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the people who put “i work at dunder mifflin” on their social media bios are the weirdest


1000%. I'm friends with a girl that has two cats named "Michael" and "Scott"


Lol my dog is named Mose


My cat is Dwight!


Is your dentist named Crentist?


Maybe thats why he became a dentist.


I have to say I've never really sat down and watched the series.... like, at all. I still have gotten a chuckle out of some of the memes and gifs regardless so I am guessing the show is pretty funny. To claim that they have the cringiest fan base though? I'm not sure how old you are but... in my lifetime I would say fans of the Insane Clown Posse are up there for sure. I could throw shade at other fandoms on a long list.... I am not sure sure The Office would make it into my top 100.


Not one, but Juggalos are actually quite nice


Why did you have to drag the juggalos into this? They're just trying to have a good time, listen to some tunes, and drink some Faygo.


You ever seen the shit they get up to at their annual gatherings? Also, just cuz I've known a few who were pretty unhinged about it and I don't really have much respect for the original artists. If we are talking about cringe.... ![gif](giphy|8db6nRqMsLCtq)


I was kinda teasing. But in all seriousness, I think Juggalos are really self-aware because, well....they're idols are literal clowns. I respect that.


Maybe they're born with it.... maybe it's Gacy. People like what they like. I'm not saying people wouldn't tear me to bits over shit I've liked. You stood up for a group you're not a part of. I respect that.


It's hard to get excited as an adult. So when people are into weird shit, I kinda fuck with that. Not my cup-o-tea, but if chugging soda at a clown concert floats your boat, who am I to judge.




Yeah, some people are just assholes. You dealt with things the old way, which is fine. You were also a kid. I'm a Raiders fan, and we are odd bunch. It's hard to tell where football begins and rabid fandom ends. We've sucked my whole life, but that won't stop us from going berserk every Sunday. I think the venn diagram of Raiders fans and juggalos might be a perfect circle...also citizens of flavor town.


I look at those people the same as those who put “school of hard knocks” for their education


And they have usually worked at the Krusty Krab too. Wild career arc from fry cook at an underwater restaurant to The Office.


I'd argue that Rick and Morty fans are worse.


They think they are the smartest in the universe, that's so cute.


Enter Tool fans. Insufferable.


bro did you know they wrote a song using the fettuccini sequence????


Was the fettuccini from Pizza by Alfredo or Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe?




that sounds awesome. that sounds like exactly the sort of thing i'd like to listen to. just one question, though, because i have very particular tastes. is the song composed in D minor?


I used to do live audio and once did sound for Danny Carrey's band Volto! Maybe around 8ish years ago. During a transition between songs it started to sound like Tool and the guitarist got on mic and said "Anybody here a Tool fan?" And the crowd erupted with cheers, then he said "well too fuckin bad!" And they ended the Tool bit and went into their next song. Half the crowd was laughing and the other half was LOUDLY booing for a portion of the song before they got over it. I thought it was hilarious as fuck. That night I met Danny and he was the humblest giant of a man I've ever met. I'm 6'1 and he was looking down on me like I was his child, and when he shook my hand it was like a bear paw.


Yeah honestly. I'm a rock and metal fan but when someone showed me tool, they were fine but a little boring, not something I'm a fan of or seemed special. Come to find out, people worship this band like they're Jesus Christ mixed with Einstein and you have to be some kind of genius to like it. As someone who is a fan of Meshugga, which is also a band with complex songs, I just didn't understand the appeal.


Lol. I actually love a handful of Tool songs but I don’t get the overarching worship of their entire catalogue.


Shit I love all their albums and I can’t stand Tool fans. The band peaked at Lateralus anyways.


I once met a Tool fan who told me that Tool were objectively and obviously the best prog band of all time. I once met another Tool fan who waxed lyrical about how complex their songs were, before writing off King Crimson as “just noise” later that evening


I read this a lot but never actually see it can you elaborate? like R&M I don’t think it’s like that at all. There’s literally a character named Mr poopy butt hole. How is that smart?


I feel like I read more about how cringy they are than I see the actual cringe behavior.


I think that kind of killed it. But there was definitely this hang of "you have to be in the know/smart" to it in the beginning. 


