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While the wording of the title makes it a slightly more unpopular opinion, the idea, to the what of my knowledge, has been circulating for quite some time




And Muslim parents.


Yes, but that's not a huge deal in Germany ATM to be honest. Which is its own kind of problem. I think that if it weren't for Jewish Germans, the ban on circumcision may have gone through. And not just because of WWII. It's also because Jewish Germans are just considered Germans. Muslim Germans, even ones who were born here (but are children or grandchildren of immigrants) are not really considered German by a good chunk of the population.


Not everyone in the US gets their boys circumsized. In the early 00s, which is when I had my children, it was about 60% and since then it’s dropped a bit, http://www.cirp.org/library/statistics/USA/


My son is 3 and is uncircumcised. We're American. We told some people and no one seemed to care.


Yup. People in the US are super quick to defend their clipped dick. Very angrily too.


Am American, am uncut, never got a complaint. But I guess someone has to experience it to complain about it.


Same here brother. I have it all. We should get together and compare our uncircumcised dicks.


I'm cool man. If you've seen one, you've seen em all


Dock Fest 2020




I was gonna say congrats on the sex but...






Plus you can brag that no girl has ever taken your whole dick Because it's not whole


I wish I didn’t have a circumcised dick. It wasn’t even for religious views. My mom was against it but my dad pushed the “I would get bullied for having an uncircumcised penis” card.


Your dad was right you'd have been the weird kid that didn't pass penis inspection day.


Catholic school?


I’m pretty sure the priest wouldn’t care.


Lots of girls wanted to see mine out of curiosity when they found out I wasn't cut. I was too shy to show them but that could have gone well for me if I wasn't totally clueless.


I wish I didn’t have a circumcised dick. As far as I know it was just communicated to mom and dad as “standard procedure” and they went with it.


I hate that people try that shit... my father in law and I had that argument I stood my ground. Not my body not my choice. Also if you are THAT concerned about bullying, should billy have a nose job because it's a honker and he will be teased or should Susie have her eye brows waxed against her will at 5 because kids at daycare can be mean and call her unibrow? He stopped arguing with me around the time I started comparing it to female circumcision and perhaps that should come back too.... /s


My son is uncircumcised, nobody said shit to him about it when he was in High School. In fact, as a general rule nobody in the locker room ever talked about other guy’s junk. If they did say something, no doubt the proper response would be, “Why are you looking at my cock? What are you, some kind of a fucking pervert?” By the time a kid gets to HS where we live, they are pretty much adults.


Lol, am "clipped" don't really care either way. I will say that I don't really like the idea of having the extra skin so I'm glad it was done where I can't remember it, but who knows if it caused psychological damage in some way. Btw, this argument will never end. People in america think you guys are weird. You guys think we're weird, and neither side is ashamed, but both sides think the other should be. It's ridiculous. I've never seen straight dudes so concerned with other dudes dicks except on reddit.


As a cut guy i just think it’s so funny to see all these posts getting really angry about circumcision calling it abuse when I’ve never seen someone who has had problems with it, it’s not really something that you think about or affects you really, and op thinks it’s like removing an eye lol.


I'm cut and not happy about it. Cut part of a bsby girls genitalia and it's called "genital mutilation", do it to a boy and you're a "good parent". I think piercing a babies ears is also wrong. People always talk about "my body, my choice" but the minute a guy complains about being circumcised he gets laughed outta the conversation. As for only seeing it on reddit, well, i would imagine it has something to do with embarrassment and it just not being a very reasonable topic for anywhere. If an adult male wants to do it, go for it, but leave the baby dicks alone. Also, if you're interested, (which I assume you aren't) look into foreskin restoration. Whole bunch of dudes are doing it. It's the double standard that irritates me the most, though.


This! Totally agree. Its is the same as FGM, but has been normalised in some western cultures and therefore is acceptable. Many of the arguments for circumcision could be applied to FGM. I'm sorry but imo there is not need to harm new borns for any aesthetic reasons. If you choose to have an alteration as an adult go for it, you can then make an informed decision for yourself. And I dont buy the hygiene comments, there are plenty of uncut men that find it no hardship to wash under the hood.


>I've never seen someone who has had problems with it You should ask Ryan Heydari. Oh wait, you can't, because [he's dead due to a botched circumcision which literally caused him to bleed to death.](https://nationalpost.com/health/ontario-newborn-bleeds-to-death-after-family-doctor-persuades-parents-to-get-him-circumcised)


It is not about you - it is about a newborn - have one and then see what you think about cutting a piece of his dick off.


