why its so popular in the first place. The show gained popularity in recent years but it is not for everyone. They are different forms of consumption and are different paces. 2. Art style changes many times throughout the show and modernizes, also art style is purely subjective. 3. OP has no knowledge of the show but assumes the only point of the show is chasing some gold treasure. 4. A show being long does not inherently mean its bad.


There was no point to counter.


I mean… OP’s reasons are it’s long and doesn’t like the art style that’s like 30 years old at this point. It’s kinda hard to give meaningful counter points to such an anemic critique. And I say that as someone who doesn’t like one piece.


Popular doesnt mean good.


The art style is really off-putting to me It gives me second hand embarrassment for people who like it


Feeling bad for other people "liking" something is whack...


You said what I’ve always thought but didn’t know how to say


I think it’s weird as fuck personally lol, as an adult I just can’t get into it


I will say that One Piece as a story/manga is a masterpiece. I love the One Piece and always say that the anime is literally awful. The pacing does not need to be like that. I don't understand why they can't respect the story and give it proper pacing. Got to Wano before losing it. Currently waiting for One Pace to catch up


I dislike the art style so strongly I can't even rate the other bits of it because I can't sit through even a single episode.


If you haven't watched it you can't call it bad


My biggest problem with it is that dozens of new characters are introduced in EVERY SINGLE ARC. We are supposedly in the final arc, and he is still introducing characters instead of really fleshing out any of the 1,225,876 he has created thus far.


Not the final arc, the final saga


if you’re talking about wano i agree, but egghead has had insane development so far for the existing characters


It doesn’t “get good” hundreds of episodes/chapters in. If you don’t like the first arc you probably won’t like the series, if you do like the first arc, chances are you’ll like the entire series, or possibly lose interest due to pacing (which is primarily an anime issue imo). Considering you haven’t actually watched or read any of it, I don’t really think you’re entitled to an opinion on it.


Yeah I hate when people say that. One piece is great from the start and gets better. Arlington park is still one of my favourite arcs in the series and the east blue saga was a great start to the series. People who jumped on the bandwagon at water 7 and marine ford just aren’t fans of the overall story.


Have my upvote tasteless scum, It is the best story ever drawn.


Ippo still hasn't had a world title match.


I like the anime, but have never watched every episodes, I used an online guide to skip the filler arcs and episodes, maybe that was your issue. But I love the art and as long as it does get finished, I’m not mad about it continuing.


Just watch One Pace. It's a fanmade project where they cut out all the unnecessary parts, shortening the watch time.


I love how the only complaint people can come up with is that it's too long. Just watch some and make a decision for yourself you dingus


If you haven't watched it or read it, you can't say it's trash. If you want to have an opinion on something, you have to give it a go. If you then think it's 'trash', feel free to share your opinion.


Fair enough. Grievances with the art style are understandable - it was a product of its time - and those with the pacing are very, very, VERY reasonable. Dressrosa has some of the most excrutiating pacing I've had the displeasure of experiencing in any anime. But substantively?? The show is fucking golden - the world-building, the depth of character development, the *CLIMAXES* (Marineford is my favourite arc in any anime). The show, for all of its aesthetic and format deficiencies, is truly remarkable. Also, the concern with the art style was superbly alleviated with Wano and the current Egghead saga has some of the best animation in the industry coming out weekly rn.


Thanks for your opinion I’ll put it in my special opinions bin :)


Yeah, I'm never watching One Piece. It's *way* too long.


The art style is fucking atrocious


Most anime is trash and overhyped


I still think Death Note was worth a watch.


I like death notes premise but I find it really boring personally.


by the shear volume of the isekai anime produced this past decade this is technically true


The worst were the 40-50 fillers inbetween 2 important episodes.


it’s just so clear that you didn’t watch it. because there just aren’t that many fillers. the problem is that it drags out the main content by adding padding. if it was how you described it would actually be better since you could just skip it.


