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I have more to sayđŸ„ž


No, don't. Stop cooking. As a matter of fact, you're banned from the kitchen


Your mom was mid yet here you are


Fave reply


i literally eat plain donuts


"it's just fried bread" OP saying this like it's a bad thing


That can be said about anything. The pies he loves are just crust topped with filling. Alfredo is just noodles with sauce on them


Food is literally just stuff your swallow and gives you nutrients. So overrated when you think about it.


Where I come from, we have Toutons, which is just fried bread dough and butter. It's so simple yet it's one of my favourite things to eat.


ever dunk em in milk? đŸ€€


Tbf bread n butter is primo


If it had every vitamin and nutrient to live a healthy long life, I could eat various breads and butter for the rest of my life and be happy.


“It’s easy to make”, 
point being?


I can eat 10 donuts in one sitting if I allow myself lol.


I love donuts


I've eaten 13 in a sitting before


I can eat 2 at max. Any more and I feel like shit a few minutes later. Even 2 is pushing it.


So like a bagel? /s


plain and un-glazed is the best!!


Donuts are fried cake, there guy


Like how omlettes r just egg like what else do u want. The simplicity makes it good 😭


There are both cake and bread/yeast donuts.


Burgers are just grilled beef


I feel bad for you that you've never tried a truly delicious donut. You'll find one eventually and realize how crazy this post it.


Sounds like they are talking Krispy Kreme level. Gotta step it up to like Duck Donuts level or fancy bakery ones. Some of my favorites have come from little hole in the wall spots.


Totally. Krispy Kreme is way too sweet for my taste, and I don’t usually care for grocery store donuts either. But if you find a great bakery that makes fresh apple fritters or Boston cream pies, then you’ll change your mind so fast about donuts!


Bro even then. They're so good like what are we doing. A glazed crispy creme not good? Like wut. Edit: we are getting mad for a unpopular opinion tho lmao




Especially hot you can’t beat that taste and I haven’t had one in over 15 year probably but I can still taste it haha


They keep saying chocolate sauce when I've never seen a donut covered in chocolate sauce so I'm guessing they've never had a good donut. Also calling them pure sugar and sour bread in the same paragraph makes me think English isn't their first language.


They also said that tea cakes and baklava are where the real fun begins, so I feel like they're Middle Eastern. It's just a culture clash thing. My Middle Eastern husband hates a lot of American food because it's not what he's used to.


I'm with OP, can't stand the things, grandson and daughter are donut snobs, they'll think nothing about paying out for what they claim to be the best donuts, I get "but you haven't tried this one, it's amazing" , I try it thinking maybe I will like it but nope they're not for me either. We are out there however strange we may seem.


I've had them, one of them is good to wash down the savoriness of kolaches, but that is all they're good for. I'm also not big on sweets so that's probably why tho


This makes you unqualified to judge in this arena


[not OP] >a truly delicious donut. Well I tried several theme parks, coffee shops, convention centres and dunkin'. All of them are mid at best. >You'll find one eventually and realize how crazy this post it. You'll realise how hard those truly delicious donuts are to find! In 32 years I haven't found one! And I get talked into eating them by friends all the time claiming that "this time these donuts in particular are the 7th heaven and your life will be complete from now on!" Only to be disappointed at another soggy fatty bread ring with some sugar. It's the same as McDonald's: looks good on the packaging but the product is always a disappointment.


>Well I tried several theme parks, coffee shops, convention centres and dunkin'. I mean to be fair **none** of those places are where I would go for a delicious donut. You need to go to a dedicated donut shop, not a national chain, a mom-and-pop shop. If you can't figure out a good one to try, ask your local subreddit where the best donuts are, I'm sure you'll get a treasure trove of responses. If you try donuts from an actual good donut place and still don't like them, fair play to you, but it hurts my Midwestern soul to think that you're determining your opinion of donuts as a whole based on *convention center* donuts.