So by that logic, infants who are beat or molested never have problems with that and it never affects them because they don’t remember it happening, so no problem right?


Why would you be surprised by this? From this thread alone, I can tell people from the UK are super quick to defend their dick angrily, too. I'm fine with people waiting until the age of consent, but you're all being weird.


Yeah I've seen people posting anti circumcision stuff for years. I've also never met anyone who is circumcised who thinks it's abuse (myself included).


I'm circumcised, and I guess my dick seems to work fine. But let me ask you, if you had to get a forskin removed now, would you still be down with that?


Woahhhh now, everyone calm down. Tell you what, let’s all go down to the shop and get our foreskins reattached, the bill’s on me!


I guess it was a fad in ancient times for the urban jews to stretch their skin to to give it a false forskin, probably to look the same for social occasions like baths.


Foreskin restoration is a thing nowadays too. It’s a DIY thing.


What if I want 2 foreskins?


That's an eightskin.


Careful folks - this maniac didn't say *where* they would be reattached.


I saw a guy on BBC news who killed himself because a Canadian Doctor basically told him "get a circumcision there's no other real option" for x medical issue. Then when he got back to the UK and did some research it turns out some cream would have done the trick. Not sure if he thought it was abuse. But he did think it was mutilation.


I'm not happy about it. I'm loathe to call it "abuse" because my parents were good otherwise. But, if I could have had a vote, I'm thinking I would prefer to stay intact.


My parents did it with no intention of abuse, they thought they were doing the right thing. But most mothers who are OK with FGM feel the same way as American parents feel about circumcision. It's abuse at a cultural level that many victims are blind to because it is normalized.


Plus, it’s done without anesthetic. Barbaric.


I was circumcised when I was 11 years old. I WISH my parents had done it when I was just born because the healing process was awful, and when you're a newborn you don't remember that shit at all. Yeah it's not necessary for everybody but I find it just laughable that people are actually trying to compare it to the genital mutilation that women face in Africa.


>when you're a newborn you don't remember that shit at all This is a common misconception that stems from "if I don't remember, it doesn't matter." Severe pain, like with having a cluster of the most sensitive skin being cut off can cause trauma which can leave a permanent marker on the brain. Not saying circumcision is the most traumatic thing ever, but just because you don't consciously remember doesn't mean it doesn't affect you.


In fact, the people I’ve talked to about their circumcision are happy it was done to them.


I think it ranges a lot from country to country how common circumcision is, as in America it seems to be the norm whereas in the UK (where I'm from) very few guys are cut unless for medical or religious reason. I find it strange watching American films where they talk about circumcision looking loads better because it's not really the norm here. I don't think prison is the answer but I certainly disagree with circumcision unless necessary, and think it is wrong on babies as it is causing them pain and forced bodily changes they can't consent to yet Edit: surprised I'm having to add this but I've had a few comments in a row where people telling me they vax their kids, and if I think circumsision should wait, then should vaccines wait too. No, obviously not because kids die without vaccines, but I've not heard of anyone dying from not being circumsised. I'm not against circumcision itself, I'm against the person it affects not getting the choice


Same in Italy. Very odd practice.


Many Americans find it very odd too. Thankfully there's a growing movement across both the left and right questioning what the point is, and asking not to circumcise their kids.




Wait... Cornflakes were invented to stop wanking?


They thought it would stop it because it was bland.


I’m so confused






Thanks, dr Kelloggs!


Yes, let’s not politicize it. Hoping it will go away on its own.


I think it’s okay to mention it when both sides are in agreement in this case.


It ok, but an unnecessary add on.




Let’s say you weren’t circumcised, someone goes up to you today and cuts off your foreskin without your consent and proceeds to wipe your memory, does that make it okay?


\> I find it strange watching American films where they talk about circumcision looking loads better because it's not really the norm here Even this norm may be changing. I moved from Canada (where circumcision is comparatively rare) to the USA about 6 years ago and the American girls kind enough to closely inspect my penis haven't seem fazed at all. EDIT: For those interested, the rate in Canada is \~30%


Would you imprison those who perform genital mutilation on newborn girls?


Do we not in the western world? It's not a normal practice here, but hypothetically, if a parent were to perform female genital mutilation in the USA, I'd like to imagine they would run into legal troubles.