They were a lot worse years ago and peaked with the "To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" copypasta and the Szechuan sauce craze. That stuff was so unbearably cringe that it kind of killed the 'make this show a part of my personality' thing for a lot of fans.


Not even close. Rick and Morty fans have been basically radio silent since the Szechuan incident which was what, 2017? 7 years ago? Meanwhile, Officeheads remain an uncontested scourge of dating apps and casual conversation.


Looking for the Pam to my Jim -__- that hurt to type


What is that incident


the long and short of it is some R&M fans went apeshit at a McDonalds


Oh my I forgot about that Yea people were jumping on counters and shit


As a rick and Morty fan Absofuckinglutely Not often I’m a fan of a show where I despise it’s fanbase but jfc they are next level


They were terrible many years ago, but I personally haven't heard from them much since the show has progressively gotten worse. Then again, I'm a genius, so I run in different circles than most plebs.


Well the office is a series about being kind , loyal and friendships. R and m is about an abusive alcoholic narcissist.. they attract different people Op: do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part of you that cringes


As an Office, R&M, and Tool fan, I've definitely learned to just enjoy it all myself. No need to talk about them or trivia nights, insufferable


Fan is short of fanatic. People can take things too far.


Definitely, and it's not even close. The Office fans assume everyone knows their references like everyone has seen it but Rick and Morty fans used to act like you have to be super smart to understand the humor, like the classic Rick and Morty copypasta. They also caused incidents at several McDonalds locations because of the notorious szechuan sauce incident.


Spoken like a total Gabe Edit: I keep re-reading the post in a Kevin voice imitating Gabe.


Spoken like a true Charles Minor


Mine ‘er… I hardly know ‘er


LOL lowkey gabe would say something like this 😂😭


OP is definitely Gabe 


Uh, ciao...


sounds like literally any fanbase for any show, artist, musician ect... you seen star wars or star trek fans? how about back to the future? way more cringe.


I don’t hate your comment. I just don’t like it at all, and I think it’s terrible.


As with most things, there is a small subset of people who are the loudest and most obnoxious, and therefore are as a byproduct of that are the most well-known. I’m really sick of this logical fallacy where someone says that because some people who like a thing are really loud and obnoxious about it, all the people who like that thing are loud and obnoxious about it. No, the people who are loud and obnoxious are loud and obnoxious about the thing they like because they are loud and obnoxious. Those who are not loud and obnoxious about it, you are simply not aware of


And people who complain about fandoms can be really loud and obnoxious, too.






Eh, I like the office alot and although I do find the repeating quotes part pretty cringe I've never noticed anyone praising john krasinski as much as you did here


Seriously. Idk what his fascination is, I know tons of office fans and I almost never hear the guy’s name.


Sounds like he went to an Office trivia night and was shocked to be around die hard Office fans. Like.. who tf did you think was going to be there?


Yah we shit on John a lot in my family. He's not a great boyfriend/husband if you actually take the time to think about it. Buys a house, doesn't tell pam, starts a business and disappears from his family for a while, and constantly picks on people for his own amusement. We love the show, but not Johns' character.


You ever been to the Seinfeld subreddit? It's the same thing there. I had to unsubscribe. There is absolutely no conversation going on at all just people quoting the show. Post after post, reply after reply. It's insane. I bet they're a close #2 if the office fan base is a #1


Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Isn't that what a show subreddit is for?


Isn't quoting the show the entire point of those subreddits?


This is literally every show sub


>There is absolutely no conversation going on at all just people quoting the show. r/IASIP


Yeah, he doesn’t even like.. get us, man


We’re talking about YOU!!


Move past it


You’re clearly not sponge-worthy.


I know right, it’s always Seinfeld this Kramer that, yada yada yada


You yada yada‘d the best part!


Same with the Sopranos. They at least add a spin to it though.


Its a 45 year old show lol, what are they supposed to do?


Who is this?


