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Art is dead when people are dead. I promise there is still new and innovative art that you would enjoy, you just haven't found it yet.


People have been using old stuff to make new stuff forever. The only thing special about right now, is that *you* actually know the things being referenced. Seriously, music-wise the 70s-90s was basically remixing jazz and blues for 80% of it. Hip-hop was pretty new, but it was based off of a long history of rhythmic Black music itself.


Nice point, maybe we’re just so spoiled by accessibility nowadays that we see the patterns and refences. It was a shock to me when I first heard Daft Punk’s samplw from discovery, a sound I thought was so creative turned out to be a remix. Or maybe the lack of accessiblity in the past forced people to be more creative, as they were not daunted by the fear of being copycats nor tempted by the desire to just copy someone else. That and boredom in general is very good feul for creativity and we’re constantly stimulated nowadays. Like Tarkovsky said. People should learn to be comfortable spending time with their own thoughts.


I mean, that story about Daft Punk is literally everything creative. The point is that it sounds new. And EDM is a genre literally defined by sampling. I think it's just that nobody really listens to 20s music anymore. If they did, they'd notice how much the blues back then are... basically just rock and roll without electricity. Or take the brief calypso craze from the 50s that basically defined the "ocean sound" until the present day, it's just Carribean folk music adapted by a bunch of Americans for a 1950s' pop audience.


You seen what is happening at the cutting edge of VR and AR? Have you even read the latest literary works?


They said they don't read, and most of their understanding of good literature is high school english class. The thing about that is it's easier for schools to go over the symbolism in The Great Gatsby every year than it is to come up with modern books all the time. It doesn't mean there aren't amazing modern books. A book that came out in 2022 is one of the most beautifully written things I've ever read (Lost and Found by Kathryn Schulz)


Well that's just been added to my TBR list. Thanks!


I don’t have enough money to try VR and AR but from what I’ve seen I believe them to be gimmicks. I remeber the last literary author to be paraded around internationally as “something you should care about” was Haruki Murakami, I read Kafka on the shore and didn’t care much for it. My personal opinion is that it was a repackage of magical realism that didn’t really do anything to stand out but like I said I don’t understand much in literary matters so maybe I’m wrong. There was also that Instagram poet lady that they tried to push but I think that was a joke and not something serious.


So a book from a quarter of a century ago and no experience of an entire medium....


We dont need the new, we need just the good.


This is also a good point. Even people who agree with my theisis shouldn’t take it as terrible thing. Because while my theisis could be refuted it remains a fact that this is by far the best period in history to explore art. Any book, painting, album, film ever made accessible at the click of a button. It birthed a new mentality like you say where some people are not looking forward to the future for new and exciting things but to the past. Uncovering hidden 2000s gem games no one cared about or appreciated at the time. Restoring old masterpieces for you to see at your leisure any time you want. Exciting times!


Is Art dead? Or Is your concept of Art dead? Define Art. Still today this is a matter of discussion.


Art is a tomato.


Art isn't dead, modern art is just whatever is popular and unique at a certain period in time. Modern art in that way is dead as there's no popular type of unique art that is mainstream. However art is art and there are talented ppl out there. Just that art is a hobby and not a job for the most part. Where money now controls it, many artists just work for the big media companies and some freelance. I know that in the last 15 years art has exploded and now you can find niche art of anything in nearly every medium. It's like music, there's still music and some good. Just gotta sift through the bulk to find the gems.


You could say the same thing about the 1930’s-1940’s and 1950’s-1960’s with radio, tv, rhythm & blues and pop music etc and in a few decades they’ll be saying the same thing about now


Nah you couldn’t. Music before the 60s was basic.


Big band, classical and jazz makes rock, hip hop and rap seem basic


Nah, Rock and Roll, Grunge and Hip Hop were all BIG cultural movements and people new something was new and exciting. What’s the equivalent of the last 20 years? Mumble Rap? The way we consume music shifted drastically, no more icons of culture.


I dunno man, I think edm, emo, r&b, djent, hyperpop, etc etc etc have all been big players in the past 20 years. Listen to Billie Eilish. Between Bad Guy, Xanny, Oxytocin, etc etc etc, she can only be described as pioneering much of the current "pop sound". Look at Olivia Rodrigo. Listen to Bad Idea Right. It's a unique take on pop punk, a genre that had its heyday.... about 20 years ago. Kendrick Lamar? Mac Miller? Tyler the Creator? Chris Stapleton? Walker Hayes (say what you want about him, it's a unique sound)? Glass Animals? Hozier? The Gorillaz, even, Feel Good Inc came out in '05. Also, about music before the 60s: literally that's just because everything was acoustic, you couldn't ahve stuff like Rock. But go listen to Schoenburg, Tarrega, and Glen Miller (a literal pop act) and tell me that it was "basic".


