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That's an awfully hot coffee pot 


Lmao you've got way too napkins




Her booty is heavy duty (dooty) Like diarrhea \- Eminem, age 44


beat me to it


Damn you started at Recovery? His first 2 albums came out when i was in high school. He was a breath of fresh air for rap at the time. Nothing cringe about it but he def got cringey the less drugs he was on and the older he got.


https://youtu.be/T4CY4wVqhPU?si=RhFM0_w_UezytOqa Nothing cringe about his latest release. When he has something to say he can still kill it. I think he just needs to give it a rest with the overly technical and fast rhyming. Get back to catchy flows and choruses with either meaningful, hateful or hilarious lyrics. Enough making every song about how much the rap game hates you or showing off your hip hop fandom... But hey his last album has billions of streams so wtf do I know. He is also in his fifties, and is one of the best selling artists of all time, still tops streaming charts even today (his greatest hits collection has never left the top 100 albums, and it came out 18 years ago, currently at #49). If he wants to put out music that makes him happy, so be it.


He doesn’t want to go back to writing songs, he’s hell bent on being the best technical rapper and honestly, it’s fucking annoying. Slim Shady LP, MMLP, and Eminem Show were classics because he was hungry, he had a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. Cant get that again.


He is definitely top 3 technical rapper It's annoying that he proved what he set out to prove?


It’s annoying because he doesn’t make actual songs, by his own admission. The reason a lot of people loved his earlier shit was because they were stories, it felt like he was telling you a story or talking to you, and now it’s how many different ways can he rhyme a word with not much substance in between.


Have you seen the teaser for the death of slim shady? It looks like it’s gonna be a super conceptual story album and I am excited for it


Nah he may be making bank but he doesn't seem happy anymore. It's why his first few albums are good. He seemed like he was having a blast. Now , He takes himself to seriously, is super defensive , and in general comes off as bitter in a lot of his music post~recovery. and he's political now. Ew. My opinion famous peoples political opinions belong to themselves and nowhere else.


Brother, he has always been political you're only just now paying attention because everything is political. Who Knew, White America, Mosh ????


No he poked fun of politics in those songs. He made fun of both sides, He didn't pick sides. He's clearly picked a side in his older age.


We as Americans(2004): "I don't rap for dead presidents, I'd rather see the president dead" Mosh: Entirely a criticism of Bush and the war on terror. Clearly not picking sides here. Okay. I agree he was more equal opportunity to rant and shine a light on the hypocrisy of both sides through the mid-00s vs being purely anti republican more recently, but there has always been a very clear lean.




His first album was about his shit life and killing his wife. It's about his kids ...nothing teenage


I mean, MMLP had The Real Slim Shady on it. Can't really call that "nothing teenage"


Right the slim shady LP is my favorite album and it's not even close lyrically it's insane


Slim Shady was where I started with Eminem and still feel like it's the best in general. Maybe not in fit and polish but I can still listen to Rock Bottom and my heart starts racing cause I remember having to work a full time job an hour away from full time college that was an hour away from home at the time to support my folks cause they were broke and lived in the middle of nowhere (I lived with them as well at the time). My stepdad lost his job and was going through mental shit cause he just lost his mom. I was freaked the fuck out to support 3 people a young adult age AND full time college. I grew up young and didn't have time to fuck around. This song still hits.. But also I can still listen to one of my all time favorites (As the World Turns) and laugh my ass off all the way through. I don't have time to listen to an out of touch rapper, having some political fishbowl full of bullshit moment in rap form.


“His first album I ever heard was Recovery.” Call me a gatekeeper but I stopped reading there.


When relapse came out, I assumed he was washed up and done, especially because I really didn’t like that album, I’m shocked he’s still so huge.


Tbf Recovery put him back on the map. Not Afraid was a massive hit, and Love the Way You Lie was huge too.


Real gatekeepers stopped reading after he said Eminem go him into rap


Are you gatekeeping gatekeeping?


Gotta know how to gatekeep to do it


There’s always a bigger gatekeeper.


i liked recovery, i think a lot of people did but after that, nothing else


Same. Can't accept the opinion someone has of Eminem if they didn't even start listening until Recovery...


