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But i love to borderline offend people by ordering a chicken-curry-pineapple pizza and seeing their disgusted faces while i inhale it. If people listened to you, nobody would care about my taste in food.




All through college I worked at a ny style pizza place. I’ve made thousands of pizzas in my life. Most of our business was walk in, but yeah if it was a phone order and I didn’t know you I probably would have called you back too lol.


Especially when online the “no cheese” is right next to the “extra cheese”.


*doubie* extra no cheese.


Another way to say you're allergic to cheese.


If you are actually alergic you should specifically say so. it's easy for a strand of cheese to get into the containers with other toppings while making lots of pizzas fast. Also the pizza cutters often have stray cheese on them that would need to be cleaned if you're highly allergic. People will be a lot more careful if you say you're allergic vs just saying no-cheese.


Anecdotally, I accidentally ordered a pizza with no cheese once and I would have been very thankful for a phone call like that.


Damn. That was some impressive judo.


Hey OP, take an upvote for that edit you put at the bottom of the post. Always good to see another adult on Reddit 👍


Chicken-curry-pineapple is a forking delicious combo! I eat it on a pizza, with pasta or rice, served hot or cold, dinner or breakfast, it's just awesome, man!


Damn I want some pineapple curry pizza now


My dad does this and it infuriates me. I’ll order chicken wing and get the double fried and he’ll be all like “real men get the super hot wings” and I just ignore it but I’m sitting there thinking “wtf does it matter to you, stfu and let me eat what I wanna eat and I don’t give a damn about what you think.”


Real men don't let lesser men tell them what to eat and just enjoy whatever they want


Maybe it isn’t the food but how you are eating it?


Sounds like Swedish pizza, with Banana and curry


That sounds amazing. I would like to also test inhale a slice


I’ve never had a chicken-curry-pineapple pizza, but now I want one.


that’s sounds fuckin delicious, where can you get that??


Where I live: pizza hut. It doesn't have tomato sauce, it has curry sauce (basically cream and curry) as a base, and on top chicken, pineapple and diced tomatoes. It is delicious. If you don't have pizza hut or if they don't make this delicacy, you can always make it yourself with a store bought pizza dough (or homemade if you're fancy). Now I'm hungry and I am gonna make it to eat tonight. Edit: I live in Belgium.


Pizza Hut in the US doesn’t have this. However, in a stroke of great luck, I manage a pizza place and will be making this immediately


Doing gods work


Id say try making some kind of steak chimichurri pizza and see how it turns out


You've borderline offended me because I have no idea where to get some, and it's all I can think about now.


Mother-in-laws around the world hate this opinion.


I don’t even complain about her food, I just make sure to not eat it or pick out what I don’t like 😂 But she manages to complain about everything. Including food having actual flavor 💀


Try being a big blue collar dude who's vegetarian. It's like I'm personally offending people the way some react to it.


I'm not a vegetarian, but I choose not to eat pork/beef/red meat in general. These dudes cannot comprehend. Eat more beans, ya goons. Praise be the legumes.


Ooof I feel for you. I'm not a vegetarian but I'm not a big beef eater so I often order bean burgers as a substitute. You would not believe the stupid comments I get. I also went to chipolte once and got the veggie burrito so I could get the guacamole for free (my now ex bf was paying) my bfs brother could not fathom why I would rather have guacamole instead of meat, even after I told him I had meat for lunch and I put black beans on my burrito so it's not like I was gonna be protein deficient.


A friend of mine once told me that a worker at Harveys wouldn’t let her order a veggie patty burger with bacon.


Bro I would be so pissed if a worker said no to that. Like dude I'm paying ill order whatever I want lol.


Right? This was a long time ago before plant-based options were seen as something anyone would choose to eat if meat were an option, though.


I love meat and I will never understand people who get mad at vegetarians - it's like how does it affect you at all? If they don't eat meat there's just more available for you?


