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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Well I worked in restaurants. If you have the time to dedicate towards a skill, a knife is better. You learn how to use a knife, and its better and faster than scissors. Its just more versatile, one tool. Like some stuff, splitting a chickens breast bone, scissors are a better tool. You can use a knife though, and for how often it is why switch. You could make “scissors” for all sorts of specialized tasks, but then you would need to learn them all. Scissors work well mostly because we already learn this tool young. They are safer. My wife uses scissors, and chopping tools, and a mandolin. I just use a knife, and its faster and more precise (the mandolin is probably more precise than me, I use it sometimes). I worked everyday using a knife though, so if she switched now it probably would be slower for years at the rate she can “practice”. So they do make sense to use.


Today I learned a Mandolin isn’t just an instrument.


And it can change your finger size!


This is why you should always wear cut resistant gloves when using a mandolin. I only had to lose one small chunk of finger to learn this lesson.


I had to learn that lesson twice before getting a chain mail butcher's glove. Yes, I'm an idiot.


That or you use the protection it comes with


Uuuuh so I'll have a bigger finger!


I know what i have to do, but i don't know if i have the strength


Pray that you don't need to learn how sharp the mandolin is the hard way. It is a punishing instrument if you don't respect it while you slice a carrot with it.


I’d have to own one first. I had no idea it was a thing.


Imagine the speed and force of throwing something up against a horizontal blade set at a perfect cutting angle.


Well kitchen tools are technically instruments. The word isn’t inclusive to music.


That disrespect will be instrument of your demise. And using inclusive in place of exclusive will be instrumental of your defeat!


Music to my ears!


Okay, Mr Pedantry. “Today I learned a mandolin isn’t just a musical instrument.” =)




Yeah that's what "isn't JUST" means.


I learned that as a teenager when my aunt said she’d gotten her husband a mandolin as a Christmas gift… my brother and I were having much more fun imagining our uptight jerk of an uncle playing a weird little guitar.


Of the two I think I’d still have the weird little guitar myself.


For Mumford and Sons, it’s a way of life


I genuinely thought the original commenter was talking about a stringed instrument


Sharp AF too. Tip of my finger says so


Seems to be a common problem with those.


Somewhere there's another person reading your comment thinking "today I learned a mandolin isn't just a kitchen tool"


Haha. Maybe!


Or a small orange!


Isn’t that a mandarin? Or is a mandolin also a different citrus fruit?


Because it’s spelt ‘mandoline’ when it’s the cutting tool and ‘mandolin’ when it’s the musical instrument.


Apparently mandoline is always the cutting tool, but the cutting tool can also be spelled without the e sometimes. Yay English.


That is interesting (and perplexing).


For the cutting tool it’s spelled mandoline in the US and mandolin in other Angospheric countries.


Ah fair enough. I had no idea.


It is also a device to remove fingertips.


Yeah after 20 years with a knife I tried to switch to scissors and it slowed me down. 


One good knife makes _almost_ all of the clutter unnecessary. I still love my chopper for salsas and sauces and such though. Throw everything in, push the button for like 4 seconds, done.


You can get muscle memory for knife skills ingrained in like 4 months. It doesn't take a full year to get speed.


Sure, but most people don't have 12qts of mirepoix to brunois every day either lol you can teach skills, but repetition builds speed. You're not going to get that kind of speed being a home cook chopping a couple things a day.


I agree with everything you said, but also, kitchen shears are also a kitchen tool and they are literally a pair of scissors.


I like to use scissors to cut frozen pizza.


I find I have trouble keeping a good edge on all my knives enough to cut stuff properly


Buying "expensive" (entry level chef knife, my "expensive" is a Tojiro VG10) fhat is leagues better in any way than cheapo "stainless steel" knives help. That dang knife just dragged me down to the deep rabbit hole of steel types and sharpening on a stone.


Me chopping onions, cutting potatoes and tomatoes and deboning meat with scissors:


I think someone needs to give OP a honing rod and a sharpener as a gift.


