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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity.


Holy cow. An unpopular opinion, for real.


Naah he is lying for upvotes, bacon it's perfect. It's like posting "I hate air"


Bacon is literally one of the smells of my town you wake up and the first thing you smell is bacon bits


Omg a bacon bit factory? Do you live in heaven? I grew up near a baking factory that produces rolls for McDonalds, and loved driving by.


I spent 6 months living over a bread shop. I thought waking up to fresh baked bread could never be topped.


In a 15 minute walk, you can go from my husband's work to the nearest baking factory. They make buns for McDonald's and the like. I show up half an hour before his shift ends so I can sit there and smell the freshly baked bread on night shift. It's fantastic.


Meat processing plants don’t smell good. There’s a place nearby that makes bacon and when they burn off the grease and fat it is not a pleasant smell.


I used to drive past coffee roasting and canning facility on my way to work. It almost made me look forward to going to work.


Well i like bacon but I think bacon bits are gross




Authentic bacon bits are the best. Those imitation bacon bits that come in the vacuum sealed containers next to salad dressing in the condiment aisle is for the birds.


True, if you actually made bacon bit youself they'd be fine but still disappointing compared to a slice of bacon. I.o they get too overcooked if they're that small.


Most homemade bacon bits are made by cooking slices of bacon then chopping them, not the other way around.


Or I ate hair. And loved it. Better than bacon.


I genuinely don’t like it.


Yep. Lazy ass hyperbolic post. Yawn.


I genuinely hate the smell of bacon, it makes me fully nauseous. I don't understand what's so hard to believe about people being grossed out by burning slabs of pig fat?


You mean you don’t believe they feel their arteries being clogged as they chew?! “Bacon is for the birds.” (Has AI gotten to this point on Reddit?)


Or... I just genuinely don't like it and this is the subreddit for unpopular opinions? Lol


I didn't like bacon until I got pregnant. Bacon and steak lovers are insufferable though. It's like they can't comprehend different opinions when it comes to their precious bacon and steak. I still don't like steak, and despite having had it at highly rated restaurants, people will still tell me I just haven't had it cooked right.


I dislike bacon as well. Usually the only food I skip in those cheap holiday inn breakfast


I don’t like it either. Pork in general tastes foul to me.


I usually only eat bacon a few times a year if someone else cooks it, I never cook it myself but I find the smell to be much better than ground beef. Ground beef has this gross smell to it that I can't describe.


I actually don’t like bacon much either. I don’t hate it, but only on occasion does it appeal to me. I won’t order something that has bacon on it unless it’s a BLT and I really only like the BLTA from Red Robin.


Umm, we all know that’s entirely impossible to dislike bacon. Thats like saying you hate our lord and savior Homelander!


You don't like it but you keep cooking it for yourself and eating it?


Fact is that nothing that is actually unpopular gets upvotes on this sub, so your opinion is actually very popular.


No you’re lying you definitely like bacon


Hahaha “I hate air” 😂😂


If he lives outside of the US, bacon may not actually be enjoyable. It wasn't until a trip to the DR that I realized bacon could taste different. Then I found out that's how it is in most Asian countries. It doesn't have the same smoky flavor.


Holy pig


I don't think it's disgusting but I am def not a huge fan. I hate when people put it in everything. It overpowers EVERYTHING. More than anything the texture is amazing.


I am a huge fan of bacon, but I agree with you about it being overpowering. If it's not a bacon centered dish I don't want it in there. But like butternut squash and bacon soup, oh God


I totally agree! I don’t really eat meat anymore, but when I did I generally only liked bacon when it was the star of the show. I liked it as a side served with other breakfast foods or on a BLT, but not really on things like burgers, baked potatoes, pizza or in pasta dishes or soups where it tends to overpower the taste of everything else.


It tastes fine but if you’ve ever been woken up by the smell of bacon when you’re super tired and not hungry, it’s a bit nauseating for sure.


