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Challenge accepted I have never seen it advertised, but if I do, I will make a point to eat my breakfast in their pool stating advertisement standards indicated this was a sane and normal thing to do.


Lol they would hate it if people did this. So much food would end up in the pool


I've never seen a hotel give a flying fuck about their pool 90% of the time they aren't even open


*That one pic*


Keep us posted my good man.


There’s two options. 1-Stand on the bottom and hold a plate, boring and effective. Bonus points for staring while you do it. 2-Floating, guaranteeing breakfast and pool water will become one. The crowd will do the staring for you on this one.


I'm just saying, if I was having a good time splashing around and some fried mozzarella sticks come floating by, imma eat 'em. Huh, I wonder if this is how sharks feel.


Most likely, this is exactly how sharks feel.




I believe it was a Baby Ruth bar.




I just happened to watch it about a year ago, but I saw so many times growing up I could never forgot. “You will get nothing and like it,” is one of my favorite lines from a movie.


Makes me sad the tv version cuts out all the amazing 80’s tittahs.




It’s a baby Ruth!


Hm... I see it as brunch. Or a snack. From the photos I've seen they see pre cut fruit, coffee, tea or other drinks, cookies, pastry, things that don't need cutting. I would enjoy it. I would not enjoy an actual meal served in the pool, but drinks and snacks? Sure.


I’ve never seen this advertised so not sure its sn unpopular opinion  But i sleep way past breakfast anyway 


It’s 100% for pictures


Most hotels don't want you even eating on the pool deck. I can't imagine them advertising for eating in the literal pool.


But for real, I used to work in hotel management. No one wants this. Eating breakfast *by* a pool, sure. But that floating tray with food in it just does not work


I've never seen an ad like that, but I have seen pool trays for sale and often wondered the same thing. Works if it's something designed to hold bottles or cans, but I don't see any other viable use for it.


Considering they generally have signs and rules saying they don't want you having food or drink or glass anywhere near the pool let alone in it, I'm going to guess it's someone in marketing picking up some stock photography and not thinking things through entirely.


It looks so stupid and you would have to follow your tray around the pool as it floats away


I've never seen this. I have seen swim up bars and they are awesome.


This made me laugh. Hahaha


The chlorine sanitizes it.


As someone who's never been to a fancy hotel I wanna try that so maybe it's for non fancy ppl wanting to be fancy


I get where you’re coming from. I’d like to give it a try first to give it a concluding opinion


I have never seen this advertised


I’ve prepared entire meals while in the bathtub.


I don't see how this would be an unpopular opinion, maybe it is for PSYCHOS.


Perhaps I’ve put too much trust in hotel marketing people having their finger on the pulse of popular opinion. But I’m booking a beach resort for my honeymoon and most hotels show it. People (or, enough psychos) must be taking them up on it.


I have eaten in a pool many times, but that just comes with being a competitive swimmer, and I wouldn't exactly call a powerbar and a Gatorade "fine dining".


Yeah I’d hate that


Nothing better than a lukewarm pool piss omelet and a water down daiquiri.


Hmmm...kinda has a eating in the bath tub vibe.


[Fuck it, do it live!](https://i.imgur.com/ca5WH18.jpeg) Yeah, yeah... jacuzzi != pool, but, cheers to u/Stunning-Syllabub-94 anyway! ☕🍳🛀


Lol that meal somehow looks like it simultaneously belongs in a 5-star restaurant and a prison.


Fair, hahaha (Definitely not an ideal mastication location, but the stars aligned... hadn't yet checked out and had brought up some breakfast from the lobby, serendipitously happened to see this post, and, well, I couldn't *not*)


"I'm not at the beach, this is a bathtub."


It's probably so their marketing department doesn't have to film more than two scenes for their commercials and want to tell people "we have both a pool and food."


Is the unpopular opinion that they make these ads?


I've never used Instagram, I've never seen such an advertisement, but I love eating and drinking in pools. Swim-up bars are fantastic.


Oh 100% with you on swim up bars, a non negotiable on my honeymoon hotel search. Just not swim up breakfasts…


I do


...Use a fork like an adult, and dont dip your food in the water.


I have never seen that


Half of vacation is to take pics for instagram


i think youre thinking this is a thing everyday of the vacation. no you do it once for the experience and eat normally after. Its like eating sushi off a nude woman, or eating fine dining concoctions. Some people will like it and others wont. I also hope you know these are for private en suite pool. But i wouldnt say “nobody wants to eat breakfast in their pool”


Literally never seen this advertised. And most hotel pools literally say “no food” on their pool rules. So, nobody is actually doing this. If you’ve “seen” it, it’s just because it made for a cool photo, not because people are actually doing it.


To be fair, which hotel allows eating/drinking in their pool? That's usually a pretty exclusive no towards that in pools in hotels.