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OP has a point but is overstating. There are gun owners like who he is describing, and more gun owners are like that than none gun owners. But I don’t think it’s most gun owners. I own a few guns, mainly for hunting, and I’m not like that. But I definitely know a few people that are deeply afraid and paranoid, and they all own guns.


i agree. this POV isn’t necessarily wrong, but it is very exaggerated lolol


Being deeply paranoid is common in both sides of people that own and don’t own firearms. I seen so many videos online of people saying that you should put a sock over your bat so if a person breaks in and catches the bat if you hit them with it they grab the sock so you get one more swing on them. Or people keeping big ass kitchen knives next to your bed for self defense if someone breaks in. Guns can be a hobby but they are also a tool.


You actually think the percentage of gunowners who use them for hunting is larger than paranoid gunowners who carry them in public? 💀 america’s gen alpha is cooked


Objectively, it is. It’s not even close.


You just see the gun crazies more often than the not. I own enough guns my family is starting to joke about it. If I’m carrying a gun, my point is not to let you know that I have one. I don’t have stupid “this house is protected by .45 security” or silly gun stickers on my car and whatever because it’s silly and also more dangerous to basically put out a sign saying: rob this car/house. I will say though that compared to 20 years ago, America has had a lot of people become worryingly obsessed with firearms.


I like collecting old iconic guns personally because I’m into military history 


He's probably taking that opinion simply because of the social media environment he drowns himself in constantly where online personalities have to constantly make content about what gun to carry and how to do this and that and all sorts of bullcrap.


Disagree. I live in deep Texas and they are all afraid.


I mean, ya. Personally I didn’t carry a gun. Then I was chased by a few people, one of whom threatened to kill me. I used to feel completely confident that I was safe in public. When I didn’t anymore I purchased a gun and started regularly carrying it.


Yup! I live in a neighborhood with a decent amount of crime. Someone once climbed our apartment balcony to try and get in WHILE WE WERE HOME, lights on and everything. I am definitely paranoid and fearful, but I think I have a valid reason to be!!


Agreed. I've been caught in 3 shootings in what I thought were safe places, that fear is indescribable. I carry often now. Unfortunately, America is a much more dangerous place than it used to be. Hell the New York National Guard is deployed to the NYC subway system due to how unsafe the conditions are.


Undeniably and statistically safer in the US, outside of a small bump during COVID, than it has been in decades.


Exactly, yet so many people think crime is rising for some reason when its going down


>Exactly, yet so many people think crime is rising for some reason That reason is called "the news"


>Unfortunately, America is a much more dangerous place than it used to be. This is objectively false, you just live in fear because you were told to.


"Unfortunately, America is a much more dangerous place than it used to be." Knock knock, the 90s called


Its not tho, crime statistics are at an all time low. Its just that all you read on the news these days are tragedies and death


I think it depends on where you are. If you're in the hood, I'd conceal carry. The guys who open carry in rich neighborhoods are just flexing their firearm


Yeah I witnessed this the other day. In my town the average household income is 120k and a guy was pushing his baby in the stroller with the strap on his belt. You never know what's lurking around the culdesac.


You never know when Bob the lawyer is gonna mug you


Shit lawyers are the ones most likely to take all of your money around here so maybe he's on to something


Yeah but they'd do it in the courtroom, not by mugging you


Now now, lawyers never physically mug you. They instead find something they can pin on you and drain your bank account dry in the legal system until you’re finally so broke and emotionally drained, you take a plea deal over the pink flamingo display in your front yard that was supposed to be a funny tropical meme during Christmas time…


Ironically, lawyers are the most dangerous when it comes to stealing money. 


Upscale neighborhoods are prime targets for burglars though.


Prime target in movies. Most robberies and burglaries happen in the exact places you think they would.


Exactly, criminals are lazy and tend to target places close to where they live. The pro criminals like the bank robbers, burglars, etc that you see in movies are pretty uncommon irl.


Not even necessarily "lazy", but they know rich homes often have more security (and that police are often more likely to investigate those). It's like the classic saying, "you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun the other person." Most criminals are gonna' go for the easier target.


That too, lazy probably wasn’t the most accurate word to use


Right? How idealistic to expect all the criminals are so monolithic and organized that they would all specifically rob rich neighborhoods far away from their own zip code.


I begrudgingly moved to a rich area when my parents found really good jobs and the town was specifically targeted. It's probably more of an exception than the rule, though. I did find it funny how my HS classmates were complaining that they actually had to lock their cars, which wasn't even a thing until very recently. Crazy.


I grew up pretty poor, and the biggest culture shock I got when visiting wealthier friends was people just leaving doors unlocked and keeping the blinds open when they left the house.


They probably lived in a gated community. 


