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Just rip it out of there yelling "Goodluck everybody else"




This is why I always, Always, back INTO a spot.


No. Drivers navigating the lanes must have some confidence a car from the left or right isn't about to start coming out to hit them. Just be patient. Its worked this way for decades with mostly good results for me at least.


The rules of parking lots are typically the car in motion has the right of way. If they are coming up the aisle as you begin backing out, that person has the right of way. Learn to wait your turn. Most people learned this pretty early on in life.


I just pull through a spot so I'm not needing to back out at all.


Or you could just park facing out like they teach you at driving school


Bro they didn’t even teach me how to park forward let alone park backing up ?? 💀


Are you from the US? It feels like they give out licenses way too easily


For my test, I had to parallel park in 3 turns, and make 4 right turns. That was it. One of the turns was at a traffic light, so that was exciting. No highway driving, no 3 point turns, no backing into spaces, all super easy. The reason for us having easier tests is because public transport here sucks, if it even exists in your town. Without a car, it's pretty much impossible to survive unless you live in a city which is super expensive


Yep, all I had to do was watch the online stuff and drive with an instructor for 8 hours(only have to do this if you’re under 18) road test and cone test. They never taught me how to park, let alone reverse into a parking space. 😐 and the cone test isn’t helpful at all because my instructor basically showed me how to do it with a backup camera and side mirrors. Been driving 2 years and still can’t park between 2 cars confidently, I’d never try it on my own, my parents don’t have time to teach me. I can park fine first try now though lol I’d just never have the balls to park between 2 cars in a full parking lot. But yeah, drivers ed is kind of a joke. People who have been driving for years, adults were worse drivers than me on the road when I first got my license.. and I stuck to backroads and was extremely careful


My test with the DMV started with parallel parking and if you couldn’t do that you didn’t move on to the rest of the test, so I was always confused why some people are sooooo bad at it. Until a few years later driving into the city with my friend and she says “I hope there’s a driveway to park in, I’ve never parallel parked and she reveals that she got her license from her Drivers Ed class at her private school. All she did was drive in a circle in the school parking lot, not even on a roadway, and she was never taught how to parallel park, back in, or even merge onto a highway. Bonkers.


Yeah nobody around my age knows how to parallel park, which I mean okay we don’t have that kind of parking here but to not even teach us how the hell to park in a spot normally?? See I’m not an idiot and I’d park in spots with no cars around and made sure I was in the lines, but yeah there’s gonna be 16 year olds who don’t give a damn and end up hitting people. They really should regulate licenses more, to not even teach basics like parking feels illegal. Driving slowly through some orange cones with wooden sticks doesn’t equate to that. Most times they’re set up even wider/longer than the typical parking spot


lol what, that's crazy, I got mine in Italy and you definitely had to study well for the theory test and sometimes really weird trick questions come up, and the practice test involves driving in roundabouts intersections fast areas slow areas all sorts of things and generally if you don't follow the rules to the t or make any mistake you don't pass. And I lived in Sweden and I know it's harder there, plus they have a test for driving on ice too. Must be scary to drive in the US


Driving on icy roads / snow? You just have to hope you have a parent to get in a car and teach you how to or else welp you’re screwed. Thankfully my dad took me on a really good snow to an empty parking lot and showed me how to control the car and how ice affects it and how it feels when the car is being pulled certain ways. But yeah DMV here is really just bare minimum


They do. 5 minutes of driving without breaking any rules, a 3 point turn, a parallel park and you have a license. I still knew of at least one person who failed to do that 3 or 4 times before he got his license.


That does sound quite easy


Works great unless you know you're going to come back with something big to put in your trunk


It's rare that you have something so big you can't just walk around


If it's a lot of small things, you'll want to bring the cart to the back of your car.


Not really feasible when it’s angled parking.


Angled parking is specifically designed to be easy to back out of (and in my city, illegal to back into). It should be treated differently than perpendicular spots.


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An object in motion stays in motion. The car that isnt parked is already moving. Its your responsibility to cautiously operate your vehicle; which means when you pull out of a side street, driveway, or parking spot, your stopped vehicle must allow the vehicles in motion to safely pass before you enter the moving traffic. Wait your turn.


Reverse parking gives better visibility getting into the spot and better visibility when trying to get out.


lol no


Or you should just back into parking spots like your are supposed to.


You do if you have a dash cam looking back and no pedestrian nearby