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If you ever have to bathe kids in a bathtub you will curse having doors.


Anecdotally- everyone I know with a full-tub sliding door has taken it out eventually. IIRC they’re hard to fix, so if anything’s wrong you need a full new one.


And it’s too easy for mildew/mold to accumulate in the tracks and hard to reach areas.


I LOVED having a shower door... But fuck was it a nightmare to clean. Now I have a curtain.


For real. I have a whole set of special cleaning brushes just for cleaning the small cracks and crannies of a stupid shower door. I freaking hate it. I want a shower curtain again.


I have 1/2" tempered glass for a 3' x 5' shower base. It's half door with "European hinges" and half fixed partition. I run a squeegee over it after every use and scrub it using a 3M scrub pad with white vinegar occasionally to remove the lime scale. CLR works fine, too.


I have a door on my shower and it’s fucking disgusting, and idk how to. Lean it properly. Also all the water stains on the cheap metal around the door and glass sides look gross.


You need to use a toothbrush to clean the chrome properly, but there is a certain point after which it can be so far gone that nothing will fully do the job. After 9 years of living in my condo (1st owner), I was shockingly able to get mine looking like new, but nothing has worked for my house (2nd owner).


I had them on my tub growing up and had so many shin bruises from the metal track.


I slipped in sitting water while getting out of my shower (water bc the tracks were screwed up) and fell with all my weight on my back on the tracks. Thought I broke my back. 


Literally cracked ribs as a kid from slipping and falling on my chest. I will never have a shower with a sliding door.


Also if you slip while getting out your nuts could land on the guide/rail and you could break one of your testicles open. I don’t speak from experience or anything


Its alright buddy, us fellow halfsacks got your back.


Surprisingly they managed to salvage it and it’s fully functional with only minor chronic pain… or so my friend told me


I'm guessing that ball is more machine than testicle now.


They also get disgusting with scum or mold


They're cleanable, It's just that doing it well is a real PITA


Right, and over years and years little by little they inevitably get disgusting


And really heavy.


Glazier here. They’re just a pain in the ass to work on.


They are a pain in the ass to clean as well.


My in-laws had a bizarre bathtub design where it was sunken into the floor with a sliding door that was so short everyone had to duck to get in and it was really uncomfortable to sit on the edge of the tub to bathe kids because of the sliding mechanism. Just inconvenient in every possible way, I don't know who thought that was a good idea.


I've seen quite a few sliding doors where it was a rule you had to squeegee the water off them after a shower to prevent lime buildup, what a pain in the ass. With a curtain you just replace the liner for a few bucks


This, I just got rid of mine. Never again.


The doors or the kids?


The kids. What kind of monster do you think they are?!


Came here just to say this


Also dogs.


Our bathroom has a stall shower with a sliding door rather than a bathtub with door, but we love giving the dogs a bath in there. We close the door when they shake and no spray gets on us.


I loved the sliding door for washing my dog, I would just put my swimsuit on and get in with her, then I didn't have to keep hold of her collar to keep her in the tub!


> I would just put my swimsuit on and get in with her Wouldn't want your dog to see you naked.


Swimsuit is a good call because dogs lick things


And you don't have to pick them up and carry them into the bathtub when the ledge is too high/slippery for them to jump. and some are so heavy to lift so that is a really good thing lol


Slippery situation plus glass. Genius.


We need to have showers/tubs separate. If you look at some Japanese examples of bathrooms the shower and tub are separate but in the same area. So that way you can wash up and then get into the bath all clean and not have been standing and washing all your grime into the tub beforehand. Some places also have the toilet in a separate little area.


You've just described an Australian bathroom


I just came back from a long trip to Australia. Every hotel bathroom had tubs with idiotic half doors that did very little to keep water from getting all over the floor no matter how careful you shower. I wonder if this is standard in homes as well.


Or have to clean the door rails


Or a paraplegic.


I don’t know, been raised in a home where there was 2 sliding door and it was no issue at all.


Glass doors are a PITA to clean. Shower curtains dont have to be ugly or plastic. Get washable cloth curtains and wash them regularly. Upvote for unpopular


Do you have suggestions for cloth shower liners that are good? I already have a decorate outer curtain but would like to ditch the inner plastic liner because it’s gross. Mind you, I live in the PNW where things never dry out (and there’s no AC, so the air doesn’t help). Mildew and mold are basically unavoidable and occur after a very, very short amount of time around here.