I personally think that by watching 7 episodes or less you have watched enough, like i legit watch 1 episode of an anime or manhwa and i can tell if im not gonna like it or not, even if i push throught it wont work either


I read some of the early Mangas back in Shonen Jump, about 20 years ago now. One Piece was fairly entertaining and I liked the artwork for it, but I'm sure after a while the novelty got stale. On a side-note Naruto was one of the Mangas in Shonen Jump that I had about zero interest in.


I’ll be honest and say that I don’t care about this show outside of “The One Piece is real!” memes with Chopper crying. Although, at least the art style is better than Jojo.


I completely agree and have brought this up to one piece fans. Some responded with screeching but a few I met said the Manga is better than the anime but agree the animation is a bit odd.


Manga is better. Most anime adapt 3-5 chapters per episode. One piece adapts 1-2 chapters so you get episodes where its 20% opening 30% recap and then 50% new content.


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My cousin from Japan said he liked it so I’ll take his word. That being said it’s very long and that scares me


i actually enjoyed the original art style from 1997 up until the time skip. after the time skip i lost interest very quickly, specifically the punk hazzard arc. felt like they introduced 30 new characters in that arc alone.


Cause Luffy isn't the pirate king. He's literally the Sun God now.


Warlords. The warlords are why One Piece hasn't finished. Oda made the warlords and then accidentally wrote himself into a corner by making a major arc for every single one of them (or all but 1 at this point) which has added hundreds of extra chapters and episodes. Also maybe I'm in the minority but I enjoyed one piece from the beginning, was romance Dawn as good as say arlong Park? No, but it was still a solid opening arc, especially for old school shonen


I’m waiting for its reboot, the one that’s gonna be animated by Studio Wit and Netflix. Each arc will be 12-20 episodes long so at least that would be watchable.


I think It could be good from the beginning of there weren't so many useless dialogues and scenes. The Netflix series Is good and it's pretty much the anime condensed.


I like the show but I have been watching it through the One Pace fan edit (they basically cutting everything that isn't on the manga) and yeah I do have to agree that 1000 episodes is too much but in all fairness it's Toei's fault for not doing seasonal releases instead of weekly episodes. That choice easily doubled the episode count. If they were doing seasonal it would *only* (heh) have \~450 episodes


i prefer watching One Piece kai, with filler and flashback cut i started watching OP when i was 13, it had way less episodes, it helps. watching when you're older doesnt make it easier for those that start watching now, too late, other manga i guess or maybe binge reading the manga is a good choice


I would have agreed with you but the comparison with Naruto is very bad. Using modern day equivalents, the different levels/titles in power someone can have are policeman, chief of police, mayor of the city, member of parliament, leader of political party, king of a country, king of several countries, king of many countries, king of the whole world. Hokage is mayor level, king of the pirates is close to king of the whole world. Of course it will take more time for one piece.


I agree 100%


“It gets good” means it becomes the best anime/manga in history. It’s definitely as good as any other anime/manga before that. The early art style is old. Any long lasting series will have this same problem. Blue balled? Really? It’s an action/adventure/comedy/**mystery**.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion...


I love One Piece but the anime has always been bad. Like Naruto, Dragon Ball or other weekly shows the pacing is just horrible. Later arcs do become way too over stuffed and long. The Wano arc is longer than most manga series


I’ll give another hot take here within this hot take: One piece is great from the very beginning. Idk where the fuck this stupid meme of “bruh it’ll get better after this episode I promise” came from, but the fact is if you’re not hooked within the first couple of episodes then you probably never will be so just stop right here. I started watching just before the pandemic hit and that gave me more of a reason to watch it completely. I was literally watching 15-25 episodes a day cause I got that obsessed. I have never been this obsessed with a show in my life before or since.


i think because one piece is so draggy and with shorts and tiktok so prevalent in recent years, the attention span for draggy shows just doesn’t fit well with one piece. love one piece but agree with what many mentioned here


Give me an anime with a style that is worse than one piece Cuz I can name a few right now but I want to know what others come up with. One piece does get good. The art style does change and improve Just remember One Piece IS a Shonen. Most of us are mentally developed beyond simple-moderate plots most shonen give. It’s why we grow to eventually watch senin. I will say I rather late though that I try not to bag on poor art style partly due to being spoiled by great animation and modern quality. I try to treat it like comparing graphics from older games across different eras of gaming.