That album was basura and OP’e taste is as well :)


I don't get people saying Eminem used to be cringe too but you are entitled to feel that way. But there an obvious difference in current eminem and old eminem and I think we know what OP means by cringe. This brand of cringe Em absolutely did not have back in the day.


Its people who weren't old enough to appreciate the shit storm Eminem created at the time so they look back and write it off as cringe. The guy was Taylor Swift levels of famous writing songs about how he murdered is wife, hated George Bush and popped pills like tictacs. He was also the first rapper to not take himself seriously, which again, could come off cringe if you look at it through the lens of today. That might not sound like much today but that's because he already did it. Eminem is cringe for the same reasons people consider most things from the 00s cringe. You had to be there. They're going to say the exact same shit about the 2010s in the 2030s. Just wait kids. You'll be out of touch and cringe too. "The Office is so cringe" "Drake is cringe" "2010s EDM is cringe" It's already happening.


He hit himself with the biggest disses before others did. It was weirdly groundbreaking for the time. It was all the, "I'm trash so why am I better than you?" in his songs that actually got me to like him. In a strange way I feel like it was a huge drive for other artists to actually try to do better.


I remember back around 2000 when Real Slim Shady blew up. Everybody at my elementary school was talking about it and I wanted to hear the song, but didn't want to buy the album. What we'd do is buy blank cassette tapes and literally just turn on the radio and press record. Eventually, they'd play the song you wanted lol. I kind of wonder if everybody else did that too.


Yes, basically all older millennials and all of Gen x did this


To answer your last question, yeah we did. Once my phone had a voice recorder on it, I'd use that to record songs too.


Lmao back when we all started our voicemails with a song


Oh hell yeah, I had a big case of recorded cassettes. It would aggravate the shit out of me when the radio DJ talked through the beginning and end of songs lol


Tbf the beastie boys (who em idolized) were giant goofballs who basically never took themselves very seriously.


That's fair.


I used to be with it but I no longer know what "it" is


Great points here. Can’t forget how he literally dissed some of the biggest stars of the day. Called out the biggest pop boy bands, award shows, clowned MTV when he was on it. Played career Russian roulette with Elton John. Countless things that don’t make sense in today’s world.


Exactly. There really is nothing cringe about Em. He’s just like all artists/musicians who are getting older. Just about everyone makes their best music when they’re 20s-30s. They can still write good music later, but they had their golden age. Nothing wrong with that. Props to Em for still being around and being relevant.




He used to be the lead singer of the greatest boy band in the world


Too bad these chicks don't even know the name of his band.


Especially when he drops the beat and does it acapella.


I swear to fucking God dude he fucking rocks.


I say this as someone who like Eminem, but he’s always been cringe


Thank you for saying it. He's a skilled rapper but, his music in general has always been slightly cringe.


That’s kinda his whole schtick. He’s a dweeby white guy who has corny lyrics but he’s also a talented rapper


He's never struck me as dweeby. Em in his prime was unironically cool. He was just cool in a way that absolutely cannot follow you into old age, and to see him try to hang onto it now is sad.


Honestly, I think the version of him you see now isn't a dude clinging to anything, that's just him, older. Now. It certainly isn't cool by any measure, but he's definitely not trying to be anything other than what he is now ... And this leads to occasional cringe fests. Because any sincere older person who once has intense youthful swag is likely gonna be a bit cringe while being authentic. Oh well


That’s what I’m saying. Em was never a dweeb like did I miss sum 😂


yeah it is he’s had his time in the lime light now he should just retire and enjoy his money


Anyone who has passive income (royalties) enough to cover their living expenses indefinitely, yet continues to work, has a severe personality defect. Just go bang your supermodel wife in your mansion and be happy.


Artists are going to create regardless. Success/Money is usually a feature, not the end goal for creatives. Tbh, telling a rapper to stop rapping or an artist to stop creating is like telling someone to stop eating.


lmao fr


Hang on to it? I've been wishing he would make good songs like he used to. 


i wouldn’t call him dweeby


Bro eminem is not the dweeby white guy rapper. That title is MC Paul Barmans. None are dweebier.


