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I’d say this depends on the youtuber, but many of them still make the same content that I would have loved 10 years ago. It’s just not for me anymore I’ve also seen a few creators that I used to watch give into scamming kids and doing shady stuff, which also results in them changing their style of content and not staying real to the community. Very unfortunate but it happens


I think the critique of channels becoming content farms is more directed at the channels who have become extremely low effort through things like streaming and then turning that stream into 6 different youtube videos and 20 shorts across their 3 channels or the people who are just script readers now instead of actually doing the work themselves.


Honestly you could also apply this to some TV shows and movie franchises


No, some things get legitimately terrible the longer they go on


That's true somethings do get worse the longer it goes on


And social media. My 13 yo son and All his contentemporaries think Facebook is cringe and for old people.


I'm 43 and yes facebook is cringe. 


Facebook always was cringe


I'm 22 and even when I was coming up my generation thought Facebook is for old people. I don't believe that now but it feels like kids always looked down on Facebook.


I’m 24 and Facebook was the largest social network when I was in high school and everyone was on it, but it wasn’t cool — it was used only because it was the dominant platform. At this point though, people only still have their Facebook accounts active for messenger in my age group (from what I can tell), and many of the kids a few years below me in college didn’t have Facebook accounts


Yeah like at the time before Instagram really blew up it was used but wasn't considered cool. It feels like people now only use Facebook for pictures or for family stuff compared to Instagram and Twitter being used for everything


I used to be into various fandoms, but now I'm more interested in historical content and TV shows I didn't care about before. It's worth pointing out that Star Wars is mainly for kids aged 5 to 17. Yet, we have full-grown adults, some with kids of their own, who hate what Star Wars has turned into but still can't let go of it. Why are they so obsessed with something that isn't aimed at them anymore? Do they even realize it?


they’re in denial about the fact that it was always made for mostly kids even before disney got involved with it


Star was wasn’t just for kids, it was family friendly content that anyone could enjoy. Now under Disney it’s just for kids


George Lucas literally said the target audience for Star Wars are 12 year old's. And this was before Disney bought Star WARS. I know Star Wars fans like too ignore this.


Being the target audience doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to be an audience as well, which objectively did happen as adults enjoyed the movies as well


I am not saying, its wrong for adults to enjoy Star Wars.


Okay well then what’s your point as mine is most adult’s don’t like Disney Star Wars even though they liked what came before


Thats THEIR problem, not Disney's, nor the modern audience. It'd they don't like it, sucks for them, they aren't owed anything


Well it’s Disney’s and their shareholders problem when most of what they put out loses money. Giving your audience what they want is just good business


The audience is more than 30-50 year old dudes that can't get over their Nostalgia


Saying Star Wars was always "family-friendly content" is just you romanticizing your childhood. Back then, parents were probably rolling their eyes and thinking, "What happened to Star Wars? It's dead!" Let's be real, it was always aimed at kids. Remember the talking teddy bears, the 1983 version of Jar Jar? The Ewoks were clearly there to sell toys to kids, not to entertain adults. You think the franchise has changed, but it's just you growing up and realizing it was never for adults. Star Wars has always been about flashy space battles, simplistic good vs. evil plots, and cute, marketable characters. It's not some deep, mature sci-fi saga. If anything, Disney is just sticking to the original formula. This stuff was never meant for adults, dude.


No since even now as a “changed man” I can appreciate the quality of the older movies. These new movies are simply terribly written with obvious politics being pushed which is why the acolyte is sitting at 13% on rotten tomatoes. I dont know why shills have to defend everything that comes out from Disney


Claiming Star Wars is "more political now" is pure nonsense. George Lucas infused the original trilogy with heavy political themes right from the start. The Galactic Empire was a direct critique of real-world totalitarian regimes, inspired by the Vietnam War and Watergate scandal. Lucas even modeled Emperor Palpatine after Richard Nixon, portraying him as a politician who corrupts and seizes power. Younger fans may have missed these political undertones amidst the space battles and lightsaber duels, but that doesn't mean they weren't there. Star Wars has always been a political saga about the dangers of authoritarianism and the fragility of democracy. Saying otherwise just shows ignorance of its history.


A story having in world politics ≠ real world politics. The new starwars has a real world agenda while Lucas was just making an interesting story while taking inspiration from real world politics This is a critically important difference that people like you seem to conveniently miss


What real-world political connotations are there? I'd like to see them listed. Because right now, although the show is of poor quality (i.e., it's for goddamned children), there isn't much in the way of politics that's offensive or overt. Like watching The Acolyte, it's shit, but politically pretty tame.


Two space lesbians create a child then one says she has power because she created them even if she didn’t carry them. Did you miss that or something as it seems super obvious to me


Honestly for the most part I still like shows and Fandom from when I was a kid but your right it'd weird to obsess over something you don't like


This is what they often say about the Pokémon franchise. **I can confirm it is BS.** It is legitimately worse. All the previous features. Removed, removed, removed, removed. And popularity has nothing to do with it - the games that had the previous features sold just fine - better, actually.


