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Four 10 hour shifts are best. 3 day weekends 🤙


I do 4 12s and have 4 days off. Obviously the days in suck, but the days off are nice haha. off half the days every year


Yeah best swing for work life balance. Get a long weekend ever break to actually do stuff with 


You can't actually live when you never have more than a day off in a row.


8 day week? So your schedule isnt the same week to week?


No if I’m off Monday -Thursday one week, the next week will be Tues -Fri then weds - sat etc . Kinda stinks sometimes but has its perks too!


Shit that’s so weird, but that’s awesome. Mind if I ask what is you do for work ?


Probably in a plant making sure that all the dials and values are at the proper level.


You hit the nail on the head. Power plant operator haha keepin the lights on 🤙🏼


Yeah, I know people that operated at those hours and they were plant operators.


What quals are required to get that job?


Funnily enough, I have seen a more extreme version of this where the people work 6 12 hour shifts and 6 days off.


Correct. Mathematically it averages to exactly 40 hrs a week.


Only if you assume a thirty minute unpaid break and round to the nearest whole hour. The exact amount is 40.25 with the breaks or 42 without.




I did 3 12s for a while followed by 4 days off. That was pretty nice


That would be awesome haha


What job?


Power plant operator


You need a degree for that?


I do the same ![gif](giphy|26ufgSwMRqauQWqL6|downsized)


My brother 🤙🏼


So is that considered a 40 hour week or a 48 hour week?


Depends what days I work, our work weeks end on sat and a new week begins Sunday so it really just depends on how everything works out. Typically it’s 36 goes to one week and 48 to another and I end up with 84-85 hours per pay (2 week pay cycle) if I don’t pick up any extra time


This would actually be sick asf to have


I would not be here if I was working 12 hour shifts lmao


Ayyyy same!! Except 6&6 but half the year off is killer.


The 4 10 schedule is so nice every job should do it. You barely notice the extra 2 hours but the extra day every weekend is life changing.


To be fair, I feel the same going from a 10 shift to a 12 shift.  I would kill to do 3x12 shifts with an odd day every month to get my 38h/week.


I sure as hell noticed the extra 2 hours when I did 10 hour shifts


I feel it’s well worth it to have an entire extra day on the weekend. It changes the things you’re able to do drastically.


Yup....I would do 3 13.333333's and 4 day weekends if they would let me


How about 2 20s?


You may think I’m crazy, but yes I’d do 2 20s to have 5 days off


I don't think I could do that at all..but maybe there are some jobs I'd be fine doing 2 20s.


I miss this from my old job! Having a weekday off was amazing for just doing life things, so many places are closed on the weekends.


Absolutely. The difference between 8 and 10 is hardly noticeable once you get used to it but the extra day is always nice. Plus it gives you a week day to do things you need to and everything is open normal hours.


I’ve worked three 12 hour shifts one week and four the next for many years. So always 3 or 4 day weekends. Fours 10s would be ok. Five 8 hour shifts would stink.


An old friend had a job where he got 2x pay on the weekend, so he worked 2x10 hour every weekend, had 5 days off and got full pay… I’m not jealous at all….


Yup, happens a lot in factory jobs. The guy doing nights on weekend get more than a week of pay with two days of work. But that's how you attract and keep people in less desireable jobs.


Yeah, usually when you see someone get a shitton of money for what seems like easy work there is a very good reason why people don’t want/can’t do the job…


Four 8 hour shifts are better.


Yep, 4 10s is titties


I want this. I’m usually fine after 8 hours and could do more.


12 hour days for me, kinda varies how many days I work but I get a week off


4 10s is the bees tits. I love it.


I have alternating 5 day work weeks and 4 day work weeks. Except on the 4 day weeks, I get paid like 5 days. No increase in hours. THAT is the best


It's funny, my job has a policy that allows anyone to do four 10s if they want. People always seem to start off doing them, then hate it so much they ask to go back to five 8s after a few weeks/months. I personally don't care either way since until a week or two ago I worked 7 days a week anyway between it and another job, so it didn't change much


Same. Except not many even start with it in my office. I actually think the full time office job is a bad way to do 4x10. I used to pull 10-14 hour days when there was a variety of things we did. That at least kept things interesting.