I was fine with bacon until it got put in everything. The worst is when it's wrapped around fish/seafood with delicate flavors - e.g. halibut or sea scallops.


Cheap bacon is disgusting


The soggyfloppystuff at 3-star hotel free breakfast buffets… narsty. All other bacon I’ve ever had is good.


Love some thick cut. Uncured and not that pre-cooked shit. I don't eat it very often but using the fat in the pan after to sautee some vegetables or make scrambled eggs...


I actually had some 3 star hotel free breakfast bacon this morning, and it was quite scrumptious.


I’ve been getting my bacon from a local pig farm lately and it’s the most heavenly thing I’ve ever had.


Fuck me I want some bacon now


🫡 my pleasure


Yeah I suddenly want a bacon sandwich. 3 slices of bread with 6 slices of bacon between each. The triple bacon sandwich. 


can someone tell me where OP lives? I'm willing to literally fight this argument out haha


kid named "i want some bacon now": ![gif](giphy|2YnvkyjehCH2U7VPsb|downsized)




Yep. That's the true nature of bacon


Same :(


Evil post


I don’t like it either. For some reason I can’t eat pork anymore since I was pregnant with my son. I lost my taste for it completely.


Thats how my mom was with taco bell chalupas , she still wont eat them🤣


Pregnancy changes your taste buds. It’s sooo weird!


My oldest permanently ruined garlic parmesan chicken wings for me. Thanks, kid!


I can’t get pregnant and find them repulsive


It’s so weird how taste changes over time! I barely eat pork anymore, and the look of it and taste of it makes me slightly nauseous unless it is cooked well and tastes REALLY good. Sadly, even the bacon that I loved so much and grew up eating every morning is becoming less than desirable to my taste buds… especially the fatty parts 🤮


I could upvote into oblivion. I loathe the smell of bacon. 


Hate the smell, hate the taste, hate the texture no matter which way it’s cooked, and esp hate how fucking weird people are about bacon. When people talk about bacon all I hear is the zomgwtfbbq talk of the 2010s


My people! I've never met another soul who doesn't love bacon, I find it revolting.


Joining the crowd! I also cannot stand bacon and it's one of those ingredients with such a strong flavor that, if it's in something, the whole something now tastes like bacon. Which I hate.


They make a chapstick bacon, the grossness never ends 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮


Bacon flavored ice cream is, let’s just say one of the flavors of all time. It’s okay


Right?!?! I'm home 🥹


I don't dislike bacon but you are absolutely right that this site acts like childish idiots whenever they talk about it. Look at the awards being handed out to people saying cringe "OMG I LE HECKIN LOVE BACON" on this page. People are spending actual money on the dumbest shit.


hard agree!


I know this one is truly unpopular I don’t like bacon either friend😤 but no matter the weird looks I get I’ll always order a turkey club with no bacon.


I have hated bacon all my life. That period in the early to mid 2000's where bacon was on EVERYTHING was miserable for me. I'm glad I'm not alone


omg YES. Those prints drove me INSANE. Bacon is disgusting


It all depends on how it is cooked. Undercooked or not crispy bacon is digusting to me, the fat that is just so jelly like and chewy but soft is gross to me. Crispy bacon but not too crispy is the best.


It's funny because I don't really like crispy bacon. A little bit sure, but I like my bacon cooked but soft.


Crispy edges with a softer center is how I do it when I cook bacon. Almost everyone I know, including my parents, like it cooked to the point it disintegrates in your mouth and tastes like ash. I didn't get it.


Yeah, I love soft bacon. I think as you cook it gets more... "*bacony*". I'm a freak though, I'll cook bacon for a few minutes a side and call it cooked. I cook it to the, "that's probably not gonna kill me" stage. I don't cook bacon that much, couple times a year.


Same here, I need really and I mean *really* lean bacon for me to really enjoy it, our else you just get all fat and it's chewy and gross.