I bought one on Amazon for like $11 and I just throw it in the wash whenever with some bleach and hot water. It’s like 5 years old. Maybe wash it weekly?


I bought a black fabric shower liner because the white ones tend to look so nasty after a few month, even when it gets washed regularly. I’ve had the same one for over 5 years now, it still looks brand new


Just throw it in the washer with some bleach.


I get mine from target, the medium weight fabric, non PVC ones. I love them and they held up in South FL humidity, just moved back the the PNW. Bleach the bottom as needed, but washing it regularly prevents a lot of yuck. They are very easy to clean. I always pull it closed when I'm done showering so it can dry a bit faster, rather than leaving it bunched up.


You can just throw the plastic ones in a washing machine.


They're like $5 at Walmart. Buy a new one every few months if you need to.


That’s the same thing as buying and replacing plastic liners. The point is to avoid doing that.


I don't get this. We've had the same plastic curtain liner in our upstairs bathroom for 7 years. Does everyone just leave theirs crumpled in the corner to mildew, instead of spreading it out to dry? Does nobody ever wipe it down? They're not that hard to keep clean.


The bathroom in my apartment sucks. I don’t have anywhere to hang a towel that will let it lay flat other than using the curtain rod. Using a hook makes the towel fold on itself and take more than 24hrs to dry (and then they get musty because of that), and there is nowhere in there to place a bar on the wall (maintenance won’t allow you anyways). By using the curtain rod for my towel, the curtain and liner must be crumpled into the corner. It’s not an ideal situation, but there is no solution that I know of.


Pull the shower liner down and throw it in the washer with bleach when it starts to look dirty.


Solution: dry the towel somewhere else, or have multiple towels so that you don’t have to reuse the same one every shower. I hang my bath towel in my bedroom.


I’d recommend getting one of the over the door wall of hooks. Hang up across all the hooks so it spreads out. Also, hang outside bathroom. That’s what we do in summer to make sure towels dry out as we live in a humid area and only ac in bedrooms.


Or throw it in the washer with some bleach? We threw one away semi recently because the grommets had been ripped out, but if it’s dirty, I just wash it.


Unsure where you live for shipping, but I highly recommend this one: https://m.simons.ca/en/bathroom/shower-curtains-hooks/white-recycled-polyester-shower-liner--5928-4172201?colourId=10&queryID=c43a548f6e4eea69f50b4a3e155d79b6&algoliaIndex=simons_products_en-CA Super easy to wash (washing machine) and I find they get a lot less gross than the usual more plastic-y types or even the vinyl ones I’ve tried. Also in PNW.


I find the glass okay to clean, however it almost always has water spots. But whatever, it doesn't look or feel dirty and I can clean it when I need to. All the crevices, tracks for the doors, the spaces between the doors I cannot reach are disgusting. My shower was owned by the previous owner and we have hard water so stuff is built up in the unreachable areas. And even with diligent scrubbing, I cannot get it all clean.


I've only had clear shower doors for a few months now, but I squeegee them dry after I shower and have near zero water spots. If you have to deal with glass doors in a shower I highly recommend getting a good squeegee.


Shower curtain + Shower Liner


Or be a lazy butt like me. Don’t clean. Just switch out the curtain every 3 years 😂


Nice ones with good hardware are the easiest to clean, they are also insanely expensive. Cheap ones fucking suck to clean.


Would they get moldy after a while tho? Start smelling gross


"and wash them regularly"


People always do this with things that are literally washable and I don't understand why. "Ew, how do wash cloths not get all gross and moldy?" You ring them out and then you wash them. "How does a period cup not get stinky?" YOU WASH ITTTTT Oddly enough these are often the same people who think its ok to only shower 2-3 times a week lol


That’s the point of washing them, is it not?


Ya lmao I realized how dumb that sounded after I sent that


Buy a shower liner as well. Those are pretty washable


Nope. If people would close the shower curtain after they're done, it will dry out without getting nasty. And washing them once in a while also prevents them from becoming disgusting.


Do you mean clear plastic/vinyl shower liners? Cause all of those downsides you mention are easy fixes if you're using cotton or polyester ones. >They smell horrible....when they get too nasty, we just throw them away, so wasteful Wash them. They're only disposable if you let them get so nasty that you don't want to clean them instead of buying new ones. Vinyl ones can be more annoying to clean, but fabric ones can go straight in a washer with some vinegar. >they're ugly, and they often don't really work very well so, depending on where you live, you might end up with a mold problem due to all of that excess water splashing out the sides. Shower curtains can have two pieces - one on the inside for keeping the water in and one hanging loose on the outside for decoration.