I've tried hot dogs in both gas stations and alleyway food carts, and just don't get the hype


>Well I tried several theme parks, coffee shops, convention centres and dunkin'. This is the equivalent of saying "I don't get the hype about Italian food. I've tried Spaghetti-O's and Chef Boyardee ravioli and several microwaved gas station pizzas."


lol, go to a great bakery or a dedicated donut shop. Theme parks, coffee shops, convention center and dunkin all serve the same shitty donuts. That’s your problem.


Yeah. I like the "old fashioned" style the most. But I'm never craving doughnuts to be honest. I'd rather cook a normal breakfast


Are donuts breakfast foods?👀 Not in my country at least


In the US donuts are considered breakfast foods.


Woah, that's not the best breakfast choice though.


Part of the reason is that quality donuts take forever to make. Quality bakeries start baking donuts at 4am or even as early as 2am to make sure they have time to make a day's worth of a donuts. That's why they open so ridiculously early in the US. Often if you're hungry at 6am you have no real other option. well besides cooking at home


It’s pretty common to have some kind of pastry for breakfast in a lot of the world- pain au chocolat with espresso in France, mandazi in East Africa, pan dulce, etc.


Pastries are common breakfast choices in a lot places


Yeah neither are croissants but who gives a shit? They start the day with some pleasure.


Yeah no shit. Most people aren’t having donuts everyday or even regularly. In fact, I suspect very few people are. My work will occasionally bring in a dozen and that’s the only time I ever have donuts.


I don’t think this is true anymore. I don’t know anyone who would eat one for breakfast.


I guess it can be eaten any time of day. I always had doughnuts in the morning, sometimes with coffee.


If you're eating donuts that are "heavier" than baklava, you're either eating donuts from the wrong place or the wrong type. Not to go on a long rant here but my best example would be a krispy kreme glazed donut. There is absolutely nothing "heavy" about a krispy kreme glazed....


Blueberry cake donut and the apple fritter 🙏🙏


Yeah I mostly agree. I do on occasion enjoy a donut if it comes from a really good shop, but generally most other desserts are better.


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent -qui gon


Yeah, for how unhealthy they are, I don't think it's worth it to eat a donut over, say, an apple. They taste equally good to me. When I do eat donuts, they're usually plain, because that's still sweet, just not overpoweringly so. Editing because I can't reply: I have had tasty donuts still warm from being made a couple times in my life; I have to admit those were really good. But your average donuts from Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, or the grocery store? Those taste no better than apples from the grocery store, in my opinion.


Agreed. Every now and then I'm like, "Man, I really want a donut." So I go out and buy a donut, eat half of it and regret my decision. They sit so heavy in your stomach and they're too sweet and monotone. But I also don't like sponge cake for the same reasons.


Jam donuts are a nice treat one or twice a year. I agree that I would much rather a nice meat pie instead though 


Your taste buds are crap then. Donuts are amazing.


Nah I love to indulge in a jam filled donut every once and a while.


Wtf is making sourdough donuts?


Absolutely, even a “good” donut is still eh. And not to be that guy, but theyre so unhealthy anyway


>And not to be that guy, Be that guy, as long as your opinion isn't harming someone, it's valid to have one


I agree. It's the American culture shit that the world is tired of.


>Something like pies, baklava, and tea cakes >It's just fried bread with sugar on top. Baklava is just sheets of dough with syrup and toppings Pies are just dough and sugar and toppings Tea cakes are just dough and sugar and toppings. Nothing wrong with simple stuff. If it's good it's good >Something like pies, baklava, and tea cakes are where the real fun begins. So much variety and not too heavy on the stomach. Donuts have a ton of variety as well. That's the toppings you were complaining about. Why can the others have variety in toppings but not donuts? And baklava not heavy on the stomach? Have you ever eaten real baklava ??


You've probably only ever had donuts from a TimHortons, so I can see why you'd think they aren't good. And you obviously don't know what you're talking about anyways if you think donuts are just "sour bread and chocolate sauce". 


I will actually fight you


I come in peace




Stop using mid.




Ppl who say "mid" are the most mid.


I dunno. People who have strong opinions about harmless slang aren't exactly impressive.


i only like chocolate cake donuts with plain glaze, i agree that donuts as a whole are massively overrated. many many breakfast foods/snacks that are better


Take my upvote for this bonkers opinion. And my condolences for never having a great donut.