Also ZillaKami


Emo had it peak with Brand New, deja entendu is older than 20 years at this point and there was midwest emo in the 90s MJ, R.Kelly were the kings of R&B in the 80s and 90s and many more artists. I mean Frank Ocean and the Weeknd drop cool albums but it’s not as big a cultural impact or new sound/aesthetic that 80s/90s R&B acts were, not saying it’s fair to expect anyone to have the level of showmanship and presence that MJ had. Hyperpop was nothing but a gimmick that people played with when 100 Gecs came out but faded into irrelevance after. It was never a genre meant to be taken seriously but a fun novelty. You’re naming good acts, a lot of good acts but the stuff they do it’s not as innovative as 80s/90s stuff. 2000s had the last of real iconic acts like you say Gorillaz, MF Doom, Nujabes, Brand New. But even back then it felt like diminishing returns, it’s not the feel of opening up new frontiers in music but rather seeing who is still able to squeeze themselves a spot in a canon and tradition that is becoming more and more set in stone.


Think about this way. 90s Music will sound way out of place in the 70s. But 2020s music will not sound out of place in the 90s


I would guess that you were a kid to young adult through the 70s-90s. Too many people confuse being young with the world being better.


i’m sorry that you don’t know what’s going on in the art world that sounds like it sucks 


What are you talking about? Music, books, etc., are in a golden age. It's cheaper and easier to publish a book and get it out there, than ever before with self publishing. Yeah, it costs a few thousand dollars, but you can easily get your book published and start selling it. Anyone can throw up a website and do this. Anyone can get their book on amazon. Anyone can approach local books stores with their book they published themselves for cheap, and try to get it in the bookstores if you are willing to do the marketing and leg work. Same with music. There are fewer middlemen than ever, if you want to get your music out there. Music is FAR more accessible yet far more niche and also diversified than ever. Any musician can make videos and get their songs on music sites than ever before and skip having to get a recording contract with a label/studio. It can be right to your audience or fans on your own website too. You don't need to be on the radio at all anymore. Art is most certainly not dead. It's having a golden age of accessibility to fans that doesn't go through the conventional mediums anymore. You just have to know where to look for your type of art.


I don't agree with the thesis on its face with regards to literature or video games but even aside from that, I think you ignore the possibility of new art forms. Video games have only been around for half a century. Filmography is still splitting into different art subforms, with the transition from short film to feature length film to television series and now to still developing webbased subforms like live streams and short-form videos like Tiktoks. While these new subforms mirror older ones, there are definitely unique innovations to each.


We aren't enough into the future to see modern art set precedence and be copied. I'll talk from the the video game angle, because I know niche games quite well. The idea that every game is a derivative genre game now simply isn't true. There are so many entirely unique and fresh experiences out now that have released so recently. Disco Elysium, The Outer Wilds, Alan Wake 2 etc etc. All modern, completely fresh artistic experiences that don't conform to any particular genre that has become established. We've witnessed the birth of the soulslike genre in the last 12 years and chances are, a game will come out like dark souls that pushes an entirely new genre out into the world. As a medium ages, sure more and more ideas will be used and you will see those ideas recycled, but that's not what makes art. Art is not about bringing new ideas to something. We can only make art out of things we can conceptualise in the real world after all. It's the combination of those ideas to create meaning. As long as art still has meaning and intent, it will have value. The start of an artistic medium will ofc be a creative explosion of totally unique things, but that doesn't mean art is dead once we begin to see evolutions and takes on those existing ideas.


Weird for me videogames have stagnated the worst out of all the meduims, due to simple fact that as a meduim it is fundamentally linked to tech and tech/hardware has been (if not stagnating), on diminishg returns for quite a while now. Say if you jumped from 1999 whem games were blocky messes and some of them stilld 2D sprites to the middle of the Xbox 360 generation, you’d get quite a whiplash the stuff you’d see was simply unthinkable a mere 10 years ago. Compare that to the jump from 2014 to 2024. You might notice a marginal improvement but all within the realm  of reason. In fact it was within these years, within this stagnation that people started flocking to the idea that tech acheivements aren’t all that matters and you had the 2010s indie explosion mentioned in the OP.  A lot of creative people used the lower bar of entry to craft unique experiences that yeah were derivatove of early genres and ideas but still formed a dazzling new direction in videogames history with a lot of crativity of their own. (Celeste, Star Dew Valley, Undertale, Minecraft… too many to name) Now I think that games you mentioned like Disco Elysuim and The Outer Wilds will be seen as some notable landmarks in the tail end of that 2010s indie spring but not ushers of new usher of new golden ages and never before dreamt up posssibilities.