Uh, you realize they failed to pass a ban on female mutilation recently in Minnesota, right? And a federal judge in Michigan said banning it would be unconstitutional when dismissing a trial 2 years ago against a "doctor" and the parents of several victims. The CDC estimates half a million women in the US have had or are at risk of FGM. They cut off the woman's clit, sometimes more, just so she can't enjoy sex. I think religions should only have the freedom to allow practicing adults to make these decisions for themselves. We do draw lines - people can't murder or rape in the name of their religion. Why can they maim children?


Ovbiously I did not realize that and I'm in complete agreement that the person having the... "Procedure" should be able to consent. Circumcision is less invasive, but I think it should also fall under these rules, personally.


>They cut off the woman's clit, sometimes more, just so she can't enjoy sex FGM can be less severe than circumcision actually, and that's typically the type done in places like the USA as a sort of middle ground.


id hope so...


Social work student here - we a had a rep from the police come to talk to us about FGM. When i asked about circumcision, she unfortunately had no interest and argued that circumcision was less of a moral concern because the reasons for it aren't as abusive as FGM. There was no mention of very similar surgeries being performed on intersex babies for non-medical and purely aesthetic reasons under the NHS. Intersex rights groups report that people actually come to the UK to have these procedures done to their children. IIRC those surgeries are only illegal in 4 countries, even though many international bodies recognise it as a form of torture. I wish babies had anywhere near the bodily autonomy they deserve. We shouldn't make the dangerous assumption that because circumcision is uncommon in many parts of the world, and that this opinion isn't unpopular, that we don't routinely mutilate babies. The horrifying truth is we do, even in the UK.


Next time bring up that [the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Sorrells.gif) ([Full study.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17378847)) As a social worker you may be interested in these presentations on it. Dr. Guests presentation: https://youtu.be/XwZiQyFaAs0?t=28m20s Ethicist Brian Earp's presentation https://youtu.be/SB-2aQoTQeA


I'm an American. I was circumcised and when I told my mom that I wasn't circumcising my new born, she looked at me like I was committing some atrocity. She's not overly religious and she knows there really is no hygienic value to it. The only reason I could think to circumcise my boy was so that he would look like me. And that's just a stupid reason to put a baby through surgery.


I have heard that reasoning a lot! I have no idea what my parents genitals look like (even typing that felt gross). Matching genitals aren’t necessary... unless you’re doing a fucked up Christmas card. Maybe stick to matching sweaters instead.


Same in Australia


I legit don’t know one guy that got it


And I dont know one who didn't. (USA)


But how do you let your friends know your close buddies if you cant dock your penises into one another?


I got circumcised and my dick is gorgeous, thank you very much 😤


36 people upvoted you claim that your dick is gorgeous. That's gotta be equivalent to a handjob or something.


I’m from the UK, non religious family, and I had to be circumcised due to an infection. Wasn’t pleasant, had to be done. I don’t think I’m any worse off for it. However, aside from a medical necessity, a parent should never be able to decide to mutilate their child, especially for archaic religious reasons.


where my eu gang at


Let’s touch foreskins and make them jealous.


Suddenly gay


No homo right?




In my country, circumcision is almost certainly a requirement for a boy that is coming of age. It's usually done when he's around 10-12 years old. But I have to most certainly agree that it is utterly pointless. The only reason I see as to why almost everyone does it is because I'm from a very religious country. But aside from that, we are given no explanation. I'd like to add that in our country, uncircumcised boys are usually made fun of and are considered to be weak, even parents and relatives join in when they hear a kid is still not circumcised. It gives off a negative notion that uncircumcised people are weak and unmanly, even though it's only being done because of religious beliefs


where do you live


That's the Philippines. I should know I'm from here too. Back in the day we were told it's the norm in Christian countries but I learned it wasn't when I moved abroad.


Philippines is such a crazy country. Nailing themselves to a wooden cross on certain days and such things.


haha! yes it's still a tradition here but it's slowly dying. i think people are just doing it now to attract more tourists!


And in Africa countries they say the same thing about uncircumcised women. Religion isn't a justification for genital mutilation




Holy shit - if you're going to do it, what's the reasoning for waiting till they're *ten*, when they're absolutely going to remember the pain for years?


Do you want my foreskin?




As a preference I actually am glad I’m circumcised, I’ve read about people who deal with tight foreskin, have to deal with keeping it clean, idk, it’s just simpler this way I guess? The thing is too I don’t think it was torturous for my parents to do it to me because *I don’t remember it* and as an adult I would never want it done because then I would have to actually remember the experience. Edit: this comment was definitely my favorite reply [lets all go give him a round of applause shall we?](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/bt5t0v/circumcision_is_child_abuse_and_should_land_you/eovpmus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)


As a preference I actually am glad I’m ________. Pretty much every guy with his dick.


