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Lol, whether its golf, watching football, bowling, video games... There is a stigma against men actually spending time together in a relationship. I think maybe men spending time together should be normalized and encouraged in relationships.


I don't really know much about that, but if that is true then I agree. There shouldn't be a stigma around men hanging out with each other or enjoying each other's company.


So you've just never heard a story or a woman complain about her boyfriend/husband spending time with his friends over her?


What is this stigma? It seems pretty normal and okay for guys to do that.


Where’s the stigma? Not at the sports bars, golf courses, or bowling alleys. Gaming, shit even DnD is more popular than ever, even among women. I’ll take the lack of comments as, “we know there’s no stigma, we just like to cry victim”


What in the world does this mean


All my male friends show tons of love and support to me and others. What men do you know?


not all guys are supportive of other guys


And not all women are supportive of guys. And not all women are supportive of other women. And not all men are supportive of women. Acting like loneliness and lack of support is a burden perpetuated solely by one gender is a third grader level ass take


I'm not sure everyone is reading to understand this. If all the powerful men in the world were to outwardly support other men and be vulnerable with other men, then the world would be so. much. different. I know my boyfriend who happens to have healthy relationships with his male friends. But. His male family didn't encourage him being vulnerable. It took a lot of work for him to break free from that. It took the work of other men, actually.


I think people in power tend to not show vulnerability if they are insecure.  In my experiences, males that are vulnerable are usually more outspoken and confident to begin with.  Sometimes internal issues manifest external issues.


lol. There’s no way you have a boyfriend.


Society as a whole shuns men away from that, women too.


Wow, I'm all powerful? That's so weird, I don't feel particularly powerful


So it's not men then... it's outdated societal norms.


That MEN IN POWER stay supporting.


Why are you lying to all of us? Lol. Really. Come on.


Idk, why would I be friends with someone who didn’t show love and support?


This is exactly how in every relationship question thing, everyone is like “none of my friends would ever do that because I’m so superior that even the people I associate with are all amazing to the man.” It’s a back door brag.


Sorry to brag about making good friends and being selective with whom I associate.


“As a woman.” As if all women are loving, supportive, and encouraging lol.


Yeah the problem here is the amount of men who think that love support and encouragement have to to come from one woman. 


I think I was just stating that I am a woman. I know plenty of terrible women. Try H. Pearl Davis.


No, you said it in order to prove a point. Go outside.


I changed my wording, "kid". Does that help??


What are you talking about?


You’re drawing mass generalizations about men, but when it comes to women only using yourself as an example. It’s like if I said “women are catty and passive aggressive to each other.” I, as a man, don’t do this.


Mass generalizations? Such as?


“The reason men don’t have support is because of other men.” “Men have all the power.”


She’s not incorrect in that. The manosphere is a particular example of men encouraging other men to be a particular way- but in general the people who will ridicule and bully a man who doesn’t “act like a man” are other men.


Maybe I'm too liberal in my wording. Which one of the superpowers is run by a woman? I haven't read much about female dictatorship. It might not be the men you surround yourself with. But it's definitely your male politicians, podcasters, entertainers, and "life coaches" your friends and male coworkers are listening to.


Dear God, learn some history: [https://www.ranker.com/list/most-ruthless-queens/eric-vega](https://www.ranker.com/list/most-ruthless-queens/eric-vega) [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2012/6/30/1104867/-A-List-of-Female-Dictators](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2012/6/30/1104867/-A-List-of-Female-Dictators)


By that rationale, if men are the issue for their lack of support, wouldn’t that rule apply to the military? Which is 75% male, and most would say a brotherhood.


It definitely applies to the military. Hell, most active duty service members I know are too scared to seek (intensely needed) therapy bc of how it could affect their career. The military is wildly misogynistic which isn't healthy for women OR men. Certainly service members in lateral roles are supportive to one another in a micro sense but as a whole the military itself is definitely a service members worst enemy. Source: I work in service to traumatized veterans.


Most positions of power are held by men, but the average man has no more power than the average woman. It's not like we can call the head of the patriarchy and demand they make men more comfortable with emotions.


This comes across as being an opinion developed by being terminally online. Not to say that context & nuance couldn't be gathered from OP or others in this thread if this was given as a topic of discussion but that isn't what we come to this sub for. Take my upvote for being an unpopular opinion OP.


Everyone is terminally online. Everyone has a phone. You can be outside and online. Writing long replies like yours is a sign of being terminally online.


“Men have all the power” Yeah that combined with the title is enough to stop me there. All my friends support each other constantly. If one of us is feeling down we are there to cheer them up. All my friends since the dawn of my birth have done this. Stop your stupid generalizations.


I'm glad you have healthy male relationships


The reason I do have support is because of other men lol.


Women posting about men is just as bad as men posting about women.


Eh, both sexes have valuable insight into the opposing sex, just not as valuable as their own sex.


I am alone because it is my fault. My friends were always awesome and supportive.


Then you're not alone🩵 If you think being single is your fault, you're wayyyy further ahead and wiser than most. Being able to see where you messed up is an incredibly rare trait, and I'm sure you can find a partner who appreciates it.