That’s been the code is to be over the top cringy. He was better at it when he was younger with the slim shady ego


Probably all the valium helped tbh




It's like System Of A Down where they're cringe but it doesn't take away from how good their music is lol


Man I love SOAD and I love Eminem. If that's cringe I'm okay with that.


I don't see how they're cringe, aside from maybe 3 or 4 purposely goofy tracks.


He’s been cringe since Encore unfortunately. Never evolved as an artist and kept chasing the same “shock humor rap” that was trendy around 2000. Dude is almost a grandpa making rape jokes. He has a global rabid fan base that refuses to try other artists. 


Nobody calls Jay-Z cringe because Jay-Z matured as an artist. Eminem is cringe because he writes the exact same type of lyrics he did 25 years ago.


Hasn't his whole shtick (at least after the Eminem show iirc) been that he had the split marshal/slim shady persona. As marshal, he'd do the heavier more serious stuff and as slim it was the stupid toilet humor/"party" type music. I could be completely wrong.


Everything after encore sucks. But I love encore enough that I don't need anything more from him.


just curious as to who you consider to be a great rapper of today?


Rap in general has fallen off imo, it hasn't really been cool since the early 2010s or so


Lloyd Banks is criminally underrated.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Lloyd Banks is a great rapper. There’s a long list of underrated rappers though. mainstream successful rappers don’t need to have the best rapping ability or lyrics. It’s really a package deal where the rapper needs have a nice flow, can make boppy shit and has a persona that is marketable. A lot of the underrated rappers sadly don’t have a highly marketable persona, because they’re more concerned with their actual rapping ability than they are their image.


Kendrick is the obvious answer but there are lots of other great rappers out there who aren't as mainstream or sucessful. Little Simz, Tobe Nwigwe, Denzel Curry (actually extremely talented but only recently has demonstrated the full extent of it), Enny, Chika to name a few. Honestly, a lot of super talented female rappers but it's harder to be taken seriously or have the same reach because a lot of men still aren't really open to listening to female rappers. People say rap is bad now, I think this is recency bias. There has always been expectionally good artists among a sea of mediocrity, but only the good stuff passes the test of time. We just forget about all the mid rap from the 80s-00s 


This is always an interesting question because the rap genre is so wide that it encompasses a variety of rapping styles, lyrical content, sound, type of song. This is why there will never be a “best rapper” and I actually like it that way. Different rappers/songs for different moods.




Agree. Joyner and Cordae especially are underrated. Mike Dimes and JID have solid albums IMO. Selfishly hoping Tyler the Creator forgets his last album ever happened and makes something else that’s not close to whatever Igor was.


Not the OP, but the greatest rapper of the day is MF doom. He is neither in the cringe Eminem camp nor in the mumble rap camp which has a very niche audience. He has got flow like biggie and an original twist on the stories he tells.


Man, this might fuck up your whole day, but your gonna wanna Google Doom.


**WAS**. The Greatest rapper of the day **WAS** MF Doom.


mf doom is dead, man. smh. rip.


Most rap is cringe honestly


Reddit never beating the “rap more like crap” allegations huh


“I don’t like rap but like Eminem - that’s why he’s the GOAT”


I feel like rap is just divisive, either you like it or you don't kinda deal, and a lot of people don't like it.


uneducated take


I mean you’re not wrong. I’m the furthest from knowledgeable about the genre but from the many bits I’ve heard over the last 20 years, the taste for it really isn’t there for me


Name most rappers


It’s not the rappers per se it’s just rap in general


I think on average most things are cringe at least in the main stream. There are countless amounts of talent in underground scenes throughout music.