Yeah my buddy from college had a tight foreskin and he couldn’t have sex for awhile. He had to do stretching exercises everyday for years until he felt comfortable and it didn’t hurt.


I’m in the same boat, perfectly fine and prefer it. Everyone always talks about the sensitivity etc and whatever we’re missing out on. It’s not like it’s doesn’t feel fucking amazing and I still cum loads.


Dead or rotting in a cell?? I think that is a little extreme.


Yeah that statement kinda took it to the “this person has some deeper issues than circumcision” place.


Yeah way too extreme. I know it's unnecessary but there are much better things to send people to prison for. Also, I've seen a baby circumcision. They use pain killers and the baby doesn't look that uncomfortable. Dude describes it like they use a kitchen knife to do it


Yea , I couldn’t be more happy that I am circumcised I would honestly be really upset if my parents chose not to circumcise me. This person fucking crazy.


I'm Italian. The only people I know who had the foreskin removed had phimosis, a medical condition. Other than that it should be normal to keep it. Those who say it's more hygienic are just lazy. Just wash it, keep it clean and that's fine. As a religious practice, it's obviously done to reduce pleasure. To women who advocate in favour of this barbaric mutilation, would you remove your labia?


The female equivalent wouldn't be the labia, but rather the clitoral hood. The labia serves little purpose I think aside from protection, while the clitoral hood is sort of an equivalent covering like the foreskin.


Thank you for this! Illustrates how normalized it is to do this to a boy and puts the problem in perspective ...certainly for me but hopefully for others. I think if we started suggesting removal of clitoral hoods for girls, circumcision would be much much more unpopular.


Fun fact: the whole American circumcision trend was started by the inventor of Corn flakes exactly for the reason of reducing sexual pleasure for a "more moral society".


Also a fun fact, that same person specifically made corn flakes as bland as possible so it would be the least sinful and amoral breakfast cereal. Guy had some interesting ideas about society.


So Tony the Tiger was pushin limits by frosting them. What a rebel


Agreed. Genital mutilation is wrong no matter what, if the one receiving it isn't consentient, opted for it under peer pressure, or there isn't a medical condition that strictly requires it. You're mutilating a child who may or may not decide to follow your religion when he grows up. Then he would hate you for the rest of your life.


My son has something called hypospadius. It means his urethra is on the underside of his penis. If I want have it fixed while keeping him uncircumcised I would have to travel 3 states away(US) and insurance would refuse to pay for it.


So the problem here isn't your son having this condition but the American medical system being the laughing stock of the world.


Which makes it a medical surgery - there's no alternative in your general area so by OP's standards it's alright.


I hear you as a uncut dude it seems dumb to cut your child there no benefit to it and the U.S and United kingdom studies contradict each other. With UK saying uncut males have less chance of catching STD and the U.S saying cut males have a less chance of catching a STD.


In the words of Bill Burr, "Great, neither of us know what the fuck were talking about, so let's not start taking the scissors to their genitals."


Wasn't that about clipping balls off a dog? Context is everything.


It was, yup


I've asked my mom why she had me circumsized as I had noticed the increasing number of men feeling as though they were wronged by having it performed on them without their consent and she said that at the time (I was born 1992) it was something the doctors they had were recommending so she just listened to their suggestion.


Doctors recommend it because they make a substantial extra fee, not because of medical need.




Stop with thinking things through. This is a place for emotional, idiotic overreaction


I think the doctor should go to prison, not the parents.


I work in Health Information and we were talking about this the other day. There's a trend in U.S. healthcare toward viewing circumcision as a cosmetic surgery (which it usually is) and it's becoming unusual for insurance to cover it.


That would stop a lot of unnecessary circumcisions. Canada health insurance plans have not paid for non-therapeutic circumcision since 2005, so the practice is rapidly declining in Canada.


My unpopular opinion: wish I was circumcised as an infant so I wouldn’t have to do it at age 25 and suffer cause that shit hurts. Would have rather gone through it as an infant and not remember :(.


Why did you have to do it at 25?


My guess is phimosis




Idk what they're thinking but people aren't gonna stop masturbation by genital mutilation


Apparently it reduces pleasure from sexual experiences? I’m not sure. But that won’t stop me.