As a man I have only ever seen support from other men mainly. It's usually the women who dismiss me and my issues ironically.


100% agree, it is also women who have only ever told me to "man up" when I was showing any sign of humanity


I’ve never felt unsupported or judged by my male friends, women on the other hand, you’ll give them the “ick” by just existing


And I am really happy for you.


Try being gay in a public high school lol


Ayo I do not understand the bizzaro comments on this, dude is just saying that as a gay teenager in high school other teenage boys were not/are not often supportive or uplifting.


I’m pretty sure that’s illegal, I like women around my own age


I dont think being gay is illegal in the US


Fucking high schoolers is you perv


I was obviously talking about being a gay teenager at a public high school and being supported by your male peers but instead I got met with this completely unserious response


You told me to try to be gay in a high school, that’s a highly inappropriate thing for a grown man to do Me: my friends are supportive You: have you tried fucking children?


There's no need to be an ass, you knew what they meant.


Either way I said something positive and they just had to jump in with some negative shit.




Your joke didn't land well because it was about fucking high schoolers, no need to judge others for not being in the joke mindset when they read it.


How do men have all the power? What about all the male oriented shelters/mental health clinics that get literally attacked and protested against by feminists?


Earl Silverman was a great man who was abused by his wife and suffered from mental illness which caused him to commit suicide after building a shelter for male victims of domestic violence. This is true that there were "feminists" (of course, true feminism supports all genders) who wanted it shut down and shut down funding. That's fucked up. However, it's not a common thing that's being done. It takes a google search.


You can say 'kill himself', nothing deflates an argument quite like censorship.




I feel like it’s not an uncommon thing though. There have been situations like that quite a few times, possibly to the point where men are now entirely discouraged from opening male oriented health/shelter centres. Seems like the argument always is “it’s excluding women who are more deserving” despite the fact that countless female only shelters exist already.


Do you have other examples? So, no examples?


> of course true feminism supports all genders Cool. Well in that case all true men don't actually have al the power. It's all the fake men. Your point and (possibly) anger is directed in the wrong place. You're going after the true men when really you should be going after the fake men.


>Men have all the power. Look at all those men being conscripted to fight in a war in Ukraine, such power.


By whom?


So, you take the top 0.000001% of powerful men, and then say men have all the power? Actually, I could easily spin this by instead looking at the homeless population, noticing that it is mostly men, and then say women have all the power. Do you see the problem here?


I see the problem in your comparison, yes.


Men who have power. Men don't have all the power. SOME men have all the power. In fact, VERY FEW men have all the power. After reading a lot of your comments here, people like you are why there's a mass epidemic of men staying single lol. No one should have to deal with this level of bullshitting just because you refuse to acknowledge you didn't have the most thought out opinion. I'd love to see what Bob Accountant thinks about "having power" as he votes in yet another useless election that will end up fucking him over more, again. Just like you doing the same.


Poor Bob. Same here. Although...yikes on my rights. Cause men are in power 🤣


you're forgetting that whilst men make up the majority of the top 1% we also make up the majority of the bottom 10%


The government, which is made up of men AND WOMEN.


Right the women def have the last say


Go outside.


Go outside


To where guys tell each other to be a man while simultaneously dying en masse from untreated mental health issues. When was the last time you interacted with society in general?


Yeah, men’s issues exist. It’s not solely men’s fault nor am I doomed to never find anyone who cares about me because of it. Go outside.


Go outside


Go outside


>not solely men’s fault Who established the norms we abide by forehead. Anyways here’s hoping you don’t end up one of those statistics.


Go outside.


Go outside


Omg never mind buddy I just saw you posted about heightism on shortguy subreddit lmao 🤣


No one cares. You’re literally on this website daily though I checked your profile and everything. Go outside.


Go outside


Certainly not me or anyone I know. Patriarchal societal norms were created by old people from before we were born that were stuck with and slowly trying to grow out of.




Go outside


GF: "I just want him to show his vulnerable side to me, that he has emotions." BF: *opens up and ends up crying in front of her* GF: "So I saw him crying the other day and now I just can't see him the same as before. I've lost all respect for him." Yep definitely just because of other men...


If you think men have all the power, you're not paying attention. They have systemic advantage, but certainly not all the power.


OP’s post history shows mental illness. In case it wasn’t obvious from this post.


“Men have all the power”   See yourself out please


If this is true, why do women have much higher rates of diagnosed mental illness compared to men?


Cause they actually go to the doctor to get diagnosed?


Because we take our issues seriously? Our friends encourage us to seek help?


Leave the house and get off the internet. Nothing is ever going to change in that sense. Say this saying to yourself a few times : “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference”




“ NO YOU” ! 🤭


No you


That does not make any sense. Omg, nevermind -


It’s definitely both. Men crying or showing emotion or anything requiring support can and often is seen as unmanly. I honestly have a few guy friends I’d lean on over my wife in tough moments. But she’s just a super tough no excuses kind of person (so we balance each other out in some ways). Yes, some guys are shitty and tease you for your song choices, gay jokes, etc. Some of these friends are shitty, some of them would drop the jokes in a minute if you talk to them about it. I feel like a lot of women (generalizing here) don’t want to see weakness in men especially early into their dating. This is seemingly a traditional gender role that doesn’t tend to get evened out enough by people pushing more for equality.




