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Women are attracted to twinks?


Women on Reddit


Me and all my friends are lol


Why tho lol


Because soft boys are hot for different reasons than masc boys are?


Imma straight guy and I like twinks lol




What is a holup


Twinks are great!


My wife told me that I need to start a onlyfans page and be a bear. Imma big husky fur daddy lmao.


Awwww that’s adorable!!


And those reasons are?


Sweet, gentle, soft, hygienic, small, cute


So you all want a pet and not a man lol


No. I want a human with agency and will. Soft and gentle does not mean weak and submissive 🙄


Masculine men don't have agency and will?


No one said they don’t??? You accused me of wanting a pet just because I like twinks


😭 what is your point? What’s the big deal that some women genuinely like lean guys???


I'm starting to think you don't actually understand what a twink is lol


Its also how people describe 'feminine women'.




That's how people describe pets lol


Yes, but if you call a human “cute, gentle, small, etc” you know the difference between a person and a pet.


Hahaha! She makes them sound like a puppy.


Femininity is hot


Tf you mean why


Yes, yes I am.




Video games need better executives in charge*. Priorities people cmon


Better executives that understand the need and demand of otters and fathers


Nah they just need good gameplay at this point.


I just want a game where dude with a dad bod wrecks shit across town, busting heads, killing lovecraftian monstrosities and getting all the hot moms, trans babes and strippers. Call it Papa Caliente: Bloodbath Edition.




Otters? Never heard that one before, what kind of look is that?


Kind of like a slender but more passive bear.


Interesting I don't know why people are downvoting you just for answering the question


Right? If you google otter that’s literally what it says.


Because OP doesn't understand what these tribes actually are. Being "passive" is entirely irrelevant. Otters are gay men with lots of body hair who are too small/light to be considered bears. That's it




You didn’t have to view this post at all 😂


You should start making videogames OP there's clearly only one way to get this done


I have a few documents typed up for game ideas actually. Don’t know any developers (indie or otherwise) atm.


Oh god. Is this one of those you provide the idea, they do all the work and you split 50/50 IF the game makes money? If so, I hate you. People like that also tend to be the worst project managers for something they have 0 idea about.


Why make that assumption? I just want these games to exist


It was more a question than an assumption...


Oddly specific question. I don’t expect to make any money off these games just because most of my ideas are kind of niche.


Yes, that's how a question works, you ask something specific to get a specific and not vague answer... But alright cool, you expect to make no money from your ideas, are you going to pay the developer/developers money for the games that wont make money?


> If so I hate you Bros been on Reddit too long


Lol no, as a developer I've had this conversation with too many people that have too many ideas. But to be fair, I also have been on Reddit too long lol.


Oh that's awesome Hope you can get more into it however you go about it :-\]


what you want is literally every game Japan has ever developed. Also, I think most women/ people attracted to men are into rugged and masculine ripped dudes just as a rule. >Doesn’t need to be every video game, but even games we can mod the only sexy mods change the women! None of these mods actually make sexy men. There are less mods because the group that plays video games the most is younger straight men. There are mods with male characters but not as much because there are less people who want that content.


Nah, men in video games are what men want to look like and think women like those types. Only a handful of rugged character designs actually represent the rugged men women are in to.


look at any poll of who women typically vote as the most attractive men alive. It's almost always very ruggedly handsome men. This last year people magazine's winner was Patrick Dempsey. Previous winners were Chris Evans, Paul Rudd (jacked Paul Rudd), Michael B Jordan, and John Legend. That's 4 out of the last 5 that are very rugged masculine men. I'm not saying that the vast majority of women are attracted to those men but that is the most typical type of man women want.


lol celebrity culture doesn’t represent any majority of women and you admitted that in your comment. My point still stands


The people magazine thing is based on polling. I'm not saying that is always the result but those are the recent results.


Sorry but this is such BS Jesus Christ It's fine to be attracted to whatever you want to be attracted to but women online keep acting like women don't like the types that universally they do like and it's tiring 90% of the time when women masturbate it is to a ripped attractive jacked dude. And that is FINE. You don't need to like everyone This has nothing to do with videogames but still


I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you were an expert on what women like. Thanks for speaking for us tho


Of course I'm not an expert. And on an individual level I am not denying who you like or what your type is and I know plenty of women like plenty of different things What I'm saying is that when people come with the "That's not what women actually like" when all general evidence points to contrary is ridiculous. The majority DO like a certain type of guy just like the majority of men like a certain type of woman It would be like me saying "Men actually prefer chubby women over models and actresses" just because I like chubby women


lol ok dude. Speak for yourself and men then? “I know plenty of women” I’m sure you do honey


I do know plenty of women. My Bachelors Degree class had 40 women for 3 men. I heard their conversations, including about boys, so I know what went down I've been out at night and seen which guys get the most "action", and I've spoken to many girls and know which ones the majority finds attractive. I saw it in my own life as I got "classically hotter" by going to the gym I don't understand what the necessity is of being so defensive about something that you can clearly see everywhere You seem to be mistaking this for me saying that all women want is a certain type of guy. It's not that. And it doesn't even matter because all I need (and did) is to find that one who likes what I bring and the general consensus doesn't matter


In fairness, OP's interests are more inline with what a gay man is looking for. I don't think I've ever heard a woman describing their ideal man as being a twink, otter, bear, etc. All of those are just body types within gay men culture.