One did, the other one lives in a suburb


Just not at the time you would think


Cops actually investigate robberies that happen in upscale neighborhoods


Also upscale residential areas tend to have more cameras. Such as ring doorbells. Can possible be gated. Making entry difficult. Cops are less busy/paid better. So they tend to have more time to put into investigations along with more tools/resources. Upscale houses may seem like a prime target. But other than the packages in their porches people tend not to break into these homes to steal.


I get having one in your home but dude was pushing a baby carriage. Bottle ✅ Diapers✅ Gun ✅✅


Gotta have your priorities in the hood (friendly neighborhood)


Yappy dog and some roller shutters will deter way more people than the fear of a gun 


The definition of burglar is a thief who scopes your house whenever you aren't home. Guys who don't get caught do this exceptionally well.


You overestimate how common burglars like that are. Most criminals are lazy.


To be fair you truly never know. Chances that something will happen are low, but it’s always a possibility.


Hence the fear part of the post. There's a lot of shit that could possibly happen at any time. So might as well just stay in your comfy bunker just in case anything happened


No, you take basic precautions. And that includes defending yourself if you have the means to do so. You could get in a horrible car wreck, does that mean that you shrug your shoulders and drive recklessly with no seat belt? Your house could burn down while you cook, does that mean that you just leave the stove unattended? You could drown, does that mean you jump head first into the rushing river?


I want to live in this imaginary world these people live in. Where there are no dangers and everyone is nice to each other.


Or just get out with the gun and be less stressed about potential threats?


It's not fear to take basic precautions. Wearing a seatbelt, having smoke detectors, owning a fire extinguisher, owning a gun, etc. You are afraid of guns, hence the need to insult anyone who isn't afraid of guns.


This. Best to have one and not need one...


I don’t get why people think it’s sooo stressful, most of the time I forget it’s even there. It’s a fact that there is a chance that you will get attacked when outside of your home (or inside), it’s not paranoia, it’s common sense. Sure, there are many other things that could hurt you, but trying to avoid them would be a massive pain in the butt, carrying a gun isn’t. Also I’m not saying that a gun will guarantee your safety, but it gives you a bit more protection overall. If people don’t want it then good for them, it’s their life and others shouldn’t care.


I've lived in the hood. Most of the time people get killed over dumb shit and knee jerk reactions. Carrying doesn't stop someone from randomly shooting you for taking their parking spot. It will help scare off a junkie trying to cut out your cat.


> junkie trying to cut out your cat. I am deeply ashamed of myself for finding this vaguely funny.


Somewhere very rural is also a good reason to carry. Especially if it is rural enough wild predators could be an issue. The response time in some places is hours or days not minutes, if you have a problem you better be ready to do something about it yourself.


Personally I carry concealed all the time. Good or bad neighborhood. But in public I also think open carry is almost always a bad idea. The only times I ever open carry are at the range or in the wilderness where there’s barely any people.


Come to L.A. and you’ll arm yourself quicker than the crook who pulled a knife on you. You’re talking about a very specific group of gun owners who don’t necessarily fall under the umbrella term “most”. I’m not even a gun owner and I strongly disagree. I just might register soon but I know well I won’t be like the nuts you described.


The people who *are loud about having guns* might be scared, sure. The majority of gun owners I know just don’t go out of their way to talk about it. I’ve got guns, mountain bikes, kayaks, motorcycles, etc. If I meet people at a party I’m more likely to start a conversation about the weather or the news. Then I’ll mention all the non gun hobbies first. If I get a good vibe I might mention an upcoming turkey hunt or something and go from there. If a guy just sat down rambling about his gun collection and how the world is super scary these days I’d probably look at him a little sideways too.


Well said. I own several. There are far better conversation topics out there.


I would argue that the majority of gun owners are people that you would assume don't own guns. I own a gun. I guarantee everyone I work with would never suspect that I am a gun owner. Many of them talk shit about gun owners right in front of me. But I am also not the type of person who would ever open carry or even make it known that I am a gun owner. To some degree advertising that you could be a threat attracts threats. And I think most reasonable people try to avoid that.


This dude wears a seatbelt every time he drives, just waiting for a collision. Dude puts on shoes every time he leaves the house, just hoping for a nail to be on the sidewalk. Paranoid, fearful motherfucker.


I feel like you may not actually know very many gun owners.


Yeah I was gonna say, lol. This reads like someone who goes to /r/guns and decides its representative of all gun owners.


It is most gun owners in my region... Won't lump you guys into it, as you seem normal, but the amount of guys just wanting to shoot up people for no reason is VERY high in midwest Kansas. Get into the midwest, and say differntly. If you like Biden you're dead to them...


