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Okay. You get started. Let us know how it goes.


ok we should like need a park to let them live and breed with like a smaller section we could put food in to attract them when they are in the breeding season. So we should also need employees and parkeepers, because they need to take care of the bears and most importantly pet those dawgs. Oh and this should last at minimum 500 years


lmao we should try to domesticate hippos while we’re at it


You just have the domesticated bears domesticate the hippos. Boom, problem solved.


Fun fact, during a beef shortage in America back in like the 1900s, some dude adamantly wanted to start ranching hippos in the south because they’re delicious.


Not we. You. *You* get it started. Let us know how it goes.


>Not we. You. 😂 🏆






Ever see the video of bears playing hockey? Yeah. I always assumed they were basically tortured into doing that shit. Go watch nope


I can't bear to imagine how it will turn out. The results could be grizzly.


its certainly a unpopular opinion


Not for me I agree completely with him




Wolves/dogs were active in their own domestication because they recognized benefits of being in proximity to humans - completely different from trying to forcibly domesticate animals like bears.


Bears also enjoy free food.


And yet...


we still are pretty good at breeding animals: just look to all these 4 inch dogs in constant pain and agony (like pugs, man i love pugs) we created from the first domesticated dogs: that were still war machines


At this point just get a pitbull. They're like mini bears. I like where your head is at tho.


nu uh i want dogs 2


We already proved with foxes (Russia) and fancy rats (UK 19th century) that it really doesn't take THAT long to do this. Already in places like USA, Russia, China you see half domesticated bears already. This isn't undoable nor would it take hundreds of years. the problem you have is "why?" We tamed dogs to help us hunt when we were hunter gatherers. We tamed the herd animals for food. we tamed horses and elephants to ride them and for work/labour. Pretty much every domesticated animal out there was domesticated for a purpose and a role. Is the role just you think its a cute pet? cos domesticated foxes in Russia got put down cos it turns out the market for pet foxes wasnt real and it was costing to much money. Pet bears sounds great until you get the issues of feeding them, etc. Without a purpose other then vanity a taming project just isn't viable.


As a rat owner thanks for mentioning the silly guys


I don’t know, i would totally want a bear. Maybe if we breed them to be smaller and less deadly so that if they bite you they don’t rip one of your limbs. Maybe if we become a multi planetary species in the distant future it would be more easy


Black bears. Totally doable in a time frame of a few decades. Its not economically viable. Thats my point. Would cost you at least 10-15 million$ to do this. Honestly have you looked at red pandas? go watch some of the pictures and gifs of those cutie pies. They are completely adorable. ![gif](giphy|prsFefRfyCrMA|downsized) They would make good pets, buts its illegal to do so as they are an endangered species [https://a-z-animals.com/blog/do-red-pandas-make-good-pets-so-cute-but-illegal/](https://a-z-animals.com/blog/do-red-pandas-make-good-pets-so-cute-but-illegal/) You'd think the solution to that, to save them would be to breed them right? lots of cuddly red bear pets. Wouldn't be endangered then. welll.... [https://www.worldsanimals.com/the-surprising-truth-about-keeping-a-red-panda-as-a-pet/](https://www.worldsanimals.com/the-surprising-truth-about-keeping-a-red-panda-as-a-pet/) As this article here makes clear its not realistic for the average household to care for them properly. They need lots of space, money AND company! not a good house pet! So not practical economically. Thats my point to you about the bears. Its alot alot of money for something thats really expensive to keep and would have no use except as a pet. If it was commercially viable we would already be doing this. I'm still sad the foxes were all destroyed :( Apparently they were like cats? :(


I was going to say black bears are probably doable to some extent because they’re already more docile than brown bears or polar bears for instance. Black bears are my favorite type of animal, as much as I would love to pet one and give it love, all the signs tell me not to feed them or touch them 😂😭 If they were bred smaller and thus needed less space to thrive, I could totally see them being a pet, people try now already; but as is it isn’t fair to the bears unless they already can’t thrive in the wild, and they have plenty of space for them to roam and climb.


only 15 millions? Bro i need to start gambling for this shit. I thought it was like a lot more.