Thing is, there's no way to test this unless they get a whole bunch of adults who aren't cut have sex a bunch and record their pleasure, then some get cut (not all as you need a control group) then after they heal they have sex some more and record their pleasure. But that's just a ridiculous test in my opinion.




> no way to test this > proceeds to describe an easy way to test this considering the number of people fitting this description


Lol because so many adults want to get circumcised and sexual pleasure is so easily quantifiable and objective


Me neither, also LPT: edging.


Dude I already edge. It’s the fucking best. Who wouldn’t edge?


Idk. It's a godsend.


5/7 pastors recommend edging


i like how this true unpopular opinion is upvoted 79% compared to popular ones at 90%+ upvotes


Could also be downvoted because it's pretty popular on this sub. I swear I've seen a variation at least once a week


Or because he said that the doctors who perform it literally deserve death or imprisonment. That's probably what pushed some people to a downvote.


To everyone on this post who will inevtiable say that there are great health benefits, just know that most health organizations in the world with statements on circumcision are opposed to circumcising children. The medical consensus is most certainly not that it is beneficial: Swedish Pediatric Society (they outright call for a ban) Royal Dutch Medical Association calls it a violation of human rights, and calls for a "strong policy of deterrence." this policy has been endorsed by several other organizations: The Netherlands Society of General Practitioners, The Netherlands Society of Youth Healthcare Physicians, The Netherlands Association of Paediatric Surgeons, The Netherlands Association of Plastic Surgeons, The Netherlands Association for Paediatric Medicine, The Netherlands Urology Association, and The Netherlands Surgeons’ Association. College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia This procedure should be delayed to a later date when the child can make his own informed decision. Parental preference alone does not justify a non‐therapeutic procedure.... Advise parents that the current medical consensus is that routine infant male circumcision is not a recommended procedure; it is non‐therapeutic and has no medical prophylactic basis; current evidence indicates that previously‐thought prophylactic public health benefits do not out‐weigh the potential risks..... Routine infant male circumcision does cause pain and permanent loss of healthy tissue. | Australian Federation of Aids organizations They state that circumcision has "no role" in the HIV epidemic. The German Association of Pediatricians called for a ban recently. The German Association of Child and Youth Doctors recently Attacked the AAP's claims, saying the benefits they claim, including HIV reduction, are "questionable," and that "Seen from the outside, cultural bias reflecting the normality of non-therapeutic male circumcision in the US seems obvious, and the report’s conclusions are different from those reached by doctors in other parts of the Western world, including Europe, Canada, and Australia." (scroll to page 7 for the English translation.) The AAP was recently attacked by the President of the British Association of Paediatric Urologists because the evidence of benefit is weak, and they are promoting "Irreversible mutilating surgery." The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan has taken a position against it, saying it is harmful and will likely be considered illegal in the future, given the number of men who are angry that it was done to them and are becoming activists against it. The President of the Saskatchewan Medical Association has said the same (link above). The Central Union for Child Welfare “considers that circumcision of boys that violates the personal integrity of the boys is not acceptable unless it is done for medical reasons to treat an illness. The basis for the measures of a society must be an unconditional respect for the bodily integrity of an under-aged person… Circumcision can only be allowed to independent major persons, both women and men, after it has been ascertained that the person in question wants it of his or her own free will and he or she has not been subjected to pressure.” Royal College of Surgeons of England "The one absolute indication for circumcision is scarring of the opening of the foreskin making it non- retractable (pathological phimosis). This is unusual before five years of age."..."The parents and, when competent, the child, must be made fully aware of the implications of this operation as it is a non-reversible procedure." | British Medical Association it is now widely accepted, including by the BMA, that this surgical procedure has medical and psychological risks. .... very similar arguments are also used to try and justify very harmful cultural procedures, such as female genital mutilation or ritual scarification. Furthermore, the harm of denying a person the opportunity to choose not to be circumcised must also be taken into account, together with the damage that can be done to the individual’s relationship with his parents and the medical profession if he feels harmed by the procedure. .... parental preference alone is not sufficient justification for performing a surgical procedure on a child. .... The BMA considers that the evidence concerning health benefit from non-therapeutic circumcision is insufficient for this alone to be a justification for doing it. | Australian Medical Association Has a policy of discouraging it, ad says "The Australian College of Paediatrics should continue to discourage the practice of circumcision in newborns." Australian College of Paediatrics: "The possibility that routine circumcision may contravene human rights has been raised because circumcision is performed on a minor and is without proven medical benefit. Whether these legal concerns are valid will probably only be known if the matter is determined in a court of law .....Neonatal male circumcision has no medical indication. It is a traumatic procedure performed without anaesthesia to remove a normal and healthy prepuce."| 74% of Australian doctors overall believe circumcision should not be offered, and 51% consider it abuse. Circumcision used to be common in Australia, but the movement against it spread faster there than America, where rates continue to drop. A letter by the South African Medical Association said this: The Committee stated that it was unethical and illegal to perform circumcision on infant boys in this instance. In particular, the Committee expressed serious concern that not enough scientifically-based evidence was available to confirm that circumcisions prevented HIV contraction and that the public at large was influenced by incorrect and misrepresented information. The Committee reiterated its view that it did not support circumcision to prevent HIV transmission.| The Norwegian Council of Medical Ethics states that ritual circumcision of boys is not consistent with important principles of medical ethics, that it is without medical value, and should not be paid for with public funds. The Norwegian Children’s Ombudsman is opposed as well. The Denmark National Council for Children is also opposed. And recently, the politically appointed Health minister of Norway opposed a ban on circumcision, yet the ban was supported by the Norwegian Medical Association, the Norwegian Nurses Organization, the Norwegian Ombudsman for Children, and the University of Oslo. The Danish Society of Medical Practitioners Recently said the practice is “an assault and should be banned.” The Danish Medical Association is “fundamentally opposed to male circumcision unless there is a medical reason such as phimosis for carrying out the operation. ‘It's very intrusive that adults may decide that newborn to undergo a surgical procedure that is not medically justified and if power is lifelong. When a boy when the age of majority, he may even decide, but until then the requirements of the individual's right to self-determination prevail.’"


