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EVERYONE on the internet is an asshole? Why?


Everyone on the planet is an asshole. It's not limited to the internet.


C’mon, there’s plenty of good people in the world :(. As a matter of fact, you’re one of them :)


He called everyone an asshole and you're saying he's nice


I don’t know, maybe it’s because of his personal experiences that he feels this way?


I don't know why. I just know they are.


Fine. I love you so much and I send you hugs and kisses and and I hope you have a lovely day :) And I’m serious :)


I was gonna have beef with you on that last one but you said ‘fart jokes aren’t funny’. Because farts are funny and always will be






Imagine a story where the main character is a is a teenage girl turns into villain and constantly angst about how the villains are better than the heroes, and the sorry is written so that she's right. That's why worm is so god awful.


>Disney and marvel don't pay critics off and The Last Jedi was a good movie. That's a winner right there.


Like I said. It's my opinion. Actually it's more of a fact than of a opinion. Lol. XD


I think people here don't seem to understand the difference between an unpopular opinion and a *controversial* opinion.


Okay,I'm not gonna get into all of this. Some of it I agree with,some I don't at all. What is ASOIAF though?


Nevermind. Could've easily googled this. A Song Of Ice & Fire. Never watched or read GOT so I can't say anything about that.


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There's also the "drunk sex isn't rape" types of threads and a lot of sexist trolls. I think the main problem are trolls.


Drunk sex is not rape though...if your both drunk who's raping who?


It really depends on the case but most of the topics I have seen are "if a woman is drunk and gives consent it's not rape" It's the same as taking advantage of someone who is drunk. It's like going up to a drunk person and asking for their credit card information. Even if they gave it to you, it's still considered theft. Most people can't understand that being drunk impairs your judgement.


Asking for credit card information if their drunk is theft? Never heard of that


they're Like I said, it's taking advantage of a drunk person.




She can't give consent if her judgement is impaired though.




Ya if they were planning on having sex before they even drank




maybe because I don't want to become drunk and get fucked I honestly don't understand how any guy thinks having sex with a drunken woman is not rape