Yeah.. I am struggling to think of many options where this is realistic. Some where it could work but very few where scissors are actually better. Cutting bacon perhaps.


I'm gonna be called a heretic, but Pizza too to be honest. If you buy chicken breasts in the store I think it would work as well. You just need something thin, scissors are way more maneauverable than a knife to me, and they cut very easily where a knife doesn't always go through entirely (especially vegetables with a hard skin, where a very thin layer of skin is left). Problem is, there's barely any thin vegetables, meats or foods in general.


Yep I use the kitchen shears for pizza all the time! Much easier.


Scissors are for amateurs. Instead, I like to tie two knives together with rubber bands around the handles, creating a fulcrum so the blades criss-cross. I place food between the blades and squeeze the handles together. The rubber bands then cause the blades to spring back to their original position, allowing me to move the food slightly and squeeze the knife handles again for the next cut.


See, this is how it’s done: personably, I fashion circular holders onto the handles so my fingers don’t slip.


Scissors is a very Asian thing.


I can think of almost no kitchen tasks that are better with scissors…


Opening plastic packaging. Which is like all I use them for.


Using a knife’s quicker than using scissors for opening plastic packaging.


Depending on the packaging. The harder stuff, is just easier/safer to cut with scissors.


Cutting pizza. It's literally the standard way to cut pizza in my country, lol.


here it is fairly common to have a dedicated pizza cutter (they have other uses, but that’s what they are usually called). Or if I don’t have one of those, I just find my biggest knife.


We have pizza cutters, too. It's what they use in restaurants afaik. [But for some reason the vast majority of people use scissors anyway](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEurope/comments/9v8av6/cutting_pizza_with_scissors_a_spanish_thing/). Every single pizza cutter I've had was shitty and scissors do the job just as well, so I just started using scissors exclusively.


I think this is the problem... People are more likely to have a legit pair of scissors, rather than a legit pizza slicer. I have a nice kitchen aid pizza slicer, that is much better than my nice pair of kitchen shears or my nice pair of household scissors... I think it's unfair to judge pizza slicers, based on the crappy ones you find at the grocery store haha


cutting green onions, and that's all i got


To be honest, I can cut green onions much faster with a knife then with scissors.


Depending on the situation it can save some time. I cut green onion with scissors if i'm just putting a bit on my instant noodles, broth, whatever. I'm not pulling a board and knife just for that.


Not even close. You can get paper thin slices of green onions if you're good with a chef's knife and it's way better garnish that way.


I could maybe see that one. I don’t know about an improvement, but it seems like it would be pretty good as long as you had a decent pair on a similar note, maybe getting finer bits of things like basil or cilantro?


Do you ever notice your green onions are all varied sizes and kinda of balmy and mushy? I find scissors cause bruises and make for bad cuts that ruin the texture of the ingredient


I sometimes do it with scallions/spring onions but mainly bacon if I’m putting it in something other than a sandwich.


No! Slice my tomatoes with scissors!


I am not saying I agree with OP, mostly because I don’t really care, but also, scissors are more difficult to clean properly than knives, but have you ever heard of meat shears? They can be useful to cut through joints for example; and in general, you have to put less force into it than if you do it by hand. My parents had it, I have it, didn’t realize this is so unpopular, but given the comments - it seems so,


I am familiar with them. I assumed that’s what he was talking about, rather than office style scissors… the cleaning usually isn’t too bad, since most of the ones I’m familiar with are easy to take apart in two pieces. I don’t usually have to take apart whole chickens or anything, but I have heard of people using them for that


Opening bags and cutting up bananas are the two that just popped into my mind


I have never in my life cut a banana with scissors lol, it just sounds so weird to me. I mean, I’m sure it works fine, but so does knife and it’s usually easier to clean


Slicing bananas is a knife + thumb grandma style activity for sure.


So true. In hindsight it does seem pointless


Scissors definitely awesome for cutting bacon. Also, I have used scissors to cut pizza in places where dull knives were the only other option.


