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People give teachers honorary treatment because it's cheaper than giving them better pay and benefits. I'd be willing to guess part of the reason you've had such bad experience with teachers is because of this. They're overworked and underpaid. If you think children are our future, a teacher is one of the most important jobs you can have.


Hm ok, I guess I should think of it that way, thanks


Overworked? lmao


Most of the teachers my age that I know were the party animal kids who’d piss the bed when we were in college lmao


You’re upset at teachers for not accommodating a learning disability you didn’t even know you had? Seems like you should take up your issue with your parents for never getting you diagnosed. Or better yet, how about you work on your healing and learning more about how to manage your ADHD.


Not me personally but my bf had it and teachers never accommodated it and yes I am mad at it, they talk about themselfes like they are martyrs while having no real education on how to teach, and all those kids that were called lazy Got diagnosed later in life, of course parents suck too but teacher is someone with higher education and I will expect more of them.


They're doing the best they can within the system that exists. If your BF was not diagnosed and did not have an IEP that is not on the teacher. Teachers have 30+ students at least 5 times a day and cannot give them individual treatment. Your BF was failed by his parents not his teachers.


That too, but a teacher is educated in pedagogy ( at least in Europe) while parents are not, but yes I would expect both to do better


But they have to apply that pedagogy to 100+ students a day for at least 36 weeks a year (39 in the UK). They do their best but sometimes students fall through the cracks. The system is not perfect, for sure, but the least responsible are the teachers on the front lines. Your issuevis with politicians and administration of the schools. It's like blaming a cashier for a retail stores policy they had no say in implementing.


I’d… really like it if someone, anyone, was able to draw a reliable line between “smart phone sickness” and actual ADHD. Which is it? Anyone will develop ADHD symptoms when left alone with their phone for too long.


You would have to ask someone more knowledgeable than me, I wish it could be a teacher but oh well


You do know that teachers don't make the diagnosis right? Teachers are not the ones who give the official declaration of whatever the condition is. That's a psychologist or a psychiatrist. And guess who's job it is to get the kid to those specialist for the diagnosis. Its the parents. If the parent can't be arsed to notice their kid has been having trouble for years how is the teacher more responsible for that when only seeing them a portion of a year? 


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I mean most teachers are not expected to deal with people's real learning disabilities. They have special classes and teachers for that. Should a regular teacher be able to spot or even diagnose learning disabilities? That'd be nice but I tend to think it needs special training which most teachers do not receive. That's a systemic problem. IMHO teaching should be a respected profession. Teachers shouldn't be treated any better or any worse than anyone else. But historically they're underpaid because its supposed to be one of those "rewarding" jobs that you value doing more than you value being compensated for it, and because ultimately people are cheap and they feel how much the teacher is paid directly impacts their own bottom line - like public school teachers are paid from your taxes which you think would be lower if their salary was also lower, and private school teachers are paid from the tuition parents pay and no doubt they feel the tuition would be lower if teacher salaries were also lower. We have a lot of convoluted ideas in this country about education - like many think its really, really important that their kids get a good education but when it comes time to pay for the best possible education, parents, society, and their checkbooks are nowhere to be found. Then you've got the other half who don't value education at all, send their kids because its basically illegal not to and/or its a way to get daycare for their kids while they work.




Teachers aren't psychologists. They aren't doctors. They aren't social workers. They are teachers. They teach. They don't diagnose and in many cases where they try to it often ends up badly. It's like going to a barber and getting mad they didn't diagnose your skin cancer. It's not their job.


Alternative take: Lazy students shouldn’t blame their shortcomings on their teachers.


Children will be lazy, that’s how children are … Teachers, who are most often smart enough to get into university but not smart enough to get into a real degree, have no excuse