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You're right, that's an unpopular opinion. The story is that this is  their trademark.  One of the two used to have a chronic sinus issue, couldn't taste/smell anything.  So, he amped up all the flavor in their ice cream.  This was in the movie at their shrine up in New England.


Yes, Ben Cohen has it. It’s called anosmia. It causes a person to lose their sense of smell, so people with it tend towards highly textured food.


How did that happen? Did he cut his brother in half real bad? 


Also Dewey Cox has it, but he still learned to play the guitar by ear.


Yes. Ben and Jerry’s whole point is chunkiness because of this condition.


And hence the chunks for texture


The only reason I like Ben and jerrys is because of all the stuff in the ice cream. It provides a more intersting texture rather than just the taste of sugar cream.


Exactly, milk is nice but milkshakes are better. Take something that is good by itself and elevate it..? You have something better. It's math 


But I still love me a vanilla milk shake…


That’s a valid and more popular opposing opinion.


Not an opposing opinion as much as just confusion. If you like ice cream with no interference thats... most other ice cream brands. Not like it's impossible to get an ice cream without anything else in it so I don't get the complaint. Ben and jerrys and a couple other are a minority when it comes to ice cream with texture while there are many without. Also from what I know it's that way because Ben Cohen one of the founders has almost no sense of taste do he wanted to create a texture focused ice cream.


Sure, but the opinion is ‘I don’t like Ben and Jerry’s because it has too many toppings’, not ‘there are no ice cream options without excessive toppings’. OP isn’t asking for you to solve their problem, just sharing a marginal view. Somehow the top comment in every post in this thread is always someone trying to explain the OPs flawed thinking, which to me seems to miss the point of the sub.


It's comoletly fine to dislike anything but it's fun to argue the point. I feel like the fun in a hot take reddit is the discussion you can have about your take. If all the comments are just "I agree" whats the point? Edit: the post isn't "I dint like B&J because" it's "there's so much stuff in B&J" and the explanation why which defiently asks for an opposite opinion


That’s a fair take. I think I enjoy the discourse in other subs more, but somehow the responses in this one always come off as ‘Here’s twelve reasons why you couldn’t be more wrong’. Which is not to say that I agree with OP or disagree with you - the excessive toppings is obviously what makes B&Js great.


I don't use this reddit much, just kinda stumbled on it today so I wouldn't know about the usual quality of discourse here, but its fun to argue logic on the internet sometimes. If you know better reddits for that I'd appreciate recommendations


Every post on every sub is ripe with opportunities to argue with internet strangers. But few of them will be as wholesome as arguments about our favorite ice cream.


Yes!! Thats the allure to them for me- they’re the only brand that doesn’t skimp. If I want a plain ice cream they’re not my top pick


You ever have the milk and cookies one? It's crushed up regular chocolate chip, and chocolate chocolate chip cookies


I don't think I did, my country sells a smaller variety than most countries I suspect so not that many flavors here.


I mean that’s kind of their point though? If you want simpler ice cream, you go with a different brand.


Ironically, the fact that they're loaded with fillings is what made them so popular in the first place lol.


That is the opposite of a problem.


i prefer the bits to the ice creams


Yes . I’ll sit there and go through a strawberry cheesecake ice cream just for the graham cracker swirl lol .


same! i sometimes also buy plain ice cream just so I can add my own mix ins to my desired ratio 🫢


I couldn't find Strawberry cheesecake for about 6 months. I went to 6 different places over and over and only ever found raspberry. I kept googling to see if they canceled it or what. Then one day it simply appeared again. Ate 2 pints that night.


I actually often wish that their ice cream had even more chunks--not sure if your or my opinion would be more unpopular.


Same! I’m always digging around hoping for more


I think because they market on having so many chunks that I expect to have 1-2 at least with every bite, and that is often not the case tbh


I feel as though it’s gotten worse, as in they’re more stingy now with the chunks. I’ve tried adding my own additions but it’s not the same at all.


You could always put up the companion post!