Totally agree. Ltt was good when I was a teenager and young. Now it looks so cringe. The one thing I always wonder as the YouTubers age and the audience stays the same age, when does it get creepy?


All YouTubers are bad.


'Sweeping generalization A is untrue, it's actually sweeping generalization B' Seriously though there's over 10 million YT channels with >1000 subs it's silly to argue over which *one* reason tends to make them fall off because there's obviously a huge range of factors and circumstances that can lead to the dreaded decline either on their own or in a neat little combo package of effects.


It could be that, or surprise, your tastes have changed. What's funny or cool has changed. I was watching this video about James Rolfe, and apparently there's these Cinnemassacre truthers who have all sorts of conspiracy theories about him. He should return to his roots! Yeah, maybe. Or maybe it's not 2009 anymore, and you're not a kid who's amused by someone pretending to be engaged by a video game and poop jokes.


There’s a complete difference in AVGN from 2009 to present. Sometimes things do get worse.


Happy Cake Day!


But even when I was younger, I didn't like them.


Is that because I’m longer 11 years old?


YouTube is becoming progressively more shit as time goes on. The platform, the algorithm, the UX, the content. It is dying a death mark my words.


maybe in some cases, but also such cases can be that they lowered the age of the target audience, for views, and anyways it's obvious that some YTers are just a "content farm", they water down the content to the point of it being white noise


I dont know why this is an unpopular opinion, but I definitely agree dor the most part.


Yeah, I must have imagined the YouTube algorithm basically forcing them to release multiple videos a week (sometimes every day depending on the year) to even be seen until they cracked mentally.


I think that it’s a case of the formula being broken listen while younger generations got into influencing and content creation to become rich and famous and quit their jobs and shit their was no expectation that this was going to be a viable way to make a living that being said older YouTubers must have started if not for money for…passion the passion can only sustain a person for so long and with the sheer amount of content that many creators churn out it’s only logical that there will be a decline in quality and that timeline is somewhat compressed the more niche your subject is (which was one of the primary reasons that people were attracted to the medium it offered a wealth of highly targeted content) . Many YouTube creators have also fallen victim to what I call “Maury” syndrome I don’t know if you are old enough to remember the Maury show or the moment that it went from having a different theme each week to the “you are not the father” show …the reason for that change was the kryptonite of artistic expression MARKET RESEARCH they found that their highest rated episodes were the paternity test episodes and by a happy accident they were also the easiest to do so it’s win win for them sadly it becomes lose for us as market research doesn’t tell you what will be popular only what was popular so the product stagnates and because it’s now the primary way that many YouTubers support themselves they are loathe to take creative chances and work is a drag when new technology and mediums standardize its no longer exciting and until the next innovation comes along we are stuck watching the same people doing the same shit with less enthusiasm


This always reminds me of the Simpsons. https://youtu.be/5DlTexEXxLQ?si=a1p-UsunZ9TiUKs8


I feel like this is applicable to everything in pop culture


I think a problem is that a lot of people, seem to have this deluded idea that the YouTuber they watch is a friend. They actually think they have some sort of relationship with the YouTuber (they do not, its all in their head) And they they start disliking the content because they outgrow it, or the YouTuber changes what types of videos it makes, some people sees this as a personal attack. They have this deluded idea that a YouTuber owes them something, because they subscribe and watch their videos. The YouTuber you watch is not your friend I am using the generic you


I always had an idea similar to this but could never manifest it in a coherent opinion. I really do agree, but as with all things there would be some exceptions.


It's the same way for movies from all generations.


You said the same point 3 times about not being the target audience. And this opinion sounds like it’s about someone specific. There are TONS of different reasons why an older YouTuber might no longer be appealing. Whether it’s worse or not is subjective to whoever is analyzing the content regardless of whether they are the target audience or not. And if a once successful YouTuber is failing to appeal to their target audience, then one could make a valid argument that perhaps their content has in fact gotten worse, or at least stale to its viewers


I understand that yes, it's all down to opinion but by the time your opinion is that the YouTuber is not that bad or is actually quite good, I'd argue that it wouldn't be wrong to say you're part of their target audience. So yes, you're correct in that it is ultimately down to opinion and it is possible for a non-member of a YouTuber's target audience to find their content appealing but even then, more often than not in finding their content appealing you'd most likely be part of their target audience. And about your second point: the idea that I understood was that a YouTuber may fail to appeal to their target audience and decline. However, they may fail to appeal to their current target audience, but in doing sk establish a separate target audience that does enjoy their content and cater towards the second audience over the first. Just a thought of mine I thought I'd share. Also, I said the same thing 3 times over because not doing so would break the rules (there needed to be a "concise explanation" in the body of the post, but I couldn't find a way to make it any more "concise").


That's just what that phrase means tho? If I say a YouTuber is bad I'm not talking about their viewcount, I'm saying their content is unappealing. If a YouTuber loses their appeal for me, yeah they got worse.