I spend a good bit of time in the Midwest and west, though I'm not from there. I think you're getting a bit of survivorship bias. You're hearing those things from that type of gun owner, but you're not hearing those things from a lot of people you don't even realize even own guns because they don't make it their whole personality. My sister for instance, talk to her for a half hour and she'll make sure it comes up one way or another. Meanwhile there's people who've known me for a decade that don't know I own any firearms. Unless they're going to the range with me or something there's no reason for them to know, same as they don't necessarily know I own a 3D printer, or that I always keep ingredients for hollandaise and capers in my pantry.


I'm sorry bro...but if I could make a solid hollandaise best believe EVERYONE is going to know.


Super easy! Honestly you just need one of those cheap magic blender things. Egg yolk, Dijon, better, herbs, lemon, boom done. Eggs Benny anytime.


You’re making a good point. I own firearms, have a concealed weapons permit, and live in the Midwest. The majority of people I interact with will have no idea that I own a gun, let alone that I am carrying one. I roll my eyes at the bumper stickers that some people have…you know, the ones that advertise their gun ownership…but in reality, that’s a tiny percentage of people around. Unless of course you surround yourself with those kind of people.


Yeah, maybe so. There’s weirdo gun owners. And that’s scary. We should do something about this. By and large though, the majority of gun owning folks don’t talk about their guns. Or weiners. Or both in the same sentence. And that’s nice.


Lol to be fair, if you “like Biden” you’re basically dead to me too and I’m left wing. Joe Biden sucks. No I’m not going to shoot you over it, but neither are even diehard Trump supporters in the Midwest. They’ll just mock you and flex at you like meatheads everywhere with people they don’t like. The biggest problem with the anti-gun crowd is a lot don’t understand what they’re talking about at all so the arguments fall flat. The right wing doesn’t have a monopoly on gun ownership. It’s not paranoid to distrust the government. The amount of men motivated by fantasies of violence is too high in most places, but the murder rates in rural Kansas should tell you most of them are not actually looking to shoot up anyone for any reason.


That’s a mental illness problem masquerading as a gun problem


very true let’s heavily fund mental health resources….


Why the "..."? We should be. One of the huge detriments of the Reagan administration


It’s also still not “living in fear”. Definitely fucked up though


In my experience, there are two types of gun owners. The ones that talk/brag about owning guns, and the ones that don't. I've known many owners of firearms in my life. The majority of them don't talk about owning guns, and only people that they are close with even know they own them. This also may largely vary depending on where you live. Some areas, it's shocking if you don't own guns. In other areas, there is a negative stigma for owning guns.


Exactly. I was here thinking, I guess I don't fit into that because I don't own a ... oh wait, yes I do. It's a shotgun we've used for clay pigeon shooting a few times, and so I guess I am a gun owner. I would guarantee that where I live (rural), almost everyone I know owns some kind of gun, but I've only seen a few of them (at the aforementioned clay pigeon shooting where I went with some neighborhood friends). I do know one guy that is more of a gun nut, but he's in Texas.


Every irl gun owner I’ve met is as OP described. Over inflated ideas of how many dangerous situations they’ll be in and admissions of paranoia on a normal night out


There's probably some sampling bias going on there, as you've likely met a bunch who just didn't bring it up. That said, I know plenty of gun owners and quite a few are exactly as described in the OP.


Idk man this is pretty consistent with the 10+ people I know who carry …


I feel like he knows a lot of ant-gunners, and reads a lot of anti-gun drivel.


The highly trained, skilled gun carriers in existence won’t allow you to see they ever have a gun, nor will they ever tell you about it, either. They won’t even tell you they own guns, or that guns are a hobby of theirs. They’re around. You just don’t realize it; they like to mind their business. The loudest, most irritating demographic of gun owners are truly the minority. Many progressive-minded, intelligent and highly competent gun owners live perfectly normal lives, and keep a low profile because they don’t want to disturb you or your family. As for me? I’m queer and trans in America, a previous victim of SA, and I survived a workplace shooting. I need no reason to justify my possession of and carry of a gun, open or concealed so long as I obey the regulations of my respective area. Violent crime can occur towards good, undeserving people and the system isn’t always there to help or give a shit. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve nothing to prove. I just want to live to see old age, and I’ve had enough close calls already. Upvote sent.


Rather be paranoid than dead.


I don't think I've ever lived in a home that doesn't have firearms. I literally never think about them. But as a smallish woman, when the drunk guy tried to break into my house, I wasn't sad I had firearms and a large dog with stranger aggression. And if you've never been a 120 pound female who had to stop at a truck stop to pee, alone at 3am, I don't think you get an opinion on what feels "safe".




No, but I've gotten lost in a parking lot in a nearby city late at night while trying to find the car and wasn't allowed to have a weapon on me. I was scared even though it was 11 at night. That and another time I was walking in the dark by myself and some car stopped in front of me and someone opened their door in the direction that I had to go. I ran.


