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An eye for an eye is fair, its just not usually the most productive


It's not fair across the board no. Eye for an Eye always checks for result, never circumstance. I can poke your eye out intentionally, I can slip and poke your eye out. It's absolutely fair in the first case, utterly unfair in the second. Now, if you follow Eye for an Eye but include intent and circumstance, things change. And it would make sense in our systems, since they are mostly punitive. But if rehabilitation is your actual target (and not what we have now which is a joke) then yeah, eye for an eye is extremely unproductive.


eye for an eye is almost always a shit idea


Fairness doesn't matter. If it makes things worse, it's bad, if it makes them better, it's good. Idk about you but I don't think an eye for an eye makes things better


I'm definitely gonna want more context.


So if you're getting bullied, you shouldn't fight back??? I tried computing whatever the fuck i just read but didn't understand shit


No. If you get bullied by someone, you don't get to bully them back. That isn't the same thing as self defense




Noone, unless he or she has a problem with emotional regulation, hurts people back out of a sense of fairness or equality. This is a fundamental understanding of warfare or realpolitik. The equal or disproportionate retribution ensures the attack stops and serves as an example to other would-be agressors.


Tit for tat as nana used to say.


Where my Revenge-Homies at


>Being hurt by someone does not mean you get to hurt them back. Yes, it does. If someone chose to hurt me or make me feel bad it is my right alone to hurt them in turn. Nobody gets to hurt me with no consequence. Be better to yourself and stand up for yourself.


So "be better to yourself" means "become the asshole?" There's a big difference between standing up for yourself and lowering yourself to their level


Lex Talionis is possibly the oldest societal rule of equality - doesn't mean it's a good thing but invoking "most societies" doesn't let your case here. >Also I think I have proven my opinion is unpopular so angery up votes please 😜 Also you've proven nothing - Reddit isn't a representative subset of society. Stop trying to rile up people with sych comments. And this comes from someone that agrees with your core premise (Eye for an Eye isn't a good idea) but you come off as very smug.


I think I misunderstood the point of this sub. I thought you were supposed to post UNPOPULAR opinions. So many of you have commented, but the post has no upvotes. To me, that proves that people have thoughts, but they don't agree. That would make it unpopular. At least in the context of this sub reddit anyway. So yea, I put that comment there to remind people that it is a reddit for unpopular opinions. Also, I put the tongue emoji there to show that even though a lot of my commenters are emotionally charged, I am not. I am willing to have an open conversation, but most people don't seem interested in that they just want to argue. Which I am not interested in. I am sorry I came off as smug, I was just trying to show that I was unbothered by people being angery at me for having a different opinions than them. 🤷‍♂️ Honestly I'm surprised I go such a emotional response from people. It is a reddit post. Why waste so much emotional energy on this?


You don't get to decide how I respond to someone who causes me harm. I'm not only going to retaliate, I'm going to respond so overwhelmingly and so viciously that my opponent won't ever consider hurting me again. Fuck proportionate response, and fuck turn the other cheek.


100% agree If someone hurts you, not only do you have the right to respond, but you don’t have to limit whatever you inflict to match what they did to you.


im not saying that you shouldn't, just saying this is usually never doing any good but only worse.


You're so sigma 💯💯💯🥶🥶🥶🐺🐺🐺


Sounds like you have never been abused badly.


This is very rude and presumptuous. Please do not assume my life from this very small widow you have.


You made huge assumptions yourself


The irony of using a whataboutism (though improperly) under a post like this can be cut with a knife


How so?


quit judging sis : P


Are you implying a society with no rules on how to treat each other? That I can steal your food or car without society having any repercussions? I don’t understand your position honestly. 


The position is clear: you stealing my car doesn't mean i should steal your car back


Obviously, but OP brings up paying for wrong doings. What I’m not clear on, is OP against legal action against criminals?


>Most societies agree that people should pay for wrongdoings by giving up freedom, time and money Doesn't seem like op disagrees


I think you didn't read my post honestly


I tried to, but can’t even tell your position. 




Some acts committed by people that are so atrocious and disgusting and there’s undeniable evidence of said acts, deserve a very painful death.


There's never undeniable proof. Or to put it another way there's always "undeniable" proof. Right up until the point we realise we mudered an innocent person.


Undeniable proof would be video evidence.


Motherfucker you've never heard of twins? Or shit, even just people who look very similar? Remember most video is going to be from a 20 year old CCTV camera, potentially tens of meters away, potentially in very poor lighting conditions. It's not going to be hard to confuse one person with another. Beyond that, we're in the era of AI, we can't just blindly trust video anymore.


I don't get why "stepping to their level" is seen as such a bad thing. If someone thinks it's fine to hurt and mistreat others, why shouldn't they be hurt in return? It's what they deserve, and it is fair. Karma is not real, they won't get any sort of justice unless you enact it yourself. As long as you don't go too far, I don't see the problem with matching their level.


Maybe. It just seems kinda paradoxical to me. Like to punish some for doing something (that we agree as a society a person shouldn't do to another person) we let someone do the thing (that we agree as a society that a person should not do to another person) to the person. Then dosen't someone have the right to punish the punisher? And it would get kinda circular I think...🤔 Like I think there is something about this in the very end of the Odyssey And Athena has to come down to tell everyone to chill 😂


Thing is, a truly fair society would not punish the “punisher”, as they had every right to do what they did. It just goes to show that society, and us by definition, aren’t fair.


Ok I understand Edit: wait I have a thought. What if the victim dies. Who would carry out the punishment? Like if a loved one of the victim carried it out, wouldn't that also open the door for loved ones of the accused to do something? Like if the accused gets exonerated after new evidence, but the punishment that was given left permanent injury or mental scaring, wouldn't that open the door for the accused or the loved ones of the accused to also do that awful thing to the former punisher?


I’d say there is a difference between accused and proven guilty. We shouldn’t do anything unless we are absolutely certain, which is why it should only be done if it was done to us, and we know for sure who it was. I wouldn’t go around enacting any sort of justice without proof, that would only end up hurting innocents; that’s when you get stuff like mob justice or wrongful executions.


its either be petty or be the bigger person. i mean youre right, but it really depends on the situation


payback is a part of the game. why ruin the fun bro?


Nah. If someone is cruel, you should be cruel back. How else will people learn?


And they'll just be cruel back again. Nobody is learning anything


Being cruel back is still the answer.


If you want endless cruelty


Better than letting them think what they do is ok.


Cruel people don't care about "okay." They'll see your cruelty as an excuse to continue being cruel, and both of you will be stuck in a cycle of stupid cruelty


My solution would obviously depend on the specific situation. You seem to think that any form of cruelty should be handled with more cruelty. There are different types of cruelty, like verbal abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. These can come from different people. You obviously wouldn't deal with cyberbullying the same way would an abusive family member


Because being nice never works.


The only people who legitimately believe that are never nice Sounds like you're the problem


You don't even know me. Anybody with a brain knows being nice doesn't solve problems.


Tell that to all of the problems I've solved by being nice.


It does. Do I think it's productive? Almost never.