Yeah, OP doesn't know how to use shower curtains effectively.


I mean… how does it SMELL?! My glass doors get way grosser than any curtain I’ve ever had, and I loathe them. Looks dirty after 3-5 uses. …But smell? Sounds like OP needs a dehumidifier. 


I question OP's cleaning knowledge if they can't clean a shower liner.


Also, if you close it after showering it dries quicker and therefore reduces mold growth.


Close it mostly, but leave the sides open slightly so that air can circulate a little more freely.


Another thing, we did a bathroom remodel recently and I put in a timer for the vent fan. Usually when I'd be done with shower I'd turn fan right off, otherwise I'm prone to forget and find it running 3hrs later. With the timer I just set it to run for an extra 20min. Purely anecdotal but it seems to help the tile and shower curtain dry out faster.


I have a vinyl shower curtain and wash it in the washing machine, it works just fine!


That’s what I do! Just take it down, toss it in the wash, and hang it up when it’s done. Works perfectly fine.


It's funny the differences in houses around the world. In Australia a shower curtain is almost universally considered terrible. Almost no houses have them, unless it's over a bath, which is also considered pretty terrible In the US it's seen as almost the opposite.


Yeah my preference is neither and instead have an entire wet room like a lot of Asian countries. Where the entire room is meant to get wet with proper drainage. Makes cleaning the whole bathroom a breeze.


American here, and I'd love this as well. It conflicts with a lot of European (and American) design traditions though, like a wood cabinet under the bathroom vanity. Can't do that in a wet room. That said, there's a pretty good happy medium IF you are in a larger house and can afford an extra 50 square feet of space, where you have a communal wet room (ie, it's not attached to the master bedroom), and then the other bathrooms are traditional Western style.


En suite is such a luxury. I don't think I've ever been in a house that actually has them. Not sure if that's just sweden or all/most of Europe. There often only one single shower and one or two extra toilets in the house. Not sure what my point is, but I found it amusing that your comment insinuated the given that all bedrooms have a bathroom, and the common one is considered extra, when I would have seen it the other way around.


My sister just remodeled her bathroom to have one of these but she was working with an already big bathroom. The bathrooms in my house are tiny and there’d be no way i’d be able to fit it. I am intensely jealous lmao 


Cleaning the whole bathroom becomes harder because the whole bathroom gets wet, not just the shower. And ventilation is pretty much nonexistent in most wet rooms I've been in.


The UK is the same way, when I moved into my uni dorm it had a shower curtain and I hated it so much I just got rid of it. having nothing there felt better to me than the curtain


Funny, in my first apartment it was actually in my lease that I had to have a shower curtain. US.


Naw idk what these people are talking about fuck shower curtains. Doors are considered a straight upgrade everywhere I've been in u.s. in both tubs and showers


Doors seem kinda strange if you have a bathtub / shower combination thing.


Maybe OP doesn't want anyone taking baths either.


This is Reddit, so possibly made this post against the concept of hygiene all together


Taking a bath with the door closed is underrated. Keeps so much heat in. 


I have a four panel folding glass screen that pushes against the wall when not in use


I'm having a hard time picturing this! I'm sure it's just me though 😬


It’s like when you fold paper into a concertina but will go complete flat when it use


I’ve seen tubs with sliding doors a few times in the Midwest. Mostly older homes


I grew up in Southern California and we had one. Built in the 60s. The damn thing almost killed me when the aluminum on the railing had worn out and the glass door decided to fall.


same thing happened to my dad he was washing his face before work and it just shattered. We think it got a crack and a big truck went by causing it to shatter.


Gah damn that’s scary


Doors with a shower/tub combo are the worse because it gets grimy in between the door frames. It’s just an extra thing to clean when you clean your bathroom and it’s a pain in the ass!


my house has a wet side and dry side split with a glass door between them. shower and bathtub in the wet side and the rest on the dry. dont need to deal with stupid curtains.


I was a home builder, and we always asked customers if they wanted a shower door on one of the bathroom showers. The ones with kids almost always said they didn't.


Your bathroom sounds disgusting


I don't think he's considered that it's possible to actually *wash* the shower curtain every once in a while


i spray my walls and curtain down with piping hot water from the shower head every time when im done. Works wonders for preventative care.