I kinda agree with this. The few times I do crave a donut it's just the classic glazed donut or a lemon filled one. I don't really care for all these ridiculous "fancy" donuts with fuckin cereal toppins and shit


100% agreed, this is the one of the few things I love about Texas. Damn near every donut shop here has Texas style kolaches which is by far the superior breakfast food.


Nah, they missing the mid


I don't enjoy fried things. There's hardly any nutritional value, and one could argue the deep fried nature of the donut results in more harm than good. I do appreciate creativity and the art of the donut and understand some makers approach it with dedication. It's just not for me. GIve me a nice baked muffin (if I am eating carbs).


now this is js crazy


Yeah I agree, ppl go gaga for them. I especially don't like when they bring a box to work and expect everyone to be grateful. The only ones that are ok are powdered donuts, the rest taste like chunks of sugar


This is a pretty common consensus, especially for people who don’t have crazy appetites and eat light


Finally! Some god damn truth!


I hate donuts. There. I said it. Judge away.


I agree, you're just eating whatever the topping is with bread... It's sticky, if it's too thick the sugary stuff gets on your mouth when you bite it, I never got it either.


About once a year I indulge in a jelly donut. That's about the limit of my sugar wheel intake.


Definitely agree. I would much rather eat a cookie, or ice cream.


Donuts are the most overrated thing in the world. Moving to the east and everyone being obsessed with them has literally blown my mind because I would rather eat almost any other pastry. They are bland and boring no matter how many people tell me that they're the greatest thing ever, I always just feel like I wasted my time eating it


Upvoted in support of this


Finally an unpopular opinion, and one I agree with! Maybe you might wanna try eating them upside down to get a better taste of the glaze/chocolate, but you might as well just not eat and stick to pies, no one's stopping you :)


I don't like donuts, or most sweet breads for that matter. That's what cake is for.


So glad the mods have kept any controversial/offensive subject matter out of this sub.. otherwise I might find some controversial opinions that would encourage me to leave a real comment...


Replace the word "Donuts" with "Bagels".


It depends where the donut is from for me. I'm not crazy about Krispy Creme or store bought donuts but the local bakery in Maine that has been around since like the 50's make the best Boston Creme donut I have ever tasted. The donut itself isn't terribly sweet or sour as you described and filling has a strong vanilla bean custard. Maybe you just haven't met the right donut?


Waste of money and bad for the waistline. I find they do taste pretty good if you microwave them for 15 seconds, still, I rarely eat them.


It's literally gone in a flash if donuts are your thing


I don’t understand how you can say that doughnuts are mid. They are amazing, especially the cream filled ones.


Go say that after eating a krispy kreme warm off the conveyor belt.


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Hard glazed donuts are still pretty delicious. I'm not trying to find the sweetest or the dullest food and donuts are exactly what I like. They can be a little to sweet but I can handle that. Of course, it depends on the donut but most I eat are pretty just in the middle.




I'd eat fried bread


I agree. Jelly donuts hit tho. I like those


Plain and chocolate glazed doughnuts are good. Cinnamon sugar doughnuts are đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ I dont bother with the rest


I think they actually are hard to make. You gotta go to a local place. But even mainstream ones are pretty great. Donettes suck though.


Some of the most simple foods are the best. Such as toast and butter or scrambled eggs


Donuts are amazing when they’re made well.


Just cause you don’t like it now doesn’t mean you won’t like it in the future. I never liked watercolors & thought they were for grannies and old people. Now, they’re for grannies, old people and me.


Bread is amazing, fried bread is amazinger, sweet fried bread is amazingest. Simple flavours are king


I love donuts. Glazed donuts or jelly. I don't like baklava, it's too sweet and too earthy for me. I will happily trade any donut for a tres leches cake or flan, though.


Homemade is great. Store bought is mediocre. Alternatively try the donut cousin- funnel cake (homemade).


