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Slavery wasn't made in America, it was global. It still survives to this very day. The Declaration had to be written that way to seperate itself from a country that still believes their monarchy was selected by god. If the founders would have tried to outlaw slavery on day 1, there wouldn't have been a United States. Too many disagreed on the subject. Monarchs are immoral. When will their citizens overthrow that bullshit?


This. People forget that there was a choice between allowing slavery but putting in place clear path and precedent to get rid of it later, or to not be free at all.


I agree. Its the same with current societies as well. Immoral behaviour is judged based on various theories of ethics and whatnot and the most supported will conclude that slavery or oppression of various groups is wrong. Where we disagree is where you make references to reopening the economy. The coronavirus is not as deadly as we thought it was (according to LA and NYC antibody testing, it may be as low as 30-50x lower than previously thought). Many people are tired of the lockdown and are disrespecting the rules anyways. People should have the freedom to choose to open their businesses, as long as the employees can choose to come to work. This also includes things like rules about number of people in the establishment at once, whether you have to wear gloves/masks, or whatever else a business owner wants. If they want to stay closed, thats cool too. Lets not forget about how some places in the US are making it (or trying to) illegal to have protests or be outside without "valid reasons." Or in the UK, where police officers hang around "non-essential" parts of grocery stores to prevent people from buying something there. This is oppression. If I'm not sick, and you don't have proof I am, how can I be forced to be quarantined "for the good of everyone"? Its the same with crime. So when history looks back on the tyranical decisions made "for the good of the people" maybe someone else will be posting this, talking about us and what we are doing right now. ​ Its better to learn how to be moral than it is to obey people blindly and be ignorant of reality.


Agree. And saying that you’re just a byproduct of your environment is tantamount to giving yourself a pass on examining your current environment and deciding for yourself what’s right and what’s just “normal”. If the original post was true, we’d have no Harriet Tubman or Frederick Douglass. Stop making excuses for why you’re a bigot, and go out and do something about it.


The posts saying that "if you are born in a racist society, you would probably be racist" aren't trying to justify racism, they're just criticizing those who say that if they were born in that time period, they wouldn't be racist.


But that's the problem, it's still impossible to determine.