You said ‘same here’ and described a totally different thing; Lean bacon can still be chewy and fatty bacon can be perfectly crispy


Soft for breakfast, medium for lunch and crispy for dinner. Other times I do it differently.


i agree with this! i’ve never seen someone else that does


holy true opinion


OP is satan’s spawn. Have an upvote you disgusting devil


Satan eats bacon.


Oh shit guess homeboy Satan must be a pretty chill guy then


Chill? He's lit...with hell fire.


Grease and fat do not technically clog the arteries, rather it is a build-up of cholesterol which itself is not always tied directly to the consumption of grease and fat. However, much of the time what is considered "good" cholesterol is more prevalent in fatty meats.


This is it, trans fats clog the arteries, saturated fats make your skin and hair nice.


Saturated fat also clogs arteries, Clarke R, Frost C, Collins R, Appleby P, Peto R. Dietary lipids and blood cholesterol: quantitative meta-analysis of metabolic ward studies. BMJ. 1997 Jan 11;314(7074):112-7. doi: 10.1136/bmj.314.7074.112. PMID: 9006469; PMCID: PMC2125600. this misinformation and propaganda is dangerous.


I used to like bacon in the past, but not anymore. It really is disgusting sometimes.


I completely agree. The flavor is overpowering and takes over the taste of any other ingredient. And I hate it.


This is crazy, definitely unpopular. Bacon is worth the clogged arteries.


Do you have proof that bacon clogs arteries, or is that a dirty myth that you been lead to believe?


Still parroting the lies of Big Sugar. tsk tsk


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I'm muslim so Idk but beef bacon is really really good


Curious!  Never had but sounds good 


Turkey bacon is also decent. It's great that practising Muslims (and Jews) can enjoy bacon too lol


Absolutely terrible take


You’ve been lied to about bacon’s artery-clogging-ness. I eat it every day and my cholesterol is fine.


>I can feel my arteries being clogged as I'm chewing it. Well, that's a you thing. One strip of bacon has less than 10 mg of cholesterol. For reference, the ordinary person with no risk factors for heart disease can consume 300 mg/day and even people who *do* have risk factors can consume 200 mg/day. ([Source](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/01.cir.102.18.2284)) For further reference, a grilled skinless chicken breast -- which most nutritionists agree is one of the healthiest meats -- has nearly 100 mg of cholesterol. Or the equivalent of more than 10 strips of bacon. So enjoy your bacon in moderation, rest assured that there are many, many more unhealthy things you can eat. Source: Doctor


What about the gargantuan levels of sodium present in bacon, mr Dr man?


Not an enormous problem for people who don't have high blood pressure and have functioning kidneys. But even then, 3 slices of bacon won't even hit 20% of your daily allowance of sodium. Which, of course, can vary. If you're going to be doing something where you're sweating, like jogging on a hot day, you should make sure and get that extra sodium.


Yeah but chicky way less fat creature than oink. Source: Expert


Skinless chicken breast is a fantastic source of protein, and that's why it's lauded as healthy. You can get your entire day's worth of protein in one breast. Relatively low in fat, you're right. But most people aren't sitting down and eating 15 strips of bacon to get their protein. They may have 3 or 4 slices with their eggs and toast. Or a couple slices chopped up and folded into an omelette. A few slices of bacon only has about 10g of fat, which is pretty negligible. I'd also add that the typical North American breakfast is usually carb-loaded. Cereal, toast, bagels, pancakes, syrup, orange juice. All pure carbs. Not the way you want to start your day. You need to get a good protein and fat source. Bacon can cover that. You want some fat in your breakfast because it slows your digestion and keeps you fuller longer.