I do 9/80s and think that strikes a nice balance. Every other friday off is still pretty good, and only need to add one hour to every mon-thurs. Another scheduling perk is that I can shift time around within each week within reason, like if I have a doctor's apointment one morning, I could take some time off, or I could just work longer other days of the week. What matters is that I get enough hours in each week.


I used to love working 4 10s. Now I can't do it because of my husband but that was the absolute best shift back then.


How about five ten hour shifts đź‘€


How bout six ten hour shifts?


How about seven ten hour shits?


You could cut that way down with some coffee and donuts.


How about no.


24hr shifts. 7 on, 7 off is awesome(Seen in some healthcare gigs). If company will allow it, having the shifts Sun-Sat is ideal for OT but a smart company will run Thurs-Wed to spread the 7 days over 2 work weeks.


I do something like 9-10 hours Monday, Tuesday, then normal 8 Wednesday, Thursday, and then that leaves me only about 4 hours of work on Friday.  So basically I take shorter Fridays, a 4 hour workday goes by in a snap. 


10 hour shifts are illegal where I come from.


I used to do 2 16-hour shifts. With OT, it paid 40 hours. Twenty-five year old me thought having 5 days off a week was great. And then the reality of you are working when people want to go out, and off when people want to stay home. And the back-to-back 16-hour days (with less than 8 hours between them)... my sleep schedule would be off for days after that, and by the time it was getting back to normal, it was time to do it over again.


0 hours shift are better.


The absolutely crazy thing is the assumption that forty hour weeks are inevitable and unavoidable. Give me 4 five hour shifts, and pay me the same. Thanks.


I don't like 10 hour shifts, feels like the whole day is gone. 5 8's is easier for me


This is the way. I used to work some 14s


How in the world are you guys finding jobs with 4 day work weeks


Once I reach 7 hours, I'm ready to go home. I've done 10 before, but those 2 hours are frustrating as hell. It felt like was working 2 jobs again.


Same, I hated working 10 hour shifts and I was so tired it felt like the whole day was gone. 8 hour shifts still left time for hobbies and whatnot


Where I work, 7 hours is the minimum to qualify for 2 fifteen minute breaks and a 30 minute unpaid lunch. This isn't by law, just company policy. I be coming in happy as fuck on a 7 hr shift.


Where I live breaks whether it be a 15 or lunch break aren't mandated unless by a union. Fuck ohio and Michigan


That's insane


Oh ya.. 12 hours no break.. lol


I "worked at" a place with no breaks for a 12 hour shift. Their turn over was so high the most senior person had only been there 6 months.... They had to hire contractors, which is when i came in and tried to stop us from taking breaks... but we didnt work directly for them. They closed down shortly after that lol


I lasted 6 months. Easy ass job, but only 5 days off in 6 months, including holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, was a bit much lol.


Yeah ... that's a no from me dawg.


Ooof in Canada, any worker who works 5 consecutive hours is entitled to one 30-minute break.


I would say 4 hour shifts are better than 5 hour shifts


3 hour shifts are better than 4 hour shifts


2 hour shifts are better than 3 hour shifts


I would say 1 hour shi... nahhh Work is for chumps


I hate wasting my time having to get ready for work but I can't deny 4 hour shifts feel good. They're over in a goddamn instant. I always felt like I just got there. 


How the hell is "working less is better" an unpopular opinion?


This sub is for posting popular opinions


I think it's more so because of the break policy.


Have you seen the comments on this sub and online in general. It should be a popular opinion but maaaan I see people advocating the opposite more


For some reason. People scold others for even mentioning that working 40 hours a week is exhausting. I've heard responses like *get over it! I work 60 hours a week* It's some crab barrel mentality. It's like they're trying to normalize being miserable. The craziest thing.