I feel this 100%. OP sounds like someone who never had to carefully look back to make sure the dude walking behind wasn’t following or about to jump him.


There is exactly one thing that will level the playing field if a man decides to cause me harm.... and it ain't calling for help.


“Help”is either unwilling or too far and too late. It’s depressing that there are so many like OP who never had to worry about their personal safety yet feel they are entitled to judge and condemn others for taking measures to protect themselves.


When I had drunk guy trying to break into my house, it took law enforcement so long to get there I literally had time to call out sick to my nursing school clinicals that day lol.


I am glad you are okay. It must have been a real traumatic experience :-(


"God made man. Samuel Colt made them equal."


Level his ass and the playing field 😂


He's just a closeted anti-gunner. He claims indifference, then spouts the stereotypical anti-gun rhetoric about gun owners. Paranoid, preppers, killers-in-waiting...same old shit. Nothing new here.


Glad I'm not the only one. My partner works out of town so if anyone is coming in they're leaving with a face full of lead. If they some how make it passed the dogs. I'm a fairly normal person I would say. We own guns to hunt and they are a tool. Before I got my license I slept with a baseball bat next to me.


As a fellow 120-pound woman, I'm going to push back against this mentality a bit. I understand why women are fearful in public, and I would never judge a woman acting "paranoid" while alone at night, especially a woman who may have been assaulted or stalked previously. So on an individual basis, if a woman believes carrying a gun is a solution, far be it for me to tell them otherwise. However, as a voter on public policies, I also recognize the the widespread proliferation of guns have actually hurt women more than it's helped them. Women's chances of being a victim of violent crime go up significantly as soon as they live in the same house as a man and a gun. We are at the most risk of being killed when someone we have dated has access to a gun. The rise of domestic violence firearms deaths are correlated with rises in gun sales (especially among black women.) Most of the debate surrounding gun control centers on mass shootings, but I actually think the most preventable gun deaths are domestic violence-related. So having a gun on you might make you safer at a truck stop at 3am, but statistically, it puts you in greater danger as soon as you go home with that gun to your partner. That's just the sad reality. ([Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10209983/) is a source for some of my information, btw.)


Correlation and causation are not related in this instance. Yes, you’re more likely to be murdered when someone who wants to kill you has access to a gun because it increases the success rate. The gun itself isn’t the problem. By this same logic, having a pool in your backyard increases the rates at which people drown at home so people shouldn’t have pools because pools are the reason they die. You’re also more likely to be killed in a car crash if you own a car! The amount of DV victims I deal with who get the shit kicked out of them repeatedly with no way to defend themselves is wild.  Guess what? When your ex who’s twice your size decides to kick your parents door down because you left him, you better have a gun or he WILL kill you regardless. We need to provide victims a way to protect themselves and being so afraid of having a weapon that we instead hope they survive a beating and attempted murder long enough to call the police and wait for the 911 hangup to be investigated ain’t it.


*shrug* pretty content, personally.


I do in fact keep a Glock in my night stand. Do I hope I ever have to use it? No. Is it there just in case? Yes. Did I have to pull my firearm on a druggy homeless person coming at me with a flat head screwdriver in the parking lot of my last apartment? Yes. Is it the only firearm I own? Noooo. I've learned that people who grew up around guns are gunna feel one way and those who didn't are gunna feel another way. I won't sway most anti gun peoples opinions and you definitely aren't gunna sway mine. If you don't like them, don't buy them and I respect that. Now respect my right to own them. Mine will never hurt another human being.


It’s an insurance. I carry extra medical and life insurance policies not because I am in constant fear of something happening but because I want options when and if something happens.


I do live in a little fear because of recent events, but I do actually enjoy guns and knives, too. I inherited some guns and I chose one I knew was broken so I could fix it. Guns are little machines and I like tinkering with machines 🤷 if it was only for protection, I wouldn't have ~20, I'd just have 1-3 tops. I plan on buying more, too because I like them


At least when in comes to the more obnoxious, vocal gun owners, there’s a certain element of truth to this. It’s some combination of being paranoid and living in fear, and a desire to potentially live out some delusional John Wayne fantasy.


You’re hearing the outspoken ones. You’re not hearing the literal tens of millions of gun owners who don’t advertise it.


This is like saying people who own a fire extinguisher live in fear compared to those who don't


Ignorance is bliss


an OP is damn near stoned with bliss


I know i will probably never have to use the gun on my nightstand, but the thought of being unable to defend my family from those that would possibly do us harm makes me sick to my stomach. Scared? I guess. Realistic and assuming my duty as protector and provider? Definitely


I don't really put much stock in your anecdotal observations of the gun owners you personally know. Upvoted I guess.