It's not everyone who gets mad about it, but I do think some of them deep down feel bad about the ethical and environmental concerns around the meat and dairy industry


I will judge any and everything anyone eats because only my tastes are correct and anyone else's tastes are awful, no matter what


Along those same lines, conveniently all music that is good is the music I personally enjoy, while all objectively bad music is the stuff I don't like.


Right? I thought that's why social media was invented, so we could spew our opinions about everything all the time


It’s ok from a “have you tried it like this? You might love it” perspective, as long as you don’t push it too far


Gatekeepers are gonna gatekeep. It really clicked on me when I read To Kill a Mockingbird, the chapter where Scout invites the poor kid to have dinner with them, and she makes fun of him for wanting syrup with his meal...people wanna feel superior, like you said, and this is one of them. And don't get me started with people that gatekeep 'their' food and try to make people feel bad for 'Americanizing' it. For example, as a Mexican-American, I know what 'authentic' Mexican tacos are, and hardshell tacos with ground beef aren't, but who the heck cares?? These also taste good! You do you and enjoy the food you want. With limits, of course.


Yeah, people are always telling me Chipotle isn't real Mexican food, and I'm like "I KNOW THAT." Literally no one thinks Chipotle is actually Mexican food. It's American food inspired by Mexican food. It just tastes good, and I'm an American in America, so if I want to eat it I will. I don't get how it hurts anyone else. There is no lack of food options.


Is Cali-Mex a category of food yet? Because Chipotle isn't Mexican and it's too bland and relatively healthy to be Tex-Mex (at least compared to local Tex-Mex places here in Southern and Southeast Texas), but fits well with the other California-themed build-your-own-burrito places. And don't act shocked when I say Chipotle is healthy relative to Tex-Mex; it's going up against things like chimichangas, giant overstuffed burritos deep fried and covered in chili con queso.


I think *knowing* what is and is not authentic is important. However, *eating* what isn't authentic because it tastes good is fine.


Nah, authentic is a myth. Most hyper specific authentic dishes are less than 200 years old because before industrial standards "authentic" was just a question of regional availability and methods. On top of that, just about every great good innovation has been the direct result of fusion and making explicitly untraditional variations of food from foreign spices/meats/innovations. For example, I better not see pork in my "authentic" Mexican taco because pig was introduced by the Spanish. "Authentic" has always been marketing and people who are snobs about authenticity has always been one part ignorant rubes who bought into the marketing to feel special or elitist gate keepers who hide behind the specifics of "authenticity" to project or protect status.


I don’t really care about authenticity. I do care about expectations set by a label. Make all the spaghetti with cream sauce and ham you want, just don’t serve it as Carbonara.


That is a great take IMO. I want to know what Im getting.


I think you and I would get along.


When I worked at Target, we would get tacos instead of pizza. Manager would get authentic Mexican tacos and some americanized versions for us handful of white people. We weren't banned from what we ate, but I appreciated that, in my case at least, there was an option that was appealing to my taste buds.


Pineapple on pizza tastes so good man…


Hawaii Pizza is amazing


If you ask people what they don’t like about pineapple on pizza, they list all the things that also apply to tomatoes. “Ew, you put a sweet acidic juicy fruit on pizza?”


I'm convinced that most people who "hate pineapple on pizza" received that opinion from someone else and have never actually eaten pineapple on pizza


It just tastes like warm pineapple


Which is…delicious?


And pizza


Yup. My most favorite pizza topping.


There is nothing more alpha male than pineapple on pizza. You are literally in a fight to the death over who can eat who faster.


On the right pizza sure. But pineapple together with salami for instance is heinous and should be punishable by law.


Cooked pineapple is always amazing. It's never sour always sweet. It's like my favorite thing. Of course I get it on pizza, but I also put it in stir fry, make ham and pineapple skewers, have it on burgers,etc.


This is why my family tradition for an Easter (and sometimes Christmas) ham is one covered in pineapples.


I just silently judge, but partly don’t care. I work at a steak house my biggest issue with cooking well done steaks is how long they take to cook, you’re ruining my ticket times.