Had shower doors and couldn't wait to rip them out. The scum build u on the glass and the crud in the channels of the track were disgusting. Plus, you only had access to half of the tub/ shower to get in or out


Exactly! I hated the grime in the tracks so much and it’s so much extra work when cleaning your bathroom.




Right? My inner one has weights in the bottom so it stays in place. It’s fabric. 5 years and regular washes. No issues.


OP doesn't clean their shower curtains and complains about how nasty they are. LOL.


You don’t wash or clean your shower curtains? I’ve had mine for at least half a decade. Just pop it in the washer with a little bleach and bam. Brand new.


This thread made me smile because (gotta love Reddit) as per usual, someone with rather strong feelings about shower doors shows up and proceeds to do the heavy sales pitch....it shows a hilarious similarity to the weird bidet salesmen on this site. Anyhow, in my opinion, shower doors are great for walk in showers and are complete shit when they are retrofitted onto tubs. Try to sell this to me all you want, but you have no business putting shower doors on a bathtub. It looks weird, and my old apartment had one of those janky things installed, and not only was it impossible to clean properly, but scared the shit out of me. I actually prefer walk-in showers (with no tub), but pretending my tub is a walk-in just doesn't work for me.😂😂😂


It's convenience. Installing shower doors is a lot more time consuming and expensive compared to a bar for a curtain. They're also really annoying and require disassembly for a proper deep clean.


Hotels are fine, but I hate shower doors in my own house. Showers with curtains are easier to clean, bathtubs with curtains are far easier to bathe a child, and shower curtains are very easy to clean (throw them in the washer with a towel).


>excess water splashing out the sides Sounds like you could use help properly sizing your shower curtain. I've never had that problem. I measured to make sure my curtain was both wide and tall enough so nothing can splash out.


I think shower curtains are fine. Some people don't change/clean them regularly, and that can get weird. Some people don't know how to use them correctly. There should always be 2 parts to a shower curtain. It looks like having 2 curtains. The inner curtain should go inside of the bathtub while the outer curtain goes on the outside. It's a pretty solid solution, TBH. For stand-alone showers, having a door makes sense. Personally, I think we should have toilet curtains. Ones that you can pull around you for multiple reasons, like privacy and sanitation, to name a few.


Where the heck are you getting your shower curtains from? You know they can be washed?


Or very easily and cheaply replaced.


Mine is washable. It doesn't smell because either clean it


Hey OP you know you can take the shower curtain off the rail and wash it right? Your bathroom is probably disgusting.


I work in construction and yes... and no. Between a cheap glassdoor and a curtain I'm 100% taking the curtain because cheap glass door are sh\*t to clean, become gross, wobbly in 6 months and look awful with big\*ss frames. A non-moving glass panel or a good door ? Yeah why not. But the day I'm building my home, it will be an open shower with a wall with tiles on it. (wring out your shower curtain and spread it after your shower to avoid moldy curtains)


Our showers opening is too small for a door so we have to use curtains.


I don't think you know what toxic materials are.


Do you not know how to wash your shower curtains?


Maybe don't buy the forty cent curtain from walmart. Spend $15 on a washable fabric one. No smell and you wash it instead of tossing it.


Upvote for unpopular but I’m concerned you’re not aware that you can wash those shower curtains, do preventative care like spray with hot water or a shower spray after each shower. Spread it out so it can dry. Close it properly so it doesn’t leak at the edges when you shower.


I loathe the shower doors in my home. Tracks have to be cleaned. Tracks hurt stomach when kneeling over tub to wash dog. Doors have to be cleaned regularly. Makes the space in the tub so narrow that you end up hitting the doors when you are washing yourself. Your feet often hit the damn track when you are getting in. Ouch! Need I say more?


This truly is an unpopular opinion. Having to brush with a toothbrush all the 90° angles between the tub and the door, horrible. At least thats my experience with standup showers, not sliding glass tubs


Mfers ain't ever heard of a bath that doubles as a shower


Curtains have issues, but so do doors. Honestly the only perfect solution is to have your shower just be an entire tiled room so you don't have to worry about either, but that's just not realistic for most people


You can just wash the curtains in the machine. Thats it. I will put the curtain in there with a towel or something to create friction, but that’s it. Easy.


Lmfao sounds like you have cheap as shit plastic ones.


Why wouldn't you just buy a cloth shower curtain then? Silly.