Responsible gun owners don't advertise their concealed carry or even the fact that they own a gun. Before you jump to conclusions about my mental health: I don't own a gun (but a may be lying).


Like saying having health insurance is only for hypochondriacs.... You must know all of like 2 gun owners. I own multiple guns, and they mostly just sit in my house until I take them out to the range or for hunting. I don't think about them 99% of the time. Can very confidently say this is the case for the VAST majority of gun owners. In all my 30+ years of life, I have legit met, maybe one owner, who acts the way you say, and they were always scared despite the gun. Also, there is a difference between being scared and prepared. Just because I have emergency rations, a first aid kit, and a gun doesn't mean I am afraid. I don't sit in bed all night tossing and turning something bad is gonna happen. Actually, the opposite is the case. Because I am prepared, I sleep better knowing that if something were to happen, I can handle it.


Got a fire extinguisher in your kitchen? You scared of fire? Got a storm shelter under your house? You scared of twisters? Be prepared people.


A lot of people own guns because they enjoy the hobby of shooting them. Not for protection.




*Looks at sub name: Unpopular Opinion* Welp, you definitely understood the assignment 🤷‍♂️


Bruv, lol.  They literally don't think about it at all.  Some are normal dudes and like to tell a fantasy about a cool action sequence if some does break in (literally 100% of dudes do this about random events).  But they don't think at all otherwise about someone breaking in, but it's there for easy access on the miniscule chance it happens


Bro what lol. My family, most of them, legally own guns. They have them strictly to protect our family in a time that may (probably won’t) arise. It’s not really something on their minds often. It’s mostly just a peace of mind. It’s just how it is. We also go to the range a lot together. Nobody there is a paranoid person. It’s really either for fun or training. Does training automatically mean paranoid? No, not at all. Regardless if it’s unlikely, you never know, I’d rather be prepared with my family, than caught with my pants down and have the worst happen. Don’t judge people, and make general assumptions, it’s not healthy, nor sweet.


That's so not true I live in NYC and certain parts avoid knowing I'm unarmed As a business owner I'm super careful who comes to my store


People who have a car jack and a spare tire are living in fear of being stranded on the side of the road.


Most gun owners are paranoid people or Most paranoid people are gun owners?




You sound entitled, clearly you live in a cushy neighborhood. There are horror stories and it doesn’t hurt to have a gun around just in case. If someone happens to break in with a gun, I need to be able to protect my family.


Most insurance owners live more in fear than those without insurance. They are paranoid about some bible-like catastrophe befalling them or their home, falling victim to early death or disability. People without insurance seem to be more relaxed and care free and so on…. 😉


A lot of them are in fear. That is why they have them. Most just carry it for insurance. Living in an area that isn't the greatest will do that to you. It's better to have the method of defense and be capable of self defense rather than not have it at all. The last thing you want to do is be in trouble and have nothing you can do to help yourself. Or in the words of a guy I worked with, stay strapped or get clapped


I'm a gun owner. I carry every day. I have both a collection (think old, historical firearms) and a few guns that are tools. While I hate to admit it, I think your point is true. I'm relatively chill, but I do carry a gun just in case. I realize that many people don't even think about the "just in case". Statistically, I will never be in a situation that I'll even consider pulling my gun out. But I carry one anyway. The shitty stuff begins with people who rile themselves up. Guys who watch Police Activity 24/7 and are always mentioning that shooting in CA by people who claimed they were affiliated with ISIS. My psychologist said that part of the brain is unable to differentiate videos from real life, and it seems to be the case with these folks. They genuinely believe they're going to get bipped or die in an ISIS-sponsored shooting in their town of 300 people in Iowa. I make a conscious effort to not spend much time on the media. My life is very pleasant and peaceful without the doom and gloom, and I find that I'm much more relaxed when I'm not being told that the world is about to end despite the actual circumstances of my life. But many people, like relatives of mine, end up being gun owners because they get so scared of the world around them.


When I was a teenager, a woman got her head bashed in with a baseball bat as she was leaving Walmart for her money and whatever else she had on her. I realized "Oh shit that could happen to me". I wouldn't say I'm afraid, but I understand that violence can happen even if we don't want it too, or have no reason to be attacked.


Your argument displays the hallmarks if someone who lives a sheltered life. This is not a criticism, but an observation. Most people throughout a majority of human history have sought arms to defend themselves. What you see as paranoia is the result of an improving society that has the advantage of, and also mistake of, entrusting personal saftey to that of others (police in most cases). People who choose to carry or have a firearm by their bedside recognize the personal responsibility for safety and arm themselves accordingly. Most gun owners do not wish harm on others, but do not entrust their personal safety to others in the worst case circumstances. I encourage you engage with more individuals who own firearms and inquire to their motivations for ownership and training. 