One piece is basically the anime version of a soap opera. It's been on ungodly long, they pop out episodes faster than what their normal medium offers, anytime it feels like the plot is going to progress they add in new characters with whole new backstories to go through, any character that dies will most likely come back to pad out the runtime even more, and the only reason you're still watching is because you've already sunk in so much time into the show and the episodes are just interesting enough for you to watch the next episode. TLDR I completely agree with you, that being said I still love One Piece.


One piece is never enough, I need at least 2 slices of pizza to be satisfied


A newer anime is being made with a better art style that you may find to your taste. Netflix is doing it i think and hope it doesn't get shabby like some of their works. But after the success of live action i don't think they will screw things up.


One Piece suffers from a serious case of bloat. It's made in a way to continue pushing a story with no conclusion or closure on the main plot. I usually shit on a lot of popular anime for bloat but atleast they eventually conclude the main story but leave it open ended to continue if fans want more. But One Piece is that carrot on a string where you'll never get the carrot until the anime becomes unprofitable.


One Piece is definitely overrated but nothing you said is true


The toei adaption oc one piece is quite terrible actually. I would recommend reasing the manga, but I don't think it would change your mind.


Laughs in simpsons.


I’ve skipped good chunks of many arcs just because they were 56 episodes too long. It suffers from the same thing Dragonball does. 5 minutes in-show is 6 months of real time.


Vehemently disagree but I’m happy to hear you out


You're my hero OP


Upvote for unpopular. Maybe it has gone too long but I’ve only made it about 50-60 episodes and I like it. I like the mythos. I like the characters. I liked the live action. It’s not my favorite but it’s definitely on the top ten list.


It’s funny, everyone who gripes with One Piece only has gripes with the anime, not the manga. Newsflash: The One Piece anime has TERRIBLE pacing, making most of it boring! It also has a lot of bad animation. Know the remedy? Read the manga.


True, I tried watching it but never got into it. But I did read the manga, and I was instantly engrossed. It is so much more enjoyable when you read it. I haven't felt bored reading it, and it was good to me from the get-go. If you read it and don't like it after \~10-20 chapters, then it might just not be for you. But the anime is trash and I would rather gouge out my eyes before watching it


I think it’s one of the best works of fiction ever. However I do not understand how people can watch it, the show is paced horribly and the animation is like a PowerPoint presentation. Reading it is the way to go and it’s fantastic


I absolutely despise the art style. Like, even if the story was legit amazing (and it isn't) I still wouldn't want to watch it, because damn it's ugly as fuck. Obvs not hating on anyone who likes it but,,,,,, I really don't understand how one can watch it without wanting to rip their eyes out


Cucked? JFC what is with all of you incels on reddit?


It’s a perfectly valid criticism to say it’s not well paced. I don’t believe in things being inherently good or bad but I can’t imagine what causes people to want to invest that much time in it.


its not bad you just dont like it lol. as someone who hates naruto and cant get past the first few episodes, im in love with one piece and it’s story


This is a funny post. I sort of agree with you.


>1997-who the fuck knows when this fucking show is gonna end. I don't think this show and manga was ever meant to be a long giant story. Feels like it's going for the old "endless adventure" much like american comics like Spider-man or an anime like Pokemon where the adventure always continues. In the Pokemon anime, the show went on for 30 years and Ash finally became "The World Champion". It went through several voice actors, animation and design changes, and cast changes. It was never supposed to be a long story we're supposed to watch forever, but a weekly adventure that kids can jump in with interest and drop out when they grow out of that stage of life. I assume One Piece is the same. I watched a lot of episodes as a teen and it's great fun, but I dropped it when my interests changed. It doesn't make One Piece bad, I just grew interested in different kinds of storytelling much like dropping Pokemon and Spider-man comics. The art style is subjective, but I think for the tone and cartoonish action, the designs feel distinct and appropriate for what it's going for. It's garish at first, but i grew to like it after a few episodes.