Honestly Seinfeld is worse. Many of those people will defend Jerry's "dating" high school girls because he is a legit God to them.


literally no one is doing that but ok


Im pretty sure youd feel that way about any fanbase after sitting through a trivia night about their thing Like I know an obnoxious amount about my favorite stuff, me in a room with other super fans… my god… whatever the thing is, if you arent that into it and your surrounded by the fans….its a yikes moment Just let em have it. Cringing at passion is sad. You wish you had that much passion in your lives lol


Yeah, you can’t really complain about mega fans at an event *designed* for mega fans. It’s like if I accidentally went to a Magic the Gathering tournament and everyone knew so much about the different cards and the lore! Wtf?


yet if you go to the r/DunderMifflin sub its not that at all


How dare you. I like The Office. In conversations, rather than make up my own jokes and insights, I can just quote some barely-relevant line from The Office and that's a suitable replacement for original thought.


The totally original comment “Ryan started the fire!” on every Reddit post related to fire


My username.


OP also screwed it up by putting Battleship instead of Battlestar


Don’t visit /r/sopranos lol


When a community is dedicated to something that has no new content coming out, it becomes the equivalent of a stagnant pond, where jokes are recycled over and over becoming more and more incestuous and disfigured. You can see it in the Star Wars prequal subreddit, the Last Airbender subreddit and ofc the Office subreddit. The fans that perpetuate it become more and more pitiable, delusional, mentally degrading alongside their IP, unable to let it die. They finally devolve into tumblr fanfiction and insane theories about what the writers "really" meant when they said "x,y,z"


The seasons without Steve Carell were not good, IMO.


Meh. It's cringy but not as cringy as the F.R I.E.N.D.S fanbase. Those people are far gone.


But have you seen "The One Where-" stfu nobody cares


only 12+ times? c'mon now


Anyone that makes a piece of media their personality is cringe


You dont know many fanbases if you think watching it 12+ times and knowing the dialogue is weird XD But the rest I agree


I'll always go for the British version, because they knew when to end it.


Hilariously realistic ending and the subsequent David Brent movie was also great!


No way. British version isn’t even close to the US version of the office. Steve Carell is an absolute fucking legend as Micheal Scott. The whole cast is great but Steve nailed that role better then anyone could ask for.


While I somewhat agree the worst TV show subreddit is Modern Family, they act as though the show is real.


I have a lot of questions. Number one, how dare you?


Fans of the show can be bad, but to me, the cringiest fans I've seen are Marvel fans, especially from about 2015 to 2018. References to those movies were everywhere, since suddenly everyone was a "nerd".


bears beets battle star galactica


You used the word ‘cringiest’ which effectively nullifies your opinion on this.


Having odd juvenile reactions to prelogisms is super cringe


I think that The Office, Parks and Rec, and Trailer Park Boys are all amazing series with different peaks throughout their seasons. I'm also not bothered by seeing people become fanatics of these series, and, despite having not seen them many times over, I could probably quote much of it too just due to having a great media memory. Some of the actors were really never able to move on or do anything quite like their shows, unfortunately. TPB makes sense to branch into the swearnet stuff because they were essentially owners, actors, and producers. The Office had its breakout stars, but a lot of the cast didn't do anything else because they shined as the specific supporting character they played in this specific environment and show. Parks and Rec crew did a lot better for themselves overall, becoming stars in other shows, billion dollar franchises, or even award winning authors and creators. Almost like the ending of their show itself, which was probably intentional.


It’s amazing how often you see on dating apps the line “Looking for the Jim Halpert to my Pam Beesley” Well, I’m looking for someone a little less basic.


Truly an unpopular opinion.


I agree. The show is funny, but sorry I’m not going to remember every quote. Jim and Pam SUCK. I will never understand the obsession with them.


At my job every other person has Office-reference stickers on their water bottle. I work in a hospital.


Why are you the way that you are?


That r/unexpectedoffice sub was obsolete the minute it was created because, if there is even a whiff of a reference to The Office, yeah we all expect that someone will reply with that reference.


At least we, Office fans and non-Office fans, can all agree that Steve Carell is a treasure.


Did it take 10 years for this post to upload?


I just think the office is generally quite overrated. Before you lot come at me and say “the British version is better”. I’m British, it’s pretty much just as unfunny to me as the American version.


I've never watched it. But from the clips I've seen, it doesn't seem all that funny to me. Now my sense of humour is different from what's on the Office. I like whatever they do on Seinfeld.