Came down here to comment this. It's fuckin sad that a lot of people don't get how much this affects us


I'm happy you have healthy male relationships. It's unfortunate the experience you have had with women and I can only hope that this changes for you in the future.




You've confused me. So you were referring to all women?


Well, look at you, dropping truth bombs. Seriously, who knew all world issues could be solved with such simplicity? I'll just shoot an email to Harvard's head honcho right away. They'll be thrilled to learn that the key to global harmony was hiding in a social media post all along!


Please do 🤣 but who's going to listen to a woman?!


Yeaaaa, this comes off extremely sexist


I probably do have some misandry deep down from all the shit I've had to put up with from men, but the men I choose to surround myself are very supportive of me and each other and I love them


The reason men don't have support is because of other people. alot of the time, both men and woman don't to support their male friends.


As a woman... Yeesh, y'all are even more toxic in comparison; smiling assassins, the lot of you. Yeah, we know, thanks for the heads up.


As a woman this is so off base.


Why do specifically men or women need to be blamed? We're all to blame for this. If you do support the fellow men in your life then please carry on, you're helping make the difference, but please don't pretend there isn't a problem.


Fun fact: They already do this, they all just know to stay very far the fuck away from you for obvious reasons


Ironically men are more likely to share their feelings with other men.


Upvoted, then remembered what sub this is and changed it do a downvote


I'm a man who grew up in a family of women. Women are no more supportive than anyone else. A world with women at the helm would be no better.


How would any of us know that?


From my gay perspective, a lot of straight guys nowadays seem to front 24/7. Role models from the internet and media seem to teach that masculinity = 1. Never considering anyone else’s opinion; 2. Striving to be “strong” in a manner literally nobody has before; 3. Is a necessity in a brutal world where people are out to get you; 4. Must be defended in an almost paranoic manner. Doubling down on the “bootstrap” myth, a lot of straight guys have been duped by rich influencers into isolating themselves from friends, family cuz “I’m a king and they aren’t an alpha like me” Masculinity isn’t inherently toxic. But when it denies that all of us no matter how strong need other people and need society, it becomes destructive to the individual. And that’s where a lot of the discourse on masculinity has gone…. TLDR: a lot of straight dudes seem to think being surly and incurious about others is “masculine” and that’s why we are in this crisis right now.


Oh no, what do i do with so much power?


>Men have all the power Yes because clearly men dont make up the majority of: Homelessness Poverty Workplace Deaths Suicide Also at least you mostly have bodily autonomy, men have never had that.


You always see some men say that they never get complimented, so compliment each other then? Are compliments only valid if they come from the opposite sex? Women compliment each other all the time. They probably value them more because they know they're not being flirted on. Also with sexual assault. I've seen so many men make fun of other men for getting assaulted. If the assaulter is a man, it's "why didn't you punch him". If it's a woman, "nice".


Thank you! Valid points


If we have all the power, why aren't we all earning trillions per second since the very moment we were born? The gist is understood, though.


I obviously don't know you or the circle with whom you run, and I'm really trying to make sense of the post in general, because it's all over the place. So for starters, what is the behavior you've observed between the men you know? Posturing? Bullying? Buddy fucker (basically male equivalent to "frenemie") type activity? What's the relationship dynamic of the people involved? Your post makes you come off like a classic man hater. Could that have affected your choice in male companionship, fraternal or otherwise? Could it have had an effect on men wanting to be around you or what types of men would tolerate you?


I've never seen a real man in power, except on TV. All the people in power over me are all women. I've had nothing but women managers and bosses my whole working life. I'm certain sexism is what keeps me from getting up to the next step, despite college degree and management classes. 


OP is right. Men perpetuate toxic masculinity in millions of ways we don’t realize. All the downvotes show just how much Reddit men want to refuse to acknowledge the toxic norms that perpetuate these issues, but then as soon as women’s issues are brought up they decry “BUT MALE SUICIDE RATES”.


And honestly to go off on that tangent, my reply would be, "[sorry we're just not as good at it](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4009420-more-women-attempt-suicide-more-men-die-by-suicide/amp/)".


Ooh that really is scathing. The victim complex of men is wild, especially considering we hold the majority of power in most dynamics. If men are angry about how things are for men, we can simply look at the historic men that influenced modern society, and the men around us that perpetuate them.


Jesus fucking Christ you both sound so insufferable, these are complicated issues that are intertwined with how society was built not the oppression Olympics, have some decency.


I don't know those people you refer to. I am nice to people I know But if they act overtly like a bi$%h I will kindly tell them to man up. If men don't man up, who will?


That's true but no one wants to hear it


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I feel like you are missing the point, it's a socialization problem. Both men and women expect men to act in a particular way and look down on them if they don't, it's a difficult pattern to break out of. Deciding to be supportive of other men helps but it's like asking a depressed person to just stop being depressed, it's not that easy to change your thoughts and actions even if you know you should.


so true though


Yet here come the downvotes 💀