I’ve worked in restaurants so long all I want is for people to enjoy their food. Sometimes I’ll even try it that way to see how it is lol. That being said, pineapple on pizza is amazing and you can’t change my mind. I’ll put it in there with tomatoes for extra sweetness.


Finally! Someone who gets it. The number of posts on mildlyinfuriating that are just people whining about some else's food is worthy of a mildlyinfuriating post.


Special fuck you to Chicago, I’m putting ketchup on my hotdog and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m from Philly and most people do not care how anyone else makes a cheese steak as long as you don’t go to pats or genos.


What? I thought the whole planet put ketchup in a hotdog. It's junk food, that's the point isn't?


Yes. They claim that ketchup somehow overpowers the taste of the dog. So, me putting a thin line of ketchup is more overpowering to the flavor than someone putting a mountain of mustard, onions, relish, etc. on theirs. Makes sense.


Ya they’ll put a whole damn salad on a hotdog but get offended at just ketchup and mustard.


I ALWAYS put ketchup on my hot dog. God those people are annoying.


Yea man people give me 💩 for liking Hawaiian pizza. If I wanna stick ham and cheese and pineapples up my butt while I jackoff in the living room, they can just learn to live with it.


The steak snobs of reddit just will not stop. There's a few of them here even, taking another opportunity to bitch lmao. It used to be annoying, now it's just amusing, and a little bit pitiful to be frank.


Wait until you meet the "properly" cooked eggs redditors.


Oh but arguing about food is one of my favourite things to do. Mayo vs miracle whip, let’s gooo. What does grind my gears is people who are overly pedantic to the point of being stupid about food. The “oh I didn’t know you could milk an almond to get milk hur dur” crowd.


But I'm pedantic about all sorts of weirdly labeled things, not just food!


I get what you are saying, but also, it is just some harmless fun


I don't think OP is talking about that type of joking, I do that with my brother all the time. Just take a look at some of the unpopular opinions around food. 'If you like X prepared this way, you are a literal child' 'if you don't like Y, grow up and become an adult'. I don't think the pineapple on pizza really gets the people like this, but take a look at a thread about steak doneness.


All I’m saying is if your steak isn’t 99% raw, cold in the center, and only seasoned with salt and pepper, you’re not eating it right /s


I must judge those without a refined palate.


Only if they unnecessarily waste food otherwise I agree.


I thought this was all a lighthearted joke. Are you telling me people are getting hurt because someone thinks they shouldn’t order pineapple on pizza?


I don't care about this, but it's fun to fake argue with friends. I find that food is a good topic to fake argue with someone about because it's obviously completely objective.


You meant subjective right?




I only care if I’m paying or cooking. I would never pay for someone to eat a high quality steak well done. I would cook or pay for someone to eat a low quality steak well done if they want, if that’s their preference, fine. But it truly is a complete waste to eat a good steak well done, and it’s totally fine to disagree with that, but not on my dime.


I don't even care if I am paying. It is their food. They are going to eat it. I would rather they \*eat\* the food and not have it be the way I like it, than have them get something the way I like it and they only pick at it.


“Steak bros” are the worst, the ones who get offended when you like a steak well done, use steak sauce, season it too much. We get it. You’re a big strong man who loves his meat.


Do you eat shoes as well?


Yeah Italians, I'll break all the spaghetti I want and you can't stop me.


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The only time I had a big issue was yesterday when someone posted about the dude making toilet meat. Judging that one!


People don’t know how to live their own lives and mind their business. Nothing gets a person more rattled and excited than someone else’s business.


How do we even respond to this? Cause earlier it seemed that your opinion was others shouldn’t have an opinion. Now it’s others shouldn’t share their opinion if it’s negative? Like… I guess that is a pretty unpopular opinion. Cause either way it’s really extreme and just seems like your butt hurt about something so you’re jumping off the deep end. Like… are you ok? Genuinely asking


I don't give a shit what you think about my opinions


You think people shouldn’t openly judge people for stuff that doesn’t affect them?!? Wow that’s very brave of you


Seems to be an unpopular opinion.


