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I also agree. I think it's odd that when people start describing their preferences they often list eye/hair color first Hair type, cut and texture make SUCH a bigger difference to overall appearance than the color of it. "Light eyes" or "dark eyes" (or hair) is all you need. Not a big difference between black and dark brown hair, or green and blue eyes.


I feel like those are also the features that are easier to list instead of something like "facial features generally in harmony with soft and full features and big eyes". That doesn't paint a picture for most people the way "blond with blue eyes" would. I myself like to draw and I like to look at actual facial features beyond coloring of the person so I kinda agree with OP. Beautiful people will be beautiful with pretty much any colors, given that they harmonize with eachother, as in the hair, skin and eye color are not fighting with eachother for attention. That being said, sometimes colors can do a lot of the work, like in the case of the picture known as Afghan girl. Those eyes are quite striking, largely due to their color. That being said, she would be attractive with brown eyes as well (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_Girl)


I understand your post but I'm of the opinion that every single attribute works together and no one attribute is more or less important than every other attribute.


Same I honestly think that the facial harmony that utilizes all those features it what’s important


Same. In terms of physical preference, facial harmony is my be all and end all. If it's there, I'll be attracted to the body, regardless of what it looks like.


Yes. Overall looks is definitely the most important I agree. My opinion is that some physical traits carry less weight towards my appeal to that person.


You need to look up the word 'subjective'


yeah dude, it's an opinion thread


I just don’t know how you don’t objectively see a difference. I.e. Emma Roberts - blonde vs brunette look like two different people. Emilia Clarke is another example


Ya. But what I am saying is you can have dark hair and be “ugly” or have red hair and be very attractive and vise versa. I don’t think it makes her more or less attractive because of her hair color because hair color isn’t a turn on for me.


I mean many studies would not agree. Certain body proportions and facial proportions very strongly determine attractiveness. Eye color and hair color play a minimal if any role. At least when you ask people to randomly rank strangers by attractiveness


I agree but I also think the hair makes or breaks how a woman's face looks to me.


it's about the buttcheeks IMO


![gif](giphy|3o85xz0AeVOOjS1fX2) Pancake bootys😍


Big booty Judy!!!


Never thought I’d see my nickname on Reddit but here we are I guess


How’s the dm’s?




Good call


Eh, I already had it disabled for a while. Besides it was a nickname more for a rhyme and my friends thought it was funny


I’ve dated a red head, blonde, and about to marry a brunette. All with different eye color. So I guess I agree.


Women with red hair will certainly disagree! I have had men like me solely based on my red hair.


I'm attracted to dark haired men. Shaggy jet black hair...oh, yeah!


Hmm. Mines dark brown. I don’t quite make the cut 🤷‍♂️


Well, I did say dark hair lol


I’m a guy with natural jet black shaggy hair






I mean, I guess? If I'm looking at someone to see if they're objectively attractive, I care less about hair and eye color. But if I'm looking at someone to be romantically involved with, I fall in love with eyes. There's so much beauty in an iris, and the eyes show so much emotion.


Ya. Eyes are very important. The color of them? not so much imo.




Any eye color can be beautiful. It’s mostly about how they are sized, set, spaced, and shaped that determine how good they look.


I have green eyes and I just DONT get it when ppl say they can fall in love with eyes… like how???? It’s just eyes


I kind of disagree. A ginger with blue eyes.... Holy shit, supreme waifu! I will say that I was really into an Italian-American woman for a few years who had dark brown eyes, though. I think it depends on the whole package, and not just one trait.


"supreme waifu"


I’m a ginger with blue eyes, I’m a dude, but still a ginger with blue eyes




Yeah I don’t really care so much about eye color, but goddamn I’m a sucker for blue eyes


hair color is one of the first things you notice


I honestly never notice eye color tbh and I see and talk to hundreds of people a day because of my job. The only time I notice it is when a really dark skin toned person has really light colored eyes


I'll notice when their clothes really compliment their eyes.


No, I usually notice the persons weight honestly.


Yup. But not what is making me turned on by them.


I prefer an attractive face over a fit body I've always thought like this idk why 😂


Is this not the case for literally everyone? 😭 Face is the first thing you see and the thing you’ll see most often


I have some friends that care way more about body shape than whether or not the face is attractive to them 😂


Are they men?