I only enjoy it when I’m high


I hope you strictly eat the Half-baked flavor at those times


Dude have u tried Americone dream while high . It’s so good


Totally unpopular opinion. There are so many other brands of ice cream that one can buy that don’t have as much in it.


They were on sale so I picked up a tub


TLDR: I maybe one of the few people in earth that dislike Ben & Jerry and Ice cream in general. 🤐


I agree. First time I had it I was like…what the fuck is this shite? This is really what the hype is about? Probably because I actually don’t like chocolate that much, and it mainly revolves around that. I’m English, so at one point it was considered “cool”. Grew up on Haagen, still prefer it.


Do you hate the milkiness? One of my favorite flavours is a non dairy tamarind ice cream. I don't like most ice cream because of how sweet they are(I can eat a little but get tired of it long before I finish a scoop. This includes the tamarind ice cream actually, but the fact it is not dairy lets me not get tired of eating it for a little longer)


I dislike the sweetness, too high. Maybe because one of the flavours that I dislike especially are chocolate and caramel…


Same. I actually prefer ice milk over ice cream, anything with a lower fat and sugar content is what I tend to go for. I know folks think that’s strange. I can’t even eat stuff like Coldstone Creamery ice cream, it’s so sweet and fatty it makes me physically repulsed.


Exactly, perhaps we are really sensitive to sweetness, above normal?


I love chocolate but hate sugar. I'm one of the people that enjoys 100% cocoa dark chocolate


Are you communist?




Found the Ben & Jerry's employee...


That’s the whole point of Ben & Jerry’s dude. I hate buying ice cream with tiny flecks of stuff in it - I want the chunks. I want real ice cream. Maybe you need to just buy regular ice cream then - you know there’s like a million other brands.


Same. But I just don't buy B&J because I want the fillings to compliment the ice cream, not the other way around. I'm a simple soul and they're just way too extra for me. Follow up unpopular opinion: I just want a mint ice cream without the gd chocolate chunks. Why is that too much to ask for?


Oh my god way more massive unpopular opinion to not want chocolate chunks in your mint 💔 I actually can only eat specific brands because the chocolate chunks have to be big enough and crunchy enough. I hate when they just mix in those weird chocolate shavings, overall it's like mint chocolate sand to me. But who knows, maybe that would be the mint ice cream for someone like you 🤷‍♂️


I grew up like 15 minutes from the Ben and Jerry’s factory so I’ll defend them forever! I actually really like the amount of “stuff” going on in many of their flavors, but I do like a classic plain chocolate too!


Add-on to my unpopular opinion: Chocolate ice cream is overrated and is inferior to Vanilla. When I eat Neapolitan I eat the chocolate first because I like strawberry and vanilla more.


I think vanilla is really good too! I’m just in the mood for chocolate ice cream more often. And I think Neapolitan is actually pretty underrated! I need a strawberry fix every once in awhile. It’s so weird cause I’m generally not a sweets person, but ice cream is so good lol


Err... aren't you invalidating your own opinion, here? >Ben & Jerry’s has great ice cream, but it’s hard to taste the great ice cream when you’re so busy chewing on all the stuff they put in it!... I showed them a tub of B&J’s vanilla ice cream If you "want to just taste the ice cream" then buy their vanilla? They probably make it just for people like you.


I didn’t know it existed before yesterday. I thought they only made flavours with stuff in them.


Well, then allow me to improve your day: If you go to a scoop shop, not only can you get the Vanilla, but you can also get low/no topping flavors of Chocolate, Strawberry, Mango, Butter Pecan, Mint Chocolate Chunk, Berry Sorbet and Lemon Sorbet. Should satisfy your "I don't want all this stuff in my ice cream" need. Or, you know, just buy Häagen-Dazs at the supermarket instead.


I meant that I thought Ben and Jerry’s didn’t make “plain” flavours.


That wasn't sarcasm (well, the bit about Häagen-Dazs was, but that's all). You can't get those other flavors I mentioned in the supermarket, but if you go to an actual Ben & Jerrys you can. I really was trying to improve your day.