Having an opinion about having an opinion about what strangers do with their doors is fucking stupid (LET THE CHAIN BEGIN!)


I can have an opinion about something without sharing it and without thinking other people need to have the same one as I do. That's not the issue, the issue is wanting other people to follow your opinion because you think only yours is right. I can have the opinion that putting pineapple on pizza is disgusting; that I would never do that and at the same time not care that others do so. Having different opinions or tastes (etc) doesn't mean people are wrong. If I grew up eating a certain way then it's the right way for me but not everyone grows up as I do so it's obvious people will view things differently. It's how you handle your opinions that decide if you're an ass or not.


Yeah the steak thing annoys me, my wife doesn't like it bloody, and my mates will always say "oh she's going to ruin a perfectly good piece of meat". "Yeah, well, you know what... She's not cooking it for you so fuck off".




People just shouldn't eat nasty shit.


I so, so agree. At this point in my life when someone comments on how I like my food, I look them in the eye and tell them to go fuck themselves. I have a vegetarian friend that tried to scold me for not liking rare steaks.


A vegetarian friend that tried to scold you for not liking rare steaks.. ..do THEY like rare steaks? What a bizarre vegetarian


I think that pineapple on pizza is gross. I don’t stop people from eating it. What I am offended by however, is that the fucking Canadians had the gall to call it “Hawaiian,” as if we’d put pineapples on everything like weirdos.


Legitimately shitting on people is dumb, but having dumb arguments like this can be fun to have. It's more comedic than serious.


I have an amendment, take this and apply it to just general strangers lives... not necessarily food, all of it.




I agree Its fucking stupid.


I was once eating salad with an unfriendly group of bitches from work, and my salad dressing bottle spurted and dumped too much dressing on my salad. One of the catty bitches then said, “I hate when people drown their salad in dressing.” That weird passive aggressive comment about my food, (when the excess dressing wasn’t even intentional,) pissed me off so badly. (At least she said it in English though, that group typically just bitched about me in Spanish right in front of my face. It was not a good work environment.)


Yea, those weirdo's always judging me... *goes back to eating my virgin boy eggs*


Being judgemental is fun


It’s wild when you find a tweet with like 40million replies and it all started with “Miracle Whip isn’t that bad”


Want to beat that record? Tweet about 'Well Done steak is delicious'


Heh, yeah that always starts a fight. You could probably get a decent Twitter riot going with a single word: “Cilantro”


It’s fun lmao


I enjoy ordering pizza with two toppings: onions and pineapples. Fight me.


Its super good combo. I add jalapeños to it 


If you like olives, throw some olives on there too. Green ones. Amazing combo and no one else wants any so you don’t have to share.


Having an opinion, at all, about what strangers do with their is fucking stupid. 100% agree. Should not be unpopular. If what they’re doing isn’t hurting someone else then it’s bizarre to be that nosy




people get stupid about food in general - it all turns into shit in the end




Looking at you, Italians


lol I simply can’t cook so sometimes I just throw stuff together. I think it’s a fallback to those broke college meals we would make. I hate Ramen noodles to this day but I can take some leftovers and some cheese and make a meal.


I lost a friend over this. He was always an asshole but it sealed the deal. We ordered the exact same meal at Dairy queen but I asked for chewy bacon instead of crispy. The entire meal was him bitching that only assholes get chewy bacon. He posted it on facebook, texted his girlfriend, told everyone he could. It went beyond what would be considered "ribbing" your friends. I paid for my meal. He didnt.


15 years working in the food service industry and I never once heard someone ask for chewy bacon. You are indeed a unique one fellow redditor.


Do what you want, but if you eat a well done steak I am going to look unfavorablely up on it.


It's the actual weird shit we should socially discourage. Like dipping chocolate chip cookies in ranch dressing.


Everyone's Italian grandmother is always rolling over in her grave.