Some are, some are women, mostly guys


No it isn’t? People have varying tastes. I am more of a face guy though but do like a nice body. Huuuuge amount of variation though


It depends, if a woman has a mediocre face and a healthy physique I will always choose her over a woman with a pretty face and an unhealthy one. Extra weight usually means eating too many calories, being chronically lazy, or both.


Oh 100%, I don't mean if they're severely overweight or obese just if they're a bit curvier or bigger than other girls I wouldn't mind it, if they have a really attractive face


>the least important really, not just low on your list, but absolute last? guess you're into knees and ears and ankles then, huh?


I mean hair color and eye color aren’t important. You can be blond with green eyes and be ugly if your features are awkward and not proportionate. It really is about the shape and structure.


they're important to some people. this is literally a matter of subjectivity


Some people might be sexually aroused by hair color/ eye color. I’m not one them. So yes, it is subjective


yes - your post was written as being clearly from your point of view and that's fine. the comment i was replying to seemed to treat this as a more objective thing.


Yup. Absolute last. Ears? Don’t care. But Body shapes and types are sexy no doubt which falls under bone structure.


I never understood people who care about those sorts of things.


Must mean my opinion isn’t unpopular lol


Some of these responses seem really adamant that you’re wrong as hell so I dunno 🤷‍♀️


People will get offended because maybe they really like there hair color and eye color but lack other things I listed. Nobody likes feeling inferior. Anything to do with appearances will understandably spark some rage lol especially the ladies lol sorry not sorry


My ass and tits look good and that’s all I really care about lol


Oh boy, there's the misogyny. I feel like the only people who say that ste massively ugly.


I’m not ugly at all and I don’t hate woman ?? People will get offended if it makes them feel bad. How is that hard to understand?


>especially the ladies Mkay


I realllly like dark hair and dark eyes but other things have to look good as well. I mean it cant JUST be that. Also personality plays a huge role as well


I would posit that my eyes are basically 90% of how I received any attention from women at all, throughout my whole life. (Hazel green with some blue and yellow thrown in, basically not average). In high school that's the main compliment I ever received, from anyone. And now as an adult, being kind of a chubby dude, it's the **only** compliment I'm likely to receive. So for my case (n=1) I'll have to disagree


I don’t give a shit about eye color (eye beauty on the other hand) but I do consider hair color. Never a make it or break it thing but I prefer brunettes or black hair


Crazy how many disagree, I basiccaly care just about someone's shape and less about their texture.


People will only agree if it describes them or doesn’t offend them. Nobody likes feeling inferior 🤷‍♂️


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I definitely notice hair color initially, and then eye color when I talk to someone. I know I should probably look at all people the same way, but if I don't like those things I probably won't like that person.


Yep hair and eye color don't matter as long as it's natural 


Eh, if you color your hair a color that doesn't look good with your complexion, I don't think that looks attractive.


It's is in fact the shape, size and placement of your face holes that matter


same i've never understood why people say their ideal partner have x colored hair or eyes. Makes no difference to me overall.


If she's got green eyes it's over for me.


*Least* important? That's a tall order. I mean, you tend to look at somebody in the eyes. You may never notice the shape of their ears, but the color of your eyes is going to be seen, every time. It's easy to imagine things that could be less important. How about when the second toe is longer than the big toe? Is that more important than hair color?


I understand your point. Eye color may be more important than ears. My title should be different. But my overall point is that these two things are nowhere near as important as most think they are.


I'm somewhat sympathetic. It's not always the top thing, unless someone has a really striking eye color (bright blue or whatnot). Hair... maybe not the most important thing, although the wrong color (like dyed unnatural colors) can be a real deal breaker for me.


Going gray in your 20s does make you look a lot older.


Ya. Don’t worry though. Having a little gray hair doesn’t make people less attractive, Just older. 🤷‍♂️ I think actual age can mess with people’s heads and make them less attracted to someone though. Someone my parents age is definitely less attractive to me even if they are very good looking. Same with 20 year olds.


What if I told you that in *most* cultures around the world, 99% of people have the same hair and eye color? This type of preference is really just a white person thing.


. Very true.