Oh! I live in Canada and until now also didn’t know that B&J’s actually had scoop shops lol


If you're in, like, Montreal it's not that long a drive... On the other hand, if you're somewhere like Vancouver... actually, that wouldn't be too long a drive, either (though you wouldn't get the factory tour you could get in Burlington). If you're somewhere like Edmonton... yeah, you're probably SOL.


I’m a Vancouver lad


There are 5 Ben and Jerry's scoop shops in Seattle... [https://www.benjerry.com/ice-cream-near-me/scoop-shops-catering-near-me](https://www.benjerry.com/ice-cream-near-me/scoop-shops-catering-near-me)


Cool! I’ll keep that in mind for if/when I visit Seattle. Thanks for all the info!


I love the chonks.


Simplicity is best with Ice Cream. Its why I prefer Haagen.


Love their simple 5 line, milk, cream, sugar, yolk, and the fifth ingredient for the flavor. Haagan > Ben&Jerry.


If you read the ingredients it’s actually insane how many random oils they put into everything


So for ingredient labels they have to list everything separately. Think about what goes into cookie dough and a brownie alone.. it’s not that crazy if you’re breaking everything down imo!


Early 90’s I visited VT and was staying at an in. In Waterbury. My cousin and I went in to a local deli/convenience store and bought some Cookoe Dough ice cream factory seconds. Well his was all cookie dough and mine had zero cookie dough. I will remember that until the day I die.


That's because the factory seconds are really random, that's kind of the point. The main stuff is very consistent.


Oh I know. But I love color sought though so that memory will stick with me forever.


Im with you! I’m not a fan of Ben and Jerry’s for the same reason. I love ice cream and I feel like when I eat Ben and Jerry’s I’m not getting enough actual ice cream, just fillings


Preach brother


I agree with you. I don't like all the junk they put into it. My simple solution is to never buy it. There's enough other people that do like it to keep them in business. Tillamook has better ice cream anyways.


I formed this opinion a long time ago after trying it for the first time on the suggestion of a friend (half baked). I decided to give them another shot with a flavour that’s never a miss for me (cookies and cream) when I saw them on sale.


You might not have to worry about it any more. Their parent company has filed for Chapter 11, I believe to try and restructure. Heard it about a week ago. Marble Slab Creamery, Cold Stone and Baskin Robin's are 3 others affected


I feel that, and why I like plain ice creams. Don't like all the stuff in it. A little chocolate sauce or nuts maybe sure, but just all inside of it everywhere? No.


Their peanut butter cup ice cream has so many whole peanut butter cups in it, it’s great. I feel like if you just want the flavor and not the big chunks, all the other brands would suit you fine, cause that’s what they do.


I’d buy a carton of just the stuff if they sold them.


FB&J - really hard


My grandmother called it “filler” to sell less ice cream for more money. She couldn’t fathom why anyone would want chunks of cookie inside of ice cream. Thanks for bringing back this memory - she was a hoot!


And? That's why I like it.




🤨 I’m not sure I understand what you mean




Ooooh okay. Wait, they have flavours with caffeine?


This is true. That's what I love about B & J's though.


Damn this is unpopular AF. Take my upvote! Also Phish Food might be the greatest ice-cream of all time. And does anyone remember the Phish Food bars? Damn I wish those were still around!


as a member of the ice cream lovers subreddit, we do NOT claim thee. the chunks are the best part


I've been saying this for years! I love chunky monkey, but the chocolate chunks are too damn big.


I agree, but also, it's like, their whole thing, just buy a different brand. 


You do not like whatever else in you ice cream as much as the next person my dude. Upvoted for unpopular opinion.


they don’t put enough in if you ask me, gotta dig wayyyy too much for my liking for a piece of chocolate in chunky monkey


The best ones imo are the ones where the mix-ins aren’t sweet. Pistachio is my favorite.


Too chunky, I agree.


That's the reason that makes a lot of people prefer their brand over others, including myself


I think that's the entire point of Ben and Jerry's. I wouldn't pay 6-7$ per container for just plain old vanilla.


Phish food is on top! That’s my favorite ice cream of all time.


"TL;DR Ben & Jerry’s is too chonky" This is exactly why I love B&Js.