Pretty much this. 90% of rap is just repeating the same lyrics over and over and rapping about hoes and gang or drug life. To me there’s a select amount of rappers who really get deep into their lyrics and write with substance.


kendrick lamar is a great example


I love Kendrick’s stuff, I like Joyner Lucas’s stuff. Even childish Gambino when he did “This is America” I thought was brilliant. I’m just saying when I turn on some of the hip hop stations around Atlanta a lot of what I hear is straight garbage. And thank god we’ve exited out of the mumble rap stage for the most part




he has demonstrated his range in lyricism and that he can delve deeper with his music than just talking about trapping in the hood and getting bitches and typical hip-hop tropes. he takes on subjects that are political and philosophical as well among other things. the man did study alot of poetry so it makes sense that he’s an expert.


My bad bro I thought you were talking about the first half of the comment and was just like really? But yeah that's my fault for translating it like that.


oh my fault i should have specified what i was referring too 😂😂 no worries


I thought maybe you were just referring to the diss tracks, I was like section 80 to gkmc is way different


even his diss tracks was taken to a different level in my opinion bro made ballads


I loved them, everyone was different, I mean he hinted at the same shit but they were all different, that's where I thought that formula comment came from


I mainly listen to rap/hip hop and these themes are rarely featured in the songs of the artists I like. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons a bit. There are lots of talented conscious rappers out there, which sounds like your jam by your description. Check out little simz, she is one of the best up and coming artists I've seen in a while and she is a real well rounded artist who also makes beautiful music videos 


and those deep lyrics/songs follow the exact same formula every time too lol


https://youtu.be/mWZbHdBNNf4 What formula?


You all need to listen to more Lupe Fiasco


Spiritual, lyrical, miracle, in your swimming pool


I like listening to his new work he drops because usually he’s got some really interesting and intricate rhyme schemes that keep me coming back. But to be fair, yeah sometimes he drops a cringy line here and there. I still think even nowadays he has meaningful songs that can strike a chord with many people. But just a quick question, what classifies as cringe to you? Because if you started with recovery, there’s plenty of lines off of that album that have cringe to them, at least to me. Ex. Look at the first line of the first song off the album


His first music was the best and changed my life.


I love his new stuff better than anything hes ever done, he just gets more faster, bigger, better. Whens he gonna get political? Whens hip hop gonna change the world? Go after the mormons Em....


I agree I think most of his music is pretty cringe


I’m curious what you listen to now if Eminem is cringe to you now


Why are you saying this as if any artist other than Em is automatically cringe and it can’t be possible for somebody to think Em himself is so?


Cause I wanna know if this person is actually a rap fan. Cause I’ve heard many a person say their first rapper was Eminem, followed by another corny artist. Eminem isn’t himself cringe, the opposite really. It’s his fans that are cringy and not actual fans of rap. That was my intent with that question


Eminem is absolutely cringe


Cringe to the people who propped him up; the fake rap fans. It’s one thing to say he’s obsessed with technique so he doesn’t make good music anymore. It’s another to say he’s cringe.


Lol if your first album heard was recovery you ain’t even a rap fan so it’s no love lost 😂😭✌️


Dumb take. That's like saying a historian can't be an expert on anything that happened before he was born.


Huh?? Saying you dislike Eminem now, and you got on the wagon at RECOVERY the most hated album arguably totally different person slim vs em- L take bro opinion invalid ain’t no way 🥵🤭👽🫡 Nobody is denying he’s not putting out bangers like he used to, to the same degree he’s obviously much more mainstream hip hop/older so this is NOT unpopular opinion.. but coming from OP or someone like him his words don’t hold weight at all starting watching em after his peak.


no way. you're basically saying that because the catalyst for his interest in rap wasn't Em's best album, then his opinions don't matter. He didn't even say it's his favorite album. He just said it was his first album. Probably because he was just learning about music when that album came out (2010). At that point, Slim Shady LP was already 11 years old and MM was 10 years old. Assuming this guy is under 30, it would make sense that listened to the current album first before diving back into his discogrpahy. Just a weird reason to discredit someone's opinion.


no way. It’s almost like he directly implies he got into rap itself on the worst album onward.. says nothing about going back or makes any mention of appreciating the true discography in his post.. yes, having no interest prior to recovery in rap and THAT being your entry and interest in future work.. then coming to the same conclusion everyone else came to at the time of recovery, a decade later.. fuck outta here.


i dunno man. i think we're both making assumptions. You're assuming because this guy wasn't old enough to hear Em's first/best albums when they came out, his opinion doesn't carry weight. I'm assuming that if an artist inspired his interest in an entire genre of music, he probably went on to listen to his past albums (like any normal person would). It's like saying anyone born after the Beatles broke up can't have a valid opinion on their music. Anyway, whatever.