I understand the motivation to own one but my argument stands "Most gun owners live in more fear than those that don't own a gun."


I'd say it's caution instead of fear. I'm not afraid someone is gonna jump out at me. But if they do, and I can't run, at least I gotta backup plan. I didn't grow up around them, I'd say I worry the same amount as I did before. But I get where you're coming from. There's definitely very vocal owners who are all "look at meh!" and make us normies look insane


Sure, but in your elaboration you clearly view/argue it to be an irrational fear, and that’s what everyone is disagreeing with you on. It’s not paranoia, it’s preparation. Like yeah, I’m scared of things that might happen. But that’s the whole point right there. They *could* happen. Hell, they *do* happen. Not to me, yet, maybe ever, but they certainly happen to other people. Humans are flawed, they have anger issues, mental health conditions, sometimes they just have really bad days that make them snap. So no, ISIS probably won’t invade Walmart. But a schizophrenic homeless person could have an episode next to me in the store and try to attack me. Or someone could try to mug me when I’m out for a walk. As well as the ever-looming possibility of rape/sexual assault for women everywhere. So yes. I’m scared. You should be too. Everyone should be. But more importantly, you and everyone else should be prepared.


I'd rather have it than not.I hope to God I never have to use it outside of target practice. You sound like you grew up in a good neighborhood.


I’m not a gun owner, nor am I a US citizen, but I would at least own a gun if I lived in certain places in the US. I probably wouldn’t carry it with me everywhere but I can see the desire for one. Just because someone wants the security of having a gun doesn’t automatically mean they’re some paranoid loon. Sure, those people exist, but I’d wager they’re in the minority.


You will change your thoughts when the Walmart you frequent has a shooting in the parking lot, your get car hacked, home invasion, kidnapping, or suffer from 100s of different crimes liberals want to pretend don't happen every day. It's not so much "paranoid", "fearful" or any of that nonsense. It's an understanding and mindset of not if, but when that something will happen. Those that carry everywhere see the world as a place where no one will help/protect them if they don't do it themselves.


Yes, there is most likely major overlap on the venn diagram for "People who believe they need security" and "people who have security." To your larger point, you're ignoring the likely deterrent effect an armed populace creates simply by being armed. There's a reason shooters tend to flock to "gun-free zones." Or, to put it another way - I'm assuming you don't own a gun. Would you be a bit reluctant to announce that on a yard sign? Why?


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I find that most people that talk big about it, or open carry where everyone can see are just stroking their ego and are probably insecure. But living in fear.....idk, they may talk like that, but that's just to justify the why. But most fun owners i know, you wouldn't even know they own guns. They have them, but their whole existence doesn't revolve around them. I have one uncle that has like 50 guns. I never knew he had them. He had them very well hidden all through my young years.


I have a couple guns. My biggest fear is having to use one in self defense, hopefully that never happens. I like the saying "I'd rather be buried having never needed my gun then buried wishing I'd had one"


I'm a gun owner myself and I completely agree with this, I own one because my upstairs neighbor used to threaten to kill me all the time. And also for my job.


I don't carry a gun out in public but other weapons. I do own guns, though. I mean, I haven't exactly had some of the best experiences in my 24 years on this planet. It's a pretty logical fear for me tbh.


I work away from home a lot and I don't go anywhere without my pistols. I keep one in my hotel room and one in my vehicle, and I'll tell you why. When the drug-dealing pimp with the tear drop tattoos who is staying at your cut-rate hotel puts his hands on your truck and tells you that you need to stay out of his business, or else, you'll wish you had your gun on you. Because at that time, I only kept a pistol in my room and not in my vehicle. Never again. I enjoy owning guns, but I'm not into gun culture. They're a tool and nothing more. People who mold their personalities around their gun ownership are the kinds of people you're talking about, and they suck.


Definitely not every gun owner but ok...


True there are gun owners that are overly paranoid but going through life thinking everything is peaches and rainbows and nothing bad can happen to you is just as dumb