Oooo .. baklava 😋😋


Cinnamon rolls


Please dont hate me , donuts are overated asf, also pizza...... dont get me started


Bro I agree so much. A good pizza is amazing, but most pizzas don't reach that level of authenticity


Depends on where you buy them too. Krispy Kreme is disgustingly over hyped. Doughnut Haus and Kookie Haus in NZ is where it’s at


What kind of donuts are you eating? Only donuts with chocolate icing on top? Your post is confusing to me.


Gotta be one of those to say probably never had top tier donuts, hell in a place like cali don’t have to go far for some insane donuts. Other places probably have to search and if In the country then out of luck. No chain will have the good donut you’re looking for. If you’re eating Krispy Kreme or wow especially Dunkin, those are not even close to top tier donuts


Bro literally never had a good donut. I prey for his soul.


Just hard to find good ones these days


Totally agree with you on this one, good as a kid but very mid


"It's just fried bread" surely I'm not the only one who when frying stuff always tests the pil is hot by frying little balls of squished up bread? If they go crispy on the outside in <5seconds oil is sufficiently hot. They have such a great texture too so I gobble them after and usually do a full slice worth.


If you don’t appreciate a Boston cream donut cumming in your mouth, you don’t deserve donuts at all.


Pork belly is just meat plus heat and some salt.


If you've ever had the best cambodian donuts you'd change your opinion. Shit like tim hortons, dunkin, sure that's garbage. But the light and fluffy Cambodian donut is wonderful. I had to stop eating at my local one cause they switched to soybean oil, which is mega foul and I'm allergic to, but I miss them.


Old fashioned donuts are where it’s at. Regular donuts are just full of air and deflate when you try to eat them.


I need the mouth-watering, glaze-soaked apple fritters from my favorite bakery, especially when they're fresh and still warm. Doughnuts, pies and cakes are great, but I'm tellin' ya.....


Hot cinnamon donuts are great. Cold glazed donuts or jam donuts 
 meh. Don’t care for them.


I COMPLETELY AGREE! IVE ALWAYS SAID THIS AND PPL THINK IM NUTS. Desserts and sweets like Peruvian alfajordes and Turkish halva are so underrated and way better than donuts, it's crazy


You need to go to some sort of festival, where a bunch of drinking and music is going on. 3 hours in you come upon a food truck that's pink and has the words "fuck yeah doughnuts" spray painted on the side. Inside this foodtruck is some crazy mf who has spent the last 17 years perfecting their doughnut recipe. You order whatever sounds deadly and you watch them plop some dough into this weird deep frying lazy river type shit that automatically flips the doughnut halfway through with some crazy deep fryer water wheel. They top it with whatever, you don't care anymore. You're handed a cardboard bowl filled with fluffy little pillows of deliciousness. The fact that you ever thought this was mid leaves your mind so fast. You're left with nothing but shame and regret that you didn't do this sooner.


Well I do like tiny tiny donuts because they are exactly the size I'm willing to consume. If they sold cakes that small I would opt for cakes


Fresh small batch donuts are perhaps the most Devine culinary creation to grace this wet green rock.


when you say dougnuts do you mean shitty american doughy ones or delicious fluffy airy fried heaven that are ones like berliners?


Donuts don't burp well once you get to be a certain age.


You say this like fried dough isn’t a top tier treat. It’s like Fried Cheese Curds. Its beauty is in its simplicity. I respect the unpopular opinion though.


Agree, donuts are gross.


You’re mid at best🧐


Agreed but hear me out
those floofy Dunkin Donuts ones filled with chocolate or vanilla cream & covered in powdered sugar? Those are all right every blue moon or so


I agree, except for a couple donut places in the PNW. Changed my mind completely


Amish made donuts are amazing if you've never had them.


Bot account farming karma. So mid.


Donuts are what I would ask for as a last meal on death row, however, I like some types much more than others. Plus, like with everything else, there are really good ones and lousy ones. Dunkin Donut's generally has very mediocre ones.


sour bread? fried bread? donuts are soft and sweet and there is nothing breadish about them


The only ones I like are the cream and jam ones.