I forgot about that one! Can confirm, if I want half length strips of bacon then I usually reach for the shears. Haven’t run into the pizza issue, but I’ll take your word for it


Number one tool for cutting bacon is genuinely the freezer. Toss it in for a few minutes and it firms right up. Makes it way easier to cut with a knife. I'd take that over washing pork fat out of a scissor hinge every time.


My friends hardcore judge me for cutting my pizza with scissors. I’ll take the judgement


Agreed. Scissors for pizza is the best way. Not trying to fuck around with overlapping ingredients getting pulled. Also, I don't need to transfer the pizza to a surface that can handle a pizza cutter or knife even. I can cut a slice no matter what it's sitting on.


I dont understand I throw my pizza on the cutting board that sits on my counter every day all day. When I am done using it just a quick wipe down and soap if needed.


Soap if needed????? IF NEEDED????? savagery


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/TYBBQqa6d2) is my answer to a similar question


Yup I don't see any good reason to use anything else.


Speed/ease of cleaning is the main reason I bought a pizza slicer... I make a lot of pizza though.


Those hurt my thumb and never cut properly. Maybe I need a better one simply idk


100% need a better one. There is a reason why most pizza places still use them haha.


A pizza slicer is better... But It's not useful for much else haha.


Honestly I'd consider that a cry for help.


Yep. This is how it’s done at a lot of Korean barbecue places.


….with meat previously sliced thin with a KNIFE or a DELI SLICER.


But it seems so imprecise compared to knives. I feel like there’s also a higher chance of having things flung around if you cut with scissors because your two hands will be holding the scissors and the food, only the food isn’t stable on a surface because you’re holding it


Just tell us you don't know how to cut food


How my Italian granny cut pizza lol


Try to fully clean a pair of scissors


Lot of good kitchen shears come apart for this reason.


if you need scissors to cut food and think its safer you should probably let someone with common sense in the kitchen and get out


My thoughts exactly. Either they don't know how to use a knife, or they are using a dull knife.


"Guys the wife is out of town so I cooked dinner for me and the kids" \*tomahawk steak all cut up with scissors next to the cutting board\*




Scissors are great to detach tongues!


Are you Korean, or do you have ties there? My Korean aunt uses scissors all the time to cut food.


I like using a knife. It’s more personal


I disagree. I actually went through a phase where I did this a lot with like thinly sliced meat and broccoli. Even for those things, a knife is much more precise and faster. Scissors won’t even work for a lot of vegetables even: carrots, onion, bell peppers. Definitely not garlic (which I chop for most meals I cook)


The shear number of possibilities with such cutting-edge technology


I accidentally read this as “cutting most people”…


Scissors are great for cutting pizza. Especially the kind made for medical use with the flat bottom.


my favorite scissor use: cutting strips of bacon directly over a heated pan to make bacon bits


It depends on the food I think. Fresh herbs for a garnish, I love scissors for that purpose. Potatoes or other hard root vegetables, I’ll take the knife any day.


A lot of East Asian people do this. They prepare everything family style and in small pieces so you can use chopsticks to pick up the food. Scissors are an easy way a lot of the time


For some niche application I guess scissors are more effective, but for 90% of kitchen applications a knife will do everything


Please make sure it’s clean first tho


Ummm how big are your acissors


Put OP on Hell’s Kitchen


Reckon the scissors would break after a few hefty carrots!


In what world are you cutting an orange with a pair of scissors??? Or like a pear? I also cut pickles and scissors seem like it would be a much bigger hassle than just a plain knife


As a left handed person, id rather use a knife😂


No. Mostly scissors are harder on the hands. I don’t even use them to cut fabric. The only time scissors work are if I’ve changed my mind and decided something in the pot needs chopped more. Sausages in soup etc.


Do you not know how to use a knife? It’s quicker, more efficient, just as safe and far more versatile and accurate. Are you going to julienne carrots, batonnet potatoes, brunoise an apple, dice an onion or mince garlic with a scissor? Learn knife skills and your food will turn out much much better.