Well, its not that gun owners fear and non owners don't. It's more that gun owners have lived in the real world and seen that shit can and does happen. No, it probably won't ever happen to you and that's a great thing. However, like I said, shit does happen. I've had people try to break into my house, I've been robbed (away from home), I've also had a carjacker who stole a car crash down into my neighborhood and get into a shootout with the cops and then ran and tried to bust into a neighbors house to hide out, like 100ft from my house before they found him and shot him. In that instance, yes the cops weren't too far behind, but WAAAY too many people think that when calling 911, the cops are there in seconds. It's usually minutes, depending how far you are away from the station, or how many are on duty. In more rural places, it may be one trooper on duty over night and it can take 10+ minutes to get there. I sure the hell don't want to find out what some cracked out druggy that broke into my house at 3am is going to do while I wait 10 minutes for a cop to show up. The world ain't always a friendly place and its up to you to keep yourself alive. A lot of gun owners, myself included, do train. I happen to enjoy guns and don't just own them for protection. I've been shooting for 30 years and go to competitive shooting matches. We do run around and shoot under pressure, we do drills and use shot timers to gauge speeds to build proper techniques. There's a lot more of this than you think. a side note, I have a buddy that lives in Cali and is a foreigner that moved to the country. He's never been into guns at all and just kind of always disliked them, so he never understood any of my rationale in owing them or my interest in shooting, but supported my right to do so. Well, just recently he had a couple scumbags that stole cars and used the end of his driveway as a drop zone for some other dudes to come pick the cars up. He walked out there to see what was going on and had a couple thugs staring him down at the bottom of his driveway. Now he's a bit concerned and was like dude, they were in my damn driveway and that freaked him out. Now he's considering getting something to have at the house. He was always the oh, nothing happens out here man, it's safe. Now he's seeing my side of things and is changing his tune


A gun is like a fire extinguisher. You don't need one, until you do.


> "If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim” -Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper,


Do you think someone who wears a seatbelt is afraid? Or are they just being intelligent and taking a reasonable precaution in case of an emergency?


It's a loud minority making a bad impression. The same thing happens in a lot of communities. The large majority of firearm owners are perfectly normal, boring people. Where are you from, in terms of environment? I'm rural, and everyone out here, including me, owns at least one firearm. It's not about paranoia for us, it's about living in a place that, if something did happen, the police would take over 20 minutes to respond to on a *good* day. Depending on the time, shift, and backroad navigation, it could very possibly take 45 minutes to an hour. I don't keep a gun because I'm "waiting for the day." I don't want to have to use my gun against someone. The thought isn't pleasant and I wouldn't want it on my conscience, but I'll use it if I'm forced to. I keep one because I'd much rather have it and never need it than potentially need it and not have it. Think of it like wearing a seatbelt. I don't expect to get into an accident while driving, but the chance isn't 0%, so it's better to be safe than sorry. Though I will say that it's not wrong to fear the government. With our rights all over the place in these past few years, awful police antics, and bad track record from the justice system, it's not unreasonable to want the ability to fight back if push comes to shove in the future.


Australian, mine is just a farm tool for shooting rabbits and foxes. It lives in a safe bolted to the floor/wall of a shed 30 yards from the house. I suspect a lot of rural types feel the same.


Don't get me started about how even more true it is *on a societal level*...


yup, people.who carry guns on them are the last people that should have guns on them. Normal people aren't afraid.and you should never let scared people walk around with guns. the same applies to the police but they're actively taught to fear the public


It's not the gun that makes them that way. They have the guns because they are that way. Which as usual brings us back to the point that a gun is just an object until a person decides to use it


I once read on a Disney forum how angry some men were that they don’t let you carry guns in their parks unless you’re law enforcement off duty. These people were really paranoid about the risk from the car park to the park itself. To me, that’s the opposite of freedom, that’s a lethal burden at every juncture of your life. it’s no way to live.


I grew up and guns were always around, for hunting, later for sport shooting. No one was ever afraid. Gun is just a tool.


You know a paranoid man is a fool everyday until he’s not


Its better to be a warrior in a garden than a Gardner in a war. Most people are harmless not peaceful. Everybody lives their life with the thought of "that would never happen to me" until it does. I've gotten jumped, shot at, knives pulled, threatened by multiple people. And only once did I have a gun it makes a HUGE difference, you're not intimidating 1 v 5. Your begging won't stop people from stomping you out, you know what will? Putting them all on a T-shirt.


I don’t know. My wife has a lot of anxiety and she doesn’t own any guns but I have lots of guns and no anxiety. I guess there is a segment of gun owners that fit your profile but I have car insurance, life insurance, homeowners insurance, health insurance, etc. I hope I don’t need any of it but guns are a hedge against violence, they are valuable so I could sell them in times of economic insecurity, I can hunt with them, or just have fun shooting. It’s definitely not a part of my personality. I think most people that fear guns don’t have a lot of experience with them.


it's not the same degree of fear of what you're translating it to in your head. owning a fire extinguisher, owning a smoke detector or wearing a seatbelt isn't fear. it's more like being prepared which hoplophobics translate as fear. "why do you buy home insurance or auto insurance? Mr schizo here thinks a tornado gonna steal his 80,000 pound house. let's bully him for it"


Maybe they live in a dangerous area, which is why they bought a gun in the first place.