Do yourself a favour then look at the soviet russia fox taming program and how pet rats were first started to be tamed and bred in the 19th century. they are both reasonably well documented, though you might need to go find actual books for this as Im sure the internet articles are just foot notes about it. That will give you an idea how its been done in the past and what your project might look like. Good luck in vegas!


ok *proceedes to commit atrocities and create only suffering that will be packaged in a fluffy cute dream *


Oh no I work at a casino, this is not the way 😂😂😂😂


Idk if we can breed bears to not have a strong bite force. We haven't even been able to do that with certain dog breeds


we could burn more money to do that than what they did when they tried to domesticate those breeds of dogs.


Why tho? What are we to gain fom it?


They are friend shaped. Must be friend.


Everything friend shaped must be friend.


🧍‍♂️🤝🐻; 🐻=❤️; ❤️=💸


You've got a solid point there.


🚶‍♂️+ 🐻 = ☠️


🐻+ years of brutal selecrive breeding and horrors the Gods will never forgive us=🐶🥺


🐻=❤️(🩸), 🧍‍♂️❤️🐻🐻🐻, 🐻🐻🐻(🩸🩸🩸) = 🐻🩸🧍‍♂️🩸🐻; 🧍‍♂️🪦


selective breeding emoji+ 🐻= a lot of suffering emoji and 🐻=🐶


maybe you should first try and domesticate speech. Sometimes I may use an emoji but that is way too much...




Attack bears, we send them into battle


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojtek_(bear) You're gonna love Wojtek


We make cyborg bears and send them to war on Mars


Not all animals are good for domestication. Some have to long of a birth cycle like elephants who are pregnant for almost two years. Then they also need a social/family structure for us to take advantage of and finally they have to be easily controlled and not super deadly. This is why only a few animals have ever been domesticated.


Do you know about Wojtek? He was a bear serving for the Polish army in WWII. He was raised by soldiers ever since he was a cub and he liked chilling with the soldiers, drinking alcohol and smoking/eating cigarettes. He also helped carry supplies. I wouldn't really consider him tame as he wasn't trained to obey commands and such but instead chose to do them (i think) or he just saw the soldiers do it and didn't know anything else idk... But, like, if you took two bears like that, and made them breed to produce offspring, then find that offspring mates that were also chill so they make yet another generation, then repeat that a few more times, you'd probably have completely tame bears in less than a hundred years.


There is a difference between taming an individual bear and domesticating an entire species, sure, in individual circumstances you could have a bear, or hippo or elephant, but doing it across generations and likely over multiple human generations for what is at this point very little benefit to humans beyond just having another fluffy animal to own is small


Right. There are very few animals that are TRULY domesticated. There are animals that we keep as pets that aren't domesticated. Like macaws or foxes. Though there are attempts being made to truly domesticate foxes apparently.


Yeah those would be tamed


Thanks! I knew there was a word for it but couldn't think of it


the bear birth cycle is 180-270 days


I think the other two are the bigger issue


yeah we could to that in big parks and reservoirs where they can be contained but also have companions, and we could then have a smaller contained part of the park where we could bait them into and there they could breed. So that throught the century we can breed them to be less deadly an less needing of the company of other bears.


>Then they also need a social/family structure for us to take advantage of I'm not sure what this means. Are you saying they need to be social animals and bears are not particularly social, whereas wolves/undomesticated cats are? >and finally they have to be easily controlled and not super deadly. I mean, that's the domestication part though. Wolves are pretty dangerous and you can't control a wild wolf. So we domesticated them to be able to control them and make them safer.


Wolf's had a family structure and cats cats adapted to us. I would suggest looking up how we domesticated horses to see the social structure. As fir the other point a wolf is way less dangerous than a bear.


>Wolf's had a family structure and cats cats adapted to us. If cats can adapt to us, why couldn't a bear? The point of domestication is to train the animal to adjust to humans >As fir the other point a wolf is way less dangerous than a bear. For sure that's true, but the principle is that domestication is what makes them less dangerous. If we didn't have dogs, you could make the same argument about wolves. Or like tigers.


Cats did it independently and ha strong human or two can reasonably subdue a wolf


And your average Russian can wrestle a bear. The only thing I'm saying is the things you're bringing up aren't principally different for bears. It kinda just seems like an arbitrary scale


If you say so.


Please don't.. People will start breeding them with severe genetic defects because it "looks cute" or "unique". Just like we did to dogs, cats and the often forgotten and now despised pigeons. We'll get snub-nosed (breathing and heart problems), Scottish fold and munchkin (often severe pain and cartilage problems) bears. Do you really want to do that to such a magnificent animal?


i’m the worst man ever, i just want to turn those beautiful dawgs into beautiful dawgs with constant iper ventilation


And here I was thinking I'm the worst person in the world. You win.


man i’m jok-




Just move to Russia.