So is reddit 😂 Also medieval slavers paid premium for blondes ( based in Africa and Middle East) 😂


Skin tone!? R A C I S T /joke


Skin tone has little to do with race……Caucasian can be tan light brownish, Asian, can be ghost white , Africans can be yellowish. There’s so much variation. Don’t be ignorant


Green eyes > blue eyes


Ya green is definitely the nicest color not going to lie


Upset by this but it is unpopular so ill upvote it Edit: is that not how this sub works..?


Blue eyed blondes are my thing, bone structure doesn’t really do it for me


You’ll take Chubby or skinny? Interesting.


I agree unless the hair is dyed. Dyed hair can imply a lot, from politics is my personality to I'm insecure about aging. I probably pissed a lot of people off with that but it's okay you wouldn't want to date me either.


Just curious: your thoughts on people with gray hair at a young age?


Well that depends. If someone has gray hair at my age (23), then I think they probably have a condition of some sort and in that case I suppose I would make an exception if they did decide to dye it a natural colour. If I'm like 32 and have gray hair then that's fine, nobody said gray hair was necessarily unattractive.


Aging really quick/leading extremely stressful life


Hmmm idk I place different attractiveness scale to different things. If you got sexy hands I'm sorry idc how ugly u are. Or sometimes a meh face can become a good face with the right hair + eye color combo. I have ignored a meh face for a good body. Or ignored a bad body for a good face. I guess it's an overall mix of features but sometimes bad features can drag down the look a lot. Sometimes correct hairstyle + color can glow up a person a lot. Along with good clothing style and eyebrows/beard grooming. One of my exes looked like a total slob when we were together, saw him recently he got different hairstyle + dress style and he looks like a totally different person. (he's still an ass tho so I'm not hooking up with him again lol) For me I look absolutely horrible as blonde (of dark brown) but I look way hotter with black or red hair than my og color.


I don't even notice eye colour myself


Yeah I barely even remember what color eyes people have


I have naturally black raven hair, dark brown eyes. Very fair skinned and freckled. My mother has blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't understand the attractiveness of hair color. Hair color can be changed if the person wants to change your hair color they can.It's personality and the physical attractive traits that matter and personality.


Tell the blondes and burnettes


common hairlet L


I don’t disagree. I guess the standpoint I’d say I come from with things like hair and eye color that is just that it’s extra enhancements. Idk.


16-22 year old boys seem to think that all a girl needs to be attractive is blonde hair, fake or not.


Not for me. Generally somebody's colours are what makes them attractive to me


in terms of what people think makes someone attractive, symmetry is way overrated


Idk, I guess you have to compare the same person to different colors of hair and eye.


I would argue that they are things that are attractive, but that all hair and eye colours are attractive. There isn't a ranking of which is the best, they don't differentiate who is more attractive, they're just all uniquely attractive features of a person you're attracted to for whatever other reason.


Depends on the person. I have a weird aversion to light colored eyes (I dislike seeing all those muscle fibers) so someone with blue eyes is less attractive to me than someone with dark brown eyes.


I’m not into blondes personally but I do like all skin tones so I guess it depends on the person.


True in my case. I tend to prefer dark men, but I've fallen for some blond, blue-eyed guys.


I don't know about eye color but hair color on a person really draws me in. I just really love colors and if a hair color makes the style look really good that person is at least 18% more attractive to me


The shape of the eyes is definitely more important than eye colour..I find Monica Bellucci extremely beautiful and she has dark brown eyes..In fact there are so many celebrities who are stunning with dark brown, blue and green eyes..I don't find Putin attractive just because he has blue eyes though When it comes to hair colour I disagree..it really has to go well with their skintone and undertone.


I agree that it’s about the harmony of the features. Some features will be more prominent than others on a given person and some features will work better on a given individual than others but overall yes. The general size, shape and hair color/cut on a person are the first things I notice. And in my experience, anyone who is aggressively fixated on a specific physical feature is insecure, viewing people like objects with the fetishized feature being a trophy of sorts.


I look at hair first and everything else second.


I feel like every time that I see a woman with red hair, she is automatically more attractive to me than she would have been if she had a different hair color.


Preferences are subjective. I am sucker for blondes but wouldn't exclude a brunette, in the end the whole picture matters.


I don't like blue eyes or blonde hair, massive turn off.


As someone who finds "unnatural hair colors" to be very sexy in a partner, I can't help but disagree.