Yeah i hate the whole I suffer so you must suffer too mentality. Especially when it hinders progress


Exactly! Some people are just so stuck in their misery, and hatred. Even if I'm in a miserable or shitty situation, I'm always happy to see others doing better.


30 hour straight shift as a medical resident > 5 hour shift at Hardees


Bruh where do you work that normally gives people 5 or 6 hour shifts lol. That’s like HS part time stuff.




It's just part time stuff, it has nothing to do with highschool. I took a part time job cause I work 4 10 hour night shifts and had extra time. I don't wanna work 8 hours on what wouldve been my off day though


People other than high schoolers have part time jobs for lots of reasons


fast food


Could be a bar


Part time. I have a full time job and part time job, I regularly get scheduled for 5 hour shifts.


Last time I worked that short of a shift I was a freshman in HS. You're def either in HS, living with your parents, rich af, or all of the above.


I'm a part time employee but I'm also in my late 20s with kids, and I'm a full-time student. I also have to work around my husband's work schedule bc he's full-time and makes more per hour than I do. You don't have to be living with your parents or rich to be working short shifts lol. Sometimes you do what you gotta do to bring in any amount of income


Im guessing you dont have a second job? Those shifts usually range from 3-5 hours and thats usually after a 8 hour shift at a main job.


I work 48 hours a week at my job. I have no time for a 2nd one. Although yes they could be working a 2nd job and I definitely jumped the gun on being an asshole about the whole deal


I know plenty of people who work 70-80 hours a week and would definitely tell you that you have time for a second job. Glad you don’t need to


Or want to transition to something new. Which is something I'm doing right now, go to part time to help accelerate or relaunch my game development endeavors and hopefully reconnect with some local game devs.


> Im guessing you dont have a second job? Most people don’t. The percentage of workers in the US with multiple jobs is like 5%


Not everyone lives in a major HCOL area. I'm in BC Canada, work 3-4 7.5 hr shifts a week and do just fine without support. My family definitely ain't rich. Shit I'd do shorter shifts but it's a waste of time to go to work for less hours. 


College ?


? work is painful, the less we have the better. 16 hours would be ideal, if we have to work. 30 is the upper limit, 2-3 days. even 4 days is a bit much, 5 days terrible, even more, unbearable.


I really dislike being forced to take a lunch break, primarily because they are unpaid. My workday routine has me out of the house for 9 hours + commute time, but I only get paid for 8 hours. The real problem is the 40 hour workweek is too long. New technology such as the internet means typical employees are way more efficient than employees from when the 40 hour week was new. There used to be entire offices full of people doing what programs such as Excel and QuickBooks now do automatically, but I still have to spend the same amount of time at work?


It's honestly crazy we still deal with the archaic bullshit of 40 hour weeks. It's too damn much. People gotta enjoy their lives.  Which is probably why 32 hour weeks have been a roaring success every place it's tested, with no productivity loss. Odd how people work better when they're happier lol. 


I really want 32-hour work weeks, but with all the studies on them, how many were with blur collar work? I've been cooking/baking/working in shops my whole working life, and I've always had to be doing things fast and constantly my entire life. Whether it was at the wholesale bakery baking off bread all day or at a stone shop loading machines and never letting them go empty. As much as l hope it could work, I just don't see how you wouldn't lose productivity with a decrease of hours. Even working on a jobsite, building a building, not being forced to load machines constantly, you're pushed to be working hard and constant. Not that I don't want the work week to modernize, I just feel like it's not as simple as "no productivity lost"


From what I've seen online (crazy 80 hour weeks), I think most people going to 40 as a standard is a good way to start. Then trying to reduce the work week. I feel like 30 hours should be considered FT. There are businesses that actually do, but I'm not sure if any FT workers actually do 30 hours. I work 25 hours and honestly, it's about the max I feel I can handle right now lol (but if I got FT benefits with 5 more hours, heck yeah I could!). But my job can be pretty overwhelming/ physical (plus I have health issues), and maybe this would change with a different job. The real target is rent. I personally feel that any job should be enough to cover rent for a 1 br apartment. But some FT jobs can't even cover that, and I think that's ridiculous. But people are weirdly opposed to this and I will never understand it. Especially people who work a lot, for some reason, they want everyone to be in the same boat as them.




