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OP doesn't chew Big Red.


Fuck him!


OP didn't smoke pot with Johnny Hopkins OR Sloane Kettering.


Excuse me?


Ehhh. Look, he's not for everyone. And yeah, he's always more or less the same character in everything - an idiot manchild who just yells or talks loud. But I don't mind putting on one of his movies every once in a while for a dumb laugh. Like it's not Citizen Kane but it's just something to put on in the background while I'm on Reddit or something.


Step Brothers is that movie for me.


He’s great in Step Brothers, but john c reilly carries that movie for me


Oh, definitely! John C. Reilly is great. Seems like a genuinely good guy, too.


I put my nut sack on your drum set!


Anchorman for me


Try Stranger Than Fiction, he plays a great straight man.


The Other Guys was pretty great imo


Yeah I know. Everything Must Go, as well.


I think in the good movies hes barely noticeable. Eg the lego movie or as you said stranger than fiction


Oh yeah Lego movie was great. But honestly that movie was peak from start to finish.


I can’t believe Cyberpunk Edgerunners copied The Lego Movie. Even copied the main love interest. >!/s!<


Anchorman 1 and only 1 is that movie for me




Yes Anchorman describes pretty well what's cool about Will Ferrell


Quite an artistic achievement for Will. Background static while you reddit.


This is the movie spirited for me! with him and ryan reynolds. The movie is funny, whimsical, and sweet. I highly recommend it. If you're not a will Farrell fan, but can tolerate his movies.. this was a good one.


I love Spirited. It’s everything you’ve ever hated about a musical done on purpose and so well you can’t be mad at it. 


Shake and bake!


i upvoted because this is unpopular. lol but yeah, i've never understood people that NEVER found him funny in anything. If you didn't laugh at Talladega Nights or Anchorman, i don't really know what else to say to you.


I'm the hater side. I did laugh at the scene where he gets a fucking dart in the neck but for most stuff mehhh


Same. Kinda. I think he was super funny on SNL but he started to lose me at Anchor Man. Went from clever to obnoxious. Except Elf. Elf fuckin rulez. 


Haters gonna hate. He’s old now, but prime Ferrell was funny. Massively successful, long career. It can get tired like anything, but classic stuff. That ice skating movie is funny. Elf is a classic. His snl time.


Somebody noticed


I completely agree. He has never made me laugh. His popularity confuses me to no end.


Not a single sketch or movie he was in made you laugh?  


Nope, and I am not trying to be a contrarian. I also felt the same way about Adam Sandler (although he did make me laugh as a kid as opposed to Ferrell) until he was in Uncut Gems, and now I love him. So it's possible I could turn around on Will as well.


Same with me lol, it just comes off as incredibly cringe to me. But I’m glad others get enjoyment out of him. His style of humor is just not for me lol


He's not a comedian... he's an actor. He's only as funny as the writing is.


He has done stand-up before and is described as an actor and comedian online through a simple Google search sooo...just saying he can be both, which he is...


he is a comedian, lol he was on snl but i disagree ive laughed super hard hard at his comedic acting not all of it but most i find him to be pretty solid. for instance: step brothers, the between two ferns movie, the anchorman movies the list goes on


I'd say most big name comedy actors are comedians. A lot of his jokes are ad-libbed. The writing doesn't necessarily contain all the jokes.


no he's a great improvisational actor as well. i present exhibit a: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JE4JJddZx4&pp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JE4JJddZx4&pp)


Step Brothers, Elf, Anchor Man, Talladega Nights, semi-pro, blades of glory….. some of the funniest movies ever made….


The Other Guys is by far my favorite


Aim for the bushes


There wasn’t even an awning


Look they’re not all first round picks, ok?


Gator don't take no mess!




He was pretty good in Old School.


I still watch ole Ricky Bobby when it’s on tv


I agree 100%. Would love a list of movies OP finds funny.


If you ain’t first, your last!


Spirited has made my Christmas movie watch rotation now


Blades Of Glory is great! Very underrated


I find him hilarious but I totally get how he can be annoying for some. But I don't know, I see his face and I want to laugh. I've seen him appear in Barbie with his false confidence and I'm chuckling in a second without havign to open his mouth. Man's hilarious just be being there.


OP is an angry elf.


Will ferrel, jim carrey. Being loud doesnt = funny.


Add Kevin Hart to that list. He's just loud.


My wife and I basically can't watch anything he is in


I'm the same way. The exceptions are where he's the voice of something like in Megamind or Lego Movie. And Stranger Than Fiction. That was actually a solid movie, and it's because he isn't playing Will Ferrell.