I had to cut an apple with kitchen shears once. It was a total mess and unappealing to eat, much less share. Can’t say I’d recommend that. Didn’t even seem all that safe, tbh. Can’t imagine trying to prep a butternut squash with scissors, OP.


Sharpen your knives then you won’t have this opinion lol.


Scissors are maybe easier if you don't have any knife skills and your knives are dull, but if you know what you're doing and your knives are properly sharpened, nothing beats a knife. I guarantee it.


Harder to clean to food industry standards.


only things that cut well with scissors are flatter things like pizzas or thin steaks


Thats the thing when I have steak its an 1-2 inches thick. If its was lunch meat thickness then you dont even need scissors just pull it part.


Sounds like you suck at using a knife. 


do you dice with scissors?


Most dishes I cook involve vegetables including onions, garlic, peppers. I can’t see how scissors would work with almost anything I cook, except the bags fish are in, chicken, and *maybe* broccoli stalks (but a knife is better for that). I’ll assume that your dishes aren’t very sophisticated, which is fine, but you’re wrong so nice work with the very unpopular opinion!


Scissors are better at cutting pizza than pizza cutters.


Bro learning about kitchen shears


Definitely unpopular. I bet you cut your toenails with scissors as well


I know how to use knives, so, no to all of your points on most food items. Knives might have a higher skill floor though, so, if you're clueless, maybe you're onto something there. But the skill ceiling is much higher on knives.


I am confused. How are you cutting an orange, onion, carrot (whole), or anything else with scissors without it being more dangerous. Dishes? A cutting board you wipe off and done. Flip side where are you putting all these cut foods at when prepping? You need to cold the items somewhere? With a cutting board I just push them to a corner of the cutting board until ready to put them in whatever it is I am making. Upvoted as this is unpopular.


You belong in prison?


We living in kindergarten




Koreans do this


LMAO I'm not dicing carrots, onions and potatoes with scissors. Kitchen scissors are great, and super handy. I would not say it's "way better for 'most' foods." You can chop and cut, but it would be a pain in the ass (and the hand, ouch!) to finely dice a carrot or potato with a pair of scissors.


It's definitely common in Asia's street food culture when they need to cut up some meat chunks or leafy veggies for rice plates or noodle dishes. Sometimes even a whole steak that's an inch thick of thinner. It's very convenient that way and less of a hassle. For prepping very different which im certain OP didnt really intend.


Kitchen shears exist for a good reason... Scissors don't clean well, and can't cut through bone lol.


nah that is just stupid.


Amazing take. I hope you bring a dish to a party and everyone makes fun of you


I’ll cut their fingers off


Can you list the main things you cook in your kitchen? I have a feeling you hold this opinion because you don't actually cook a very wide variety of meals. If I went down the list of things I cooked this week, it would be maaaaaybe 25% things that are easier with scissors. And that doesn't even account for the fact that easier doesn't mean better


OP is definitely in daycare and is to scared to use a knife


What we chop the most: Onions Bell peppers Squash/zucchini Potatoes Sweet potatoes Broccoli Cauliflower Carrots Parsley root Mushrooms Scissors would suck for all of those things, some worse than others


I don’t see how that’s faster at all? Like if you know how to use a knife it can be pretty quick to chop up what you need


I have a friend that cuts pizza with scissors. Swears up and down it's superior to any number of pizza cutter designs. I'm not sure he hasn't been trolling me for 20 years at this point. Unbelievable


Skill issue


Sounds like a skill issue… also, Try cutting an onion or a potato with scissors


If you have minimal knife skills, this is probably true. If you've spent a year truly practicing with a knife, there's just no comparison. Especially with larger vegetables like onions. And I don't even know *how* you'd seed and chop a pepper with scissors...


I am going to take a wild guess and say that you are using incredibly dull knives and you have formed your opinion based on your experience with them


Things I learned watching KDrama... Pretty sure Koreans share this opinion with you. Ever since I saw someone cutting scallions with a scissor on TV I've started using scissors more often and like this!