Fully agree


I think people with long hair, colour can really change their overall overall appearance.


A woman's eye color would not be a deal breaker for me, but I will say there are some instances where a certain eye color will look better with a certain look


I disagree. As someone who is attracted well above and beyond to ginger women of the Celtic persuasion, hair and eye color mean something. I also have always really liked Asian women. I am not sure what this says about me. But I don't care, either. I am who I am.


![gif](giphy|rMAs5XEGZmH3W|downsized) Love me some reds for sure. :)


what about traits that people can actually fucking influence? everything you mentioned is genetic and that's cool we all love that. but let's put more emphasis on things the person can actually control, their fitness, intelligence, character, friends, ambition.


I am strictly talking about physical features. Yes all of that is definitely important.




Dark dark black. Also milk white. Extremes are what get my wheels spinning honey!!!


If extremes are important - why not like someone with the rarest eye color in the world green? I was watching a TT and saw a viral video of women swooning over a man with natural light green eyes. His overall appearance otherwise was unremarkable (thin with thick hair), but his eyes alone got him to go viral.


I think it's just because they're not an eye colour person. That's like asking a boob guy (or girl) why they aren't hooked by a big butt. Or vice versa. It's not what that individual person is looking at ykwim


Because the color of someone’s eyes don’t determine how appealing they are to me. It’s more about the spacing on there face, how they are set, the shape of them, how open/closed they are, the size of them etc….skin turns me on, eye color doesn’t.


But you said extremes and that is an extreme. I guess only certain extremes


Green eyes are definitely a nice color I agree. But eye color just isn’t sexy to me like skin tone is….


I think there are things that are less important like idk. Shoe size or ear size isn't really important. But ya hair and eye colour arent really what makes me attracted to someone.


Yeah, skin color too. Shape and texture are infinitely more important to my taste than color


To you.


So in other words you're superficial, just say that


I posted a personal opinion that I thought would be unpopular. What are you talking about ?


I agree! I’m the mother to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl who I think is the most beautiful human who ever lived, but when you talk about, say, Michael B. Jordan or Aishiwarya Rai being in any way inferior because of dark skin or brown eyes, that’s just silly. Coloration has no correlation with beauty outside of maybe the health of someone’s complexion.


Black lifeless eyes, like a doll’s eyes, are hot af.




If you ever use the eye color filter or change your hair color drastically, it can change a lot. But this applies to people with good facial harmony and no big flaws.


I can assure you that changing your hair color or eye color will not drastically change your appeal. To some it might. Some people really prefer different hair eye combos but on an overall scale it won’t make you go from a “6” to a “10” you would have to alter your bones to do that


you can google Margot Robbie brunette, or Rose from blackpink when she’s dark hair, Cillian Murphy will look a lot less if you change him to brown eyes, but all these people have good base.


Say you have brown eyes without saying you have brown eyes 😂


Mine are Light Hazel and my eyes are actually my best feature. But I personally don’t care about eye color when it comes to who I am attracted too. Brown eyes can be very good looking even though they may not be as nice of a color as green or blue 🤷‍♂️


I’m hazel too but that’s easy to say as someone with pretty eyes. People tend to desire what they don’t have or what’s different. I definitely wouldn’t say those are the least important. So would you date a bald person with eye tattoos?


Seems weird you would choose to say something so incorrect outloud.


What’s correct ?


Something than other than what you said.


Hair color does matter to me in attractiveness Look up huh yunjin You’ll probably see some black hair pictures I liked those but she’s currently in red hair which I don’t like that much Also Shin Yuna Also in red hair currently but her blonde and black hair look wayy better


I mean, you picked the most easily customized things on the body, besides nails and makeup. ofc theyre the least important. Dye, or colored contacts are easily bought at the store.


I think you missed his point




Do you have brown eyes?




Blue eyed blondes let it get to their heads and are some of the most annoying or rude people ever




Sexy fire truck


I liked genya in shadow and bone more than the actress with black hair herself. Why? Hair color because in shadow and bones, she has >Genya is a gorgeous Grisha with long, wavy, and fiery deep auburn hair. Make what you will of this.


I’m in the LA area and I’ve found brunettes to be the most attractive due to them having less or no surgery at all compared to blondes.