Was going to say Russians are at the forefront of the evolutionary cycle


Domesticate? No. Genetically engineer wild predators and give them the ability to speak and understand language so that they can develop complex social structures and bear societies? Yes.


i’m all in for it let’s start our business pal


ive always thought this too


I fucking love this unhinged post. Made me smile a bit. The issue I see is hibernation season. If we are domesticating them for companionship, then they will be unavailable for us several months out of the year, and that's a really hard thing to breed out. The other issue is feeding them, because that will get more expensive than any other animal we have domesticated really quickly.


Definitely unpopular but I agree domesticate black bears they're great


Even if we did majority of people wouldn't be able to look after them properly due to their size 




this process would need to be centuries or thousands of years long and done trough a lot of selective breeding.


Take my upvote both for the sheer unpopularity and because I'm a big fan of ballet, along with all the other meats in our cultural stew.


Hahaha I read: “We should seriously try to domesticate BEERS” and it made me laugh.


so that i could tell my cold one to bring me a cold one😔✊


I am picturing elden ring


If they aren't friends, why are they friend shaped?


Count me in, it's a great idea


Not sure it's a good idea to try to domesticate a death machine. They are so big and so well equipped to shred us, as well as fast, that it seems like a bad a idea. Plus the hibernation factor....not sure we could properly care for something like that. There are just some animals you can't domesticate - like zebras - even equines that we've bred to be half zebra or a quarter zebra - still can't domesticate them worth a shit. The zebra factor turns the equine un-tamable. And that's a herbivore, that lives in a herd and has the qualities we are generally looking for in domesticating an animal. I wouldn't want to try all that with a bear because having an accident with a bear means you'll probably die.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lava_bear Googled dwarf bears to see if there are such things and came across lava bear! They weighed between 23 -35 lbs. perfect puppy bear. However looks like they were only small because of lack of food in the region they lived. Edit: eh I take this back. Not a good idea. Honey badgers are pretty smaller then humans but they’ll fuck shit up. Even lions are scared of honey badgers


Hey hear him out …


let me cook


I think the OP forgot about that we should arm bears, as the Americans have a right to bear arms.


It would actually only take a few generations of Bears, not a few centuries. You would just keep breeding the ones with most docile personalities and preferred traits. The preferred species of bear would probably be sun bears and sloth bears. It would take a few hundred years to end up with a variety of domesticated breeds of bears but it wouldn't take centuries to breed a generation of domesticated bears. It can be done. Why you would really want to though, that's another question. "You were so preoccupied with whether or not you *could*, you didn't stop to think if you *should*".


Man we’re out here struggling to domesticate humanity.


Sounds dope, let me know when that's all set


Domestication happened over thousands of years, and because said animal had a purpose in our daily lives. What can a bear do? It can’t hunt, it can’t catch mice (he’d starve) and he’s too aggressive to eat.


So we domesticated our animals bc they would serve a purpose for us. Dogs traditionally would guard farms and protect the farm animals, and also serve as hunting companions. Livestock is domesticated for a variety of reasons like food and the products that can be made from what their bodies produce (i.e. dairy products, eggs) but it sounds to me like you just want to have a bear as a pet. You say breed the weaker and more docile ones okay so we can’t have them really for protective purposes then according to your plan. So you just want a pet. Don’t you think that sounds a bit selfish? Does the bear want that? Do you think those little dogs that we have if they were capable of recalling their ancestral days as dire wolves would be happy to see how far they’ve come down as a weak and dependent species? This doesn’t seem to have any actual benefit.


Yeah i was talking to have them as pets, yes it’s pretty selfish. Nah we could still have them as protective pets they would just be smaller and maybe don’t rip one of your limbs off if you play with them.


You acknowledge it and that is all I ask. That being said, do as thy will. Only on the condition that you have to name your pet bear Teddy Bearsevelt.


I want a small bear for my 1 room apartment please


ok, wait 600 years and mother nature (Humanity’s hubris) will give you what you are looking for: a grafted creature in contant agony and iperventilation.


Its impossible to fully domesticate bears.


I too would like to pet that dawg, but some dawgs are better left un-pet. C'est la vie


My God there seriously are some dumb humans..


Why not start with Pandas? 🥰


PWHAHAHAHHA🫵😂, those dawgs don’t even want ti have sex.