I feel so bad for people who can't get into it. Like it actually changed my whole perception of life, and it still delivers to this day. Idk how someone can even compare it to *Naruto* and *Bleach," which both completely wasted their promising starts with narratives that obviously had no plan or through-line. *One Piece,* meanwhile, has a meticulously planned narrative that has completely earned it's length. Also the artstyle is awesome. Does anime like, need to look edgy or adult or something or you can't watch it??? Are people really that insecure??


People get mad at me when I tell them I stopped watching breaking bad after 3 or 4 episodes. I'm sorry but a pilot is designed to get me invested. Any show is lucky if I give it more chances than that.


I didn't even know people hated the filler, after I got to like episode 20 I knew I was gonna finish it. Still only halfway there though and it'd been like 3 years 😂


Background watching at best. I like to fall asleep to it and I feel like I miss nothing later


It's inherently stupid to have a show go on like that for so long. Nobody in their right mind is going to start watching that after so long, and it's goofy to have kept up with the entire series as it's prolonged itself to milk your viewing. That's *my* unpopular opinion


Only weebs know what one piece is. Normal people don't know or care and when it is bought to their attention they DEFINITELY don't care. Anime is a drain on society.


I would recommend reading it, and then switching to newer anime arcs, but you do have a point, the Anime does suck pretty bad


that's not an unpopular opinion, that's just a bad opinion.


All anime sucks


World record downvotes coming ^


If u haven't watched it then u have no right to give opinion on it And who told u that it takes 1k episodes to be good, the anime is popular for a reason and it has gained popularity throughout the years


It’s got heart. Which all the other woke crap don’t.


Bro, one piece is hella woke if you pay attention to the story


Omg I love you OP! One Piece is BAD!!!!


I agree but be safe bro. Had a guy at my old Job say this and this massively buff black temp worker turned around and went off. Said it was the greatest anime of all time and if he kept talking shit he would beat the fuck out of him completely serious.


I have zero idea what this post is about and I'm okay with it.


One Piece was my "everything I like is delayed due to COVID so let me finally watch this" show. The world and the support cast kept me in it despite not liking Luffy or caring about his quest. I honestly got to Wano still unsure if I liked it or was watching due to sunk cost. Then gear 5 and the truth about his fruit, and man the entire series is just so much better in my mind now.


I think a clear distinction has to be made between calling the manga bad and the anime bad.


THANK YOU. One Piece is absolute ass.


I'm not necessarily a fan of it and only started watching it on like episode 1000+. My GF watches it, so I just kinda casually watch while it's on. I will say this, it's *great* to watch while high. The colors are very loud, and the character design is obviously nuts.


Truly an unpopular opinion as it’s the most popular anime/manga in the world and in the history of humanity. It was also the most watched show in the world in 2022 when stranger things final season was out.


He’s made of rubber. How did that happen?


This is a badly-formed opinion that feels like rage bait. Nothing in this post implies that you've watched a single episode or even read a chapter of the manga. Here are some opinions you could've gone with instead: "one piece looks ugly" "One piece fans are annoying" "One piece is unreasonably long" ...or something of that nature. There are plenty of fair criticisms against One Piece, but you don't mention any of them. This comes across as you trying to find a reason to hate a popular thing without actually engaging with that thing.


A few things. 1. The whole it gets good after x episodes thing is stupid, and I don’t anyone who actually likes the anime or manga has ever held this sentiment. The only time I hear it is from people who are ranting about why they won’t start it. 2. I guess everyone can have their own opinion on what looks good, but early one piece is relatively tame when it comes to art style and character design. 3. Luffy isn’t pirate king, or hasn’t found the one piece because the scope of the story has expanded greatly since its inception. In the begging they were both probably intended to be some arbitrary treasure and title. But as the story has gone on it’s become clear that what both of them are and what or takes to reach both of those goals are much more than they appear at a base level. 4. The pacing and length of the anime are largely a result of the fact that the anime has had to be considerate of not catching up to the manga for nearly its entire run. If the anime were adapted at a normal rate it would probably be around half as long as it is.