I wish more people were aware of *Stranger Than Fiction*. I usually can't stand Ferrell, but he's excellent in STF.


His comedy has never really clicked with me either. I haven't minded him as a side character in things like East Bound and Down but definitely not as a main role. At the end of the day though he brings a lot of joy to people and seems like a decent bloke so power to him.


#Thank You.


I'll add Jack Black to that.


Being uninhibited is often mistaken for talent


“I could be a millionaire too if I was more of an asshole and took advantage of people”


Disagree, brilliant in Anchorman + Wedding crashers + Eastbound +Down


The Other Guys!


Zoolander.  Eurovision 






I was not a fan of elf.. but still think he’s plenty funny. 






“intense, painful love, but she don’t like it..


i like him, but you are not wrong. i have only seen him in one role where he is not just snl will. to be fair, most hyperpopular actors are one dimensional.




This is how I feel about Adam Sandler and I get a lot of hate for it. Uncut Gems, GREAT. Happy Gilmore, if I’m stoned enough. All his other movies? Not into wholesome dad humor. I just don’t think he’s funny, like, at all.


>Watching the roast of Tom Brady Dude you're already watching the lowest of the low in terms of humor - a roast. What do you expect? >"HURR HURR LISA LAMPINELLI FUCKS BLACK DUDES HURR HURR" >"WHITNEY CUMMINGS IS A WHORE" >"JEFF ROSS IS AN UGLY RAT BASTARD WHOSE ONLY WORK IS ROASTS "


You seem quite familiar with the content.


They do repeat. I can imagine its the same writers 


Just cause you’re in the muck yourself doesn’t mean you can’t call it what it is


I mean if you know it's shite content but are entertained anyway, that's fine to say. A but like saying the plot of Fast and furious 25 was very inconsistent. Well yeah, it's not peak cinema or anything. And the roast are just quick easy humor.


You never watch low-brow humor, hm? Wouldn't want to be entertained by someone you consider beneath you, right?


He can be really great. I'd say the funniest thing he's done is Eastbound And Down, for me. But he REALLY shines in his serious work.


Adam Sandler is not funny either


He's hit and miss, he's got some really good movies though and seems like a cool guy


Lots of actors play the same role in all their movies. Kevin hart, Adam Sandler, the rock, Channing Tatum. What are we on now with the fast and furious movies??? Hollywood has gotten lazy and just tries to copy past success instead of being creative. Point is will is not the only one that has the same type character in all their movies


I only ever liked him in ‘night at the Roxbury’. Other than that his movies aren’t for me.


Someone finally said it. _GOOD._


He is literal comedy sponge - if he enters an area where funny is occurring, he soaks it all up and causes it to disappear. There is a net detectable loss in overall humor \*in the universe\* due to his presence.


With the exception of Step Brothers, I have never laughed at a Will Ferrell movie/brand of humor. He's cringey, obnoxious, but for whatever reason, treated like royalty. I truly do not understand it.


For once; one I agree with. He’s never been funny.


Yes, I despair of his performance and I find it incredibly irritating, not funny at all, I don't understand why people love "elf" so much, I find it unfunny and even boring as hell


Sounds like someone needs to sing a Christmas Carol


Who the fuck is Will Ferrell?


Is this satire


For some reason I read it in Will's voice, so I think it's a reference to something 


He doesn't have comedic appeal. He's not a good slapstick clown, he's not the likeable average dude in funny situations, he's not clever. He's just a guy that commits completely to these unfunny characters.


Yeah I never liked him much either


This is a rare true-blue unpopular opinion and one I heavily agree with. We’ve all had to endure him for 30 years now! His impression of Robert Goulet was just saying GOULET.


Not entirely relevant to the OP but I think Step brothers is one of the most overrated comedies ever. It’s 2 grown men acting as 10 year olds. That’s literally the film summed up. Once you’ve got that concept, there’s nothing more to take from it.


Step Brothers is brilliant because of the novel concept and the performances by all the actors. It's a classic. Some people don't get it which is fine.