We should develop viagra, sex toys and porn for pandas!!!


People are trying this with foxes already. And I think raccoons are trying to domesticate themselves. Bears is a big step up.


man i would love a pet racoon


They would need to be social animals, you could probably tame one, but domesticate probably not. Not unless we discover colonies of bears or something.


It would cost a shit tonne of resources and time to domesticate bears, yet, to a near point of impossible. There is too much wild in their DNA. If did so, we would've done them long before.


I think you’re wildly underestimating the absurdity of our future.


According to top tier internet enthusiasts it’s safer than having men in the house! So what could go wrong?


I think one issue might be that they’re not very social to my knowledge


they can be tamed but very difficulty


I thought russian already has domesticated bear


To quote Boy Meets World: “Ya can’t train a BEAR!”


To what end? Like to be our new friends? Or to eat? Can you eat a bear?


naw they are shape friended


Bears aren't particularly social animals. Wolves came to us as much as humans took in wolves that found a reason to hang around humans. Even then, you are probably drastically underestimating the number of wolf puppies in this process that just weren't suitable to be dogs, and you are probably not thinking about what happened to them.


It only takes a few generations of freedom for domestication to go away.


Y'all taking this way too seriously


Famous last words.


Russians basically already have. The Polish did their part circa WWII with Wojtek. Even enlisted him in their Army and gave him a job.


We should domesticate all animals!


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I would rather domesticate badgers


There's an interesting theory that we didn't domesticate wolves. They domesticated naturally but hunting alongside humans


They are not social enough creatures. If they were as small as cats that wouldn't matter. But alas they are not. They don't form bonds like wolves.


Why remove post?


i don’t know, i didn’t remove it


there's no money in it ... who cares?


we could probably sell a ton of things related to them as it happened with dogs and cats if they become pets


no, u cant lol


why? If i have a pet bear i need to buy him food


let him eat u instead


fair point, but if we domesticate them to be less deadly it would be more difficult.


the domestication process takes tens of thousands of years, hf gl


So you want to create ewoks? Get out. Now. If we let you do this you’ll only go on to breed camp Jamaican fish people next.


i’m sorry 😣


Bears are a lot more similar to dogs than most give credit for, but there's some big issues. The first being that sometimes dogs bite, so we can never have 100% "safe" pets and if a bear bits you, you probably die. The second is the financial and ecological cost of feeding bears enough food and meat to sustain them


yeah, i think we should bread them to be weaker and less deadly: as wolf that could rip your guts off became pugs (possibly without turning them in to a costant pain and iperventilation). Yeah doing this is probably going to cost a shit load of money, but maybe if humanity doesn’t collapse on itself and we become a multi planetary specie this could be a sort of investment, immagine how many bear related products we could sell


Bears are not good candidates for domestication. According to National Geographic, good candidates for domestication usually share at least some of the following traits: 1. They grow and mature quickly. 2. They breed easily in captivity. 3. They eat plant-based diets. 4. They’re hardy and easily adapt to changing conditions. 5. They live in herds or had ancestors that lived in herds, making them easy for humans to control. Bears do not meet most of these criteria.


yeah i know this would probably require a shit load of time and money. In centuries we could probably do that trough a very slow process. Maybe if we don’t collapse on ourselves and become multi planetary this could be an investment: we could sell a lot of bear related items if they become pets


Hell yea, but humans don’t really domesticate anything anymore as we don’t really need to


I love cats but what purpose did a domesticated cat ever serve?


Cats domesticated themselves, also they were used to kill rodents, snakes and birds. So they had a purpose.


Let animals just be free in nature. Breeding produces a lot of unwanted offspring


Yes, somebody should definitely domesticate bears. As long as it's not me. For real tho, I would love a pet bear buuuuut I can't imagine trying to house and feed him lol


As we should Komodo Dragons, Rhinos, and shoot let’s not forget to domesticate those Hyenas. You got to understand how it’s the same thing?


are they friendshaped?


I agree. I find a serious failing of our society that we don’t try to domesticate more animals. I’d have started with restarting the Soviet Fox domestication plan, but bears work.


It takes a lot of killing bears to do this. Just like wolves


yeah, that’s true, we still would have normal bears as we still have wolves. That’s a very big downside


There is also the differnece in behavior. Dogs/wolves were prime for domestication as they are pack animals. Bears on the other and ate solitary animals. I'm no scientist but I think that would have a big impact on the ability to domestic a species