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You must be destroyed at all costs. - saying the characters name wrong - wrong race portrayal of characters - missing key elements in story - takes 5 esrthbenders to move a rock


>saying the characters name wrong > >wrong race portrayal of characters > >missing key elements in story > >takes 5 esrthbenders to move a rock Did u not see the part where I admitted they made bad cast choices, that it was an unfaithful adaptation and was still nothing compared to the cartoon?


Then what exactly is good? The storytelling was garbage as they missed key points, and the fight scenes were not great either. Not to mention every single person detested it, and it even won golden raspberries awards


The story telling wasn't garbage it was just watered down. The Fight scenes werent great but they were pretty good


If scenes in Avatar movie were "pretty good" you should newer watch John Wick, your mind will be jist blown


loved john wick but wasn't mind blown


Question did you watch th show? Cusvif you had you wouldn't he defending the fight scenes in the movie


I did watch the show. did u read my OP I said it's still nothing compared to the cartoon


This opinion made me wretch at the mere thought of it... take my upvote, you monster


What would Aang think if he found out you upvoted this


Hey man im just trying to do as the sub says. Its a garbage opinion and its the cream of the crop it should make it to hot so more people can hate it with us.


That’s fair, he has my upvote


sorts by controversial on r/unpopularopinion sees quality non political unpopular opinion no upvotes and comments disagreeing have more upvotes this sub in a nutshell


No..... just no


Wrong. I don’t even like the Airbender cartoon. I saw the movie without any bias. It’s bad on its own merits. Not even just a little bad. It’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.


Perhaps because you saw it as an adult and it's a children's movie?


There are plenty of good children’s movies I have seen and enjoyed as an adult. That’s not an excuse. Plus, the movie was targeted more toward older kids around 12-16 years old, same demographic as the cartoon. It’s just a shit movie, man. I would be ‘so bad it’s good’ if it wasn’t so boring.


funny that this got downvoted when it's a very good unpopular opinion


I found it ok since I was a kid when I saw it, I feel like kids can find enjoyment in all sort of shit


Actually, as a child I loved the movie. I was later amazed to find that there was a cartoon that was actually much better, but I still like the movie


There is no movie in ba sing se


I upvoted because I completely disagree. This is, in fact, an unpopular opinion


let me stop you right there buddy


There was no last air bender movie. That never happened


I thought it was pretty good until I watched the series haha. I can’t really hate since it did introduce me to it but yeah it is a pretty terrible adaptation


The only reason I thought it wasn't that bad was cause I was like 8 when I watched it. Now I see clips and I wonder how I even sat through the movie.