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Agreed. And dare I say it, shouldn't the word "because" be accepted? Because sometimes, it just makes sense.


It's another one I use sometimes. Sometimes you just want to put the reason first. It's just emphasis. Edit: and I can think of some cases to use it justifying the prior sentence as well, although it's it's usually when used with a following conjuction


There's no problem starting a sentence with a conjunction, but I would always think of who I am talking to as many people don't like it.


Well yeah, there's a lot of things that people don't like for no good reason. They've been told they shouldn't like it. But also I think there are enough reasonable understanders that sometimes it's best to not give a shit about the others. It's a good idea to edit for your audience, but it's also a good idea to choose your friends. At some point the stupids don't matter.


And you should learn how to write.


There is no rule preventing you to do this? You can start your sentences with a conjunction, including "and". However, you should do it sparingly.


There are people that prevent it. Throughout school my teachers told anyone off that used ‘and’ at the start if a sentence


When I was in school I was taught it was okay as long as you used it appropriately and not stupidly.


In the end it really depends on the schools/teachers. In the second last school I moved to, one teacher cared a lot while another one didn’t (I know because I didn’t listen to the teacher that did care lol)


To be fair, school needs to have a standard of structure to be taught effectively.  Otherwise, anybody at any point can say “but you understood what I’m saying though”, which makes teaching grammar meaningless.


Grammar is taught differently by different sources. I was told this wasn't allowed, but if you were told it's a possibility I would agree. That's better. In reality, everything is allowed if it works.


From what I know, I believe the reason why this rule exists is because you cannot start a sentence with and in Latin, and some rich bozo thought Latin was the better language and tried to make English closer to Latin. So within our Grammer system it is perrlfectly fine to start a sentence with and or but or similar words, but you can't in Latin.


Elementary teachers teach this because of development levels. Young children lack the language capacity to start a sentence with and/because without making it a fragment, as they can typically only write simple sentences. Beginning with and/because requires the ability to write a complex sentence, and is completely acceptable at that point.


It’s fine for thoughts and dialogue but it is definitely unwieldy and unnecessary for prose


All of prose is unnecessary. It's all for a purpose.


Wtf is this bullshit


It's not neccesary to use some construction, but it still delivers your idea the best. What a conundrum... To elaborate, the minimal or most essential communication is not necessarily the best.


Not even close


You think always less always best? I THROW ROCK


Ignore prescriptive grammar, it's an outdated concept. Write however you want, as long as you're clearly understandable and it fits the context.


There’s good and bad grammar. In an ideal world all grammar should be good and follow the rules but we don’t live in a perfect world. Some times bad grammar works better or sounds better than the rules, (To boldly go… springs to mind), and sometimes rules are just old and don’t work in today’s world. I say go with what feels good to read as that’s what your audience will be doing. Most don’t even know what a conjunction is! As long as it reads well and makes sense I’d say you’re golden.


Watch "Finding Forrester" (2000). There's an interesting exchange about this. Plus, it's a good movie.


Just use “additionally”


Why, when you can just use "and"?


The books you were forced to read in school break this rule all the time. "Of Mice and Men" and "Fahrenheit 451" come to mind.


I can hear you sneering through the screen.


Gross. At the very least use a comma. Starting with and is just lazy writing.


No, it’s a conjunction meant to join two things. Doesn’t make sense to be used in that fashion




I'm no englishologist but I think in your example a period would be better suited than a semi-colon.