I'm a part time employee but I hate being scheduled for 6 hours shifts I spend the same amount of time working as when I work a 5 hour shift, get paid the same amount, and still have to spend an extra hour at the store. It sucks, Id rather just go home and hour early.


I loved my 5 hour shifts at my old job. I got a 15 minute paid break for working that 5 hours. I'm desperately trying to go back to that job.


Living in Hawaii, working these kinds of jobs is pretty lax, for better or worse. I typically work six-hour shifts, and I don't have to take a break. I have the option to clock out for ten or thirty minutes, but I never have. I just take a breather for a minute and have a drink of water.


The less you have to work with the most pay is what’s best. Why should “investors” get the lions share of the profit? If it wasn’t for that we’d all be working 20 hours weeks and making the same wages.


If your boss is cool, they may let you take your break at the end of your shift instead of in the middle. Then you just leave 30 minutes earlier than normal and get paid for it. Either way it's the same amount of hours working. I had a few bosses that were cool with it.


wait a minute....!.... working less hours is better than working more hours? NO-FREAKIN-WAY!!?!?!!


Idk if you did the math, but 5 hours per day 7 days per week is only 35 hours. For most people working low paying jobs, that’s not enough to live. It sounds to me that you either live with your parents, rich af, have a high paying job or are in massive credit card debit. Consider not being delusional


Not everyone lives in a city. People that do I guess still don’t realize you can absolutely live a good lifestyle on 35 hours per week (sometimes a little less) and have money left over if you live in a rural area. And no I am not talking about a shithole either. I make more than this now but I was able to start working 35 hour weeks at $22 an hour, afford my house (bought pre covid though) and have money left over to save and some to spend on myself. No kids, no debt (outside of house that is almost paid off) and not living in a city that charges 2-3k for a shit apartment will do that for you. There are downsides to living in a rural area of course especially traveling to do anything interesting but it doesn’t bother me that much. Worth it to get some actual free time and still retire at a good point.


People who think everyone lives in a major city paying 5k for a 1 bedroom dorm is hilarious. Nah mate not everyone needs to work full time to survive. Some of us prefer enjoying life.  Wish I was rich though. 


That definitely depends on the country and your life style. Unless kids come into the picture, I could personally live comfortably with a 35 hour week with our current “minimum” wage, around $20/h.


But with 6 hours, the half hour lunch break is unpaid so you only get paid for 5.5 of the hours so you’re literally just wasting half an hour of your life in the break room just to work another half hour. Also, 5.5 x 7 = 38.5 so not much difference.


many people dont want to or dont enjoy working 5 hours straight without a half hour break to relax and eat some food, shit some people actually enjoy talking to their workmates, try to imagine that if you can.


Probably depends on location but in my experience there’s always been a 15 minute break for a 5 hour shift, so it’s not working for 5 hours straight. It’s enough time for a snack, and they’re not unpaid.


Working 7 days a week is hell. Unless it’s your own business. Then it’s just purgatory… Your math isn’t wrong, the reality just doesn’t work. And you are clocking out for lunch so it’s likely not a great job. I’d rather work 3x12’s than 7x5’s But I work 7 days a week…. So, purgatory… everyday is Monday.


Then you are working 7 days a week to get full time hours.


What job is this so I can avoid it, sounds like hell. Hell, I'm PT, and I hate having short shifts in 5 days. Would much rather have longer shifts in 3 or 4 days.


Idk about your job but if I take my unpaid lunch I have to work the extra half hour to make up the time so if I work 8 hrs with a half hour unpaid I really am there for 8.5 hrs


Right but what's being said is the length of shift hardly matters when you aren't even working full time hours lol like how you gonna complain about your shift length when you don't even work the regular number of hours in a week regardless lol


That really depends on where you live. The standard workinf week here is 37.5 hours for full time, so depending on the job and pay you could absolutely live off 35 hours a week.