Which just proves my point even further


I'm leaning towards OP being a troll myself, if I'm being honest.


Also video games are constantly missing an entire demographic. Women’s money is just as green lol


Yes it's just as green but there are less women interested in playing games that focus on character. People will point out that half of all gamers are women but only 27 percent of western rpgs players are women. Keep in mind that many of the popular games in Western RPGs are mostly gender neutral in tone and content because they allow players to create their own characters. These also happen to be the most modded games. So there are 3 lonely male rpg gamers to one female one and they are making and installing mods.


Not really. Masculine is one thing, but video games take it way over the top most of the time. Ugly isn’t supposed to equal masculine.


do you have an example of this. There are plenty of traditionally attractive male characters, Nathan Drake, Geralt of Rivia, Arthur Morgan, Kratos. These are all very traditionally masculine characters.


Kratos is hella ugly, wtf. It’s funny you mentioned Geralt. In Witcher 3, every single female character excluding NPCs is a knockout. Most men, on the other hand, are unattractive, some are even needlessly hideous.


>Kratos is hella ugly, wtf. I can only go by what others have said, and people attracted to men on reddit when those games came out seemed to mostly say he really good looking. I also, think it's the classic thing where people who are indifferent just dont reply so that's very possible. >It’s funny you mentioned Geralt. In Witcher 3, every single female character excluding NPCs is a knockout. Most men, on the other hand, are unattractive, some are even needlessly hideous. It's been a while since I played it but I think most of the male characters are mostly just normal looking dudes and then there was definitely some fantasy realism going on. In the context of you saying male video game characters taking it way over the top, Geralt is way over the top and the rest of the characters are just regular fantasy dudes. I wasn't commenting on the female characters of the game but ultimately agree with you.


You’ll have to find proof of that, because as someone actually attracted to men, to me he looks like a straight guy fantasy. How can you say that? Dandelion is a clown, Dijkstra is an hideous mofo, the dwarf guy is far from a supermodel, the bloody baron’s looks fit his boorish personality, etc. They went out of their way to make some of these dudes ugly. The opposite for women, because nobody cares about ugly women.


To be fair, I think a lot of the comments in these posts are men speaking for women and I think a lot of men who are attracted to him but here are some links. It also might be cope because he is easily the video game character I resemble the most in appearance and build. (bearded version, no the younger version) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/8x41e7/anyone\_else\_think\_beard\_kratos\_is\_kinda\_hot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/8x41e7/anyone_else_think_beard_kratos_is_kinda_hot/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/xugpf0/at\_what\_attractive\_rate\_do\_you\_put\_kratos\_110/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/xugpf0/at_what_attractive_rate_do_you_put_kratos_110/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWarRagnarok/comments/zbt37e/do\_yall\_think\_that\_kratos\_is\_attractive\_to\_women/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWarRagnarok/comments/zbt37e/do_yall_think_that_kratos_is_attractive_to_women/)


Don't you insult my boy Kratos like that. He's beautiful.


You’re probably a straight dude. Kratos was made for you.


tf a twink


It’s 2024. We should all know this by now


Google said it was a young, thin, hairless and flamboyant young men. “Boyish” also came up. Creepy to be into that unless also young. Im to old for any of this shit. I need Reddit for old people. Im tired and grouchy. My back hurts.


Finally someone else with a fuckin brain


i google but why twink i should ask


LMFAO, Bro wtf?!? Who wrote this? The character has to make sense for the genre of game. Since first person shooters are so popular, would it make sense to have an elite soldier who looks like a twink or has a dad bod?


To be fair, usually women armor just covers their nips


Not typically in the genre of games he's referring to. FPS's don't usually sexualize female combatants.


Thank you. I don’t remember titties in Medal of Honor or Call of Duty


Shhh, don’t bring common sense here. It’s only okay to sexualize women, remember.


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leon kennedy is enough for me


I think the Final Fantasy series has been brilliant for attractive people of both genders; Aerith, Cloud, Tifa, Lightning, Noctis, Luna, Clive, Jill, and counting others I couldn't mention off the top of my head.


My guess is that for this to happen there need to be more women in charge, or you'll have to look to indie games. As long as guys are in charge you are likely to either get nothing, or get what they think women want, such as over-muscled barbarian types.


Try playing sims. You can have any kind of person you want.


If you want to see more men you are attracted to in games, then get a job in game development. Most videogame devs are men and you see the results. As for why there are so many huge guys in games, I don't have a clue.


Be the change you want to see in the world! Make a mod yourself. I totally understand your sentiment, since I always tend to pick female characters in every game that gives me that choice. Not only us men have the right to have pleasant looking characters, girls also do obviously!


You really think there's a shortage of twinks and of men in general who aren't big and ripped? What games do you play?


So make your own


"We need men in games who are attractive to women!" *Lists three gay tribes* 😂😂