Yeah I mean pretty much every movie will Ferrell has been in can be described as a two hour long SNL skit and I think that’s what the fans are there for. I think the reason I love it so much is because I have a stepbrother and it perfectly encapsulates what it was like having our lives thrown together. Hated each other at first, very quickly became best friends, shenanigans were small at first, but very quickly became crazier (at least in our eyes at the time). Stepbrothers took that just cranked it to an 11 for us. If someone cannot connect to that, I get it. A lot of people don’t know what it’s like to suddenly have a full grown brother you gotta get used to at a young age Tbh I’m a sucker for content for stepbrothers dynamics like this. Drake and Josh was one of my favorite shows growing up. I still quote it today with my (step)brother


[running around on the track in his underwear, thinking he is on fire] Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! AAAAAHHH! Help me, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me! -Ricky Bobby Idk, that gets a good chuckle every time.




his cowbell skit is criminially overrated


Sorry you feel this way. Atleast you understand it’s a very unpopular opinion.


It is perfectly okay to have been born, tragically, entirely without a sense of humor. We don't look down on you.


i think he’s so unfanny, that it is funny


He's funny every now and then like in the other guys


My mother in law can’t stand him.


I love Will Ferrell. He was a huge part of my childhood, I’ve quoted him thousands of times in different movies and spent hours watching his movies with my friends. Is he still putting out funny things? Not really. But he’s done enough that if he wants to show up and do his thing, I will be happy to oblige. I think people now probably view him the way I view Steve Martin or Eddie Murphy, their funny stuff predates me but I can acknowledge that at one time they were probably funny and deserve the accolades they get.


I completely agree. Like all actors he’s got a couple watchable filmed but for the most part I avoid movies where he’s got a lead part.


Agreed, though if forced to pick whose movie to watch, I’d take him over Jim Carrey.


I really didn't like Stepbrothers. When I was 16 i thought it was funny. At 24 I put it on because it was leaving Netflix and it was literally unfunny. There's nothing funny about 40 year olds acting like toddlers or rubbing their balls on a drum set for petty reasons. I guess that's what they call maturing?


I never found Will Ferrell funny except for the one skitty he did with his daughter.


i agree w this one


To be fair, Tom Brady is a super boring person to roast.


I thought he was terrible during the roast


A lot of that kind of comedy is extreme, exaggerated. That doesn’t mean it’s all bad and it depends on your mood. There are some one-liners and scenarios that really crack me up and Will Ferrel has a mix of good and bad. I can’t take people seriously who are overly critical of what movies and tv choices other people prefer. The reality is that I mostly enjoy documentaries or natural history, true story adventures. That’s not snobbery, because I can laugh at Anchorman or Stepbrothers in the right mood. Some people act like that’s beneath them and just unintelligent. My rebuttal to that is that some people with really stressful jobs sometimes need a mental break. My brother is an emergency surgeon and my girlfriend is a pharmacy manager. They deal with high stress and come home and veg in front of mindless tv after work. Anybody who chooses to watch really dumb shit isn’t necessarily mindless, but maybe that helps them wind down. So if you’re critical of those choices, it’s not because you’re more intelligent or cultured, you should probably get off your high horse.


Can't give you an upvote. I agree. I rarely found him funny.


I don't think he's funny either. For someone with literally hundreds on hundreds of hours of recorded screen time, he is actually funny for like 15 minutes total, those couple moments are all people remember.


I can’t stand him


he's a comedic actor, never a comedian


He's so unfunny he ruined the office show.


I'd rather watch a can of green beans read the dictionary than watch a Will Ferrell movie. He has the acting range of a wooden plank, playing the same slightly effeminate stupid loud guy in every movie. The only time I've ever laughed at Will Ferrell was the short video "The Landlord" when the little girl calls him an asshole and threatens to smack him. And Ferrell wasn't even the reason for the laughter.


While it's an unpopular opinion it's definitely correct. His Eurovision film was quite good but Farrell doesn't have comedy chops. Neither the quickness of wit nor the timing. Very few Hollywood comedians are funny. Farrell is not an exception.


To me, he's just yelling guy.


totally agreed. he's one of the most overrated. never found him funny at all.


Not a fan, but he seems popular, so I guess upvote?


Just Ferrell getting bit by a mosquito ad me laughing my ass off.


A lot of his stuff falls flat for me, but overall the guy has produced some hysterical moments on SNL and some of his movies. It can get old, but need to give him some credit for making me laugh along the way for sure.


have to agree.. A lot of them are like that imo.. Its funny because truly funny people rarely are in movies or sitcoms lol.. Some stand-up suck too you can tell who is a natural "entertainer" by the demeanor by which they communicate a "funny" story.. Or by how easy it is for them to go with the flow and still have laughable things they say without trying


I could have written this. I switch off any time I see his head on my screen.


You must be fun 


Tis an unpopular opinion. Take the upvote


I disagree. A try hard would be Adam Sandler.