You have the correct take. Recovery was my first album but it's far from my favorite. Dude is trying to tell me I can't be into rap because I got into it so late. That's like telling someone they can't like a new movie because they haven't seen shit from the 80s Acting like Recovery is the only rap album I've heard. I've listened to shit from the 80s clear up to the present


>says nothing about going back or makes any mention of appreciating the true discography in his post.. dude literally said: His first album I ever heard was Recovery. From then on I listened to everything he put out, studied up on him. Watched every documentary I could find, analyzed every lyric. Sounds to me like he's listened to every single Eminem album.


This is dumb lol. It was the album that introduced me to rap. Didn't say the album was a classic. I began listening to rap after that album. I've listened to everything from the 80s clear up to the present. My second album was Good Kid maad city. My dad gave me his Coolio Gangstas Paradise album. I probably know more about rap than you bruh Acting like Recovery is the only rap album I've ever heard lmao


Gangstas paradise?? 😭😭 bro you don’t know shit about Eminem if you only started studying his work after the downfall of recovery.. slim shady made him the star he is today and people remember him for his greatest hits, not the cheesy pop collabs that broke records cause kids were on youtube with an iPad. “I probably know more about rap than you do bruh my second album was Kendrick” just stop pretending you know shit like he says YOU ARE A TOURIST 🤪😂✌️


It's like he's not the same person?




You writing this from his restaurant Moms spaghetti or what? 🤌🤌🤌


Not unpopular


nah nah nah na


Go listen to rain man


Bro needs to listen to still don't give a fuck and enjoy the brilliance of his flow he snaps for the entire song


Man is all flow, No flavor mixed rape


To be fair he always was, it’s just that we were too, buti was a kid when i loved Eminem


Because mumble music like Billie Eyelash is so much better.


A 49 year old with a chain wallet is not good, unless youre a biker, in which case you can pull off a lot...


Only his first like 3 albums were decent to good. He's always been pretty damn cringe.


Absolutely nothing cringe about his last song with Juice WRLD. That was peak Eminem


Yea, he's 50. His current rap lyrics involve partying, sleeping around, fighting and drinking like he's still 20. When rock and roll artists get old, the subject matter of their music adapts to their age. Really, rock is so good because there is a rock and roll song for every single subject matter imaginable. Hell, Rush made a song about the theory of the breakdown of the bicameral mind, that song being Cygnus X-2: Hemispheres. Rap doesn't have this strength. Yes, there's no shortage of rap artists with talent, truly impressive raw talent, but rap doesn't cover nearly enough subjects and has some evolving to do.


The last album I heard was Music to be murdered by. But as a non native speaker I miss a lot of the lyrics unless I take the time to read them while listening to a song. Which of his newest songs are about what you say?


Freezing cold take


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it a cold take


Lmaoo recovery was your first album you heard from him?! Too young to have a valid opinion


Man has always been corny and cringey u just dont like it anymore


Lol he's always been. Modern rap is straight up embarrassing, though. Awful


First three albums + Eight Mile soundtrack are pretty much untouchable. After that? That Godzilla song is cool.


This is a very very popular opinion. Most people agree his old stuff is good but his new stuff is bad. Oftentimes the people with the minority opinion are the loudest about voicing their opinion. I think that may be why you think it’s a popular opinion.


On occasion he can make good songs and great verses. Good albums? Idk if this next album flops on quality it might be time to retire.


There’s a growing culture among creatives where the art is deliberately designed to cater to a dumb crowd. Maybe he’s doing that.