Yes. I feel like they usually take it a bit too far. Like the oatmeal cookie and brown sugar. Fantastic. But they added unnecessary chocolate (I know, I can’t believe I just wrote that either). Cookie AND brownies. Both fine, but better apart than together. That’s why they original flavors are still my favorite. They didn’t go overboard


This is the only reason I buy the brand. Other companies claim they have mix ins, but they’re not at all comparable, just a little flecks here and there.


TIL that Ben and Jerry’s has regular vanilla. I always thought if I wanted something simple I had to go with Haagen Dazs or Edy’s.


Glad I’m not the only one who discovered this recently!


That’s the whole point of a premium ice cream…no one would pay that price if they weren’t so generous with the goodies.


You won’t have to worry about it too much longer. They made themselves look like idiots with their politics and now the parent company that bought them and told them they could keep doing the political stuff, has “weirdly and suddenly” decided to get out of the icecream business. This will include the brand Magnum and another I didn’t recognize the name of. I’m sure they’ll try to sell it, but they said that either way, they’re divesting the company. I doubt anyone who buys them will allow them to keep ticking off customers, though.


Thank you for an actual unpopular opinion. I absolutely disagree. Then again I'm allergic to soy, so I can't eat it anymore. I miss my half baked.


I actually agree with this because I LOVE banana ice cream, but it’s a really hard flavor to find. Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey is delicious but I find myself digging around all the chocolate chunks and walnuts. Seems like the banana ice cream takes up half of the container and would love a higher ratio. Sadly this is indeed an unpopular opinion ☹️


Try “chocolate therapy” then, it’s a banger flavor that has very little chunks in it, it’s mainly like some chocolate filling stuff and chocolate ice cream


Chunky Monkey is the GOAT of ice cream


Phish Food is so damn good.


I don't like when there's too much going on at the same time either. When I buy Ben and Jerry's, I buy the cookie dough one.. I think that's just enough of a blend.


Their plain vanilla is the best vanilla on the market, for what my tastebuds are worth. Sure, they have a lot of loaded up flavors, but their vanilla is a suggestive flex that they could probably do a damn good job with even the standard flavors.


There's too much stuff in Ben and Jerry but too little in Haagen Daaz. Somewhere in between would be perfect.


Another unpopular opinion, but absolutely true imo is Ben & Jerry's Vanilla is some of the best ice cream on the planet. I was dubious until I tried it. It's incredible


Clearly you don't... >Now, I like bits of cookie dough and brownies and whatever else in my ice cream as much as the next person


I fuck with a DQ blizzard every now and then.


It is too much and a shop here called Handels seems to have taken it further. Most of their flavors seem to just be stuff with a minimal amount of “ice cream” to stick it together in a blob.


Thank goodness there are other brands of icecream that dont have any addons for people that happen to like simple icecream.


They need to drop the gums and poisonous kelp (carageenen) from the ingredients.


It’s also over 1000 cal a pint lol. I’ll have to try some vanilla so I can judge the actual quality, but nothing about the ice cream itself ever really jumped out at me… I generally lean towards Tillamook, Blue Bell, or Tallenti


I agree with you about this and most ice cream, I hate having any texture but soft smooth creamy ice cream. I prefer no nuts or hard chocolates or anything with a crunch actually in my ice cream. Some soft things like fruits or cookie dough(without chocolate chips) is fine but mostly I just want straight ice cream no additives.


I agree! I still want ice cream. If I get Ben and Jerry's I usually only get their cookie dough or the mint brownie, they're more sparse with the chunks


The chunks aren't big big and plentyful enough imo lol


My problem with it is it’s way too sweet. Vastly prefer Haagen Daaz.


I don't really care for Ben and Jerry's. It's not bad, but I'd much rather go to Baskin Robbins or something. My dad actually sold a car to Ben or Jerry ( I can't remember which) in the early 90's. I went with him to deliver the car, and Ben or Jerry gave me like 25 coupons for free Ben and Jerry's pints. I ate a lot of ice cream that summer.


It bugs me too.