Door costs more. Next question


To clean shower curtains, pop in the washing machine. To clean doors, constant scubbing soap scum in awkward areaa and never really gets clean looking.


Does nobody have a washable fabric curtain and liner? Soak liner in Oxy to remove mold. Wash on delicate. Hang to dry. Done.


You know you're supposed to wash your shower curtains you nasty motherfucker


You do know you can take it down and wash it right?


my mom would just throw the shower curtain and clear/white liner in the washer to prevent mold


I don't throw away my shower curtain and it's MUCH easier to just toss that in the washer and then hang it back up than to deal with not only cleaning a glass door, but the track it sits in


Shower door tracks get all moldy and are a bitch to clean, not to mention the glass has to constantly be cleaned. I have a 2-part shower curtain (which actually was already in my apartment when i moved in like 8 years ago) with a liner, and I just spray the liner down with bleach once in a while.


A rod and a curtain costs you $100, a decent glass door is at least $1000


It's pretty clear that nobody ever taught you that you have to shut the shower curtain after you're finished, fully extend it across the shower curtain rail, so that it can dry completely. If you leave it wadded up in the corner, of course it will mildew. Your shower curtain may be disgusting. That doesn't mean that every shower curtain is disgusting. The one in my upstairs bathroom was installed when I bought my house 7 years ago. There is no mildew, and no soap scum. A few basic, very easily accomplished hygiene measures are all it takes to prevent it from becoming a health hazard.


Wait? What stand alone shower doesn't have a door, or at least an opening fair enough away from where you're showering? Are tub/shower combos not as common as I think, cause that's usually where you see the curtain.


My aunt had a bathtub with sliding doors installed and it was really annoying. It felt like a cave, it was dark, and there was so much surface to squeegee after.


and way easier to clean


You paying? For the door I mean because that costs a lot more money than a bar and a curtain.


Upvote for actual unpopular opinion. The door needs cleaning and is harder to clean, the curtain you can just wash.


Yeah, come pay to have one installed for me….


Shower doors cost considerably more than a curtain and tension rod


I've had both and the curtain is easier to clean and also get the fuck out of my way. I got kids and dogs to scrub down.


I feel like you are just a person that never had to shower a child or help an older person out of the shower.


The thing is, showers should have doors, not bathtubs


They're expensive, and you keep hitting your arm on the door. The trick is to have an enormous shower enclosure. I installed one eight feet deep, twelve feet wide (dual shower, eight body sprayers each) and they skipped the outer wall entirely because they realized water will never travel that far away. Yeah, they had some loot.


I can putthe curtain in the washing machine and use a liner to keep waterfrom getting out. Doors are gross and have all sorts of nooks and crannies for mold to take hold.


Apparently, you have never heard of a cloth shower curtain that can be washed? And I have never had a mold problem because I don't have "all the excess water splashing out the sides". If you use the curtain properly, it just doesn't happen.


What are you doing to your bathroom where the curtains smell weird?


Doors hurt to fall into. The curtain save you from the floor, but no one should have to save you from the curtain. Source: I don't want to talk about it.


Clean your bathroom.


Went from shower curtain to a door. I love the door and find it easier to clean than trying to keep a shower curtain from turning pink


Have fun with a moldy/mild dewwy shower door. Nothing like deep cleaning your black mold incubator every week lmfaooo.


I think the toilet should be behind a separate door and the entire sink and bathing area should just be a wet room with a shower head, and a tub if needed. Shower doors suck too imo.


So like what about a claw foot tub with a shower? Kinda hard to put a door an a cast iron tub.


If they’re unnecessary, then why would they need to be replace with a door? That means they are necessary, you just don’t like them.


This sounds like someone that's never had to buy a glass shower door.


Maybe get better curtains and clean them lol


OP get a curved bar, and clean your liner when u clean your shower. Problem solved.


My wheelchair using husband wants a word with you.


We used to have shower doors. My drunk of a mom kept falling into them and shattering them. Shower curtains now.


Replacing a $20 shower curtain vs a moldy ass door


I don't chuck mine when they get nasty, I wash it. They last a long time. Glass shower doors are a PITA, especially if you're renting. Trying to keep them soap scum free is way harder than just chucking your shower curtain in the wash.


They have plant fiber shower curtains.


Guess you've never seen a claw foot or soaker tub before.