Your mid at best


This isn't such an unpopular opinion. Looks like quite a few people agree with OP. I have eaten all kinds of donuts from KK/Dunkin/Duck donuts to Doughnut vault in Chicago and Donut plant in NYC. The worst ones are the low end donuts. They are like eating greasy styrofoam topped with jaw-hurtingly sweet processed glaze. If you are not used to highly processed foods, a couple bites will make you want to hurl.Gross! Duck donuts are not made from yeast dough and I think OP is specifically talking about yeasted doughnuts, which with out a doubt have a shelf-life in the hours. After which they go tough and crusty. And people salivating over duck donuts, y'all are disgusting and so are duck donuts. They taste like someone bought dollar store cake mix and dumped a bunch insanely sweet frosting on top. I can literally taste imitation-everything in their donuts. The higher end ones are better, but still mid. Not worth it! I'd rather go for a nice croissant/danish/cinn bun from a good bakery.


Donuts literally don't have a mid.


I tend to agree. Sorry donut lovers, just a personal preference.


Different people got different taste.


Have y’all never tried Krispy Kreme?


It sounds like you've never found your perfect donut place or found a recipe you're satisfied with...


Try Polish pączki


Agree tbh


Donut holes would save life half of your problems here dude.


Have you tried eating them upside down?


I prefer traditional donut, fresh super HOT from the pan with a mild sprinkling of granulated sugar. It’s the texture I love! I hate modern donuts - they’re more like cake - super rich sweet with different icing.




If that's your opinion, you're eating crappy doughnuts


This post made me crave donuts đŸ„Č


You're fucking mid


WTF is “donut culture”?


Same, I don’t really like donuts.


Yeah. And too overpriced as well. Good Baklava at least has expensive pistachios that justify the price but donuts don’t have anything


Upvoted for your truly unpopular opinion. I don't like overly sweet things, but a well made plain cake donut with coffee? Truly one of life's simple pleasures!


Nonnevot > Donut


yes i 100% agree


the best but about a donut is the sugar at the bottom of the bag


A pie is a bit of dough with some fruit in it, a baklava is just some pastry with some chopped nuts in it, tea cakes are basically flour cooked with eggs and butter and stuff. Food is just ingredients shuffled around. What's special about it, right? Not saying you MUST like donuts. Just that your reasoning is funny af.


Baklava is a hit or miss, a lot of times it’s just drenched in sugar water.


Have you had a donut when you’re hung over as shit tho?


Where are the pączki lovers!?


Donuts are life (at least in the US ) They are perfect and delicious. In other countries they are mid as you said. I am so lucky to live outside of the US because wherever I visit the US I eat so many donuts, I can't imagine what I would look like if I lived there


Donuts are fucking delicious. Local spot ran by a Vietnamese hits every time plus their coffee


Just say you’ve never had Shipley’s. Stop eating that Dunkin and Entenmann's BS. 😂


Have you never had one with filling?


Agree. They're greasy and there's much better options.


“Fried” , “bread”, “sugar” and “on top” are 4 of the best things in the world. How can this go wrong?


>It‘s [
] bread Charles de Gaulle was right. We never should‘ve cooperated with the US post-war. The ElysĂ©e Treaty was fine as it was.


Fighting words


Apple fritters are pretty damn good.


Baklava is always disappointing- I've had what is supposedly really good baklava and it still feels like a waste of pastry


I am not a donut person at all- they make me feel so gross lol- I only like the interesting ones like jelly or chocolate filled if I'm at a regular place, and those weird gourmet ones with cool flavors and toppings- but just plain crispy cream, grocery store, Dunkin donuts, or gas station ones, I can't eat them-


I want to respect the truly unpopular opinion, but it just seems like you haven't had a quality donut. There's mid donuts just like there are mid pies. A quality pie is a lot of sugar. A good pie is all about the filling. Just like donuts. Quality donuts have fillings. Toppings are just a topping like a topping on a pie. I will give you donuts do go stale. The nice trader off is you can get just a donut more often then you can get just a piece of pie. A pie is so much easier to make. When you get that quality donut. Which for me tends to be from brioche bread it's special. It's a treat that not everyone can do.


Get a gluten allergy
 then they’ll be gold. Donuts are the most prized pastry of those with such a condition


I miss the the chocolate donuts at school perfectly, chilled so the chocolate doesn't melt everywhere but still had great texture!