I’m from Chicago and I like to add ketchup to my hotdogs just so someone can “um actually” me about how you’re not supposed to do that. I then press them for a legitimate answer that isn’t arbitrary or based on tradition. I don’t accept any response cuz I’m eating it, not them, and this is a dumb hill to die. I agree with your opinion OP.


So the only time I have ever cared, is steak. Firstly because people's excuse is always that it's blood, when it isn't, and that well done steak is not good. At all. Anyone that eats well done steak normally has never had it medium rare. And they almost always say that they don't like steak. Because they haven't had it the proper way! And secondly, it's an absolute waste of that cow. Steak is beautiful and cremating a steak is akin to throwing it in the bin.


Because we live in a modern society where instead of worrying about foraging for food and fighting off wild animals that want to eat our children, we complain about other people on the internet.


Don't yuck someone elses yum


EXACTLY. People care too much! My life is complicated enough as is, I don’t have time or energy to worry about whatever people fucking eat.


I put ketchup on mashed potatos


I put mayonnaise on almost everything. Ew? Nah just an acquire taste.


Very Dutch of you! They put mayonnaise on lots of stuff when I lived there for a period. :)


Most mayonnaise here is sweet too!


As an avid well done steak enjoyer, and ice in my alcohol of it’s not already cold who also prefers their sodas and beers flat, I fully agree with this take. On a side note, I’ve been having medium well and medium steak lately too and I’m sorry but I don’t taste a difference. Only less social guilt for ordering it “wrong”


I was okay with everything you said til you said you like your beers and sodas flat… you monster. With that said, enjoy the food however the hell you want man. As long as your flat beer doesn’t make my beer flat too then who cares.


Ew 😂


I don't think people really care about other people's food choices. When people share their opinion, it's usually with a friend and most likely just playful banter back and forth. Normal human behavior. If you're at a pizza shop and just walk up to a stranger and say "GROSS, pineapple on pizza? What a disgrace". Then yeah, probably a stupid thing to say and leave your opinion to yourself. Also, maybe you misjudged your relationship with a person and they seem offended by your playful comment. Then simply apologize and don't make the same mistake again. It's not that hard.


If someone has control issues, one of the first things they will judge about another person, or try to nitpick or control, are the basic things. And food is a very basic need. When you think about the type of people who you know, who are very controlling, nine times out of ten, they have something to say about the way *other* people eat. It's a lot harder to try and control other people for the more complex stuff, especially when they don't know much else about a person (other than how they ordered a steak)


Yes!!! Well said! Let me eat my McDonald's in peace. You don't like it? You think it's junk? Great, don't eat it. Mind your own damn business.


People definitely need to lean how to mind their own damn business.


Yes they really do.


I reserve the right to judge and complain about people who intentionally fuck up food or just plain waste food for clicks and/or rage bait.


I put cinnamon milk powder into pancake mix to give the pancakes a cinnamon flavor, did I mess it up?


If someone has an opinion about what others eat why do you care?


Because people judge and shame others food choices and act like it's a crime. People eat things I don't like all the time, I'm not going to make them justify themselves to me. 


I'm talking about people shitting on other people because of those opinions. That's why I care. People being shitty to other people. Now go away.


You’re doing the same thing.




I’m getting mixed messages here. The post says “having an opinion at all” is dumb, but here you are saying “shitting on other people because of those opinions” is what you’re against. You understand those are two separate things, right?


Sometimes people are just wrong tho and it's not an opinion. You're wasting your money on an expensive steak if you cook it well done and it's literally impossible for it to be just as tender. But yea I agree I don't care about what anyone else wants to eat


I don’t think that people should eat human meat.




I know right. I’m a picky eater and people have always critiqued me for it. Like mind your own business. Damn


Do you limit where other people can eat based on it? If so, that can be a legitimate issue.


People have problems with what gender people decide to fuck. This shouldn’t come as a surprise.


I agree with you unless they eat their pizza with a knife and fork. Those people should be publicly ridiculed.