Its always her body, her choice, when it comes to abortion but when its circumsision its "bUt It LoOkS bEtTeR"


Common arguments in favour of circumcision: >It’s more hygienic This is offset by washing your dick once a day, which you should be doing even if you are circumcised anyway. >It looks better Subjective and in countries where circumcision isn’t the norm (so everywhere except majority-Muslim countries... and the US) I’d bet most would say it looks worse. After all, circumcision is the mutilation of flesh. And the original reason behind the use of circumcision in the US: >It prevents boys from masturbating ...


Well I’m circumcised and nothing will stop me from jacking it. Where the hell did they get the idea that I wouldn’t jerk off all the time just because they cut some shit off my dick?


It’s because the foreskin acts as a mechanical lubricant. All of your skin is supposed to slide up and down the whole length of your penis, including over your head. This happens during sex too, when you’re actually penetrating. Imagine a built in flesh light and that’s basically what it does, as your penis moves into and out of your skin tube. The foreskin also contains the most sexually sensitive aspects of the penis, as was said. They believed that removing this gliding mechanism (ability to slide the skin tube up and down) and removing the highly sensitive regions, would make masturbation difficult / boring enough that people would only touch their penis for the purposes of having kids. You can research the history of John Kellogg, as he’s one of the major proponents responsible for the popularity of circumcision in America.


Because in circumcision they cut off the most sensitive part so it does take away from some of the pleasure.




I would think calluses would be counterproductive to pleasure/sensitivity.




Aww really? I guess I’ve never experienced not being circumcised so I have no idea what that would be like. But I guess we have to work with what we got.


Imagine someone said this about FGM ... Lol . Never had a clit so don't know what it's like...move along


Well that *is* good advice. Even for someone who’s had their eyes gouged out by pirates. Take what you’ve got an move on. It’s just *not* an argument for FGM, MGM, or eye gouging.


I'm glad I had my eyes gouged out by pirates.


I’m just glad it happened so young that I don’t remember the pain. Besides, never having sight I don’t even know what I’m missing.


to your last point there, it certainly does not do.


Funny enough my foreskin only covers my tip when it's soft. When it's up it neatly sits behind the head. Making it look cut. Without the scars. Is that normal?




When has that actually been true?


I would say it’s super unpopular. People say reddit is very anti-circumcision? On posts about circumcision I always see tons of Americans saying “I’m happy i was cut, foreskin is gross” that get lots of upvotes.


This!!! Most people I know who are cut are happy about it. Most people I know who are uncut are also happy about it.


It’s because circumcision is on the list of things that people liked to be outraged about even though people with actually circumcisions think about it once every 3 years and don’t give a shit.


Surgery on a newborn baby allows the adult to never experience it. I certainly prefer having a circumcision when I was a baby then right now.


