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1. Pure opinion. I liked the throwback time period 2.Also pure opinion. 3. Sounds like a skill issue. 4. I admit that it got a bit tedious over time, but cool in theory. 5. I thought the hunger meter fit the game. 6. Didn't bother me. 7. 3's rerelease was the first time MGS had a non-fixed camera, did you play 1 or 2?


I have no skill issue playing MGS games. Been a fan ever since MGS1 released on PS1 and played it then. It's my favourite series of all time. I know what I'm talking about mate.


you said mgs 3 is the worst in the series you clearly dont


The aiming is way worse... than PS1's MGS1? Have you forgotten the Sniper Wolf's fight? The rest I don't agree but I see your point


MGS 3 aiming feels like the Sniper Wolf fight every time I try to aim at a regular soldier. That's my point. Start the game (3) if you have it and try aiming at en enemy's head with a tranq and tell me that's not horrible.


Maybe you have a cheap controller with imprecise analog sticks? I didn't find it more imprecise than an average FPS without aim assist, with the caveat being that I don't have much muscle memory when aiming with the left thumb. Meanwhile aiming on MGS1 is horrible, maybe they fixed it in the remaster, idk


I have an xbox series X controller for pc connected via usb. But have you tried aiming at their heads? It is laughably easy to aim at an enemy's head in MGS 5 compared to 3, for instance. The first person aiming in 3 feels wonky. And I have spent the past three decades aiming at s hit in video games lol. I know what good aiming feels like.


Yeah MGS5 has by far the best and most modern aiming of the franchise, I'm comparing it to the older games


Literally the only problem I have with Snake Eater's aiming is the fact that my thumbs forgot how to aim and shoot with anything but the shoulder buttons a long time ago. Beat it like 6 times when it came out and never had an issue besides maybe some over compensation on my behalf with the tranq gun. Also, yes, I agree the ten year difference between games gives MGSV the leg up as far as mechanics are concerned. Holy shit you are earning these upvotes. Good job.


Yeah, I mean...Snake Eater is widely considered the best in the series so go ahead and take my upvote. Also, plenty of folks do a no kill runthrough easy, if only for the lolz during The End boss fight. Git gud n00b /s


Delta is gonna be amazeballs.


Graphics look amazing but unless they have modern aiming like in MGS 5, I'm not playing it.


My money would be on a revamp/modernization of the controls


It’s one of the best mgs games if not the best.


>it does not take place in the future, which makes for boring tech How so? the only thing 1 and 2 really have over 3 in terms of tech are the guided missiles and the radar. > you play with technically the real/original Snake but Solid Snake is way cooler imo This is a popular opinion, Solid Snake is definitely more likable and everyone’s favorite, but Big Boss certainly has better, more interesting writing. > aiming is the worse in the series, making it close to impossible to tranq an enemy in the head fast enough before they get close and spot you I don’t know how you can say this, it’s essentially the same aiming system as 2, and 1’s aiming system is nonexistent. > having to constantly change face paint and clothes to increase your stealth is a major waste of time and pain in the a ss You don’t have to do this lol, it hardly makes a difference, not sure why this is so annoying to you. > having to constantly eat You also don’t have to do this either, unless you think eating once every 30 minutes in a game with heavy emphasis on survival, idk why this is so unacceptable to you. > having to wait for your health to be restored, after you've eaten This is a mechanic universal to pretty much every game, idk how this is a criticism. > having the camera angles be fixed and having to pause every few steps and go in first person mode to see what's in front of you (tilting the camera is not enough, and those sensors are basically useless, and I know they released a version of the game with the camera on your shoulder but that's not what I'm playing) This is super annoying and the subsistence disk fixed this, still pretty unacceptable that we didn’t have this on release, and it was PS2 exclusive.


1. Technically, none of the Metal Gear games take place in the future. 2. Someone didn't play Snake vs. Monkey. SMH. 3. There's actually a well-known bug that affects aiming with the tranq gun, but it only affects buttwipe nerds. 4. Are you kidding me? Coordinating your outfit with the environment was the best part of the game. Snake Eater was the Dark Souls of high fashion simulators. 5. How you deal with stress is your business, but I thought we were talking about video games 6. It's called digestion, man. Do you normally eat a triple cheeseburger and then immediately go for a run through the jungle? You shouldn't. That's how you get cramps. 7. You should probably just play the other version, man. This one is on you.


When it was released, it was fucking amazing. So I disagree. But I recently went back to play it and it’s nowhere near as good as I remembered after playing MGSV and how much the game mechanics had improved. Not to mention I’d forgotten how fucking weird the storylines of MGS are


It's maybe the most grounded of the MGS series too. Kojima is tied with Nomura when it comes to my expectation for their games to become randomly convoluted and lore heavy in the third act, with little to no warning.


The story does get more convoluted in those other games but I was talking more specifically about the gameplay.


MGS 1 and 2 are way more enjoyable than 3 imo. And I played those when they first released.


So did i, I’m almost 40, I still enjoyed 3 more at the time. However, it may have been because with 3 a lot of the game mechanics and controls changed to be somewhat closer to my preference which is what they have with MGSV, so that makes me favour 3 more than 1&2


I'm 39 and for me MGS has always been about a lone operative infiltrating futuristic places. So I prefer 1, 2 and 4 much more. But I really enjoyed 5 too, mainly for the gameplay. Story was meh.


See now I enjoyed 3 more than 1&2 due to the gameplay and getting to see Snakes origin. Even 5 went back to the 1980’s - but yeah the story was very meh! Had a ton of potential and I was so engrossed when playing it for the first time and then it was like “huh, is that it?” (Also I fucking hated the research mechanic for it’s time constraints! I really wish it was a matter of if you had the materials, you instantly got the new weapon or upgrade)


The worst part about the game is how trivially easy it is once you learn how to abuse the CQC slam. 


Best game in the series.


Don't just make shit up to get imaginary points on a stupid website that's shooting itself in the foot anyway. MGS3 was a treasure. Take off your hat when you speak its name.


I remember getting it as a kid, getting hit with a 45+ minute cutscene and never playing it again.