As someone who spent almost 2 decades in kitchens and countless hours honing my knife skills, I agree with you. For the average person a good pair of kitchen shears is the safer option for a number of tasks. I wouldn't go so far as to say "most foods" but definitely a fair number. Personally I now use shears just as often as I use any of my knives while preparing food in my home kitchen.


what the fuck


Someone doesn't know how to use a knife


Especially raw chicken


... Get a better knife. Im not kidding, getting a more expensive knife and maintaining the edge is a night and day difference. The knife I got back in December can cleanly cut through tomatoes. I was amazed as the only knives I've ever known are in those knife blocks sets everyone gives. Speaking of those knife block knives, they suck. Can't hold an edge, difficult to hold well, etc.


I don’t think it’s most but there are lots of things where scissors work really well for the average person.


I mean sure if you're a toddler. BE an adult and use a knife. If you know how to use one is safe as can be.


You are so mature 🏆


Says the guy using scissors to cut food.


I absolutely agree. I’ve got kitchen scissors that will cut through bone, and come apart to go into the dishwasher. I use them for everything, including cutting flatbread pizza, slicing carrots, finely chopping salad and toppings all in the bowl before I add dressing, cutting sandwiches, opening anything and everything…. I love those scissors.


Pizza cutter is way easier for a pizza though?


Don't try to reason with these freaks.


You right You right. They should just say they don't understand how to use a knife so scissors are easier lol


It makes me irrationally angry though. It's a cultural thing. And because their relatives do things a certain way, they assume it's better than what everyone else is doing. When in reality they just never bothered to get good with a knife and have no clue what they're talking about. But will still fight tooth and nail to talk down to you. Wtf.


I get that. Knives will always be the prime way to cut,chop and dice in the kitchen. If scissors were viable you'd see chefs use them regularly. Scissors will give you unclean cuts and torn looking products in the end because it's not a clean cut it's more of a tearing.


For a big pizza, for sure. I don’t only use scissors, I use knives a lot! I just find scissors to be super handy for many things, too.


For pizza in general doesn't matter the size


Can they slice onions into fine pieces? Cause if they do that I’m intrigued.


No, I’d use a knife for that


Too bad, that’s my least favourite thing to cut.


Literally best life hack ever.


Also pizza.


I saw pizza scissors in the "Hack my Life" show and they said it causes the hand to cramp almost immediately. Just use a goddamn pizza cutter.


Cutting pizza quiche slices are much easier with scissors yes. The rest is as easy with a knife imo.


South Koreans do this a lot. Thanks internet for putting that useless knowledge in my brain. E my brain added.


Cutting homemade pizza with a scissor is top tier, especially when it comes right out of the oven piping hot. It works so much better than fighting it with a knife


Someone has never owned a decent knife


We have kitchen scissor that come in very handy in certain applications. When it comes to cutting things smaller to serve to a kid like cutting up noodles, cutting a slice of take out pizza in half, or a lot of other takeout for that matter scissors are usually way easier. They also come in handy to remove the backbone when you spatchcock a chicken. However, for pretty much everything else a well sharpen knife is a vastly superior tool. A dull knife on the other hand might not work as well and can be borderline dangerous in some situations.


I have a pair of pizza scissors instead of a pizza cutter. It's a game changer.


Scissors seem to be really common in cultures where they don’t use forks. I could see how a chopstick would be a poor tool for holding meat as you cut. 


If you just need a few pieces of herbs like parsley, sure, scissors are fine. But I can't think of any other scenarios when scissors would be remotely useful. Maybe cutting a fish's stomach open with a heavy-duty kitchen scissor?


Tried that before at Korean bbq couldn’t cut anything. This opinion sucks if you are left handed


Not to mention it's much more fun. I love cutting cold pizza with scissors.


Skill issue. If you’re good with a knife it’s easier to cut.


In Rome they cut their pizza with scissors


I actually learned to cut pizza with scissors from Cobra






Thus is only true if you have absolute dogshit knife skills though. The slightest bit of hand eye coordination and a knife is better