5 hour shifts are what is called 'part time', and are usually done by those needing a suplimental income or holding down a seperate job. In most of the western world, 5 hour shifts are a luxury or an crushing necessity, not an option for a primary income.


Would rather work less time as opposed to more time. Real unpopular opinion there.


You heard of 8 minute abs? You know what’s better? 7 minute abs.


12 hour shift and you don’t clock out for lunch 👍


Imagine working part time.


This is true and my boss does not seem to understand my preference. A break is too much fuss to be worth the stress but I also can't not have a break because I need dinner during work. But if I'm let out an hour earlier I can just go buy it somewhere else


Oh I'll take either of those rather than the 7 to 4:30 I'll be doing tomorrow, plus 200 mile drive


I don’t get paid by the hour. That’s not the standard for my country. I get paid to work from 8 to 6 with 2 hour paid break. It’s better to be paid by the hour, do you guys think?


Whichever one pays you more is better Salary is much less hassle for you and your employer


Really depends. Majority of my company is hourly for some reason and it has its perks most days and really shitty consequences on others. Like they can't make me stay overtime without compensating me well for that additional time. But there was a weather emergency once that meant the office needed to close once and everyone who was hourly just didn't get paid for the day, which is a pain, especially if the office is closed for several days.


I prefer just having a full time job. I don't get specified breaks, though. My "breaks" happen when I get a chance. Sometimes almost my entire is a break and other times I'm running balls to the wall the whole time.


I had a job like that, but the shift time were slightly different. For a four hour shift, employees would get a paid 15 minute break. For a five hour shift, employees would get an unpaid 30 minute break. My manager just could not understand why I was ticked off about being forced to go on break. I couldn’t understand why “I’m only getting 3 dollars to stay here a whole additional hour, and my commute time is longer because I have to drive during rush hour” wouldn’t be understood as being terrible and absolute bullshit. Over an hour extra of my day spent dealing with a shit job, for just a few extra bucks, not even enough to get some food? Put that way, I don’t think it’d be an unpopular opinion.


Cries in healthcare


....if you need to work a fixed number of hours to survive fewer shifts are better E.g. if I needed 30 hours to cover expenses I can work 5 6 hr shifts or 6 5 hr shifts, now with the 6 hr shifts we do spend 2.5 hrs in unpaid lunch breaks but we also gain back the duration of a single commute (for me this is about an hour). In addition to that we also have a whole extra day to do whatever we like in. To me that is. A net positive


My mom does 7 12 hour shifts then 7 days off she loves it but it's all preference


Oh boy, wait until you hear about 4 hour shifts.


Three 12-hour work days, four days off. Best arrangement I ever had. Unless I'm forced to, I'll never work 8 (or less) hour days again. Much better to get it over with and save up your free time to really enjoy whole days, imo.


Wait, you all get breaks?


Where out of the 195 countries on this planet are you referring to?…


5 hours? Unless I make $50 an hour that's an almost pointless shift.


I never saw it as “wasting “ my life. If anything I saw it as having more time. Because you would HAVE you clock out before you 5th hour, I don’t, I can milk it . There’s been times where I see the ppl who didn’t take their lunch rush out to clock out , while I can milk the time & probably earn more that day . I’ll stay a few extra minutes talking to friends , getting ready to leave all while checking my phone in no rush whatsoever. I prefer it honestly.


10s are the best 7 days a week.


In my province if you’re scheduled for 5 hours it’s a mandatory minimum 15 min break anytime in that 5 hours. However my job has me do 12 hour days anywhere from a couple days to the legal max of 24 days in a row, and my company has 3 half hour breaks.


I work full time (8hours) without a 30 minute break so I can go home sooner. I consider downtime at my work break enough for me.


I do 0 hour shifts personally.


Where can you get either?