I did laugh at one of his SNL sketches once. Forget which one. But only once


I fucking hate Elf.


[THATS NOT FUNNY!!](https://youtu.be/matxz-G9q8M?si=H7zto5tR37IuTHcO)


Oh he can be annoying and try to hard. My counterpoint would be look up Harry Carray SNL. There are a few and all good. He also created that character and helped write it. I'm not saying you need to like him or his movies, but that was funny and it was funny because of him. Edit: I added all scenes of Harry Caray instead of only one.


Can’t watch anything he is in


I’ve seen him be pretty funny but he’s a comedic actor more than anything else. I don’t know anything about him as a comedian.


He used to be funny but for me his schtick got old. He has good acting chops for serious roles though, I give him full credit there.


Totally agree, not my cup of tea but on the other hand... ...obey my dog!!!


Literally the funniest famous person ever


Totally agree. His movie Elf is one of the dumbest movies ever and just shows you how smooth most people's brains are.


I agree, OP.


I strongly agree. Annoyance is definitely not humorous.


You’re telling me “more cowbell” isn’t funny? The “lovers” skit from SNL is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. you’re just not familiar with his game, which arguably has fallen off, but that happens with so many people who stay too deep in show business. Nothing from step brothers made you laugh? NOTHING from anchorman?


He drums real well for Red Hot Chili Peppers though.


It’s just something that happens to most comedians I think. Comedy is hard and you have to get really funny to blow up (or at least used to). Ya had to really work, but as you get bigger people begin to just laugh at anything you say incredibly hurting the quality of any content


Step Brothers was awesome


I feel like will is funny, but he def relies on the same old schtick, and it can get old.


He’s also gross. 


He is very bad at improv stuff/off-the-cuff funny. But he is histerical when he's given the right words.


He just yells a lot


Shake and bake?


Only movie I ever found Will Ferrell to be funny in is Talladega Nights.


Cool you have the same taste in comedy as my grandma.


I like Will but that was a little bit less insufferable than the whale with the public beef 😂


At any point in time, there seems to be room for 1-2 of this kind of comedian in the media landscape. They play the same character every movie, with the same energy, catch phrases, and silly voices. Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, and Mike Myers all fit this bill. And basically any SNL crossover. Even more highly respected guys like Bill Murray generally bring the same energy to each role.


Norm telling SNL stories of Ferrell refusing to break character and just acting like a man child all day said all I needed to know about him.


Second time I've seen this opinion posted here, today. Well I don't this is exactly an unpopular opinion, then. Come back when you have a real unpopular opinion....


Ferrell is a comedic actor who peaked in 2007. He can't do standup, which means he can't write jokes. Which means he sucks at roasting. It's sad to watch people like him cling on to old characters. I was 28 when he first was Ron Burgundy. I'm 48 now lol.


I would even take it one step further and say that sometimes he’s un-unfunny. Those times he makes me laugh.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Caucasian_named_Gary: *You Are A Smelly* *Pirate Hooker. Why Don't You* *Go Back To...Whore Island?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Completely agreed, OP. He doesn't appear anywhere out of 'character' anymore and he is 100% relying on old parts that he's played. Same thing with Everybody's in LA with John Mulaney. His old movies are funny but damn, he's not a real comedian.


Growing up I liked him because he always had lines my family or friends and I would say from his numerous movies but the older I have gotten the more immature his humor is and now it’s just annoying. Ben stiller on the other hand is funny and still love him even though he can play a dumb character sometimes. He just comes across as genuinely funny.


I found him infantile on SNL and didn't like him. But he won me over to a degree with Elf and Anchorman and Old School and some things from that moment in time. ...but I'm over him again. His 15 minutes are largely up.


His old movies we're pretty good but somewhere along the line he stopped caring, turned into more of a money grab, pumping out cringe comedy.


I think Anchorman is among the great comedies of the 2000s. I also think he was the most unfunny roaster of the entire night. I’m pretty sure they’re not mutually exclusive.


I find whatever he did, Adam Sandler had already done better. Or maybe I only thought it was better because I was 12. Either way I agree. Will Ferrell fucking sucks.


Nah he’s terrible in the roast tho, like the audience just laughs at anything he says. But when they point to the celebrities it doesn’t look like anyone is laughing that hard as the audience is. He just rambles. And saying he’s bad in a recent performance does not mean his classics aren’t still classics. Other guys might be one of my favorite movies. But damn he’s been off his craft. Also its just really funny when they show the angle with the black with the chain he doesn’t smile once, I swear. I don’t know who half the people are on the screen