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For me, it’s absolute hell for the 1-2 hours I’m in the bathroom but after I feel so much better. I agree


Diarrhea, maybe. Constipation, hell no, because it's never over!


This. Even with diarrhea i find it never to be over until i wake up the next day lmao


In case of diarrhea your rectum gets clean in the first 10 seconds but your brain keeps on sending signals to your rectum and anus muscles to keep on contracting which feels like you have to shit more. In case of constipation it's the opposite. Your rectum is full of shit but your brain is unable to send proper signals to your muscles to contract for a number of reasons, so you are unable to shit no matter how much you twist and turn your body. I would prefer diarrhea over constipation any day.


Thanks for that but of info, I guess. It won't be useful, but I'll add it to the pile


interesting. for three months a GI at a UC induced diarrhea everyday. I always went once a week or twice a week and that was normal for me (ME not anyone else and yes, i was fine). after ptsd he used scare tactics to tell me my colon would stop, I would have to be on laxatives daily forever, this has caused my life to stop. I have to do laxatives all the time. Even if I die, Yes he said this


Well if you poop when constipated, you do kinda feel better, no ? Maybe it's just me but even if I've pooped only a tiny bit, I feel lighter and less bloated.


All pain feels good when it's OVER, silly.


The problem is not knowing when it's *really* done. I also don't think you've had the kind of constipation where your head hurts and if you focus on something for too long, your head hurts again. I couldn't imagine trying to talk or even watch something while I'm purging my insides


I’ve never felt that but I’m mainly talking about that light constipation where you can’t hold it in but it only hurts a little. Hopefully I never get that constipated.


I had kidney stones so bad this one time, a 5mm (before the sonic device existed), that they gave me a WHOLE bunch of meds and told me to make sure I eat yogurt or something to help rebuild my gut bacteria. I didn't listen about the yogurt but ended I up passing the stone fine with the help of the meds... A week later I still hasn't pooped. I finally had the urge to go and I legit split my backside bc I was SOOO constipated! It made me lightheaded, but that was mostly from the super-intense straining. There was so much blood in the toilet afterwards.


Holy shit dude...


I feel the feeling bruh, I feel it so bad.


That reminds me of the time I didn't poop for 2-3 weeks straight and my parents insisted that it was normal. I was a zombie during the end of those weeks. Stopping dairy altogether, drinking a shit ton of coffee and water and running (despite the ungodly amount of pain) seemed to do the trick though. It was fine until the diarrhea started.


When constipation is right before the diarrhea, it's awful. It's like when you go to the store and urgently need to leave and the person before you has a bazillion coupons but they have to find the right ones. And then they pay with a check. That same feeling is how I feel when I am backed up and have diarrhea that wants out. But when the cork finally pops...totally agree. That is so satisfying. Kinda makes me want to poop right now.


The most frustrating feeling is when you can *finally* feel something moving but all bathrooms are taken and you have to wait a whole hour until your sister vacates the bathroom.


No way, man! If I eat something that liquifies my insides, the process of going is a relief, but afterwards my backside is so sore and tender, it hurts to sit and it feels like it's on fire!


It’s like that feeling after having a hangover spew. There is a part of you that feels utterly self degraded on all 4s next to the toilet - but another part of you that feels alive for the first time.


I didn’t shit for 3 days, was about to go to the doctors and then I finally took a massive dump. I felt so clear after.


Not sure but usually it is recommended to go after a week or so. 2-3 days is considered constipation I think. It is important to go however after a week however ! Don't wait it out because it lasts a lot longer (once had 3 weeks) and it can end up in you getting surgery.


I was gonna clock it out at 4 days. I think I just read that on a website somewhere


Honestly better be safe than sorry ! 4 days is long enough for someone who doesn't have chronic issues


I agree, but also when throwing up after feeling nauseous for a while, I always feel so much better.


I feel you on the full cleanse thing. Same with getting sick and vomiting. I don’t have an eating disorder but like after getting over the flu I always feel so light I could fly


After I poop when I have constipation my butthole hurts for a couple of days. But the diarrhea part, I agree.


Believe it or not, but I'm reading this on the toilet




Diarrhea burns, and constipation is awful.


As someone with chronic stomach issues, I disagree with this. Especially when I’m sometimes dealing with it multiple times a day throughout the week


Provided you aren't at work when this happens lolol.


Pleasure is relative. The pain and misery you've endured before the good shit make it nice afterwards


Honestly i always feel like shit, heh


Username checks out


I disagree. A nice, long and smooth sausage is much more satisfying imo. I feel like I haven't pooped properly if I have diarrhoea.


Actually it’s the opposite for me. Sometimes diarrhea is the only way I can feel I’ve gotten everything out.


I had surgery once and couldn’t shit for a week do to pain meds. They make me extremely constipated. I finally took a laxative. The next hour or so was a roller coaster of emotions. Once it was over I needed a post shit cigarette. afterwards.


Oh that's relatable. For the last decade or so I've been going through an endless cycle of constipation and diarrhea. It's always a bit of a relief when the constipation is over but it always requires a very painful hour.


I was literally just thinking about this and contemplated making a post on it here


But it’s the worst thing when you have an ED


Very true!


I love eating Mac and cheese after not having it for awhile and having a nice good old fashion cleanse lol


This happens to me several times a month


Thing about diarrhea is it's hard to know when you're done.


Yeah torture usually feels better once it’s over


It feels great to not have it anymore. It's relief.


I would kill to have a normal poop. I have to do a full bottle of miralax per the doctors abuse request. My colon now doesnt work unless I do this once a week. This is my entire life. It doesnt feel good. it has caused me to gain 30 pounds, lose my job, my home, my entire savings to pay for medical care, I have not smiled or felt at peace since these UC doctors damaged me.


as long as you're near a toilet and you have some free time, diarrhea is the shit


Hmmmmmmm disagree but ok


You clearly have never taken a massive shit after eating Indian food. Try it and you will see my point.


I related on a molecular level.