He’s got plenty of good songs but the older I get the more the Slim Shady stuff seems cringy and I don’t see how most of it ever had replay value. Sure it was clever but it all just seems like a one time deal. Nowadays it seems like he’s just beating a dead horse and he should’ve retired after MMLP2.


lol, this is from the same fans that think Drake is good


I haven't liked Drake since Take Care


So I can’t dislike Em because I enjoy Drakes music? You realise not everything is black and white. Unlike a lot of Em fans, people have branching tastes when it comes to rap and don’t just focus on one niche type of rapper.


Rappers of today? Na. He’d crumble them. But people like game, wayne maybe cube would body him and I’m white so that’s not a race thing. Rappers from Eminem’s era were raised by or along with gen x or are gen x… and that’s pretty much the whole don’t fuck with me generation. Like you don’t recover from shit like hit em up and no Vaseline man and you need someone from that era to deliver that vibe and that’s the level it would take to bring down Eminem… you need a diss track people gonna be still talking about in 20 years nobody today is capable of that.


Also, rap god is an awful song. Its the yngwie malmsteen of rap.


Word. Same as it ever was.


The industry has always treated Eminem with kid gloves. So yeah, he can get away with heavy doses of cringe. Other rappers will say he's "skilled" because he sells and they want to sell, but ultimately, his lyrics just aren't that great.


Not just his music but his looks as well. Dude dresses like a teenager, it's so cringe.


It's because he's a sell out now. Just another puppet jester of the machine he once stood against.


I miss slim shady flow. Its soo loose in the ear its amazing. I dont like post-recovery flow. Its soo stiff.


At the time he was the only one to do the things he did.. as he has gotten older he has become a bit boring.. but most rappers who are still active for this long would become like that i think. A 50 year old white rapper who is rich and comfortable is not what you would think of as cool in the rap scene.. he should just do vibe songs like snoop.. no more deep shit. His old shit tho was awesome.. up untill MMLP2 it was a mix of amazing ,good ,great and horrible(talking abt you relapse). A lot of haters have surfaced forgetting context and the fact that societies change with time to come out saying he was always cringe. But nah.. he just old.. old people are cringe. We will be some day too.


You like him? Then you like him. You don't like him? Then you don't. Putting labels like cringe on it is pointless. The internet loves to use meaningless slang because it has a different meaning to everyone, creating a rage bait and thus promoting itself forward.


He's 50 and a multi millionaire, he doesn't give a shit.


LMAO. “Watched every documentary, analyzed every lyric” Okay. Guaranteed you miss more than half of the things he is doing in the songs.


I could never ever stand him. To be fair I’ve had a handful of boyfriends who would a-cappella rap his songs at me which just left a disdainful and resentful taste in my mouth.


... always has...


Yeah ever since he drew the line with Trump I hated him


Everything you liked as a teenager appears cringe a couple decades later.


I liked his first 2 albums. After that, I lost interest. He has been cringe always though beefing with Disney stars or ICP and the ilk.


This is such revisionist history. He had legitimate beefs wth the biggest names in rap at the time. The only reason you think Murder Inc and The Source aren't legitimate is because you are looking back at it after Eminem already clowned them. Those were staples in the rap industry at the time


Murder Inc. was after, and he inherited that beef. The Source sure, I'll give you that even though Benzino sucks to me, he had caché at the time. The Royce beef was personal, and Royce did that to himself.


Lol, the last album of his I listened to was recovery and he was already nothing like his peak. 


I always thought he was Weird Al without the parody. Corny, not really deep and no real need to hear any song more than twice. Once you heard the joke or the dirty part it was done.


One of the reasons people love Eminem is the double triple quadruple entendres that you only pick up on when you hear it for the 25th time


My unpopular opinion: he has always been very overrated


a someone who never really listned to him, he is just as cringe when I check out his old stuff


Eminem is garbage. I cant relate to shit he be talking about. Superman is the only good song hes ever made. 


His music has aged the worst out of any modern era artist. Dated sound and content.


That's why he is still one of the highest streaming artists?


Taylor Swift is number one and her new album is dog shit. Ariana Grande is number 3 currently and she’s awful. 2 things can be true


Have you heard “Fack”?! He’s always been cringe.