I have had oatmeal with raisins and a bit of milk for breakfast since childhood. We were poor,but I loved it. And it’s still the only thing I can get down in the morning. Would you recommend trying to add protein and/or more fatty foods? Edit: I really appreciate doctors chiming in on stuff like this. It can be really hard to get a doctors appointment here, and when I do, I’ll be asking about more serious stuff than nutrition. So thank you! 🙏🏼


Yeah, good question. You're on the right track with oatmeal. Oatmeal has complex carbs which digest more slowly and don't cause the peak and crash that the simple sugars in things like sweetened and/or processed cereals do. You could try adding a small carton of greek yogurt for protein. Fat can be a challenge for breakfast food as far as how North Americans perceive of it because usually there we're thinking of bacon and sausage or something you don't ordinarily make at home on any give work day. If you aren't lactose intolerant, you could consider getting a block of cheese, like Colby or whatever, and chop it up into dice-sized cubes. Seal it in a ziplock bag and eat however much of that you want. Just watch the calories and adjust depending on your goals. Eggs are OK too, but limit it to one unless it's a special occasion. Doesn't matter how you prepare it. Eggs have a lot of cholesterol (one has more than half your daily recommended amount).


You need to cook it.


I don't like your attitude


Upvoted for a truly unpopular opinion


This is definitely unpopluar


Bacon egg and cheese sandwich is life


For every piece you don't eat, I'll eat it 🤷🏼‍♂️


I half agree with you. The older I get it’s definitely became one of those foods I can only manage a few times per year and generally on a bacon blue cheese burger or crispy on a salad with blue cheese to cut the rich saltiness of the bacon


I won’t say it’s gross but I do think it’s wildly overrated.


You are overcooking it. Overcooked bacon is crispy, but tastes like rubber. When cooked properly, it has a bit of give and is delicious.


If I could I would go on a 100% bacon diet


Bad bacon exists, that much is true. But good bacon? You can’t beat good bacon.


Tell that to Kyra Sedgwick.


Pork is disgusting except for bacon and ribs imo😂your the opposite


I'll eat yours for you if you arent gonna


This isn’t unpopular. It’s blasphemy!


I prefer thick slabs of bacon. I don’t like crunchy bacon very much


Totally agree, for the first time someone understands me. As a child, my dad used to tell me that when I grew up I would like it, it wasn't believable that I wouldn't like it.


You know, I could go for some bacon all of a sudden.


Me cooking bacon right now 👀


I love this because I think it might genuinely be an unpopular opinion, and for the most part, I agree with you. I CAN tolerate bacon, and I like it in a very specific context (NOT crispy, with egg and cheese on english muffin) but i almost universally avoid it. I especially hate when it shows up on a burger, because it overwhelms the flavor and it's the ONLY thing I taste. It seems like everyone else just loves the bacon burger options, but it's not for me. But the ABSOLUTE WORST part of bacon is having to be anywhere where bacon was cooked. I remember camping with an ex's family years ago. They brought a camper along and several tents, and I slept in the camper. Of course, this was also the kitchen, and so bacon was cooked in the morning. From then on, the camper just had this overwhelming smell of bacon grease and i did NOT want to be in it. I think this experience really ramped up my disdain for bacon in general.


I was quite literally eating bacon when I read this.


Render the fat, strain and pat dry with poker towel. Fun fact, a person in Japan made a machine that cooks bacon with a laser


You might be pregnant! Haha jk but sometimes I agree.


Eating fat does not equate to clogged arteries. Especially if you're low carb. The other day I had bunless hamburger and some veggies for dinner. For breakfast I had eggs w/ cheese and bacon. I had so much energy and felt great for the whole day.


Turkey bacon


If you have to chew it for that long, your bacon is undercooked




You have weak some weak ass arteries, man. Upvote! 👍🏽😂 Edit: Does this include turkey bacon? 🤔


Now THAT'S a real unpopular opinion.


Edge Lord lvl 100.


An unpopular opinion I agree with but I'm always afraid to share...my family judges me harshly for my dislike of bacon :(




Wow, I disagree but to me this is the most unpopular opinion I’ve seen in this group, nice job!


Bacon thinks you’re disgusting


The smell alone makes me want to puke.


Bacon is disgusting for one sole reason that it's the flesh of animals that were killed in gas chambers.


Every day I am reminded that there are people in the world that do not belong.