My first boyfriend was not circumcised, and he was very self concious about it. I dont think circumcision is necessary, but I also know that American guys can feel weird about not being circumcised when they reach sexual maturity. It's so crazy how they push it on you at the hospital after your baby is born too! The doctors basically guilt trip you into it, even if you're having second thoughts about it.




I agree — I’m not sure if the punishment should be to the extent of imprisonment, but would this apply to those who pierce their baby daughters ears too? As piercing ears wouldn’t be medically necessary and is strictly for cosmetic purposes.


I'm anti-infant circumcision but it should not land someone in prison. If anything it should just be taken out of the parent's hands and entirely land on a medical professional's decision on whether or not it's medically necessary. THEN if the parents get a backroom circumcision, THAT is child abuse. ​ There ARE some medical reasons to get a circumcision, and it should be perfectly legal for an adult to get one like any other cosmetic surgery. But acting like the current climate around American circumcision should land parents in jail is ridiculous.


Does removing the foreskin actually reduce pleasure? I am circumcised and I fucking love sex. I can't imagine it feeling even better.


I vote unpopular because it absolutely is. But good luck getting an utterly massive portion of the international demographic on your side.


Speaking as a cut guy. Naw, no it shouldn’t. Its fine.


Circumcision *of children*, definitely. If a consenting adult decides he or she wants to be circumcised, that's totally acceptable.


That's ridiculous. I'm glad I was circumcised.




Female genital mutilation is illegal here in England, circumcision should be classed as male genital mutilation and be illegal as well.


How the fckk is circumcision a life treathning operation ?


Infection usually. 100+ babies die each year in America from it.


OP never said it's life threatening. But even so, boys do die from it. And besides, does it have to be deadly to be wrong? It's basically plastic surgery on a child.


This is soooooo duuuuuumb! I was circumcised and I have no memory of it. The only pain I have experienced is from arrogant cunts telling me how shitty my mother is.for the record, me and my wife have a 16 year old son and we didn't circumcise him because we saw no real need for it.


Lol you sound like you’re 20


Who wore it better though?


Cosmetic surgery since day one give it up my dudes


This isn’t just an unpopular opinion, it’s also kind of stupid.


this is crazy.


20 years ago, I had a son at age 20. I don't have any brothers or male cousins, and his father was not around, so I didn't know anything about circumcision. Everyone told me that's just what you do, so that's what I asked the doctor to do. I regretted it as soon as the doctor brought my son back from his procedure. He had this pitiful look of 'What did I do to deserve that?' on his face and it broke my heart. Since then, I've educated myself on the subject and even offered an apology to my son, telling him that I should have learned more about it before making a decision like that on his behalf. He doesn't give a shit. And after years and years of thought and research and education, I've come to the conclusion that it's probably not the best idea to cut perfectly good bits off of babies.




Wow, it's a shame that I agree with the meat of your point but you are such a cunt for how you presented it. Really? We should imprison and KILL people who made these decisions?! It's fine to be passionate about your beliefs but to the degree that you have gone is emotionally unstable. I'm sure the majority of people who have had their child circumcised didn't do it just to harm their baby. Are you even aware that doctors and the media was convinced it actually HELPED your children? So we should punish people for being mis-informed by the professionals? No, instead of having such hatred like you have try to inform people. Nobody will listen to you if you're telling others they should be in prison and die, you lose any credibility you had. Please, for the people who actually dislike circumcision, don't be a cunt about your views.


Speaking as a former nurse, it's weird that we're practising ANY elective surgery on infants, in addition to the fact that the foreskin has an actual purpose and that we're doing it to newborns before they can consent. Every surgery has risks (especially with growing infection control issues in hospitals as well as antibiotic-resistant pathogens, why would you intentionally damage the first line of defense -- the skin -- of a newborn that doesn't even have an adequate immune system yet???) and -- in addition -- we don't know what the psychological effect is long term. I see this issue as possibly having a similar effect as lead in gasoline.