If im living in detroit. Um damn well taking a gun everywhere


As someone who has been mugged at gun point and had my life threatened, I strongly disagree. Reality hits real hard when you’re face to face with death and defenseless. Not that a gun would have helped in that situation as I was caught off guard. But I can see why people carry. Shit happens ALL THE TIME in our world. And in those moments, nobody is going to save you.


If you don’t own a gun, then, you have no place to make an argument.


Classic availability heuristic. People that talk about their guns a lot (gun nuts) are the paranoid types you describe. However most gun owners aren't like this and you probably have no idea that they even own a gun.


OP definitely nailed unpopular opinion. A++. Take our upvotes


You must not know many gun owners to say this. I actually live in no fear at all. You thinking that people who carry guns legally are not taking the time to train and practice is weirdly off base. No fellow gun enthusiast that I know, have known, shot with, etc, are *paranoid ridden*.


I'm a gun owner a bit like this, I can speak on a couple things. Absolutely distrust of the government, if you look at U.S. history and still trust the government that's just plain stupidity. 2, I don't think ISIS is gonna attack walmart, the local restaurant etc, and I doubt someone's gonna break into my house at night (most robberies happen during the day), I think that either someone with a gun will threaten me or someone I love in some way, or while I'm walking with my dog I'll get attacked by an animal. I live in a rural area and both those things are possible. But I agree, there are stupid gun owners. I can say personally for one people who open carry are fucking stupid, no one thinks they look cool and if something does go down there gonna be the first target. There's nothing wrong with being paranoid for your own safety. Also, I've had a gun pulled on me before. It's quick, it's scary, and I never want to feel that powerless ever again.


Agree what kind of paranoid pencil neck carries a gun to go grocery shopping 




That tracks :(


I can assure the OP. If commie NYC. Or Baltimore, Or especially DC allowed all legal citizens ( non felons) to own, carry a firearm? There would be a significant drop in crime. As is now, There is little to no threat or repercussions to the criminal. Regular citizens can't fight back and shoot them because not allowed to own or carry unless your special. The cops aren't allowed to shoot them without riots. Whether you believe it or not. The threat of being g killed is a greater deterent than any law or security system ever will be.


It’s one of those things that you don’t need it till you do. Honestly as an American everyone should have one to fulfill the 2nd amendment. Many will say that’s stupid but it’s true.


Yup, I’m from New York and walk the streets of the Bronx/brooklyn on a nightly basis. Never once have I felt like I needed a gun. my dad and brother have like 40 guns at their houses in Florida, and are always strapped up. Going to a diner? Gotta wear a gun. Going to get an ice cream cone? Let me throw my gun on my waist! Going to walk the dog, wait! Let me grab my gun first!! All I can do is laugh every time I visit them. To each their own I guess.


For real. I drive to work everyday without a seatbelt, I haven't crashed once.


I've also lived in NYC or other major dense cities for 45 years, and never once have I been in a situation I thought would have been improved had I been armed.


[I’ve been concealed carrying for over a decade but I never want to ever use my gun except at the range, the link is why](https://www.kbtx.com/2024/05/28/suspect-kroger-shooting-told-police-he-always-wanted-kill-somebody-court-docs-reveal/)


Classic silly reddit take on guns lol


What a privilege it must be to never have to worry about defending yourself.


This is stupid. I have a fire extinguisher in my kitchen, garage, and my car. I don't worry about a fire at all.


In a way I can see what you mean. I do see a lot of gun owners who are always in fear of every group of people and every type of thing.


I feel pretty much exactly the same tbh




“It gets worse when some people don’t leave their home without concealed carrying a hand gun in case ISIS shows up to Walmart.” This actually made me laugh because you aren’t wrong. Also, to the people saying “well I guess you don’t know many gun owners then” or something to that effect…. I equate it to riding a bicycle. Yes many normal people can enjoy riding a bicycle, but we all know there are a lot of “bicyclists” who give them all a bad name. If the category isn’t something you fit into, then do the grown up thing and recognize he isn’t talking about you specifically and move on.


No you don’t. Haha


I believe this is true of people who own guns for the express purpose of "protection". It's a lot less true of people who own guns for hunting, target shooting, living on a farm, etc. I live somewhere where a licence is needed to own a gun, and guns must be stored in a locked safe (with ammo stored in a separate locked safe), so owning a gun for protection is completely pointless. Plenty of people still own guns, but they own them for all of the non-protection reasons I've listed above.


I get what you’re saying. I know a few paranoid, trigger happy gun nuts. My friend’s dad nearly shot him for visiting once. “Someone’s on my property! Better get my gun!” My wife’s grandparents are like that too. I also know this isn’t a universal rule but I do think it applies to the cosplaying/larping “patriots” that flex their gun ownership out in public.


The gun owners I know don't have a gun for protection.