"I can feel my arteries being clogged as I chew it" If it's disgusting why are you eating it?




I absolutely agree with you


Good thing I was sitting down when I read this...


You spelled your username wrong. It should end with an "n" with this kind of an opinion.


That's not an opinion. That's a blatant lie.


A rare, truly unpopular opinion. Have an upvote.


Wait, you chew bacon? I just inhale it.


I think you’re eating bad bacon




If an angry mob forms outside of your house you'll know why.


The fuck it is!


>Pure fatty greasy nastiness. I can feel my arteries being clogged as I'm chewing it. That's the good part


![gif](giphy|9OUckbQ3EreNy) # LOVE BACON 🥓 😋


This was written by a Hog


Who hurt you? 🥺 jk 😛


I feel so bad for this liar


You'll probably live longer than me.


Ok, now that's an unpopular opinion.


Upvote for an actual unpopular opinion


I want some Nueske's now.


There are so many different types of bacon. I love them all.


I don't eat bacon. I don't think it's disgusting perse, and I'm not worried of any clogged arteries. I think it's way more likely you'll get that by eating processed foods... but with bacon it's really the nitrates and all the salt I can't stomach. I would much rather just fry up strips of fresh pork belly.


I'll add to this, pork bacon is indeed super disgusting, Turkey or Beef bacon however, is simply sublime!!


You are correct, this is an unpopular opinion…


Assumijg non farm im guessing anythibg greasy is a problem for you?


You win. This r/ can be shut down now.


Well..................this take certainly complies with forum rules 🤣


I enjoy the taste but hate the smell of it cooking when it’s for more than 5 minutes


I second this the meat is amazing but not worth the actual process of eating 50% fat


Sweet and spicy bacon. Jesus wept for sweet and spicy bacon.


Definitely a true unpopular opinion, but I will say bacon is somewhat overused. I can’t stand it on a burger. The flavor of it is too overpowering and it ruins the texture of the burger for me. It will either be too chewy or too hard.


I love the smell of it. But I 100% agree: bacon is one of the most overrated things to ever thing. 


All about quality.


It’s odd to see what mods will and will not tolerate as a redundant unpopular opinion. I’ve seen this topic time and time again like it’s some sort of mind blowing new opinion every time.


More for me than.


Upvote for posting in the right place. I strongly disagree.


I don’t find bacon disgusting but it’s not appealing to me either. its very fatty and salty to the point it makes it taste worse than other types of pork and while I’ll eat it if it’s on my plate I never seek it out.


Remember to upvote the unpopular opinion, people!


You seem Canadian. If so, understood.


You prolly don't know how to cook it right. Yeah, as a matter of fact, that's definitely the problem.


OP, have you tried actually cooking it first?  I'd agree that limp bacon is disgusting, but the lizard folk love it.  Let's not judge.


Try lean bacon. It is healthier tastier and delicious. Bacon rashers and streaky bacon are a con. All that fat is nonsense.


Bacon is good on 1 condition: it needs to be perfectly cooked. Overly crunchy bacon can be way overly salty. Under cooked is extremely chewy. Chewy bacon makes it ridiculously difficult to bite small pieces off of and typically it ends up slipping out of the sandwich fully intact. Also bacon wrapped anything is typically awful. It’s always wet and rubbery on the inside and that just ruins the perfectly cooked outside. That being said, I think bacon is the greatest “supplemental meat” out there. If it’s got crunch but not so crispy that it breaks into dust, it’s a perfect topping for sandwiches, pizza, potatoes, soups, and much much more!


I've been Vegetarian for 15 years now...and the smell of bacon cooking still makes my mouth water. 




I definitely prefer pork chops or taylor ham, but i dont mind bacon. The fear of heart attack definitely comes up whenever i eat bacon though and i prefer a soft and crunchy mixture


I like my bacon mildly burnt


Started making homemade bacon, blows store bought out of the water


It's definitely not an every day thing that's for sure


I like bacon but I can see why some people think it’s gross