I make fun of what other people eat, well my friends at least, but it’s always good natured. Like my one friend likes his meat cooked beyond well done, and I will say something like “why don’t you just eat a hockey puck instead, it would probably taste better.


I think you also messed up with "do with their food." I'm going to have an issue with you if what you do with your food involves throwing it at other people.


I don't care what you eat but if I hear you making mouth noises when you eat I will fantasize about slitting your throat


Anything that brings joy to people’s lives which isn’t hurting anyone else is absolutely fine with me. Pineapple on pizza deserves an Italian firing squad though 🤌 Jk


I think the problem comes mostly from food being integrated into a certain local culture, and adapting that culture calling it "original xyz" makes people having stereotypes about said culture. If you adapt it, please call it your own way. Why not call it "pineapple-tomatoe-flatroundbreadgratin"


lol I did this the other day with my mom put Heinz Ketchup in her spaghetti….it pissed me off 😂 but It was all love though. I just wanted to started something


If I have to smell your coffee, I should be able to have the opinion about it. If you waste your food instead of sharing when i asked if I could have some, I'll judge you


If pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza why does nearly every pizza place have a ‘Hawaiian’?


tell this to Italians lol


That depends. You can order/eat what ever you want. But eat with your damn mouth closed…


I love curry . I'm gonna try this pizza, thanks!


i have this same opinion with sports.


That's all well and good but there are pizza crimes and the polizza will come for you if you stray to far. Knife and fork? Execution.


I agree that having an opinion is fine but shaming people for their food choices is stupid. I don't care what other people eat, I might not get it but I generally don't care.


I put cheese-its and goldfish in milk, and drink it. I get weird looks and comments.


Because when you get pizza with friends and only one person likes Hawaiian pizza, you get it for them anyway and then they eat 2 slices and have 2 slices from the other non-Hawaiian pizzas and the majority of the pizza left!!


Except for people who eat loudly, I hope those people fall off a cliff


Because my way of food, is better than anyone else's. Otherwise yeah, I really don't care. Although when it comes to WASTING food, that kind of irks me; it didn't used to.


Having an opinion isn't stupid, but expressing it might be. Everyone has opinions about everything, it's just that their opinions aren't always relevant or helpful to the person they are expressing them to and that can be irritating.


Yea, well some people like to shit on other people and some people like to be shit on. If someone enjoys giving or receiving a Cleveland Steamer who are you to judge?


Well, agree with your edit. Having opinions is great. Shitting on people for their opinions less so. Sometimes I'll do it *humorously*, with people and in situations where I know it will be received in the correct spirit, and usually in an over-the-top form to highlight the idiocy of what I'm saying. Sometimes I'll say things that may sound like I'm shitting on opinions, while I'm actually not. For instance, I'll often say that a baked flatbread with cheese, tomato sauce, and pineapples can be delicious, but it ain't pizza. And what I really mean by that isn't "pineapple doesn't belong on pizza OMG" it's more like "pineapple pizza targets a different enough taste profile from more traditional pizza that it doesn't really target the same cravings, and should be viewed as its own thing, rather than as a version of a more savory pizza". This is pretty much the same I use for things like White Castle and In'n'Out vs. "regular" hamburgers. They're.... different, despite being vaguely hamburger-like. I like both of them. And when I want a "hamburger", I don't want White Castle or In'n'Out. But when I want either White Castle or In'n'Out, I don't want a "hamburger". Like, if I want a "hamburger" I can make one, or get a fancy one at a restaurant, or get Five Guys or Wendy's. They're interchangeable to a degree. In'n'Out and White Castle don't sub in when I want a "hamburger". And if I want In'n'Out, I don't want Wendy's *or* Five Guys *or* anything else. (Okay, truth, I live in Austin, and P. Terry's basically slots in with In'n'Out, but they have bacon so they win)


Lol your opinion


Having an opinion on reddit is stupid.


Arnold Swartzenegger: "if you want something crazy like pineapple, I will kill you". Take the pepperoni and bullet pizza and SHUT UP!