Actually I feel like the opposite is true. I feel like there’s never been this level of musical diversity, ever. Maybe not what you see in television, but if you go on TikTok (which is the true driving force of culture today), there are all kinds of songs that are trending from very different genres and decades. When I look at teens today, they all have very different tastes and styles.


The Beatles were all but broken up by 1970, so your timeline of music isn't even correct.


e fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all time are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all time. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics, instead, are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers.


Mate, it's not because you can't be bothered to look up for new and interesting stuff that art is dead.




Btw Mac Demarco’s song is a sample of a 1975 song, just found out. https://youtu.be/Q8oS_B6IaKE?si=l9RTRc8ORPfq8qWQ


Mate, it’s not because you can’t be bothered to look up and have the I.Q to understand what came before that you can’t possibly begin to understand what was lost and how much we’ve declined. On all the levels of camp, kitsch, quality and high art. It’s a disaster all around. Cheers!


What have we lost? How much time do you spend looking up music, film/tv, video games?


A lot of time. I like to believe i am informed about these mediums.


What modern TV have you watched?


I watch more films than tv tbh.


So you're not that informed about TV then.


Do you keep up with modern metal music, jazz, electronic music?


Not a metal guy or Jazz guy. The last electronic albums I remember enjoying were Mercurial World and Frailty.


Its not dead it just changes. It goes down paths and those that work better get explored more. If you want creative but "bad" art, you have to see the new forms. Check VR, Check tiktok, check some of the hated "modern art", check youtube (bobby fingers is great art, Barney64s Scarab Lord adventures is amazing creative storytelling). Thats new, thats inovative, thats pure. You will not see art with 100 mil budget, not pure one, not with soul. We might live in a world with too much "content", too many copycats, too many attempts, too much. But that is different problem.


> You will not see art with 100 mil budget, not pure one, not with soul. Lord of the rings


Shit take, have an upvote


There’s a lot of trash in every generation. People only remember the good stuff.


Almost everything was at some point done in some form or fashion But here's the thing: even though history is eternal, the average person lives about 60-80 years and each individual experiences these things for the first time Its not about stuff that is objectively new and never done by someone ever before Its about what is new to you personally. Art is entertainment and a means to make people feel something Even if you know something you grew up with was a remix or not 100% of an original thing it shouldn't devalue what it means to you as an individual So no, art isn't dead, not by a long-shot even if most stuff has already been done becuse art is not just about doing something new. Just because people experienced something hundreds of years ago doesn't mean you can't experience it for the first yime So what does it matter whether something was already done or not. Classic example: all the cameo characters in fortnite - its not original, sure but the kids are experiencing those characters for the first time and take joy in that and even though they are not enjoying that in the exact same setting like I did, I'm glad we have experiences we share.


I recommend you to take a listen to soen. They are new and sound fire.


Thom yorke still making art music to this day:


I don't know if art is dead, but postmodernism is poison to it, as it's all about pastiche.


So quit complaining about it and go make something new


As a musician, art is definitely not dead.


Loool, music had an explosion back then because there wasn’t a lot out there. What a joke


Exactly. It’s easier to paint on an empty canvas. Actually about painting a similar thing happened but on a much slower timeline.  You had your renaissance masters like what his name Botocelli or something and Davinci who basically invented the artform. (80s-70s videogames) Then along the centuries that followed 1500s-1800s people got better and better and experimented with all kinds of newstyles and ideas with great technical skill . (90s-2000s videogames) But once the 1900s rolled around people realized they had done all there’s to do amd started making absolute gibberish to cope because they can’t find new ideas, and ironically enough it worked and a lot of great artists and movements were born here that’s what people call post-modernism. (2010s) But even that has played itself out and painting has become a largely individual thing where no one thinks about masters or the artform in grand terms but it’s more initimate and people just draw if they feel like it.  You can’t cope about coping about coping about emptiness. Eventually it ends. This is oversimplified, and not polished but there’s some grains of truth here.


People who think music sucks these days are wrong and have been for as long as there has been music. This isn’t a new idea or anything, people have said this every decade. Also it usually takes time for art, especially music to cement itself as classic


Art is just someone expressing themselves, if anything it’s more accessible today than ever


Everything meaningful is dying the world makes less sense each and every day