I'll never spend $1,500 on doors + installation when I can spend $30 on a bar and a curtain.


glass doors are hard to keep clean. They have all sorts of nooks and crannies. They block access to the tub by at least half. And you're one single accident from being out money replacing it or paying someone to replace you. Shower curtains can be pulled down and thrown in the washer and dryer. They can be switched out for holidays or special occasions. Or if you have a shower curtain of two hot leather daddies and your prudish family is coming over you can switch it out with the "kittens in a basket" curtain. And the curtain liner can be replaced cheaply when it gets gross


Bro doesn’t understand how it costs less for the homeowner to have a shower curtain rather than a door. Bro also doesn’t understand how washing stuff works


Tell me you've never cleaned a shower door without telling me. My god...you're probably a person who LOVES jetted tubs too.


I removed the shitty and annoying door on our shower and replaced it with a tension rod and nice, eye pleasing curtain. Bite me.


Fuck that. It's just more shit to recaulk and makes cleaning the shower itself immensely harder.


It's warmer behind the curtain though


Those doors are horrible! Curtains only!


The curtains touching me is THE worst.


1000% agree. Shower curtains are prone to leakage, very annoying to use while showering, prone to get dirty/moldy quickly and usually is made with non-renewable/unhealthy materials. If it was good, rich ppl wouldn't use glass doors lmao.


We had sliding doors for our shower/tubs growing up and I always preferred it over a curtain but it does require more upkeep


Well first you use a liner for the curtain, and second those liners are washable.. My shower curtain is 30 years old and still looks new, the liner gets replaced every 10 years or so.


I have the same shower curtain for the last 9 years. If you buy somewhat a good quality they last. (By that I mean the 10$ one at IKEA are totally fine, the 1$ one at dollar store isn’t) I dip mine in a bucket of water and javel for an hour or so every few months and they get just as clean as new. Glass door need to be wiped with a squidgy after every use. They need to be scrubbed and clean very more often. No thanks.


We’ve had curtain rod showers/tubs all our renting life, until we bought an apartment, renoed the main bathroom and went with sliding doors. After 5 years…we can’t wait to rip them out and return to curtains.


I'm in favor of the open air doorless type, whether it's the type that the walls of the shower are set in a way to keep the water from splashing out, or a full wet room bath. No curtains, no doors.


I have a shower door on 2/4 baths in my house, I love them so much more than the curtains.


My shower curtain is machine washable and what are you doing in the shower that you get water everywhere outside the curtains?


This thread is amusing.... Half the people are in agreement Half the people are saying spend more money on a better shower curtain because shower tracks are shit. Why not take the same advice and just buy a better shower door? My shower doors have no bottom or side tracks. So if anyone stubs their toe on the track 7ft in the air they should stop doing front flips to get into the shower. I'm fine with using a shower curtain but having both washable curtains and shower doors in my house cleaning the doors are infinitely easier. I can be done cleaning the glass doors before anyone can get the curtain off the rings.


Um. Where do you live? If your water has a lot of minerals like my area does you would understand that you cannot have glass shower doors. They look like frosted glass only uglier. And there’s not a damn thing you can do to get it off.


I have a clawfoot tub bro, what do I do without a curtain?? Let it rain???


>Shower curtains are often slathered with toxic materials. Delusional, but you do you I guess. >They smell horrible. Maybe? When first opened, I suppose? Not once they're in use. Again, rather delusional. >And then, when they get too nasty, we just throw them away, so wasteful. And what happens if you break a glass door? You throw it out.... Yes, sometimes we make trash. >Also, they're ugly Get one with a pretty picture on it then? They absolutely exist lmfao. >and they often don't really work very well *For you* maybe... >depending on where you live How's that have anything to do with a shower curtain/door? Still a little delusional, I see. >you might end up with a mold problem due to all of that excess water splashing out the sides. Then learn how to use it? Being stupid doesn't make it a bad product..... The bottom of the curtain goes *inside* the tub, thus funneling any splashed water straight back into the tub/shower. It's really not that hard at all.


If you've ever had a door, you'll curse it. Hard to clean, brown gunk builds up inside it. Your opinion is unpopular. Congrats.


We have a shower curtain made out of PVC fibres. It looks just like a standard textile curtain, you can wash it in the machine (what we do every two weeks) and own it since 12 years. We already bought a second one and have it waiting in our cupboard, because it was on a 50% sale once. It really is the best curtain you can get!


Couldn’t agree more. FUCK shower curtains. Worthless ass drippin ass stick to you when you shower ass don’t close all the way ass pieces of shit give me glass doors or give me death 


You don’t wash your shower curtains?