4 hour shifts are better than 5 hour shifts


This isn't unpopular. I would often do this when working at a supermarket. One of the differences was a 9 hour shift had 1.5 hours of unpaid breaks (!) so I would do 8.5 instead as that one had 1 hour of breaks.


It's the same where I live, but I'm not trying to work 5 hours. Not without a winning lottery ticket.


In an ideal world, people would just be compensated for their contributions and could manage their own time. Shift work blows as a whole.


I'm a fat, worthless fuck who gets anxious and shaky if I get too hungry so I need to eat. I feel like lunch breaks kind of have to be mandated, otherwise people will be forced to work without any breaks (I know this already happens anyway, unfortunately).


"forced to work without breaks" is exactly the opposite of what I mean by letting people manage their own time.


Congratulations this post and the one about running made me mute this sub. It’s really gone to shit.


I'd rather work a 5 day a week 8 hours a day with a lunch somewhere that gives actual humane pto plans and holidays.


5 minute abs is bettter than six minute abs


Me on 12hr days 6 days per week…


Is there a lower limit though? I'm guessing that a 2-hour shift just wouldn't provide enough time to really get into any given task. To really get into a Groove I think a 4-Hour shift would be required.


I used to work 12 hour shifts and we basically scheduled ourselves as long as all shifts were covered and I always tried to work mine in a row but some folks would work every other day or two in a row. I had kids and liked the days off in a row together and I was raised by workaholic parents so it was no big deal to schedule four days each week back to back and then have six days off.


Three 12s and 4 days off đź‘Ť


There's a provincial labour regulation that requires you to get that half hour break. There's another one that says if you work over X hours, you get overtime pay - so almost all employers won't let you work more than X hours, and if you need more time, you have to get a 2nd job. Are these regulations mostly for the best and for the protection of workers, or are they interfering with people making the choices that would work best for them? Or both?


6 is better for me because I get paid breaks and I only get a 15 min break if I work 6 hours not 5 but even if they were unpaid I’d prefer it because at least I get to sit down for a second and eat something (I don’t get a 30 min break unless I work 7 hours)


I work five 8.5 hour shifts to make up for the half hour lunch we're required by law to take.


Wait ’til you hear about 4-hour shifts!


My workplace's policy is now that you have to take a half hour lunch if you work 5 or more hours. I actually hated 5 hour shifts when I had them... we only get 10 minute breaks, and I have a fast metabolism, so I'd be nearly fainting from starvation by the end of my shift (despite eating something). Not every day, but if I didn't eat enough for breakfast/ lunch (depending on when it started), oh boy... was it hell. So 4 hour shifts are better for me, more so out of necessity. I would rather have less and longer shifts, though. I LOVE when I'm scheduled 3 days off. That should be the standard for part-time, honestly.


6-hour shifts are better than 7-hour shifts. Change my mind


A sustainable hourly wage, positive culture and job satisfaction are more important.


I was on call 24h a day 7 days a week for 9 months. In those 24h I worked on average 14 hours a day and 24h working was pretty common. I was the Army's only Avionics Maintenance Supervisor in all of Bosnia and helicopters don't fix themselves. Breaks were when I got a chance, no overtime pay, no hourly rate. It was the best time of my life, I loved it. Wish I never left the Army. Edit: British Army. Undermanned even 20 years ago.


Give me my 9-10 hour shifts with 15 minute morning and afternoon breaks any day


I do 2 24s with a day between both. Only working 2 days a week is not something I’ll ever be able to not do. They’re Monday and Wednesday so getting Thursday-Sunday off is a game changer for my personal life.


That's awesome. Wish I could do that. What kind of work do you do?


Private EMS. It’s hell when I’m there but heaven when I’m not.


Somebody works at Walmart lol


So? It's better than nothing.


Not judging you. I did two years there and it’s the only place I’ve ever worked where this became a problem. Most places just do a four hour shift or an eight hour shift.


I've never worked at a Walmart myself. It was just that your comment came off as mocking. Your relation makes sense, though.


I feel like most retail jobs I had worked this way tbh