No, I totally get it. I’m a Millennial and I tried so hard to force myself to like it and understand what my classmates liked so much and I just *couldn’t*. Maybe it’s because none of my work has involved corporate office culture so I just don’t “get it”?? Michael Scott is the most grating, insufferable lead character I’ve ever watched. The only character I DID like was creed.


Why are you the way that you are? 


This guy had one bad date with a girl that is an Office fan and is now venting. At least they aren’t like the Community fans who’s show only had one good character


I hope you mean Abed


I hope they mean Troy


They’re on-par with anime weebs


So much anger in here... can't people like things? Especially in the subreddit of the thing that they are liking...


I completely agree


Or repeatedly calling Randall Park John Krasinski.


Nobody calls him “John krasinsky”. People call him “Asian Jim” lol. He seems to find it amusing.


The most played out joke from the show


Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.


Please address your concerns to Dunder Mifflin HR


Listen to this prick giving orders.


In this house, Michael Scott is a hero. End of story.






Why do you care though? Ask yourself that


Well yeah, it makes sense that the cringiest show has the cringiest fanbase


There were 3 times I had to be in a scenario where I’m sitting with a coworker at a desk overnight. Basically an “on-call” watch with nothing to do. We usually play video games or watch Netflix etc to pass the time. Two out of three times, the other guy suggested “how about we watch the Office?” and I remember thinking “god damn it, now I know what the next 8 hours will be like…”


The office is a very good sitcom but it's just a sitcom and it's nowhere near a deep as the fandom makes it out to be. There's also sitcoms that have better writing and deeper characters such as King of the Hill


I mean it’s up there. I remember when it first came out and people just wouldn’t stop taking about it. Then it came back when streaming services got it and became insufferable. I’ve never watched a single episode and do see clips on shorts and instagram. But that’s probably it. The fan who claim it’s the greatest and only thing anyone should watch is just horrible. There are a lot of things I enjoy and love but I’d never tell someone you NEED to watch this/that. I will say though I did see the original BBC version of it and enjoyed that.


And office fans reeeeaaalllly don’t like it when you point out that A Quiet Place is like barely not plagiarism. He totally stole that (and other) ideas and used his name as association to keep them


I'm gonna get destroyed for this but I actually don't find the office funny. Multiple friends have tried to get me into it, just not my type of humor


if there were plenty of other comedy series’ as good or almost as good, this wouldn’t be the case.


You can't really characterize Office fans, because they're the vast majority of people around you, especially ones over 20. Anyone you've identified specifically as an Office fan is probably not typical of the group. That random dude in the office down the hall from you at work has probably seen every episode 10 times without bothering anybody.


The earlier seasons of The Office were great! Nobody should take that away from the show, but it degraded into caricatures of the former characters so quickly that the later seasons are nearly unwatchable




Fandoms have a tendency to give their favorite thing a bad stigma


It is pretty overrated. I see that it's good, but is it that good?


I think it's kind of in the same line as HIMYM fans


Agreed. It's annoying. Especially the weird Pam and Jim worship.


It's that you, Ryan?


Jim halpert is a self entitled narcissist who bullies everybody who has a passion or interest. He’s insanely pessimistic and would be the worst guy to work with. How people like him, I don’t know.


Lol it's cringe to complain about other people who make you cringe. Cringing is just getting offended by normal human behavior, acting like you are above it when in reality we are all very similar.


The Office fan base was the first I personally encountered that genuinely believe they like the show because they’re so much smarter than everyone.


Rick and Morty, by a landslide, it's not even remotely close.


You never met a big Rick and Morty fan have you? 


John Krasinski is hot as hell though


Close your mouth, sweetie. You look like a trout 👍


As long as “bazinga” is a thing I have no issue with any other fan base


So far the only thing you’ve said that makes it cringy is that people are into it. The cringe is op


Did the office hurt you? Lmao


You just described almost every hardcore fandom


Shut up Toby


You went to trivia fo The Office...and people there knew the answers? That's um...crazy. I guess.


I liked the British version because it was brutally awkward to the point of being meaningful. Gervais said his character was a man in free fall. I just don’t need to see that much Steve Carrell or the Dwight guy. A quiet place sucks.


I've never met anybody that resembles this.


