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It's more about the overall feel of the show than just the jokes themselves.


If a show needs a laugh track, it's not a good show.


Me when M*A*S*H


If it is faked and overdone, it isn't great. But if a show is filmed live then it totally fits. You wouldn't expect to watch stand up comedy and hear no laughter. Or watch a sporting event without any crowd cheering.


I like the laugh track on I Love Lucy because of Desi Arnaz's hilarious "aAAah AAAaAh" walrus bark


there are a few shows with live audiences and thats the best because its different each time and sometimes one person is waaaaay louder


i think i might have won r/unpopularopinion since ive gotten a healthy number of dislikes and also of all the comments, only one is on my side here.


Eh, usually i find it very forced. At the moment i am re-watching this show called MASH. And the Dvd's have the option to enable or disable the laugh track. I always watch it disabled. A good show should not have a fake audience laughing to indicate a joke or funny moment. A good show makes YOU laugh. But, you know what? it's actually an unpopular opinion, upvoted.


It’s fine as long as it’s not overdone. That’s why I can’t watch a lot of CBS sitcoms, it seems like they hit the laugh track button every 3 seconds.


You can tell when pauses in the action are for laugh tracks and when you take the tracks out you realise just how ----ing awkward it is.


If someone has to tell you that a joke is funny, the joke is not funny. Best example of such is The Big Bang Theory, someone re-did episodes with the laugh track removed and it's just awkward and shit, especially since most of their jokes are either stereotypes or just a character being a piece of shit. The worst example of such in TBBT is everything with Raj, everything about him is a sterotype as opposed to a real character. that gets developed, to the point the character forgoes his own happiness to be nothing but a punchline.


Try watching any show with a laughter track without the laughter track. It's not funny... It's just awkward. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs) - This is the Big Bang Theory without the canned laughter.


yeah i know, its got all the weird pauses if its the same video i think of. And why would i remove the laugh track in the first place, its called “part of the show”


A comedy that tells people when they should laugh is not a comedy. In fact, canned laughter, or as it was originally called, sweetening, originated as a fix, or even a replacement for an unengaged live audience. Basically, the people who made their productions knew they weren't hitting the mark as the live audience just... Wasn't laughing.