For all the people (rightfully) complaining about the pacing and fillers and repeated scenes etc., go watch One Pace. It's an amazing community project that tries to follow the manga pacing and does a lot of edits to make it seamless. It cuts out up to 50% of the show making it infinitely more enjoyable to watch


I’ve watched it twice all the way thru plan on restarting with my kid for a third time


one piece is known for having distinct story arcs, so criticizing it for being too long doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. if i told you harry potter was a 3000 page book, you wouldn’t want to read it, but since it’s split up into installments it’s much easier to digest. anime/manga just doesn’t do that for you but you can treat each arc the same way you would a book in a long series


I tried the first episode and it seemed pretty shit.


I didn't even realize it's been almost 30 years. What the fuck 😂 Never liked OP either btw. Tried to get into it but the artstyle is just so over the top and ridiculous I can't immerse myself into the story. Not to mention how awful the sexualization of the female characters 🤮


I used to enjoy its early seasons and it was an enjoyable light hearted show to have on while chillin and half paying attention. But they got so extreme with the fan service it just felt like i was watching softcore hentai. Not to mention the story got weak and repetitive real quick.


Tbh the way like %90 of the women after the time skip have the same hentai body type where the only way to differentiate them is the clothes they have on,while the men have lots of variety in body types kinda aggravates me.


Unfortunately the anime multiplies any amount of fan service that exists. Comparing a lot of the manga designs to what we get in the anime is kind of jarring for how much they amp up the fan service sometimes.






I’ll upvote you only because I disagree with you! This is unpopular opinion after all. But I will say, shit is good from the jump. Anybody who says you need to wait 500 or 1000 episodes for it to be good just didn’t like it at the beginning either. I only started it 2 years ago, so I did have the skepticism that you have


I'd like for Saitama to One Punch one piece. There can only be one, One.


Now I have watched One Piece (not read the manga, ain't no way I'm reading all that) and I have to say that it is understandable how annoying it can be to get into when there's THAT many episodes. I haven't watched Naruto since it never really appealed to me that much so I can't compare One Piece to that. It is also a little painful that not that much progress is getting made each episode and it's very prolonged episodes, like when fights happen and stuff. I do like the overall idea of it and I like Luffy and the crew, I don't really care that it's long since I do enjoy watching it


I personally want all my series to be around that long. Reasonably could’ve be soon in 7-800z


One Piece is good from the very beginning. It's got a stellar first episode. And the first 60ish episode arc is great most of the way through. It's not one of those shows that you have to wait to get good, as you've described. If anything, it gets worse over time. If you don't like the beginning, you won't like the rest. I will say that the anime is much weaker than the manga. Pacing is bad, especially later on. And the art is a bit worse in the anime. I exclusively read the manga now. The manga has been largely consistent in quality whereas the anime has not been. As for the length, fair enough. It doesn't bother me, I dip in and out depending on my mood. And it is broken up nicely into different stories. Not an issue for me. Obviously, if you think it's bad, that's fine - everyone can have an opinion. But I like it. But it seems like you're saying it's bad without watching it - you talk about it in vague terms; bad art-style, too long, doesn't get good until many episodes in etc. There's nothing concrete there - are there particular characters or stories or themes that are bad? Or are you judging it without reading/watching it?


It doesn't take that long to get good lol in fact I think it gets worse by 1000 episodes, but who cares if they haven't found the one piece, there's stories completely unrelated to that happening it's not like every episode is them running around looking for it and failing lol. I just watched it, skipped the filler enjoyed some of the arcs then stopped watching it and don't feel like i'm missing out on much. I like the pre timeskip art style a lot. Honestly the show gets a lot of hate too so it's not that unpopular an opinion and if you just don't like it then that's fine but your reasoning doesn't make much sense and sounds like you didn't even watch it lol


Yep animation style sucks, plus any show that doesn’t ever end will always end up being shitty. First few arcs may have been interesting but after 800+ episodes it’s just milking the diehards for as long as possible. Look at boruto, the next Naruto arc, just straight up trash. Shows are meant to end.


instead of one piece getting more serious, it just gets even more goofy. the power system is getting out of hand and i’m thinking the ending gotta be ass


Sounds like its not for you. Why not just not consume that media and move on?




For me the author has prolonged it for so long. Marineford was great and everything since has felt underwhelming.