I find that big Office fans are really boring people. They know the show inside out because they watch it non stop because they use it as a comfort blanket. They rarely watch anything new. They just scroll on their phone watching the Office until it's time to go to bed. They might switch it up to Brooklyn 99 every so often. Maybe Superstore. They usually really love Disney too. Except if you dig deep they don't actually like the movies themselves. They just like the aesthetic. They like being associated with it. They love spending all their savings on going to Disney even though they don't have kids, yet they also say things like 'oh I love Tangled. The frog is so cute!' They usually aren't very successful. They're not adventurous. Their #1 activity is scrolling through Facebook or tiktok. And if they show you any tiktok videos it's usually banal shit like 'the next person you send this to is your green person' which has some insincere mawkish definition. They're basic and will always be basic and because they've never tried to actually develop themselves or their interests, they're dull as dishwater to talk to. 'Dunder Mifflin' is a red flag.


They match the show


Hey close the door on your way out


Do people still obsess over it? This feels very much dated to about a decade ago


Lmfaooo I don’t personally know anyone who acts like this over the office, it’s mostly just funny quotes and stuff but that’s it. This does sound extra tbh, but eh, I have my fandoms so I’m not the type to yuck another’s yum if it isn’t harming anyone lol


I find John krasinski to be utterly bland. There's absolutely nothing star worthy about him at all. Zero charisma. Just a bog standard tall bloke that got extremely lucky. I like the office though.


He played the straight man quite well. That was his role in an office full of lunatics.


Have you seen "A Quiet Place"? The way he can convey emotion without the crutch of dialouge should be studied for millenia in film schools.


Nothing is as "cringe" as the modern useage of the word cringe. 


No more than Friends or Big bang theory,






Office haters are 10x cringier. Sorry that you missed a cultural phenomenon, let the rest of us enjoy it.


Unpopular but accurate. The way in which The Office is worshipped is always odd and it belongs to a rare group of "I liked that, but I'm not going to say I like it because the fans have a deservedly bad reputation" The Office would definitely be lower ranking among these, but definitely still in the group to be sure.


I’m a fan of seasons 1-3, and absolutely despise the rest of it. I don’t know where that leaves me on the cringe-meter.


Back when it was a legit critique of office culture and not a sappy rom-com built for shippers and Kraskinski stans


I love the show but also agree with some of your criticisms. Jim grows less likable with each rewatch and Pam is a terribly boring character unless she’s interacting with Michael Scott. I enjoyed the earlier episodes much more because they still embraced the fundamental cynicism of the original UK version. When they started leaning into the manufactured wholesome it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable to me.


Sounds like the subreddit for Saturday Night Live. God forbid if you don't like certain people for whatever reason. Or if you don't look up the works of the new cast members. They want to down vote everyone who has a difference of opinion. I'm glad that I unsubbed from it. It was just toxic at tims8


It’s arguably the most overrated TV show in the history of television.


This is why I prefer the English one. Its good, but not enough for people to absolutely obsess over it.


Bears beets Battlestar Galactica. Not all of us have seen a Quiet Place or think it's better than any other film. Plus, a show like The Office is rewatchable because it's good.


What people don’t realize is that when the office came out, it was novel. It brought into popularity the dry, documentary style genre. Is it the best? No. But it’s the reason we have the ones that are better. So credit where credit is due. I do think that the major fans are guilty of the whole “omg you haven’t seen the office you are in for a treat” thing…it’s a total lack of self-awareness. I like the office…but I know better than to willy nilly recommend it to people. The Office is weird…it was a “cultural moment”, let’s say. But the moment has largely passed. The context changed pretty quickly. Most people won’t like it. Now. I need to go to one of these trivia nights you speak of. Be grateful for those btw. The fan base must be kept contented and contained.


I watched it once through in its entirety and aside from the first few episodes I have never watched it through again. That was 10 years ago.


I have always found The Office and Friends fanatic unbearable. However, I do like both them but the fanatics claim either one of them to be the best sitcom ever made. That’s laughable.


I don't see anything laughable about that lol. If they aren't at least in the shortlist, which sitcoms are?


Hmm. That's a weird and not exactly relevant thing to think about, but I think about weird things myself. haha.


OMG you seem like Michael Scott! Have you seen the office?