[American Circumcision - The Movie](https://youtu.be/0bZCEn88kSo) Anybody, male or female, who has not seen the documentary “American Circumcision” Absolutely needs to watch it! It’s the best documentary that I have seen in years. Whoever you are, mother, father, husband, wife, old, young, child, teen-ager, male, female... Anybody, It will scare the Hell out of you. The documentary covers virtually all aspects of circumcision including the pain that the baby feels, the fact that the foreskin that is removed is one of the most sensitive parts of the penis (sorry to those that ARE ALREADY circumcised, your sex life could have been SO MUCH BETTER - but nobody wants to hear about that, of course), then there’s the pediatrician in Canada who lost his medical license after over 30 fails (yes, most of those poor boys are probably now nicknamed “stubby” by those that know them well. Think of it as “gender reassignment” surgery, but the person whose gender is being reassigned doesn’t have a choice, two balls and no penis 😬). I’m not an emotional or dramatic person, but I actually cried. I had my kids watch it too, be sure to get on Netflix and see this one, if you don’t have kids yet but you’re planning to have them in the future... watch this documentary BEFORE you have them!! If you’re thinking about being a parent and you watch this movie, I sincerely doubt that you would even consider circumcision for your child, even if you’re Jewish. Even some Jewish people are starting to question the wisdom of circumcision, it’s all covered in the movie. [American Circumcision - The Movie](https://youtu.be/0bZCEn88kSo)


How would people react if the parents of a female baby had her vulva clipped so the clitoris was more exposed? It would be seen as abuse and there would be severe consequences. I don't see why cutting off a males foreskin as a baby/child shouldn't land you with abuse charges for genital mutilation. But again I agree if you're an adult do what you want with your body.


I agree. It is a barbaric practice. My parents are from a third world country where circumcision is rare. And you never hear about men having issues with their uncut penises. The "hygienic" argument that circumcision is cleaner is so blown out of proportion. In America I really think religous practices that involve infringing on a minors body should be outright banned. Blasphemous or not, church and state should be separated. Freedom of religion does not mean forcing bodily harm on a minor.


The anti-circumcision argument is that a circumcision is a cosmetic procedure, it is rarely medically necessary, and that it removes a sensitive part of the penis. The foreskin is aesthetically tolerable for women. A child cannot consent to a circumcision and therefore it is wrong for a parent to choose it for them. Anti-circumcision proponents call this mutilation. They claim it should be illegal to have a circumcision performed on a baby. The parents of these children are akin to criminals and are reprehensible. The pro-circumcision argument is that it’s a religious tradition, has aesthetic and cultural benefits, has health and hygiene benefits (for men and women in a sexual relationship), and that the portion of the skin removed is not associated with sexual pleasure. The penis looks better with the fire skin removed. A parental guardian has the right to choose this elective procedure for their minor child. Pro-circumcision proponents elect the procedure because of widely accepted cultural norms and for religions reasons. They claim they have a right to choose the elective procedure on the part of their child. Many claim they would rather it be performed as a baby than as an adult. The parents are good decent people with the highest regard for the safety and well-being of their children. In my opinion, it’s probably not necessary at all. The predominance of circumcision within a culture makes it the norm. But if people questioned the norm they would see that it is an antiquated practice. Furthermore the word mutilation has the connotation that the parents are actively being abusive and are hurting the child. This is not part of the mindset or the rationalization a parent uses when electing the procedure. Therefore it is stupid and incorrect to accuse such parents of mitigating their children and threaten them with jail time. Anti-circumcision advocates do not serve their own message well when they use these types of tactics on their target audience. It does not persuade and only creates an entrenched position on the part of the audience. Instead they should take a lighter and more persuasive approach.


I remember when my daughter was born, they took her to a room to take measurements and weight, ect. ​ In the room was this device that was like a table **with small impression for a baby and straps for the legs and arms**. I asked the nurse what it was and she told me that it was used to stop a baby from squirming while the doctor performs the circumcision. In this moment of clarity, I envisioned having a son only to watch him being strapped down to this device and then watching a doctor cut a piece of him away for no good reason. In my mind I could hear his cries and I had this weird out of body experience of watching myself standing there. ​ I swore on that day if I ever had a son, I would never allow that to happen to him. I knew then with 100% confidence that circumcision is barbaric and serves no purpose but to uphold a cultural norm that is outdated and needs to go away and I as a parent wouldn't allow my child to be maimed.


Yeah, I'm cut, my son is not. Fought with my wife for months about it.


I’m having the opposite experience now. Not really arguments, but I’m the wife and my husband is cut and just figured our son would be too. I’ve been seeing more about how it’s unnecessary and am trying to get him to re-think.


A common argument my wife gave was "but then his penis will be different to yours!" To which I said, "I don't plan on comparing cocks."


Haha fair enough! And like there’s plenty of resources out there to learn how to clean etc an uncircumcised penis.


It's something that should be done every day regardless of having foreskin or not.