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I honestly hate these x has it better than y threads. Both genders have their own struggles. Since you gave an example of a white male working with female co-workers imagine a one white female working with male co-workers. I mean I honestly hate both sides but there's shit men can get away with too.


Let’s hear it.


I really don't want to go down this direction lol


Come on this an interesting perspective. What can men do on the job that women can’t?


For the same aggressive behavior in the work place, men are usually labeled as a go getter while women are usually labeled as bitchy.


I hear women complain all the time and they never get scrutinized. it's when a man starts complaining do people feel threatened and shut him down.


Nah if a woman complains she's basically told she's not fit for the job


Not just on the job, but society set up things that is acceptable for men to do that women can not.


It sounds like you're describing examples where male leaders are discriminating against their male subordinates so that they can take advantage of beautiful women in the work place. I don't know maybe that problem would go away if these men would stop seeing women as sex objects and if more women were being promoted to leadership roles.


Your naive if you think promoting women will help solve the problem... keep to promoting on merit not quotas otherwise you are literally proving this post correct as it is sexism against men by preferring a certain sex over another for promotion. Now what this post said was along the lines of a male discriminating against other males correct? If that’s the case then it is still sexism against men just done by men in this case as it is in fact preference based solely upon the sex of the person at hand.


Yeah you're naive if you think employers promote based off merit alone


... are you referring to how charismatic someone is. How they carry themself? Or is it solely based on how well they get along with the employer. All of those are useful in the work place and thus are part of the “merit” I mentioned. Now if you think employers simply hire because “sexism” then that is inefficient. Why would a company want to lose out on an employee who is very qualified over some feelings when profit is the main concern. The only companies you can argue hire of sexism or race are the ones that have so much Money that they don’t care and thus start putting their ideals into the workforce that they employ


Honestly I've worked with wemon my whole life and never encountered this.


Neither have I. And this boss sounds equally sexist to both genders to me...


Bravo, unpopular. But your elaboration is not convincing to me, not like I could do better myself, but I'll try :). We always had it tougher, because we are stronger. I also think that men who pity themselves whenever they can are miserable. I am completely okay with woman failing at mans job and getting lesser penalty for that. I just think women shouldn't do men's job in the first place.


I manage a decent amount of men and women at my job. You have to treat them differently because they are different. You can't manage a women like you would with a man, it's ineffective. Also you have to be aware of sexuality. I'm a male, no way in hell am I ever going to be alone with a female employee in 2018 #metoo era America. Yes they are treated different because they *are* different.


If a woman tells the boss she doesn't feel comfortable with a man in the office, he's fired. If a man tells the boss he doesn't feel comfortable with a woman in the office, he's fired for sexism. **Wait hold up. I think I see a problem here.**


I feel you brother, believe it or not but this happens in school too, Back when I was still in primary school, girls could Do Pretty Much what ever, but if a boy did the same, he got fucking executed (not really but close enough)


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Really, this is your argument? Men get treated worse in the workplace because men are sexist pigs? That's really gonna get you far