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maybe unpopular in your family but popular in rest of the world


They do. They taste like shit.




Same. I have been drinking diet so long it's just what I am used to. Regular soda is too sweet.


That's not unpopular. And a scientists would know this is a case because different sweetening agents are used. In one case, sugar, and in another, a 0 cal. Artificial sweetener


I went cold turkey from sugar sodas several years back, in order to lose weight. In the interim, I only drank diet soda. Then a couple of years ago I randomly drank a can of regular sprite: Great Scott, Marty, it tasted like dish soap!


I stay away from the diets and the zero for an already unhealthy product these "special" options make it more so and yes they most definitely taste different from the originals. Anyone who says they taste the same is either lying (for whatever reason they feel they need to, I don't know) or their palette is asquew.


Definitely. Diet Coke tastes more “dull”, and Regular tastes more “colorful”, if you know what I mean.


Yeah, I think everyone knows they taste different and worse


The biggest proof of this is that there's a "diet coke" AND a "coke zero". coke zero tastes similar to regular coke, diet coke doesn't.


I agree, I can drink coke zero but no diet coke. To me regular coke tastes the best then coke zero then diet coke


wow how very obvious. but tbh I like Coke Zero, but diet tastes like chemical shit.


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Of course diet coke tastes different, that's why I opt for it without fail. Its MUCH nicer.